999 resultados para China -- Empresas -- TFM
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o processo de implementação da certificação florestal nas empresas moveleiras nacionais. Para a realização deste estudo, utilizaram-se dados secundários, obtidos do website do Conselho de Manejo Florestal (FSC) do Brasil e dados primários, obtidos de questionários aplicado às empresas moveleiras que possuíam produtos certificados. Verificou-se que o tempo gasto no processo, na maioria dos casos, foi de menos de um ano, e os custos principais estiveram relacionados à preparação da empresa para a auditoria de certificação. Além disso, a maioria das empresas afirmou utilizar a logomarca FSC nos seus produtos certificados e não possuíam experiência com outros tipos de certificação (série ISO, por exemplo). Pelos resultados, pode-se concluir que o período de tempo gasto na implementação da certificação é considerado breve, além de os custos serem acessíveis para as empresas, no geral. Conclui-se, também, que possuir outro tipo de certificação não é fator determinante para que uma empresa da indústria moveleira busque a certificação de cadeia de custódia de seus produtos.
This master’s thesis gives out the real situation of the China welding industry and factories nowadays in different geographical areas, in order to inform the Finnish companies who have the willing to find a Chinese welding subcontractor a proper and correct selection concept by analyzing and supplying the information of different scale and form welding factories in different Chinese areas. The first section of this thesis gives out the general situation about the co-operation between China and Finland in the welding industry, also includes the general introduction of the Chinese welding industry. The second section gives out the geographical compartmentalization result of Chinese welding industry, which is where and how many areas will be studied in this thesis. The main body of this thesis is the real information of welding productivity, welding cost, and welding quality in China. All the information was collected from real factories in China by the author. The last section of this thesis is the improvements to the Chinese welding factories that have the willing to become a subcontractor, and the suggestions to the Finnish companies who may find a Chinese welding factory as their subcontractor in future.
Com o objetivo de conhecer a situação atual da fauna silvestre em empresas florestais brasileiras, foram pesquisadas 42 razões sociais, entre Associadas e Co-Participantes da Sociedade de Investigações Florestais (SIF), as quais possuem plantios florestais próprios. As informações foram obtidas com base em questionário enviado às referidas empresas, via correio eletrônico, sendo as respostas obtidas também por esse mecanismo. Entre os vários resultados, destaca-se o fato de que 90,9% das empresas associadas já realizaram levantamentos qualitativos da fauna silvestre. No entanto, de modo geral há notória carência de infra-estrutura nas empresas pesquisadas para atender a trabalhos específicos de manejo e conservação da fauna silvestre.
O setor florestal brasileiro emprega direta e indiretamente 6,5 milhões de pessoas, e, dessas, 2,5 milhões estão empregadas no subsetor de madeira processada mecanicamente. O parque industrial voltado à produção de madeira serrada dispõe de aproximadamente 10.000 unidades, predominando as empresas de pequeno porte, das quais 74,6% têm capacidade instalada menor que 10.000 m³/ano e 24,7% entre 10.000 e 30.000 m³/ano. As empresas de pequeno porte caracterizam-se por apresentar baixo nível tecnológico, mão de obra pouco especializada e dificuldade de estabelecer itens de controle que possibilitem o gerenciamento eficaz do processo produtivo. Considerando a importância socioeconômica e as dificuldades gerenciais e os benefícios que um sistema de medição de desempenho pode trazer para as pequenas e médias empresas, este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os fatores críticos do processo de produção de esquadrias de madeira em uma empresa de pequeno porte. Para isso, utilizou-se a metodologia análise do modo de falhas e seus efeitos (FMEA), para identificação das falhas potenciais, e a partir delas desenvolver indicadores de desempenho. Foram identificados 24 modos de falha, e todos foram considerados críticos, sendo analisados e monitorados, observando-se que existe potencial de melhoria no processo analisado.
O segmento produtivo da madeira compensada passa por reestruturações mundiais. Este artigo buscou avaliar o desempenho produtivo de empresas paranaenses, bem como sugerir parâmetros de eficiência, os quais podem aumentar a competitividade das empresas. Aqui são avaliados indicadores de eficiência produtiva, obtidos através de amostragem direta em uma parcela significativa de empresas de compensado do Paraná, durante os meses de março a junho de 2002 (42% das empresas paranaenses) e de março a maio de 2007 (34% das empresas). Foi observado crescimento na eficiência produtiva de determinados tipos de empresas, principalmente nas empresas de compensados de Pinus. Esse crescimento está baseado no uso mais intensivo da capacidade nominal e não necessariamente na melhoria tecnológica. Outro tipo de empresa que obteve melhorias foi a de compensados para construção civil, impulsionado pelo crescimento desse setor. As demais empresas mantiveram suas produções constantes, mesmo com o crescimento geral da economia brasileira. Assim, através dessas informações é possível embasar e definir estratégias empresariais e setoriais.
As empresas que adotaram um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental necessitam cumprir as normas ISO 14001 e ter o controle dos recursos para tomar decisões. A contabilidade exerce importante papel no fornecimento de informações aos gestores, possibilitando-lhes maior eficiência na gestão do meio ambiente. Assim, este estudo teve como propósito analisar a utilização do conceito e instrumentos da Contabilidade Ambiental nas empresas certificadas pela ISO 14001. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados aos contadores e gestores ambientais de 10 empresas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Constatou-se que as empresas estudadas não utilizam os instrumentos de Contabilidade Ambiental para tomar as decisões relacionadas ao meio ambiente e, sim, a contabilidade tradicional. Quanto à ocorrência de mudanças na contabilidade após a obtenção da certificação ambiental, verificou-se que não houve mudança nas demonstrações contábeis tradicionais. Algumas empresas apenas incluíram contas específicas em seus planos de contas, destinadas à contabilização de eventos ambientais. Destaca-se, ainda, a falta de conhecimento, por parte de alguns contadores e gestores entrevistados, dos benefícios que a utilização da Contabilidade Ambiental pode trazer para os negócios da empresa.
In March 2010, Chinese State Councillor, Dai Bingguo, in a private meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg, allegedly referred to the South China Sea (SCS) as one of the country’s ‘core interests’, a term normally only used to refer to regions like Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang upon whose sovereignty Beijing will make no compromises. This alleged wording by Mr Dai caused a strong global reaction, with many countries around the world expressing a fear that China, on the back of its rise to the status of the world's second largest economic power, was now about to implement a more assertive foreign policy more in keeping with its new status of global superpower. As the use of the term ‘core interest’ took place in a private meeting and appears to have been subsequently leaked, it is impossible to prove what was said or meant, yet in 2011, with China and the US continuing to eye each other with suspicion, the adverse repercussions of people trying to deduce what was meant are undeniable. By analysing the views of experts and the evolution or otherwise of Chinese rhetoric and policy towards the SCS, this thesis will show how the alleged use of a term in a private meeting can have consequences that far exceed what was originally intended. It will also show that it is highly unlikely that China’s maritime policy is becoming more assertive as, at China's present stage of social and economic development, it simply cannot afford the ill will and adverse consequences that would result from an act of international aggression. It will show how easy it seems to be for a country like the US to project a misleading image of another country’s intentions, which can in turn serve partially to mask its own intentions. Finally, it will show that the China’s stance on the SCS is starting to be seen by the world as a litmus test for the assertiveness of overall Chinese foreign policy.
The present research focuses on the study of how to design message and select media in advertising to generate customer’s purchase intention towards senior mobile phone in China. The message design concentrates mainly on message framing and fear appeals study while the media selection method is only based on direct matching. For exploring the main research question, the study utilized qualitative methodology. The data collection consisted of a pre-interview questionnaire, interviews, and three sets of experiments. The experiments were designed to test the selected 18 participants’ responses toward different emotional appeals and message framings. The findings illustrate participants’ understanding of senior mobile phone and their media usage habits. Moreover, positive message framing and emotional appeals in advertising are more effective. Gender differences in responding to emotional appeals were explored as well.
The modern business development of China began during 1978 and during the last decades Chinese have created one of the most dynamic and strongest economies in the world. China is now second largest trading power calculated in dollars. The special characteristic of this economic development is that it is not copy of any existing economy, instead the developments have been strongly influenced by the Chinese cultural characteristics. One cultural characteristic, guanxi, which is a “network of services and counter- services” is argued to be major component of successful business in China where these changes of services happen between people but also between companies. Obtaining introductions and the guanxi when doing business in China will give attentive audience and security for companies business. Despite the evidenced importance of guanxi, China´s business environment is rapidly changing towards Western economies, which might then reduce the importance of guanxi. Therefore the current impact of guanxi is a important topic to study. The main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of guanxi for Western big and small sized multinational companies´ business processes when doing business in China. This study looks What is the impact of guanxi in contemporary Chinese business environment for foreign companies doing business in China. Sub-questions in this research focus on what is the impact of guanxi on corporate reputation, management and negotiations. Findings present a mixed view where the importance of guanxi is not anymore critical, especially among younger people in the cities, however guanxi was clearly important outside the cities and when dealing with government officials. Efficient use of guanxi can be extremely profitable especially during early stages of business operations and guanxi plays role when bargaining prices and ensuring product quality from the factories. Therefore guanxi should be considered as essential element for successful business in China.
The intellectual property (IP) environment in China is still very immature. There are several problems in legal, political, economic, social-cultural, competitive and labor environment which have hindered IP legal enforcement. Under such circumstances, IP misappropriation is a major concern especially for foreign small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in China. These circumstances require foreign companies, no matter whether they are multinational corporations (MNCs) or SMEs and have own manufacturing in China or not, to take strong IP actions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss how IP can be protected in China in the case of outsourcing and in the case of own manufacturing. The comparison will consider the process of outsourcing and own manufacturing consisting two stages: preparation stage and operation stage. In order to clarify the conceptual arguments, two illustrative case studies were studied. The case data bases on two semi-structured interviews of the managing directors, field notes and archival data. The findings propose that attention in IP protection should be given to following issues: integrating IP strategy into the company’s business strategy, protecting the most critical knowledge, regarding IP steps as a whole in the protection mechanism and making IP strategy as proactive as possible. The major difference between outsourcing and own manufacturing in IP protection is in the operation stage. Besides, the findings also provide managerial advice on IP protection, e.g. foreign managers should be prepared for IP risks in China, they should establish an own IP protection mechanism which matches the company’s situation and they should consider IP protection as an on-going process.
The rapid economic growth in China has resulted in environmental challenges ranging from air pollution to water-related issues. Thus supporting clean technology, or cleantech, that encompasses industries that focus on alternative energy, pollution and recycling, power supplies and conservation has become one of the focal points in the Chinese economic policy for the next decade. Simultaneously, the Finnish government has initiated programs to support the internationalisation of domestic cleantech companies in an attempt to spiral the industry into one of the pillars of Finnish economic growth. This study concentrates on the conjunction of these two themes and studies the challenges faced by Finnish cleantech SMEs in the Chinese market. Consequently, the study answers the following sub questions: 1. What human and financial resource-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and what are their solutions? 2. What knowledge-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market and how can these difficulties be resolved? 3. What network-based challenges do Finnish cleantech SMEs face in the Chinese market, how do they relate to the resource- and knowledge-based challenges, and how can these difficulties be resolved? This qualitative study is conducted by analysing four semi structured interviews collected from four Finnish SMEs that operate in China. The findings of the study indicate that in human resources the most important challenges are related to the hiring and retaining of employees. In contrast to extant academic literature results distinguish salary and social status as the main solutions to this challenge. Regarding financial resources it is discovered that cleantech companies enjoy a benign business environment in China and benefit from the Chinese government’s support for cleantech industry. Challenges related to knowledge resources can be grouped into categories with the most interesting knowledge flows being the stream of local market knowledge into to the foreign parent company and the outward flow of manufacturing and business practice information into the target venture. The challenge related to the first flow is gathering relevant information and the main solutions are clustering at the foreign location and hiring knowledge prior to internationalisation. Regarding the second flow the main challenge is related to intellectual property rights and the most interesting solution is the purposeful transformation of explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. Finally, it is discovered that networks, called guanxi in China, greatly affect the business processes. Within the guanxi system there is the concept of face which was found to affect employee propensity to stay as well as, as a novel academic result, employees’ knowledge sharing intention.
Waste incineration plants are increasingly established in China. A low heating value and high moisture content, due to a large proportion of biowaste in the municipal solid waste (MSW), can be regarded as typical characteristics of Chinese MSW. Two incineration technologies have been mainly established in China: stoker grate and circular fluidized bed (CFB). Both of them are designed to incinerate mixed MSW. However, there have been difficulties to reach the sufficient temperature in the combustion process due to the low heating value of the MSW. That is contributed to the usage of an auxiliary fossil fuel, which is often used during the whole incineration process. The objective of this study was to design alternative Waste-to-energy (WTE) scenarios for existing WTE plants with the aim to improve the material and energy efficiency as well as the feasibility of the plants. Moreover, the aim of this thesis was to find the key factors that affect to the feasibility of the scenarios. Five different WTE plants were selected as study targets. The necessary data for calculation was gained from literature as well as received from the operators of the target WTE plants. The created scenarios were based on mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) technologies, in which the produced solid recovered fuel (SRF) was fed as an auxiliary fuel into a WTE plant replacing the fossil fuel. The mechanically separated biowaste was treated either in an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, a biodrying plant, a thermal drying plant, or a combined AD plant + thermal drying plant. An interactive excel spreadsheet based computation tool was designed to estimate the viability of the scenarios in different WTE cases. The key figures of the improved material and energy efficiency, such as additional electricity generated and avoided waste for landfill, were got as results. Furthermore, economic indicators such as annual profits (or costs), payback period, and internal rate of return (IRR) were gained as results. The results show that the AD scenario was the most profitable in most of the cases. The current heating value of MSW and the tipping fee for the received MSW appeared as the most important factor in terms of feasibility.
The report describes those factors of the future that are related to the growth and needs of Russia, China, and India and that may provide significant internationalisation potential for Uusimaa companies. The report examines the emerging trends and market-entry challenges for each country separately. Additionally, it evaluates the training needs of Uusimaa companies in terms of the current offerings available for education on topics related to Russia, China, and India. The report was created via the Delphi method: experts were interviewed, and both Trendwiki material and the latest literature were used to create a summary of experts’ views, statements, and reasons behind recent developments. This summary of views was sent back to the experts with the objective of reaching consensus synthesising the differing views or, at least, of providing argumentation for the various alternative lines of development. In addition to a number of outside experts and business leaders, all heads of Finpro’s Finland Trade Centers participated in the initial interviews. The summary was commented upon by all Finpro consultants and analysts for Russia, China, and India, with each focusing on his or her own area of expertise. The literature used consisted of reports, listed for each country, and an extensive selection of the most recent newspaper articles. The report was created in January-April 2010. On 22 April 2010 its results were reviewed at the final report presentation in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Centre.