982 resultados para Cerium, dissolved
We studied the diagenetic behavior of rare earth elements (REEs) in a highly productive passive margin setting of the Bering Sea Slope. Site U1345 was drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 at a water depth of 1008 m currently in the center of an oxygen minimum zone. Pore water concentrations of fourteen REEs were determined down to ~ 140 meters below the seafloor (mbsf). The REE concentrations were higher in the pore water than the deep seawater, indicating that there was significant liberation from the sediments during diagenesis. There was a major peak at ~ 10 mbsf that was more pronounced for the heavy REE (HREE); this peak occurred below the sulfate-methane transition zone (6.3 mbsf) and coincided with high concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese. At ~ 2 mbsf, there was a minor peak in REE and Mn contents. Below ~ 40 mbsf, the REE concentration profiles remained constant. The Ce anomaly was insignificant and relatively constant (PAAS-normalized Ce/Ce = 1.1 ± 0.2) throughout the depth profile, showing that the Ce depleted in seawater was restored in the pore water. HREE-enrichment was observed over the entire 140 m except for the upper ~ 1 m, where a middle REE (MREE)-bulge was apparent. REE release in shallow depths (2-4 mbsf) is attributed to the release of light REEs (LREEs) and MREEs during the organoclastic reduction of Mn oxides in anoxic sediments. The high HREE concentrations observed at ~ 10 mbsf can be attributed to the reduction of Fe and Mn minerals tied to anaerobic oxidation of methane or, less significantly, to ferromagnesian silicate mineral weathering. The upward diffusion flux across the sediment-water interface was between 3 (for Tm) and 290 (for Ce) pmol/m**2/y.
Distributions of Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni in sea water are investigated (42 samples, dissolved and particulate forms) in the vicinity of the underwater gas vent field on the northwestern slope of the Paramushir Island. While regular background distributions of the elements occur in the shore zone, there is a column of elevated concentrations of particulate matter, particulate Mn, and dissolved Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, Co and Ni that coincides with location of the gas plume. This column can be traced as high as 780 m above the bottom. High metal concentrations in water of the plume are attributable to physico-chemical concentration at the phase interface; the source of elevated mineral concentrations is obviously flux of dissolved minerals from interstitial waters, which extends to considerable distances in vertical direction.
Rare earth element (REE), major, and trace element abundances and relative fractionations in forty nodular cherts sampled by the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) indicate that the REE composition of chert records the interplay between terrigenous sources and scavenging from the local seawater. Major and (non-REE) trace element ratios indicate that the aluminosilicate fraction within the chert is similar to NASC (North American Shale Composite), with average Pacific chert including ~7% NASC-like particles, Indian chert ~11% NASC, Atlantic chert ~17% NASC, and southern high latitude (SHL) chert 53% NASC. Using La as a proxy for sum REE, approximations of excessive La (the amount of La in excess of that supplied by the detrital aluminosilicate fraction) indicate that Pacific chert contains the greatest excessive La (85% of total La) and SHL chert the least (38% of total La). As shown by interelement associations, this excessive La is most likely an adsorbed component onto aluminosilicate and phosphatic phases. Accordingly, chert from the large Pacific Ocean, where deposition occurs relatively removed from significant terrigenous input, records a depositional REE signal dominated by adsorption of dissolved REEs from seawater. Pacific chert Ce/Ce* <<1 and normative La/Yb ~ 0.8-1, resulting from adsorption of local Ce-depleted seawater and preferential adsorption of LREEs from seawater (e.g., normative La/Yb ~0.4), which increases the normative La/Yb ratio recorded in chert. Chert from the Atlantic basin, a moderately sized ocean basin lined by passive margins and with more terrigenous input than the Pacific, records a mix of adsorptive and terrigenous REE signals, with moderately negative Ce anomalies and normative La/Yb ratios intermediate to those of the Pacific and those of terrigenous input. Chert from the SHL region is dominated by the large terrigenous input on the Antarctic passive margin, with inherited Ce/Ce* ~1 and inherited normative La/Yb values of ~1.2-1.4. Ce/Ce* does not vary with age, either throughout the entire data base or within a particular basin. Overall, Ce/Ce* does not correlate with P2O5 concentrations, even though phosphatic phases may be an important REE carrier.
Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC, respectively), phosphorus (DP and PP, respectively) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were determined at Station VITYAZ6656 in the Sea of Japan in 12 sea water samples collected in June 1972 with a 200-liter sampling bottle. Mean weighted concentrations from the surface to 2000 m were: DOC - 1.58 mg/l, POC - 17.9 µg/l, DP - 13.9 µg/l, PP - 0.185 µg/l, PON - 2.7 µg/l, the ratios were DOC:DP=100:9 and POC:PON:PP=100:14:1. Relation between POC (µg/l)and the light attenuation index "e" (1/m) for the visible part of the spectrum is described by the equation POC = ca. 170e. The maximum of POC in the upper layer correlated with the maxima of phyto- and bacterioplankton and protozoa.
New data on elemental composition of particulate matter from the North Dvina River are presented. In May (period of snowmelt flood) it is similar to the upper layer of the continental crust due to active erosion of crust material in the catchment area. In August (summer low water period) impact of biogenic components increases and elevated concentrations of Cd, Sb, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu are observed. At other seasons no significant increase in heavy and rare earth element concentrations is observed.