975 resultados para Ceramic joining


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Human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is known to cause anemia, hydrops fetalis, and fetal death especially during the first half of pregnancy. Women who are in occupational contact with young children are at increased risk of B19V infection. The role of the recently discovered human parvovirus, human bocavirus (HBoV), in reproduction is unknown. The aim of this research project was to establish a scientific basis for assessing the work safety of pregnant women and for issuing special maternity leave regulations during B19V epidemics in Finland. The impact of HBoV infection on the pregnant woman and her fetus was also defined. B19V DNA was found in 0.8% of the miscarriages and in 2.4% of the intrauterine fetal death (IUFD; fetal death after completed 22 gestational weeks). All control fetuses (from induced abortions) were B19V-DNA negative. The findings on hydropic B19V DNA-positive IUFDs with evidence of acute or recent maternal B19V infection are in line with those of previous Swedish studies. However, the high prevalence of B19V-related nonhydropic IUFDs noted in the Swedish studies was mostly without evidence of maternal B19V infection and was not found during the third trimester. HBoV was not associated with miscarriages or IUFDs. Almost all of the studied pregnant women were HboV-IgG positive, and thus most probably immune to HBoV. All preterm births, perinatal deaths, smallness for gestational age (SGA) and congenital anomaly were recorded among the infants of child-care employees in a nationwide register-based cohort study over a period of 14 years. Little or no differences in the results were found between the infants of the child-care employees and those of the comparison group. The annual B19V seroconversion rate was over two-fold among the child-care employees, compared to the women in the comparison group. The seropositivity of the child-care employees increased with age, and years from qualification/joining the trade union. In general, the child-care employees are not at increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcome. However, at the population level, the risk of rare events, such as adverse pregnancy outcomes attributed to infections, could not be determined. According to previous studies, seronegative women had a 5 10% excess risk of losing the fetus during the first half of their pregnancy, but thereafter the risk was very low. Therefore, an over two-fold increased risk of B19V infection among child-care employees is considerable, and should be taken into account in the assessment of the occupational safety of pregnant women, especially during the first half of their pregnancy.


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La2CoO4+? (? reverse similar, equals 0.1) possessing the K2NiF4 structure has been prepared by skull melting as well as the ceramic method. Evidence for antiferromagnetic ordering has been found in these samples. Stoichiometric La2CoO4 prepared by the reduction of the oxygen excess samples was partially characterized.


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The activity of NiO in NiO-MgO rock salt solid solution has been measured at 1300 K by employing a solid-state galvanic cell: Pt,Ni+ NiO||(CaO)ZrO2||Ni + (Nix,Mgl-x)O, Pt. A high-density tube of Zr02-15 mol% CaO has been used as the solid electrolyte for the emf measurements. The activities of the component oxides in the rock salt solid solution exhibit negative deviation from ideality at the temperature of investigation. The solid solution obeys regular solution behavior at 1300 K. The value of the regular solution parameter is found to be -12000 ((l000) J mol-1. The composition dependence of ΔGEx obtained in this study agrees reasonably well with the calorimetric data reported in the literature for NiO-MgO solid solution.


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It has been suggested that materials with interesting and useful bulk non-linear optical properties might result by substituting vanadium, the lightest element in the group V of periodic table, for Nb or Ta atoms along with Li and three oxygens. It is with this motivation that we have been making attempts to grow single crystals of LiNbO3 doped with various concentrations of V2O5. Unfortunately the results obtained on the ceramic samples of this material have not been very encouraging, owing to their hygroscopic nature. However, our attempts to prepare both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of potassium lithium niobate (K3Li2Nb5O15; KLN) doped V2O5 were successful. In this letter we report the preliminary results concerning our studies on the effect of V2O5 doping on the structural as well as topographic features of both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of KLN.


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A solution precursor plasma spray (SPPS) technique has been used for direct deposition of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CNPs) from various cerium salt solutions as precursors. Solution precursors were injected into the hot zone of a plasma plume to deposit CNP coatings. A numerical study of the droplet injection model has been employed for microstructure development during SPPS. The decomposition of each precursor to cerium oxide was analyzed by thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis and validated by thermodynamic calculations. The presence of the cerium oxide phase in the coatings was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. Transmission electron microscopy studies confirmed nanocrystalline (grain size <14 nm) characteristic of the coatings. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies indicated the presence of a high concentration of Ce3+ (up to 0.32) in the coating prepared by SPPS. The processing and microstructure evolution of cerium oxide coatings with high nonstoichiometry are reported.


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We present the results for the temperature and field dependence of the magnetic for ceramic materials of the composition La2−xMxNiO4, with M=Sr or Ca and 0≤x≤0.4. The onset of a strong diamagnetism has been observed at temperatures between 8 and 70 K, depending on sample composition, annealing conditions. and thermal cycling procedures. The results are similar to those obtained earlier for monocrystalline samples and are likewise interpreted as due to the onset of superconductivity in a minority phase. A comparison with the results for superconducting La1.8Sr0.2Cu0.9Ni0.1O4 ceramics is also made; this illustrates some unique features of the nickelate systems, such as the high values of the critical fields Hc1 and Hc2. The differences between monocrystalline and ceramic systems are also discussed.


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The presently developed two-stage process involves diping the prefired porous disks of n-BaTiO3 in nonaqueous solutions containing Al-buty rate, Ti-isopropoxide, and tetraethyl silicate and subsequent sintering. This leads to uniform distribution of the grain-boundary layer (GBL) modifiers (Al2O3+ TiO2+ SiO2) and better control of the grain size as well as the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity characteristics. The technique is particularly suited for GBL modifiers in low concentrations (< 1%).


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Fine-particle metal chromites (MCr2O4, where M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) have been prepared by the combustion of aqueous solutions containing the respective metal nitrate, chromium(III) nitrate, and urea in stoichiometric amounts. The mixtures, when rapidly heated to 350°C, ignite and yield voluminous chromites with surface areas ranging from 5 to 25 m2/g. MgCr2O4, sintered in air at 1500°C for 5 h, has a density of 4.0 g/cm3.


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The performance parameters e.g. non-linear coefficient (α) and breakdown electric field (Eb1mA/cm2) of ZnO based ceramic varistors were found to improve after the addition of 10 mol% MgO. The improvement in the varistor properties is examined by ac impedance spectroscopy technique in the frequency range (1 Hz–10 MHz) between temperature 25–250°C and understood in terms of differing contributions from the equivalent electrical circuit elements.


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Chemically pure and stoichiometric lanthanide chromites, LnCrO3, where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu and YCrO3 have been prepared by the calcination of the corresponding lanthanide bis(citrato)chromium {Ln[Cr(C6H5O7)2·nH2O} complexes at relatively low temperatures. Formation of the chromites was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared and electronic spectra. The citrate gel process is found to be highly economical, time-saving and appropriate for the large-scale production of these ceramic materials at low temperatures compared with other non-conventional methods.


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The effect of substitution of calcium on the anisotropic axial thermal expansion of cordierite was investigated by using a high-temperature X-ray diffraction technique. The compositions were prepared by the sol–gel route. In the Mg2-xCax-Al4Si5O18 system, single-phase cordierite can be prepared for x up to 0.5. Thermal expansion anisotropy (αa–αc) of cordierites reduces progressively by the substitution of increasing amounts of Ca for Mg.


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A Breakthrough of Welfare State. The inter-relationships of the civic movement, political transformation, and eroding of a hegemony based on small scale farming in the Finnish society in the late 1950's. The unusually rapid and powerful structural change; the non-parliamentary civic movements of 1956 - 1963; and the left majority in the Finnish parliament between 1958 - 1962 all took place as the Finnish welfare state started to develop. The aim of my research is to analyse the inter-relationships of these processes. The research describes the way the former semi self-sufficient, semi-proletarian and labour-intensive form of production - a simple and discriminatory system in itself - made it possible for the majority of the population to survive through hard work. For some it even provided a possibility to prosper. The waning vitality of semi self-sufficiency and small scale agriculture triggered a political ferment and started a period of searching for something new. The process was so intense that it broke up most of the parties and tore down the old consensus that was based on the power of economic and political elite. The most crucial battle of the great transformation was waged over the nature of the state: Should we build a welfare state and construct social security systems, or should we revert to the old night watchman state and, for example, cancel the modest forms of redistribution of income carried out in the 1950's? The people joining the civic movements were either cottagers of the impoverishing countryside or, quite often, people who had come from the countryside and thus had grown up under conditions of some form of solidarity that included taking care of one's own family. The Finnish social insurance developed in the midst of a change in the structure of production of the society, and it became a compromise to satisfy the needs of both the waning society of small scale agriculture and the rising proletarian society based on wage labour. The hodgepodge of political schemes and use of power became a battle between different notions of the economy and the state; the distribution of national income; and the position of Finland in the international context. This battle created a shape of an interregnum - a period of transformation including two notions of society, two alternative paths for the future and the logic of a correctional move. The transformation of Finland from a poor developing country into a prosperous society has been praised as a success story. In 1956 - 1959, when the old form of governance based on the interests of small scale agriculture and wood processing industry was in decay, and when the future seemed uncertain, the projects to reduce social benefits and efforts to distribute national income even more unequally than before led to a powerful counter-movement by citizens and started an hegemonic change and a equal socia development.


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Chromium substituted beta diketonate complexes of aluminium have been synthesized and employed as precursors for a novel soft chemistry process wherein microwave irradiation of a solution of the complex yields within minutes well crystallized needles of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 measuring 20 30 nm in diameter and 50 nm long By varying the microwave irradiation parameters and using a surfactant such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone the crystallite size and shape can be controlled and their agglomeration prevented These microstructural parameters as well as the polymorph of the Cr substituted Al2O3 formed may also be controlled by employing a different complex Samples of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 have been characterized by XRD FTIR and TEM The technique results in material of homogeneous metal composition, as shown by EDAX and can be adjusted as desired The technique has been extended to obtain coatings of alpha (Al1 XCrx)(2)O-3 on Si(100)