992 resultados para Chlorophyll a, areal concentration


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Em estudos ecológicos é importante entender os processos que determinam a distribuição dos organismos. O estudo da distribuição de animais com alta capacidade de locomoção é um desafio para pesquisadores em todo o mundo. Modelos de uso de habitat são ferramentas poderosas para entender as relações entre animais e o ambiente. Com o desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG ou GIS, em inglês), modelos de uso de habitat são utilizados nas análises de dados ecológicos. Entretanto, modelos de uso de habitat frequentemente sofrem com especificações inapropriadas. Especificamente, o pressuposto de independência, que é importante para modelos estatísticos, pode ser violado quando as observações são coletadas no espaço. A Autocorrelação Espacial (SAC) é um problema em estudos ecológicos e deve ser considerada e corrigida. Nesta tese, modelos generalizados lineares com autovetores espaciais foram usados para investigar o uso de habitat dos cetáceos em relação a variáveis fisiográficas, oceanográficas e antrópicas em Cabo Frio, RJ, Brasil, especificamente: baleia-de-Bryde, Balaenoptera edeni (Capítulo 1); golfinho nariz-de-garrafa, Tursiops truncatus (Capítulo 2); Misticetos e odontocetos em geral (Capítulo 3). A baleia-de-Bryde foi influenciada pela Temperatura Superficial do Mar Minima e Máxima, no qual a faixa de temperatura mais usada pela baleia condiz com a faixa de ocorrência de sardinha-verdadeira, Sardinella brasiliensis, durante a desova (22 a 28C). Para o golfinho nariz-de-garrafa o melhor modelo indicou que estes eram encontrados em Temperatura Superficial do Mar baixas, com alta variabilidade e altas concentrações de clorofila. Tanto misticetos quanto os odontocetos usam em proporções similares as áreas contidas em Unidades de Conservação (UCs) quanto as áreas não são parte de UCs. Os misticetos ocorreram com maior frequência mais afastados da costa, em baixas temperaturas superficiais do mar e com altos valores de variabilidade para a temperatura. Os odontocetos usaram duas áreas preferencialmente: as áreas com as menores profundidades dentro da área de estudo e nas maiores profundidade. Eles usaram também habitats com águas frias e com alta concentração de clorofila. Tanto os misticetos quanto os odontocetos foram encontrados com mais frequência em distâncias de até 5km das embarcações de turismo e mergulho. Identificar habitats críticos para os cetáceos é um primeiro passo crucial em direção a sua conservação


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The possible differences between sexes in patterns of morphological variation in geographical space have been explored only in gonochorist freshwater species. We explored patterns of body shape variation in geographical space in a marine sequential hermaphrodite species, Coris julis (L. 1758), analyzing variation both within and between colour phases, through the use of geometric morphometrics and spatially-explicit statistical analyses. We also tested for the association of body shape with two environmental variables: temperature and chlorophyll a concentration, as obtained from time-series of satellite-derived data. Both colour phases showed a significant morphological variation in geographical space and patterns of variation divergent between phases. Although the morphological variation was qualitatively similar, individuals in the initial colour phase showed a more marked variation than individuals in the terminal phase. Body shape showed a weak but significant correlation with environmental variables, which was more pronounced in primary specimens.


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The effects of El Niño–Southern Oscillation events on catches of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) off Java were evaluated through the use of remotely sensed environmental data (sea-surface-height anomaly [SSHA], sea-surface temperature [SST], and chlorophyll a concentration), and Bigeye Tuna catch data. Analyses were conducted for the period of 1997–2000, which included the 1997–98 El Niño and 1999–2000 La Niña events. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) was applied to examine oceanographic parameters quantitatively. The relationship of those parameters to variations in catch distribution of Bigeye Tuna was explored with a generalized additive model (GAM). The mean hook rate was 0.67 during El Niño and 0.44 during La Niña, and catches were high where SSHA ranged from –21 to 5 cm, SST ranged from 24°C to 27.5°C, and chlorophyll-a concentrations ranged from 0.04 to 0.16 mg m–3. The EOF analysis confirmed that the 1997–98 El Niño affected oceanographic conditions in the EIO off Java. The GAM results indicated that SST was better than the other environmental factors (SSHA and chlorophyll-a concentration) as an oceanographic predictor of Bigeye Tuna catches in the region. According to the GAM predictions, the highest probabilities (70–80%) for Bigeye Tuna catch in 1997–2000 occurred during oceanographic conditions during the 1997–98 El Niño event.


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Identification of the spatial scale at which marine communities are organized is critical to proper management, yet this is particularly difficult to determine for highly migratory species like sharks. We used shark catch data collected during 2006–09 from fishery-independent bottom-longline surveys, as well as biotic and abiotic explanatory data to identify the factors that affect the distribution of coastal sharks at 2 spatial scales in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Centered principal component analyses (PCAs) were used to visualize the patterns that characterize shark distributions at small (Alabama and Mississippi coast) and large (northern Gulf of Mexico) spatial scales. Environmental data on temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), depth, fish and crustacean biomass, and chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration were analyzed with normed PCAs at both spatial scales. The relationships between values of shark catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and environmental factors were then analyzed at each scale with co-inertia analysis (COIA). Results from COIA indicated that the degree of agreement between the structure of the environmental and shark data sets was relatively higher at the small spatial scale than at the large one. CPUE of Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) was related positively with crustacean biomass at both spatial scales. Similarly, CPUE of Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) was related positively with chl-a concentration and negatively with DO at both spatial scales. Conversely, distribution of Blacknose Shark (C. acronotus) displayed a contrasting relationship with depth at the 2 scales considered. Our results indicate that the factors influencing the distribution of sharks in the northern Gulf of Mexico are species specific but generally transcend the spatial boundaries used in our analyses.