987 resultados para Caudal Autotomy


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[ES]La Directiva europea 2006/7/CE de gestión de la calidad de las aguas de baño define los criterios para clasificar las playas con arreglo a su Calidad, obtenida a partir del percentil 95 de las concentraciones de Escherichia coli y enterococos intestinales de una serie de muestras, tomadas en cada punto de baño siguiendo un calendario de control dentro de la temporada de baños, que en Canarias tiene un año natural de duración. Durante un largo tiempo (1996-2008) se tomaron muestras de cuatro importantes playas del sur de Gran Canaria cada quince días y se elaboró un informe anual, basado en los preceptos de la legislación vigente en esos años, Directiva 76/160/CEE. Al aplicar los criterios de calidad de la nueva Directiva observamos que las playas consideradas no habrían alcanzado la Calidad Excelente en todos los años de estudio. De hecho, las playas de Maspalomas y de El Inglés incumplirían la normativa la mitad de los años. Los resultados de los análisis bacteriológicos mostraron un comportamiento que se repetía a lo largo de los años. Durante los meses de primavera-verano, se obtenían bajas concentraciones de indicadores bacterianos de contaminación, mientras que en otoño-invierno, coincidiendo con las borrascas de Sur-Suroeste, se alcanzaban valores bacterianos de 102 y 103 /100 ml, suficientes para elevar el percentil 95 por encima de los límites de calidad. El principal factor de contaminación son las aguas de escorrentía que desembocan en las playas de baño mezcladas con las aguas residuales procedentes de la red sanitaria en la que se producen inundaciones y desbordamientos causados por el enorme caudal de pluviales. Se plantea así un problema de difícil solución.


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Cardiac morphogenesis is a complex process governed by evolutionarily conserved transcription factors and signaling molecules. The Drosophila cardiac tube is linear, made of 52 pairs of cardiomyocytes (CMs), which express specific transcription factor genes that have human homologues implicated in Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) (NKX2-5, GATA4 and TBX5). The Drosophila cardiac tube is linear and composed of a rostral portion named aorta and a caudal one called heart, distinguished by morphological and functional differences controlled by Hox genes, key regulators of axial patterning. Overexpression and inactivation of the Hox gene abdominal-A (abd-A), which is expressed exclusively in the heart, revealed that abd-A controls heart identity. The aim of our work is to isolate the heart-specific cisregulatory sequences of abd-A direct target genes, the realizator genes granting heart identity. In each segment of the heart, four pairs of cardiomyocytes (CMs) express tinman (tin), homologous to NKX2-5, and acquire strong contractile and automatic rhythmic activities. By tyramide amplified FISH, we found that seven genes, encoding ion channels, pumps or transporters, are specifically expressed in the Tin-CMs of the heart. We initially used online available tools to identify their heart-specific cisregutatory modules by looking for Conserved Non-coding Sequences containing clusters of binding sites for various cardiac transcription factors, including Hox proteins. Based on these data we generated several reporter gene constructs and transgenic embryos, but none of them showed reporter gene expression in the heart. In order to identify additional abd-A target genes, we performed microarray experiments comparing the transcriptomes of aorta versus heart and identified 144 genes overexpressed in the heart. In order to find the heart-specific cis-regulatory regions of these target genes we developed a new bioinformatic approach where prediction is based on pattern matching and ordered statistics. We first retrieved Conserved Noncoding Sequences from the alignment between the D.melanogaster and D.pseudobscura genomes. We scored for combinations of conserved occurrences of ABD-A, ABD-B, TIN, PNR, dMEF2, MADS box, T-box and E-box sites and we ranked these results based on two independent strategies. On one hand we ranked the putative cis-regulatory sequences according to best scored ABD-A biding sites, on the other hand we scored according to conservation of binding sites. We integrated and ranked again the two lists obtained independently to produce a final rank. We generated nGFP reporter construct flies for in vivo validation. We identified three 1kblong heart-specific enhancers. By in vivo and in vitro experiments we are determining whether they are direct abd-A targets, demonstrating the role of a Hox gene in the realization of heart identity. The identified abd-A direct target genes may be targets also of the NKX2-5, GATA4 and/or TBX5 homologues tin, pannier and Doc genes, respectively. The identification of sequences coregulated by a Hox protein and the homologues of transcription factors causing CHDs, will provide a mean to test whether these factors function as Hox cofactors granting cardiac specificity to Hox proteins, increasing our knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying CHDs. Finally, it may be investigated whether these Hox targets are involved in CHDs.


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[ES]El método de diseño aerodinámico de ventiladores centrífugos, utilizando la velocidad específica de rotación y las ecuaciones de las curvas características de una familia de ventiladores centrífugos de alabes rectos atrasados, permite implementar un programa informático donde la interface de usuario admite ingresar valores de caudal y presión total, para determinar la potencia del ventilador, velocidad del rotor, eficiencia y los parámetros geométricos, diseñándolo como una turbomáquina hidráulica. Las curvas de rendimiento que se emplearon fueron obtenidas de ensayos en laboratorios rusos, por analistas especializados, que muestran principalmente las relaciones existentes entre el caudal y la velocidad específica, presión total, potencia y eficiencia. Se seleccionó un ventilador centrífugo de doce alabes rectos atrasados, por su mayor porcentaje de eficiencia y construcción económica pudiendo este ser replicado a otras escalas mediante la ley de semejanza geométrica. El algoritmo matemático puede ser utilizado para el diseño de otras familias de ventiladores centrífugos.


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Der isthmische Organisator liegt an der Grenze zwischen dem sich entwickelnden Mittel- und Hinterhirn und kontrolliert Wachstum und Musterbildung dieser beiden Hirnregionen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die räumliche und zeitliche Expression der Rezeptor-ähnlichen Protein Tyrosin Phosphatase lambda aus dem Huhn (cRPTPλ, auch als cRPTPψ bekannt) während der Entwicklung dieser Struktur beschrieben. Nach einer anfänglich weitläufigen Expression im kaudalen Vorderhirn und in der Mittelhirnregion, beschränkt sich die Expression von cRPTPλ zwischen dem embryonalen Tag E2 und E3.5 auf die ventrale Mittellinie des Neuralrohrs, den Bereich der späteren neuralen Retina und Linse und auf einen schmalen Ring anterior der isthmischen Einschnürung, welcher der molekularen Mittel- / Hinterhirngrenze (MHO) entspricht. Ab dem embryonalen Tag E3.5 wird RPTPλ dann auch im gesamten Mittelhirn gebildet. Um Hinweise auf die Funktion von cRPTPλ zu bekommen, wurde die Regulation dieses Moleküls untersucht. Die Expression von cRPTPλ am MHO wird von dem Fibroblasten Wachstumsfaktor Fgf8 und dem Transkriptionsfaktor Lmx1b, nicht aber von dem sezernierten Glykoprotein Wnt1 induziert. Der Transkriptionsfaktor En-1 unterdrückt die Expression von cRPTPλ am MHO. cRPTPλ-Expression im Mittelhirn wird negativ durch das sezernierte Protein Sonic Hedgehog reguliert, während Lmx1b und En-1 dort keinen Einfluss auf das Expressionsmuster von cRPTPλ haben. Fgf8 und Wnt1 sind maßgeblich an der Regulation von Wachstum und Musterbildung des embryonalen Mittelhirns beteiligt. Funktionelle Studien zu RPTPλ deuten darauf hin, dass dieses Protein als negativer Rückkopplungsmechanismus beider Signalwege wirken kann. RNAi- und Überexpressionsstudien am MHO lieferten Hinweise darauf, dass RPTPλ der Induktion der Wnt1-Expression durch Fgf8 entgegenwirkt. Dies scheint durch Interaktion noch unbekannter Faktoren mit der Juxtamembrandomäne von RPTPλ vermittelt zu werden. Auf das Expressionsmuster von Fgf8 selbst, oder einer Reihe anderer Faktoren, die ebenfalls von Fgf8 reguliert werden, hat RPTPλ allerdings keinen Einfluss. Des Weiteren konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass eine „künstliche“ Aufrechterhaltung der Expression von cRPTPλ im Mittelhirn zwischen dem embryonalen Tag E2 und E3.5 zu einem stark verkleinerten Mesenzephalon führt. RPTPλ bindet in vivo an β-Catenin, ein zentrales Protein des kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges, und moduliert dadurch vermutlich das Wnt-Signal, welches seinerseits Proliferation im Mesenzephalon fördert. Durch diesen Mechanismus könnte cRPTPλ als „Bremse“ des kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges im Mittelhirn wirken.


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Multidetector row computed tomography over the last decade is commonly used in veterinary medicine. This new technology has an increased spatial and temporal resolution, could evaluate wider scanning range in shorter scanning time, providing an advanced imaging modality. Computed tomography angiographic studies are commonly used in veterinary medicine in order to evaluate vascular structures of the abdomen and the thorax. Pulmonary pathology in feline patients is a very common condition and usually is further evaluating with computed tomography. Up to date few references of the normal computed tomographic aspects of the feline thorax are reported. In this study a computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) protocol is reported in normal cats and is compared with the up to date anatomical references. A CTPA protocol using a 64 MDCT in our study achieved high resolution images of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial lumen till the level of minor segmental branches. Feline pulmonary bronchial parenchyma demonstrates an architecture of mixed type with a monopedial model observed in the most anatomical parts and the dichotomic aspect is seen at the accessory lobe. The arterial and venous architecture is similar to the bronchial. Statistical analysis demonstrates the linear correlation of tracheal diameter to the felines weight. Vascular variations were noticed. The pulmonary venous system enters into the left atrium through three ostia (left cranial ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the cranial and caudal portion of the left cranial pulmonary vein; right ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right cranial and middle pulmonary vein; and the caudal ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right and left caudal pulmonary vein). In conclusion CTPA is applicable in feline patients and provides an excellent imaging of the pulmonary arterial, venous and bronchial system till the level of minor segmental branches.


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Die Metalloproteasen Meprin α und β übernehmen Schlüsselfunktionen in vielen (patho-) physiologischenrnProzessen. So sind sie beteiligt an der Umstrukturierung der extrazellulären Matrix, an immunologischenrnReaktionen oder an entzündlichen Gewebserkrankungen. Die beiden Enzyme kommenrnhauptsächlich in den Bürstensaummembranen von Niere und Darm sowie in der Haut von Vertebratenrnvor. Für die Erforschung der biologischen Aktivität der Meprine wurde in dieser Arbeit der ModellorganismusrnDanio rerio verwendet, der vor allem durch die Möglichkeit der gentechnischen Manipulationrnprädestiniert ist. Im Fisch konnten drei homologe Enzyme (Meprin α1, α2 und β) nachgewiesenrnwerden. Während mRNA-Analysen eine nahezu ubiquitäre Verteilung der Meprine offenbarten,rnkonnte ich mittels spezifischer Antikörper die Expression auf Proteinebene nachweisen. WährendrnMeprin α1 und β verstärkt im Darmepithel und in der Epidermis lokalisiert sind, konnte Meprinrnα2 ausschließlich in der Lamina propria des Darms identifiziert werden.rnDer Hauptteil der vorliegenden Arbeit zielt auf die spezifische Reduzierung des Expressionslevels derrnMeprine in Embryonen des Zebrabärblings. Dies wurde durch die Mikroinjektion von sogenanntenrnMorpholinos in die Zygote erzielt. Morpholinos sind RNA-Moleküle, die spezifisch an die mRNA desrnZielproteins binden können und die Translation verhindern. Die auftretenden Effekte durch das Fehlenrnder Meprine lassen so Rückschlüsse auf ihre physiologische Funktion zu. Nach der Injektion vonrnMorpholinos gegen Meprin α1 zeigten sich lediglich leichte epidermale Deformationen. Bei Meprin βrnhingegen kam es zu einer massiven Fehlbildung von Organen im Rumpf- und Schwanzbereich. Diesesrnführte zu erheblichen Defekten; die Embryonen starben innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden nach derrnBefruchtung. Demzufolge müssen Meprin α1 und Meprin β insbesondere an der Gewebsdifferenzierungrnbeteiligt sein. Dies korreliert mit verschiedenen Experimenten, u.a. an knockout Mäusen, ausrndenen hervorgeht, dass die Prozessierung und Aktivierung der Cytokine Interleukin-1β oder Interleukin-rn18 durch Meprin β erfolgen kann.rnDie Injektion von Meprin α2-Morpholinos erbrachte ein weiteres, eindrucksvolles Ergebnis: Das Blutgefäßsystemrnvon injizierten Embryonen war vollständig unterbrochen und es sammelten sich Erythrozytenrnim Bereich der Caudalvene an. Diese Phänotypen gleichen den knockdown-Experimenten mitrndem vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF-A, dem entscheidenden Wachstumsfaktor in der Angiogenesern(Blutgefäßbildung). Eine Inkubation des humanen VEGF-A mit (humanem) rekombinantemrnMeprin α bzw. β führte zu einer differenzierten Prozessierung des Moleküls. Diese Ergebnisse legenrnnahe, dass Meprin α pro-angiogenetisch wirkt, indem es VEGF-A prozessiert und damit die Gefäßbildungrnaktiviert. Aus den Daten dieser Arbeit wird die hohe Signifikanz der Meprine für die Proliferationrnund Differenzierung spezieller Gewebe deutlich, welche somit eine wichtige Grundlage für Studienrnan höheren Vertebraten darstellt.


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Il trigono della vescica urinaria (UBT) è un'area limitata attraverso la quale penetrano nella vescica la maggior parte dei vasi e fibre e in cui le fibre nervose e neuroni intramurali sono più concentrati. Mediante l’utilizzo combinato di un tracciante retrogrado(FB) e dell’immunoistochimica sono stati valutati il fenotipo e l’area del soma dei neuroni dei gangli spinali (DRG), dei neuroni post-gangliari, il fenotipo dei gangli della catena simpatica (STG) e i gangli mesenterici caudali (CMG) innervanti l’UBT. - Caratterizzazione dei neuroni dei DRG con: peptide correlato al gene della calcitonina (CGRP)(30±3%, 29±3%, rispettivamente), sostanza P(SP)(26±8%, 27±12%), ossido nitrico sintasi neuronale (nNOS)(21±4%; 26±7%), neurofilamento 200kDa (NF200)(75±14%, 81±7% ) , transient receptor potential vanilloid1 (TRPV1)(48±13%, 43±6%) e isolectina-B4-positivi (IB4) (56±6%;43±10%). I neuroni sensoriali, distribuiti da L2 a Ca1 (DRG), hanno presentato una localizzazione segmentale, mostrando maggior densità nei DRG L4-L5 e S2-S4. I neuroni sensoriali lombari sono risultati significativamente più grandi di quelle sacrali (1.112±624μm2 vs716±421μm2). Complessivamente, questi dati indicano che le vie lombari e sacrali probabilmente svolgono ruoli diversi nella trasmissione sensitiva del trigono della vescica urinaria. -I neuroni FB+ della STG e dei CMG sono risultati immunoreattivi per la tirosina idrossilasi (TH)(66±10,1%, 53±8,2%, rispettivamente), la dopamina beta-idrossilasi (DβH)(62±6,2%, 52±6,2%), neuropeptideY (NPY)(59±8%; 66±7%), CGRP(24±3%, 22±3%), SP(22±2%; 38±8%), polipeptide intestinale vasoattivo (VIP)(19±2%; 35±4%), nNOS(15±2%; 33±8%), trasportatore vescicolare dell'acetilcolina (VAChT)(15±2%; 35±5%), leu-encefalina (LENK)(14±7%; 26±9%), e somatostatina (SOM)(12±3%;32±7%).Il numero medio di neuroni FB+ (1845,1±259,3) era nella STG in L1-S3, con i pirenofori più piccoli (465,6±82.7μm2). Un gran numero (4287,5±1450,6) di neuroni FB+ di piccole dimensioni (476,1±103,9μm2) sono stati localizzati lungo il margine dei CMG. Il maggior numero (4793,3±1990,8) di neuroni FB + è stato osservato nel plesso pelvico, dove i neuroni marcati erano raggruppati in micro-gangli e con pirenoforo ancora più piccolo (374,9±85,4 μm2).


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Mechanismen der Musterbildung in der terminalen Abdominalregion des Zentralnervensystems von Drosophila melanogaster untersucht. Dazu wurden zunächst die Anzahl der angelegten Neuromere und das Muster der dort lokalisierten neuralen Stammzellen (Neuroblasten) analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Größe der Neuromere, als auch die Anzahl an Neuroblasten von anterior nach posterior sukzessiv abnimmt, wobei keine geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in der Anzahl der vorhandenen Neuroblasten festgestellt werden konnten. Durch die Kombination einer Vielzahl von molekularen Markern war es anschließend möglich, die Identität aller Neuroblasten in diesem Bereich aufzuklären und in einer Karte zusammenzutragen. Sie weisen alle eine serielle Homologie zu Neuroblasten in weiter anterior gelegenen Segmenten auf. Des Weiteren wurde die embryonale Identität der geschlechtsspezifischen Neuroblasten untersucht und deren postembryonalen mänchenspezifischen Zellstammbäume charakterisiert. Diese detaillierten Beschreibungen bildeten die Grundlage für die funktionelle Analyse von geschlechts- und segmentspezifischen Faktoren, die zur Musterbildung in dieser Region des Zentralnervensystems beitragen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die weibliche Isoform von doublesex den programmierten Zelltod der geschlechtsspezifischen Neuroblasten induziert, während die männliche Isoform diesen verhindert. Das Hox-Gen Abdominal-B zeigt relativ milde Effekte auf das Überleben dieser Neuroblasten, was darauf hindeutet, dass weitere Faktoren benötigt werden, um diesen Prozess in segmentspezifischer Weise zu kontrollieren. Die Funktion von Hox-Genen wurde ferner im Hinblick auf die abgeleitete Morphologie der terminalen Neuromere untersucht. Es konnte herausgefunden werden, dass die regulatorische Isoform von Abdominal-B auf mehreren Ebenen wirkt: Sie beeinflusst die Zusammensetzung bestimmter Zellstammbäume durch Modifikation von Zelldeterminationsprozessen und durch die Kontrolle des programmierten Zelltods. Außerdem unterdrückt sie die Bildung einer spezifischen Subpopulation von Neuroblasten. Allerdings benötigt Abdominal-B.r die Co-Expression des ParaHox-Gens caudal, um sein gesamtes Potenzial bezüglich der Suppression dieser Neuroblasten zu entfalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat somit erste Einblicke in die geschlechtsspezifische und segmentspezifische Spezifizierung der terminalen Abdominalregion des Zentralnervensystems von Drosophila auf Ebene des Neuroektoderms, der daraus hervorgehenden Neuroblasten und deren Tochterzellen gewährt. Die vollständige und detailgetreue Beschreibung des Neuroblasten-Musters und der postembryonalen männchenspezifischen Zellstammbäume hat zudem attraktive Modellsysteme für zukünftige Untersuchungen etabliert, an denen sich weitere Mechanismen der Musterbildung im Zentralnervensystem analysieren lassen.


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Non-invasive excitability studies of motor axons in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have revealed a changing pattern of abnormal membrane properties with disease progression, but the heterogeneity of the changes has made it difficult to relate them to pathophysiology. The SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS displays more synchronous motoneuron pathology. Multiple excitability measures of caudal and sciatic nerves in mutant and wild-type mice were compared before onset of signs and during disease progression (4-19 weeks), and they were related to changes in muscle fiber histochemistry. Excitability differences indicated a modest membrane depolarization in SOD1(G93A) axons at about the time of symptom onset (8 weeks), possibly due to deficient energy supply. Previously described excitability changes in ALS patients, suggesting altered sodium and potassium conductances, were not seen in the mice. This suggests that those changes relate to features of the human disease that are not well represented in the animal model.


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Perceptual closure refers to the coherent perception of an object under circumstances when the visual information is incomplete. Although the perceptual closure index observed in electroencephalography reflects that an object has been recognized, the full spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical source activity underlying perceptual closure processing remain unknown so far. To address this question, we recorded magnetoencephalographic activity in 15 subjects (11 females) during a visual closure task and performed beamforming over a sequence of successive short time windows to localize high-frequency gamma-band activity (60–100 Hz). Two-tone images of human faces (Mooney faces) were used to examine perceptual closure. Event-related fields exhibited a magnetic closure index between 250 and 325 ms. Time-frequency analyses revealed sustained high-frequency gamma-band activity associated with the processing of Mooney stimuli; closure-related gamma-band activity was observed between 200 and 300 ms over occipitotemporal channels. Time-resolved source reconstruction revealed an early (0–200 ms) coactivation of caudal inferior temporal gyrus (cITG) and regions in posterior parietal cortex (PPC). At the time of perceptual closure (200–400 ms), the activation in cITG extended to the fusiform gyrus, if a face was perceived. Our data provide the first electrophysiological evidence that perceptual closure for Mooney faces starts with an interaction between areas related to processing of three-dimensional structure from shading cues (cITG) and areas associated with the activation of long-term memory templates (PPC). Later, at the moment of perceptual closure, inferior temporal cortex areas specialized for the perceived object are activated, i.e., the fusiform gyrus related to face processing for Mooney stimuli.


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Various factors, including maturity, have been shown to influence peripheral nerve excitability measures, but little is known about differences in these properties between axons with different stimulation thresholds. Multiple nerve excitability tests were performed on the caudal motor axons of immature and mature female rats, recording from tail muscles at three target compound muscle action potential (CMAP) levels: 10%, 40% ("standard" level), and 60% of the maximum CMAP amplitude. Compared to lower target levels, axons at high target levels have the following characteristics: lower strength-duration time constant, less threshold reduction during depolarizing currents and greater threshold increase to hyperpolarizing currents, most notably to long hyperpolarizing currents in mature rats. Threshold-dependent effects on peripheral nerve excitability properties depend on the maturation stage, especially inward rectification (Ih), which becomes inversely related to threshold level. Performing nerve excitability tests at different target levels is useful in understanding the variation in membrane properties between different axons within a nerve. Because of the threshold effects on nerve excitability and the possibility of increased variability between axons and altered electric recruitment order in disease conditions, excitability parameters measured only at the "standard" target level should be interpreted with caution, especially the responses to hyperpolarizing currents.


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Music consists of sound sequences that require integration over time. As we become familiar with music, associations between notes, melodies, and entire symphonic movements become stronger and more complex. These associations can become so tight that, for example, hearing the end of one album track can elicit a robust image of the upcoming track while anticipating it in total silence. Here, we study this predictive “anticipatory imagery” at various stages throughout learning and investigate activity changes in corresponding neural structures using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Anticipatory imagery (in silence) for highly familiar naturalistic music was accompanied by pronounced activity in rostral prefrontal cortex (PFC) and premotor areas. Examining changes in the neural bases of anticipatory imagery during two stages of learning conditional associations between simple melodies, however, demonstrates the importance of fronto-striatal connections, consistent with a role of the basal ganglia in “training” frontal cortex (Pasupathy and Miller, 2005). Another striking change in neural resources during learning was a shift between caudal PFC earlier to rostral PFC later in learning. Our findings regarding musical anticipation and sound sequence learning are highly compatible with studies of motor sequence learning, suggesting common predictive mechanisms in both domains.


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Although extensive indirect evidence exists to suggest that the central dopaminergic system plays a significant role in the modulation of arousal, the functional effect of the dopaminergic influence on the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle remains unclear. Thirteen healthy volunteers and 15 unmedicated subjects with a history of major depressive disorder underwent catecholamine depletion (CD) using oral alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. The main outcome measures in both sessions were sleepiness (Stanford-Sleepiness-Scale), cerebral glucose metabolism (positron emission tomography), and serum prolactin concentration. CD consistently induced clinically relevant sleepiness in both groups. The CD-induced prolactin increase significantly correlated with CD-induced sleepiness but not with CD-induced mood and anxiety symptoms. CD-induced sleepiness correlated with CD-induced increases in metabolism in the medial and orbital frontal cortex, bilateral superior temporal cortex, left insula, cingulate motor area and in the vicinity of the periaqueductal gray. This study suggests that the association between dopamine depletion and sleepiness is independent of the brain reward system and the risk for depression. The visceromotor system, the cingulate motor area, the periaqueductal gray and the caudal hypothalamus may mediate the impact of the dopaminergic system on regulation of wakefulness and sleep.


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The sleep-wake disorder narcolepsy with cataplexy is associated with the loss of hypocretin-(orexin-) producing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus. Several studies have reported abnormal cerebral activation in patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy. It remains unclear, however, whether these functional changes are related to structural alterations, particularly at the cortical level. To quantify structural brain changes associated with narcolepsy with cataplexy, we used high-resolution T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 12 patients compared with 12 healthy participants matched for age and gender. Subcortical and regional cortical volumes were measured using a method unbiased by non-linear registration. Further whole-brain analyses were conducted, measuring cortical characteristics, such as cortical thickness and gyrification, at thousands of points across each hemisphere using validated algorithms. Statistical analyses accounted for an effect of age and gender. We observed decreased cortical volume in the left paracentral lobule and increased cortical volume in the left caudal part of the middle frontal gyrus in narcoleptic patients compared with controls. Cortical thickness in prefrontal areas was inversely correlated with the severity of narcolepsy. Further, we observed several clusters of cortical thinning in patients with childhood or adolescent onset of narcolepsy compared with patients with adult onset of the disease. Our results suggest that specific anatomical changes may differentiate subgroups of narcolepsy patients with different clinical profiles (such as varying symptom severity or different age at onset). Future studies with larger groups of sleepy patients are required to assess whether distinct patterns of anatomical changes may distinguish narcolepsy from non-hypocretin-deficient hypersomnia disorders.


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The intervertebral disc (IVD) is the joint of the spine connecting vertebra to vertebra. It functions to transmit loading of the spine and give flexibility to the spine. It composes of three compartments: the innermost nucleus pulposus (NP) encompassing by the annulus fibrosus (AF), and two cartilaginous endplates connecting the NP and AF to the vertebral body on both sides. Discogenic pain possibly caused by degenerative intervertebral disc disease (DDD) and disc herniations has been identified as a major problem in our modern society. To study possible mechanisms of IVD degeneration, in vitro organ culture systems with live disc cells are highly appealing. The in vitro culture of intact bovine coccygeal IVDs has advanced to a relevant model system, which allows the study of mechano-biological aspects in a well-controlled physiological and mechanical environment. Bovine tail IVDs can be obtained relatively easy in higher numbers and are very similar to the human lumbar IVDs with respect to cell density, cell population and dimensions. However, previous bovine caudal IVD harvesting techniques retaining cartilaginous endplates and bony endplates failed after 1-2 days of culture since the nutrition pathways were obviously blocked by clotted blood. IVDs are the biggest avascular organs, thus, the nutrients to the cells in the NP are solely dependent on diffusion via the capillary buds from the adjacent vertebral body. Presence of bone debris and clotted blood on the endplate surfaces can hinder nutrient diffusion into the center of the disc and compromise cell viability. Our group established a relatively quick protocol to "crack"-out the IVDs from the tail with a low risk for contamination. We are able to permeabilize the freshly-cut bony endplate surfaces by using a surgical jet lavage system, which removes the blood clots and cutting debris and very efficiently reopens the nutrition diffusion pathway to the center of the IVD. The presence of growth plates on both sides of the vertebral bone has to be avoided and to be removed prior to culture. In this video, we outline the crucial steps during preparation and demonstrate the key to a successful organ culture maintaining high cell viability for 14 days under free swelling culture. The culture time could be extended when appropriate mechanical environment can be maintained by using mechanical loading bioreactor. The technique demonstrated here can be extended to other animal species such as porcine, ovine and leporine caudal and lumbar IVD isolation.