974 resultados para Carcinoma diferenciado de tireóide
B6D2F1 mice (45/group) were treated with N-butyl-N-(4- hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) or uracil as follows: Group 1 received 0.05% BBN in drinking water for the entire experiment, Group 2 received 5 mg of BBN by gastric gavage in 0.1 mL of 20% ethanol twice per week for 10 wk, Group 3 received a 2.5% uracil-containing diet for the entire experiment, and Group 4 was controls (received 0.1 mL of 20% ethanol by gavage twice per week for 10 wk). The surviving mice in Group 1 were killed after week 26 and those in the other groups after week 30. By week 15, three of 11 Group 1 and one of 15 Group 2 mice had bladder carcinoma. By 26 and 30 wk, respectively, invasive carcinomas were observed in 33 of 34 and six of 21 mice in Groups 1 and 2 and renal pelvic carcinomas in 11 of 34 and three of 21 mice in Groups 1 and 2. Four of 19 uracil-treated mice had bladder nodular hyperplasia. By polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analyses, 16 of 20 and two of five bladder carcinomas from Groups 1 and 2, respectively, showed mutations in the p53 gene. Ha-ras mutation was present in one case. Loss of heterozygosity analysis with simple-sequence length polymorphism markers for chromosome 4 showed that 10 of 21, two of 15, and nine of 13 mice in Groups 1-3, respectively, had heterozygous or homozygous deletions. B6D2F1 mice are therefore susceptible to the urothelial carcinogenic effects of BBN and develop frequent p53 mutations and chromosome 4 deletions. Chromosome 4 deletions were also seen with uracil.
BACKGROUND: Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the vagina is rare, although it may be the first evidence of the existence of the primary tumor. CASE: A metastatic deposit of renal cell carcinoma in the vagina was diagnosed by cytology as clear cell adenocarcinoma, which was confirmed by biopsy. Radiographic and ultrasound examinations confirmed the renal site of origin, which was corroborated by immunohistochemistry of the biopsy specimen. CONCLUSION: When a cytologic diagnosis of vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma is made, metastasis of renal cell carcinoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis.
The renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the seventh most common malignancy, accounting for more than 3% of cancer incidence in the United States. RCC is more common in males, occurring primarily in the 5 th to 7 th decades of life. At the time of presentation one third of the patients have advanced disease and about 50% of the patients that underwent radical nephrectomy have recurrence. With the mainstream implementation of imaging modalities, such as ultrasound, the incidental detection of RCC has dramatically increased in recent years. Patients with metastatic RCC without treatment have na average survival of 6 to 10 months, and only 10 to 20% can be expected to survive 2 years. Treatment for patients with advanced disease remains unsatisfactory and the metastatic renal cancer continue to present a therapeutic challenge systemic therapies employed in patients with this tumor include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. The authors review the treatment strategies of the metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
The authors present a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) in a 78-year-old man. It was initially presented as leukoplakia on the tongue but a microscopic investigation in 1991 revealed it to be a mild epithelial dysplasia. After 5 years of follow-up, the lesion presented changes in size and location, and a recidivant behavior. In 1996, a red granular and indurated area that appeared on the tongue was found to be a microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma when microscopically investigated. After a review of the clinicopathologic behavior of this entity, the authors concluded that it was a typical PVL, whose diagnosis is difficult and retrospective, as indicated by others. The authors emphasize the importance of periodic detailed clinical and histological examination of this type of lesions in order to detect early signs of malignancy.
Myoid cells have been described in the thymus in association with a variety of benign and malignant conditions. The presence of a benign rhabdomyomatous component in a malignant primary thymic epithelial neoplasm, however, is extremely rare. A case of poorly differentiated carcinoma of the thymus arising in the posterior mediastinum containing a prominent rhabdomyomatous component is described. The patient, a 70-year-old woman, was seen for a large posterior mediastinal mass. An open chest biopsy revealed an extensively necrotic tumor composed of islands of atypical cells with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli with numerous mitotic figures admixed with abortive glandular structures. Interspersed with the malignant epithelial components were islands of large cells containing brightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and small, round, excentrically placed nuclei. Immunohistochemical studies showed strong positivity of the epithelial cells for cytokeratin and strong positivity of the myoid cells for pan-actin, desmin, and myogenin. The possible relationship of the rhabdomyomatous component of this tumor with the myoid cells of the thymus is discussed.
Fluorescence diagnosis of malignant lesions has been showed as an attractive optical technique due especially to its real-time response and a more objective and quantitative evaluation. Even though the oral cavity allows a direct examination many lesions are diagnosed when it is already in advanced stage, compromising the patient prognosis. In this study, the fluorescence spectroscopy was used to the detection of chemically induced carcinoma at the lateral border of the tongue in a hamster model. Two excitations wavelengths in visible region were applied: 442 and 532 nm. All the spectra results were analyzed comparing with the histopathological diagnosis. The better results were achieved with the 442 nm laser excitation. The spectra from carcinoma showed new emission bands and these were used to determined different ratios for a quantitative analysis. Using the 625-645 nm fluorescence range under 442 nm excitation (A3 coefficient) the percentage of false negative was of 9.1%, however the false positive percentage was of 18.5%. The 532 nm excitation provided a better normal tissue detection compared to 442 nm excitation. The ideal clinical condition is probably the use of multiple wavelengths excitation for a broader tissue fluorescence investigation.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the telomerase activity both in the tumor and in the vaginal margins of radical hysterectomy in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix. Thirty-three patients with SCC of the cervix (study group) and 13 patients with uterine myoma (control group) were prospectively studied. Tissue samples were taken from the tumor or cervix, anterior vaginal margin (AVM), and posterior vaginal margin (PVM). The specimens were analyzed by histopathology, by a telomerase PCR-TRAP-ELISA kit, and by polymerase chain reaction using human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA. The telomerase activity was significantly higher in the tumor than in the benign cervix (P < 0.001). There was no difference in telomerase activity in the AVM and PVM in patients with cervical carcinoma compared to the control group. Telomerase activity was associated with the presence of histologic malignancy in the PVM of patients submitted to radical hysterectomy (P = 0.03). This association was not observed with the presence of HPV in AVM or PVM in the study group. Telomerase activity is a marker of histologic malignancy in patients with SCC of the cervix. There was no association between the telomerase activity and the presence of HPV in vaginal margins of patients submitted to radical hysterectomy. © 2006, Copyright the Authors.
Purpose: To analyze, in vitro, the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and acetic acid solutions on VX2 carcinoma cells in suspension and to examine the correlation between these effects and neoplastic cell death. Methods: The VX2 tumor cells (107 cells/ml) were incubated in solutions containing differing concentrations (2.5% and 5%) of either acetylsalicylic acid or acetic acid, or in saline solution (controls). Every five minutes, cell viability was tested (using the trypan blue test) and analyzed under light microscopy. Results: Tumor cell viability (in %) decreased progressively and, by 30 minutes, neoplastic cell death had occurred in all solutions. Conclusion: Based on this experimental model and the methodology employed, we conclude that these solutions cause neoplastic cell death in vitro.
OBJECTIVES: Pleomorphic adenomas are the most frequent type of epithelial salivary gland neoplasms, and their malignant counterpart, the carcinoma in pleomorphic adenomas, is much less common. Beta-catenin is a cell adhesion molecule associated with the invasion and metastasis of carcinomas of the head and neck, esophagus. The objective of this study was to detect the expression of beta-catenin in pleomorphic adenomas, carcinomas in pleomorphic adenomas and normal salivary glands to discuss its role in the development of these two lesions. STUDY DESIGN: The expression of beta-catenin (BD Transduction Laboratories) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded specimens by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method in 16 pleomorphic adenomas (12 from minor salivary glands), 3 carcinomas in pleomorphic adenomas (all from palate) and 10 normal salivary glands as control group (5 from major and 5 from minor salivary glands). RESULTS: All cases of glands, adenomas and carcinomas in pleomorphic adenomas have membranous and cytoplasmic immunostaining. Nuclear beta-catenin immunostaining was not observed. The antibody presented a fine granular arrangement in the cytoplasm and cellular membrane of duct and acinic cells. Higher beta-catenin index rates were seen mainly in salivary gland ducts and in ductal structures in the adenomas and carcinomas in pleomorphic adenomas. There was protein loss in pleomorphic adenomas and cytoplasmic accumulation in carcinoma in pleomorphic adenomas. CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed participation of the loss of beta-catenin adhesion molecule in the development of pleomorphic adenoma, and that the cytoplasmic accumulation of the molecule takes part in the malignant transformation of the pleomorphic adenoma into carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma.
Laryngeal carcinomas are aggressive neoplasms with controversial association with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). So far, the impairment of p53 protein function and its impact on cellular proliferation has not been studied adequately in these tumors. In this work, molecular biologic techniques were used to assess the frequency of HPV and EBV in 110 squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx. In addition, accumulation of p53 and Ki-67 cell proliferation antigen expression in malignant cells was assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. High-grade HPV was found in 37.3% of cases, and none had demonstrable EBV infection. Accumulation of p53 was found in 78.2% of the cases, and it was related to a high Ki-67 labeling index and higher histologic grade. The results demonstrate association of HPV with more than one third of laryngeal carcinomas studied, mainly glottic tumors. Tumors with increased cell proliferation were more frequently high grade, with p53 accumulation and lymph node metastasis. © American Society for Clinical Pathology.
Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate the association between the telomerase activity in the tumor and clinicopathological findings in patients with stage IB-IIA (FIGO) carcinoma of the cervix. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with carcinoma of the cervix submitted to radical hysterectomy were prospectively from January 1998 to November 2001. Samples from the tumor were taken and analyzed by the telomerase PCR-TRAP-ELISA kit. Clinicopathological characteristics such as age, stage, tumor size, grade of differentiation, lymphatic vascular space invasion (LVSI), parametrial involvement and status of pelvic lymph nodes were also recorded. Results: Patient's mean age was 49.3 ± 1.99 years (29-76 years). The clinical stage (FIGO) was IB in 35 patients (92.1%) and IIA in 3 patients (7.9%). The histological classification identified squamous cell carcinoma in 33 patients (86.8%) and adenocarcinoma in 5 patients (13.2%). There was no association between age, clinical stage, histological classification, tumor size, grade of differentiation and presence of LVSI with tumoral telomerase activity. The telomerase activity was not associated with the presence of vaginal involvement (P = 0.349), parametrium involvement (P = 0.916), pelvic lymph node metastasis (P = 0.988) or tumoral recurrence (P = 0.328) in patients with carcinoma of the cervix. Conclusions: Telomerase activity in the tumor is not associated with clinicopathological findings or tumor recurrence in patients with early stage cervical carcinoma. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.
Background: Previous reports into the role of [CAG]n repeat lengths in the androgen receptor (AR) gene indicate that these may play an important part in the development and progression of breast cancer, however, knowledge regarding benign breast lesions is limited. Patients and Methods: PCR-based GeneScan analysis was used to investigate the [CAG]n repeat length at exon 1 of the AR gene in 59 benign breast lesions (27 fibroadenomas, 18 atypical hyperplasias, and 14 hyperplasias without atypia) and 54 ductal breast carcinomas. Seventy-two cancer-free women were used as a control group. In addition, [CAG]n repeats were evaluated for the presence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MSI) in a subset of these samples (27 fibroadenomas, 14 hyperplasias without atypia and 22 breast carcinomas). Results: Shorter [CAG]n repeat lengths were strongly correlated with atypical hyperplasias (p=0.0209) and carcinomas (p<0.0001). LOH was found in 1/12 and 4/20 informative cases of hyperplasias without atypia and breast carcinomas, respectively. Three patients with breast carcinoma who had previously presented atypical hyperplasia showed a reduction in the [CAG]n repeat length in their carcinomas. Conclusion: Short [CAG]n repeat length (≤20) polymorphisms are strongly associated with breast carcinomas and atypical hyperplasias. Although non-significant, a subgroup of patients with breast carcinoma and genotype SS showed an association with parameters of worse outcome.
The purpose of this paper is to report a recidivate basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid with orbital invasion located in the inner canthus of the left eye. A 79 year old, male, Caucasian patient had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the left inner eyelid canthus 8 years ago and the edges of the resection were compromised by the lesion. The patient had recurrence of the lesion and orbital invasion. He was submitted to orbital exenteration and the ethmoid bone was removed too. The authors call attention to the necessity of correct diagnosis and followup to have success in the management of the patient.
Objectives: To examine the effects of triiodothyronine (T3), 17β-estradiol (E2), and tamoxifen (TAM) on transforming growth factor (TGF)-α gene expression in primary breast cancer cell cultures and interactions between the different treatments. Methods and results: Patients included in the study (no.=12) had been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Fresh human breast carcinoma tissue was cut into 0.3-mm slices. These slices were placed in six 35-mm dishes on 2-ml organ culture medium. Dishes received the following treatments: dish 1: ethanol; dish 2: T3; dish 3: T3+TAM; dish 4: TAM; dish 5: E2; dish 6: E2+TAM. TGF-α mRNA content was normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA levels. All tissues included in this study were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor expression. Treatment with T3 for 48 h significantly increased TGF-α mRNA levels compared to controls (15-fold), and concomitant treatment with TAM reduced expression to 3.4-fold compared to controls. When only TAM was added to the culture medium, TGF-α mRNA expression increased 5.3-fold, significantly higher than with all other treatment modalities. Conclusion: We demonstrate that TGF-α mRNA expression is more efficiently upregulated by T3 than E2. Concomitant treatment with TAM had a mitigating effect on the T3 effect, while E2 induced TGF-α upregulation. Our findings show some similarities between primary culture and breast cancer cell lines, but also some important differences: a) induction of TGF-α, a mitogenic protein, by TAM; b) a differential effect of TAM that may depend on relative expression of ER α and β; and c) supraphysiological doses of T3 may induce mitogenic signals in breast cancer tissue under conditions of low circulating E2. ©2008, Editrice Kurtis.
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