974 resultados para Caries dental.
OBJETIVO: comparar medidas de tamanhos dentários, suas reprodutibilidades e a aplicação da equação de regressão de Tanaka e Johnston na predição do tamanho dos caninos e pré-molares em modelos de gesso e digital. MÉTODOS: trinta modelos de gesso foram escaneados para obtenção dos modelos digitais. As medidas do comprimento mesiodistal dos dentes foram obtidas com paquímetro digital nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais utilizando o software O3d (Widialabs). A somatória do tamanho dos incisivos inferiores foi utilizada para obter os valores de predição do tamanho dos pré-molares e caninos utilizando equação de regressão, e esses valores foram comparados ao tamanho real dos dentes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, aplicando-se aos resultados o teste de correlação de Pearson, a fórmula de Dahlberg, o teste t pareado e a análise de variância (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: excelente concordância intraexaminador foi observada nas medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos. O erro aleatório não esteve presente nas medidas obtidas com paquímetro, e o erro sistemático foi mais frequente no modelo digital. A previsão de espaço obtida pela aplicação da equação de regressão foi maior que a somatória dos pré-molares e caninos presentes nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da boa reprodutibilidade das medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos, a maioria das medidas dos modelos digitais foram superiores às do modelos de gesso. O espaço previsto foi superestimado em ambos os modelos e significativamente maior nos modelos digitais.
The aim of this study was to compare the in situ and in vitro performances of a laser fluorescence (LF) device (DIAGNOdent 2095) with visual inspection for the detection of occlusal caries in permanent teeth. Sixty-four sites were selected, and visual inspection and LF assessments were carried out, in vitro, three times by two independent examiners, with a 1-week interval between evaluations. Afterwards, the occlusal surfaces were mounted on the palatal portion of removable acrylic orthodontic appliances and placed in six volunteers. Assessments were repeated and validated by histological analysis of the tooth sections under a stereomicroscope. For both examiners, the highest intra-examiner values were observed for the visual inspection when in vitro and in situ evaluations were compared. The inter-examiner reproducibility varied from 0.61 to 0.64, except for the in vitro assessment using LF, which presented a lower value (0.43). The methods showed high specificity at the D(1) threshold (considering enamel and dentin caries as disease). In vitro evaluations showed the highest values of sensitivity for both methods when compared to the in situ evaluations at D(1) and D(2) (considering only dentinal caries as the disease) thresholds. For both methods, the results of sensitivity (at D(1) and D(2)) and accuracy (at D(1)) showed significant differences between in vitro and in situ conditions. However, the sensitivity (at D(1) and D(2)), specificity and accuracy (both at D(1)) of the methods were not significantly different when the same condition was considered. It can be concluded that visual inspection and LF showed better performance in vitro than in situ.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the performance of laser fluorescence (LF) comparing different cut-off limits for occlusal caries detection. One hundred and thirty first permanent molars were selected. Visual examination and LF assessments were performed independently. The extent of caries was assessed after operative intervention. New cut-off limits were established and compared with those proposed by the manufacturer and by Lussi et al. (Eur J Oral Sci 109:14-19, 2001). Similar sensitivity and higher specificity was found at D(2) (considering as disease only dentin caries) when the LF cut-off limits proposed by Lussi et al. and the new one were compared. At the D(3) threshold (considering as disease only deep dentin caries), no statistically significant difference among the cut-off limits for sensitivity was found. However, the new cut-off limits showed higher specificity. The LF device provided good ability to detect dentin caries lesions. Furthermore, the new cut-off limits and the values proposed by Lussi et al. could be suggested for the in vivo detection of occlusal caries.
Background.The prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) varies considerably around the world; however, few studies have examined MIH in South American countries.Objective.To evaluate the prevalence, severity, and clinical consequences of MIH in Brazilian children residing in rural and urban areas of the municipality of Botelhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil.Methods.Children aged 6 to 12 years (n = 918) with all four-first permanent molars erupted had these teeth evaluated according to the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria. The examinations were conducted by two previously trained examiners, and the dental impact caused by MIH was evaluated with the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index (WHO).Results.Molar incisor hypomineralization was present in 19.8% of the 918 children, with a higher prevalence in rural areas. The majority of the defects presented were demarcated opacities without post-eruptive structural loss, which has been considered as mild defects. Children with MIH had higher DMFT values.Conclusion.Despite the high prevalence of MIH, the severity of the defects was mild. The results indicate a positive association between MIH and the presence of dental caries.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of cleaning pits and fissures with on aluminum oxide air abrasion system on the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using laser fluorescence (LF) and visual examination. Methods. The sample comprised 65 pit and fissure sites on extracted primary teeth suspected to be carious. The sites were submitted to 2 visual examinations (examiner JAR) and 2 LF readings (examiner TMV). Next, the occlusal surfaces were air-abraded and re-examined thereafter using both methods. The teeth were sectioned, and the histological analysis of the sites with a stereoscopic magnifying lens at X32 magnification was used as the gold standard Results. Cohen's kappa statistic for LF and visual examination were, respectively, 0.282/0.884 before and 0.896/0.905 after air abrasion. LF showed a sensitivity of 0.28 increasing to 0.49 and 0 specificity of 0.50 increasing to 0.92. Visual examination showed sensitivity of 0.78 and specificity of 0.73. Both increased after air abrasion. Conclusion: The findings suggest that cleaning pits and fissures with aluminum oxide air abrasion increased the accuracy of LF and visual examination for detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the relationship between laser fluorescence values and sealant penetration depth on occlusal fissures. One hundred and sixty-six permanent molars were selected and divided into four groups, which were each treated using a different sealant (two clear and two opaque). The teeth were independently measured twice by two experienced dentists using two laser fluorescence devices-DIAGNOdent (LF and LFpen)-before and after sealing, and then thermoclycled. After measuring, the teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. Digital photographs of the cut sealed sites were assessed, and the sealant penetration depth was measured. All 166 sites were measured by one of the examiners taking as limits the outer and inner surface of the sealant into the fissure. For each device (LF and LFpen) and each group, the difference between the values at baseline and after sealing was plotted against the sealant penetration depth and scatter plots were provided. It could be observed that most of the points were concentrated around the zero line, for both LF and LFpen in the four groups. In conclusion, there is no relation between changes in DIAGNOdent values and increasing of depth sealant penetration within the occlusal fissures.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of pit and fissure sealants on fluorescence readings using lasers. We selected 166 permanent molars and randomly divided them into 4 groups which were each treated with a different sealant (a commercially available clear sealant, 2 opaque sealants and an experimental nanofilled clear sealant). The teeth were independently measured twice by 2 experienced dentists using conventional laser fluorescence (LF) and a laser fluorescence pen device (LFpen), before and after sealing, and again after thermocycling to simulate the thermal stressing between the tooth and the dental materials. Friedman test showed no statistically significant changes using LF and LFpen for the commercial clear sealant group, although values tended to increase after sealing. However, the values increased significantly after thermocycling. There was a statistically significant decrease in fluorescence after application of opaque sealants. After application of the experimental nanofilled clear sealant, LF values increased only after thermocycling, whereas the LFpen values increased after sealing and after thermocycling as well. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.87 to 0.96 for interexaminer and 0.82 to 0.94 for intraexaminer reproducibility. It was shown that pit and fissure sealants influence LF and LFpen readings, with the values increasing or decreasing according to the material used. In conclusion, both laser fluorescence devices could be useful as an adjunct to detect occlusal caries under unfilled clear sealants. Nevertheless, surfaces sealed with clear nanofilled material could be assessed using only the LF device. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The purpose of this study was to differentiate the dentoalveolar and skeletal effects to better understand orthodontic treatment. We evaluated the treatment changes associated with the bionator and the removable headgear splint (RHS). Methods: The sample comprised 51 consecutively treated Class II patients from 1 office who had all been successfully treated with either a bionator (n = 17) or an RHS appliance (n = 17). Class II patients waiting to start treatment later served as controls (n = 17). A modified version of the Johnston pitchfork analysis was used to quantify the dentoalveolar and skeletal contributions to the anteroposterior correction at the levels of the molars and the incisors. Results: Both appliances significantly improved anteroposterior molar relationships (2.15 mm for the bionator, 2.27 mm for the RHS), primarily by dentoalveolar modifications (1.49 and 2.36 mm for the bionator and the RHS, respectively), with greater maxillary molar distalization in the RHS group. Overjet relationships also improved significantly compared with the controls (3.11 and 2.12 mm for the bionator and the RHS, respectively), due primarily to retroclination of the maxillary incisors (2.2 and 2.38 mm for the bionator and the RHS, respectively). The differences between overall corrections and dentoalveolar modifications for both molar and overjet relationships were explained by skeletal responses, with the bionator group showing significantly greater anterior mandibular displacement than the RHS group. Conclusions: The bionator and the RHS effectively corrected the molar relationships and overjets of Class II patients primarily by dentoalveolar changes. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008; 134: 732-41)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)