968 resultados para Charge separations
This thesis presents a load sharing method applied in a distributed micro grid system. The goal of this method is to balance the state-of-charge (SoC) of each parallel connected battery and make it possible to detect the average SoC of the system by measuring bus voltage for all connected modules. In this method the reference voltage for each battery converter is adjusted by adding a proportional SoC factor. Under such setting the battery with a higher SoC will output more power, whereas the one with lower SoC gives out less. Therefore the higher SoC battery will use its energy faster than the lower ones, and eventually the SoC and output power of each battery will converge. And because the reference voltage is related to SoC status, the information of the average SoC in this system could be shared for all modules by measuring bus voltage. The SoC balancing speed is related to the SoC droop factors. This SoC-based load sharing control system is analyzed in feasibility and stability. Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink are presented, which indicate that this control scheme could balance the battery SoCs as predicted. The observation of SoC sharing through bus voltage was validated in both software simulation and hardware experiments. It could be of use to non-communicated distributed power system in load shedding and power planning.
Colloidal stability and efficient interfacial charge transfer in semiconductor nanocrystals are of great importance for photocatalytic applications in aqueous solution since they provide long-term functionality and high photocatalytic activity, respectively. However, colloidal stability and interfacial charge transfer efficiency are difficult to optimize simultaneously since the ligand layer often acts as both a shell stabilizing the nanocrystals in colloidal suspension and a barrier reducing the efficiency of interfacial charge transfer. Here, we show that, for cysteine-coated, Pt-decorated CdS nanocrystals and Na2SO3 as hole scavenger, triethanolamine (TEOA) replaces the original cysteine ligands in situ and prolongs the highly efficient and steady H2 evolution period by more than a factor of 10. It is shown that Na2SO3 is consumed during H2 generation while TEOA makes no significant contribution to the H2 generation. An apparent quantum yield of 31.5%, a turnover frequency of 0.11 H2/Pt/s, and an interfacial charge transfer rate faster than 0.3 ps were achieved in the TEOA stabilized system. The short length, branched structure and weak binding of TEOA to CdS as well as sufficient free TEOA in the solution are the keys to enhancing colloidal stability and maintaining efficient interfacial charge transfer at the same time. Additionally, TEOA is commercially available and cheap, and we anticipate that this approach can be widely applied in many photocatalytic applications involving colloidal nanocrystals.
Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) batteries have got attention in recent decades because of their undisputable advantages over other types of batteries. They are used in so many our devices which we need in our daily life such as cell phones, lap top computers, cameras, and so many electronic devices. They also are being used in smart grids technology, stand-alone wind and solar systems, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Despite the rapid increase in the use of Lit-ion batteries, the existence of limited battery models also inadequate and very complex models developed by chemists is the lack of useful models a significant matter. A battery management system (BMS) aims to optimize the use of the battery, making the whole system more reliable, durable and cost effective. Perhaps the most important function of the BMS is to provide an estimate of the State of Charge (SOC). SOC is the ratio of available ampere-hour (Ah) in the battery to the total Ah of a fully charged battery. The Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) of a fully relaxed battery has an approximate one-to-one relationship with the SOC. Therefore, if this voltage is known, the SOC can be found. However, the relaxed OCV can only be measured when the battery is relaxed and the internal battery chemistry has reached equilibrium. This thesis focuses on Li-ion battery cell modelling and SOC estimation. In particular, the thesis, introduces a simple but comprehensive model for the battery and a novel on-line, accurate and fast SOC estimation algorithm for the primary purpose of use in electric and hybrid-electric vehicles, and microgrid systems. The thesis aims to (i) form a baseline characterization for dynamic modeling; (ii) provide a tool for use in state-of-charge estimation. The proposed modelling and SOC estimation schemes are validated through comprehensive simulation and experimental results.
This sheet provides a list of the different foods and portion sizes you need for a healthy diet.
Résumé : Cette juxtaposition de matériaux solides -blocs, pierres ou briques,...- liés ou non entre eux que nous appelons maçonnerie ne se comporte pas très bien vis-à-vis des forces latérales, surtout si elle n’a pas été réalisée suivant les normes parasismiques ou de façon adéquate. Cette vulnérabilité (glissement, cisaillement, déchirure en flexion, ou tout autre) vient souvent du fait même de ce processus d’empilement, des problèmes d’interaction avec le reste de la structure et aussi à cause des caractéristiques mécaniques peu fiables de certains éléments utilisés. Malgré cette défaillance structurale, la maçonnerie est encore utilisée aujourd’hui grâce à son côté traditionnel, sa facilité de mise en œuvre et son coût d’utilisation peu élevé. Depuis quelques années, la maçonnerie s’est enrichie de documents qui ont été publiés par divers chercheurs dans le but d’une meilleure compréhension des caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments et aussi, et surtout, des mécanismes de rupture des murs de maçonnerie pour une meilleure réponse face aux sollicitations sismiques. Beaucoup de programmes expérimentaux ont alors été effectués et tant d’autres sont encore nécessaires. Et c’est dans ce contexte que cette recherche a été conduite. Elle présentera, entre autres, le comportement sous charges latérales d’un mur en maçonnerie armée entièrement rempli de coulis. Ce projet de recherche fait partie d’un programme plus large visant à une meilleure connaissance du comportement sismique de la maçonnerie pour une amélioration des techniques de construction et de réparation des ouvrages en maçonnerie.
This thesis is part of the fields of Material Physics and Organic Electronics and aims to determine the charge carrier density and mobility in the hydrated conducting polymer–polyelectrolyte blend PEDOT:PSS. This kind of material combines electronic semiconductor functionality with selective ionic transport, biocompatibility and electrochemical stability in water. This advantageous material properties combination makes PEDOT:PSS a unique material to build organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), which have relevant application as amplifying transducers for bioelectronic signals. In order to measure charge carrier density and mobility, an innovative 4-wire, contact independent characterization technique was introduced, the electrolyte-gated van der Pauw (EgVDP) method, which was combined with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The technique was applied to macroscopic thin film samples and micro-structured PEDOT:PSS thin film devices fabricated using photolithography. The EgVDP method revealed to be effective for the measurements of holes’ mobility in hydrated PEDOT:PSS thin films, which resulted to be <μ>=(0.67±0.02) cm^2/(V*s). By comparing this result with 2-point-probe measurements, we found that contact resistance effects led to a mobility overestimation in the latter. Ion accumulation at the drain contact creates a gate-dependent potential barrier and is discussed as a probable reason for the overestimation in 2-point-probe measurements. The measured charge transport properties of PEDOT:PSS were analyzed in the framework of an extended drift-diffusion model. The extended model fits well also to the non-linear response in the transport characterization and results suggest a Gaussian DOS for PEDOT:PSS. The PEDOT:PSS-electrolyte interface capacitance resulted to be voltage-independent, confirming the hypothesis of its morphological origin, related to the separation between the electronic (PEDOT) and ionic (PSS) phases in the blend.
The goal of this simulation thesis is to present a tool for studying and eliminating various numerical problems observed while analyzing the behavior of the MIND cable during fast voltage polarity reversal. The tool is built on the MATLAB environment, where several simulations were run to achieve oscillation-free results. This thesis will add to earlier research on HVDC cables subjected to polarity reversals. Initially, the code does numerical simulations to analyze the electric field and charge density behavior of a MIND cable for certain scenarios such as before, during, and after polarity reversal. However, the primary goal is to reduce numerical oscillations from the charge density profile. The generated code is notable for its usage of the Arithmetic Mean Approach and the Non-Uniform Field Approach for filtering and minimizing oscillations even under time and temperature variations.
Quantum Materials are many body systems displaying emergent phenomena caused by quantum collective behaviour, such as superconductivity, charge density wave, fractional hall effect, and exotic magnetism. Among quantum materials, two families have recently attracted attention: kagome metals and Kitaev materials. Kagome metals have a unique crystal structure made up of triangular lattice layers that are used to form the kagome layer. Due to superconductivity, magnetism, and charge ordering states such as the Charge Density Wave (CDW), unexpected physical phenomena such as the massive Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) and possible Majorana fermions develop in these materials. Kitaev materials are a type of quantum material with a unique spin model named after Alexei Kitaev. They include fractional fluctuations of Majorana fermions and non-topological abelian anyons, both of which might be used in quantum computing. Furthermore, they provide a realistic framework for the development of quantum spin liquid (QSL), in which quantum fluctuations produce long-range entanglements between electronic states despite the lack of classical magnetic ordering. In my research, I performed several nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and muon spin spectroscopy (µSR) experiments to explain and unravel novel phases of matter within these unusual families of materials. NMR has been found to be an excellent tool for studying these materials’ local electronic structures and magnetic properties. I could use NMR to determine, for the first time, the structure of a novel kagome superconductor, RbV3Sb5, below the CDW transition, and to highlight the role of chemical doping in the CDW phase of AV3Sb5 superconductors. µSR has been used to investigate the effect of doping on kagome material samples in order to study the presence and behaviour of an anomalous phase developing at low temperatures and possibly related to time-reversal symmetry breaking.
Il presente lavoro propone la stesura di un codice in ambiente MATLAB per l'analisi energetica di powertrain ibridi operanti nel ciclo WLTP con il particolare funzionamento del motore termico benzina a punto fisso stechiometrico. Nello specifico, il codice prende dei dati in input tramite un'interfaccia grafica ed avvia una simulazione, i cui risultati principali corrispondono ad emissioni di anidride carbonica per chilometro percorso ed ai chilometri percorsi con un litro di carburante. Queste sono le due grandezze che questo lavoro si prefigge di ottimizzare, dalle quali proviene la scelta del particolare funzionamento del motore termico. Sono state implementate due differenti strategie di controllo, una generale ed una più particolare. La simulazione con la strategia generale è stata applicata a tre differenti scenari reali, con le caratteristiche tecniche di tre veicoli realmente esistenti che vengono inserite nell'interfaccia grafica. I risultati provenienti da queste simulazioni sono stati poi analizzati e discussi nel dettaglio, anche con l'ausilio di grafici a supporto della spiegazione. La strategia di controllo particolare non è stata applicata a scenari reali ma ha portato alla definizione di una ipotetica architettura di powertrain ibrido, alla quale la sopracitata strategia si adatta al meglio. Dopo aver proposto miglioramenti e possibili ulteriori sviluppi di questo lavoro, sono state tratte le conclusioni generali, allargando il tutto al contesto più ampio in cui si va ad inserire.
La presente trattazione propone un metodo innovativo per la fast DC charge, che permette di collegare le colonnine di ricarica a 400 V ai veicoli con batteria ad 800 V. Il collegamento avviene tramite l’azionamento elettrico di propulsione, che deve dunque essere riconfigurato durante la ricarica sotto forma di “integrated boost DC/DC converter”. L'elaborato illustra il modello matematico del sistema, lo schema di controllo in ambiente Simulink ed i risultati delle simulazioni. Infine, sono illustrate le prove a banco effettuate sul sistema in esame, la strumentazione utilizzata ed i risultati ottenuti per le configurazioni confrontate. Tuttavia, si dimostra che il metodo di ricarica richiede un’ulteriore induttanza per il collegamento al motore per evitare gli elevati ripple delle correnti di fase ed il conseguente surriscaldamento dei magneti rinvenuto durante le prove sperimentali.
L'elaborato analizza il funzionamento di un integrated boost converter, operante come sistema di interfaccia per la ricarica di un veicolo elettrico operante a 800V con la colonnina di ricarica a 400V. Il convertitore utilizza le fasi dell'azionamento di trazione come induttanze di filtro. Mediante un’analisi agli elementi finiti sono stati estratti i parametri del motore elettrico di un veicolo stradale operante a 800V. Il funzionamento del convertitore è studiato in ciascuna delle configurazioni proposte in ambiente Simulink. Poi, sono state individuate le posizioni che permettono il funzionamento ottimale del sistema ed infine sono state eseguite le prove a banco per verificare le previsioni dei modelli matematici dell'integrated boost converter. Si è quindi ottenuta una configurazione dell'azionamento a bordo del veicolo che permette il trasferimento di energia tra batteria e colonnina di ricarica a tensione inferiore, seppur siano richiesti sviluppi futuri per poter avere una ricarica completa della batteria.
We report the observation of multiple harmonic generation in electric dipole spin resonance in an InAs nanowire double quantum dot. The harmonics display a remarkable detuning dependence: near the interdot charge transition as many as eight harmonics are observed, while at large detunings we only observe the fundamental spin resonance condition. The detuning dependence indicates that the observed harmonics may be due to Landau-Zener transition dynamics at anticrossings in the energy level spectrum.
Friction and triboelectrification of materials show a strong correlation during sliding contacts. Friction force fluctuations are always accompanied by two tribocharging events at metal-insulator [e.g., polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)] interfaces: injection of charged species from the metal into PTFE followed by the flow of charges from PTFE to the metal surface. Adhesion maps that were obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM) show that the region of contact increases the pull-off force from 10 to 150 nN, reflecting on a resilient electrostatic adhesion between PTFE and the metallic surface. The reported results suggest that friction and triboelectrification have a common origin that must be associated with the occurrence of strong electrostatic interactions at the interface.
Summary This study aimed to evaluate the impact of vitrification on membrane lipid profile obtained by mass spectrometry (MS) of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been used to obtain individual embryo membrane lipid profiles. Due to conditions of analysis, mainly membrane lipids, most favorably phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and sphingomyelins (SMs) have been detected. The following ions described by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and respective attribution presented increased relative abundance (1.2-20×) in the vitrified group: 703.5 [SM (16:0) + H]+; 722.5 [PC (40:3) + Na]+; 758.5 [PC (34:2) + H]+; 762.5 [PC (34:0) + H]+; 790.5 [PC (36:0) + H]+ and 810.5 [PC (38:4) + H]+ and/or [PC (36:1) + Na]+. The ion with a m/z 744.5 [PCp (34:1) and/or PCe (34:2)] was 3.4-fold more abundant in the fresh group. Interestingly, ions with m/z 722.5 or 744.5 indicate the presence of lipid species, which are more resistant to enzymatic degradation as they contain fatty acyl residues linked through ether type bonds (alkyl ether or plasmalogens, indicated by the lowercase 'e' and 'p', respectively) to the glycerol structure. The results indicate that cryopreservation impacts the membrane lipid profile, and that these alterations can be properly monitored by MALDI-MS. Membrane lipids can therefore be evaluated by MALDI-MS to monitor the effect of cryopreservation on membrane lipids, and to investigate changes in lipid profile that may reflect the metabolic response to the cryopreservation stress or changes in the environmental conditions.