977 resultados para Capital global
O objetivo neste artigo é investigar a trajetória de duas empresas startups brasileiras dedicadas a pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) no setor de biotecnologia: a Alellyx e a CanaVialis. São dois casos de spin-offs acadêmicos e de bioemprendimentos germinados na esfera do Projeto Genoma, da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), maturadas na Votorantim Novos Negócios (VNN), área de novos negócios de um dos maiores grupos industriais brasileiros que atua no segmento de commodities, o Grupo Votorantim S/A, e depois vendidas para a Monsanto. Neste estudo, tentou-se compreender a racionalidade e as virtudes das ações de investimentos corporativos e das políticas públicas destinadas à biotecnologia focada em genômica aplicada para a agricultura no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada é a de estudo de caso, mais especificamente de análise dos dois casos de empresas comentados acima. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar de o principal objetivo do grupo econômico ser a célere valorização do capital investido e seu retorno financeiro, a afiliação corporativa dessas empresas estimulou a aceleração de um conjunto de capacitações para a gestão empresarial da Alellyx e da CanaVialis, que foram críticas para o amadurecimento do negócio. Evidenciou-se, ainda, que foi fundamental o significativo aporte de recursos por meio dos mecanismos de apoio do sistema nacional à inovação.
In a competitive world, the way a firm establishes its organizational arrangements may determine the enhancement of its core competences and the possibility of reaching new markets. Firms that find their skills to be applicable in just one type of market encounter constraints in expanding their markets, and through alliances may find a competitive form of value capture. Hybrid forms of organization appear primarily as an alternative to capturing value and managing joint assets when the market and hierarchy modes do not present any yields for the firm's competitiveness. As a result, this form may present other challenging issues, such as the allocation of rights and principal-agent problems. The biofuel market has presented a strong pattern of changes over the last 10 years. New intra-firm arrangements have appeared as a path to participate or survive among global competition. Given the need for capital to achieve better results, there has been a consistent movement of mergers and acquisitions in the Biofuel sector, especially since the 2008 financial crisis. In 2011 there were five major groups in Brazil with a grinding capacity of more than 15 million tons per year: Raízen (joint venture formed by Cosan and Shell), Louis Dreyfus, Tereos Petrobras, ETH, and Bunge. Major oil companies have implemented the strategy of diversification as a hedge against the rising cost of oil. Using the alliance of Cosan and Shell in the Brazilian biofuel market as a case study, this paper analyses the governance mode and challenging issues raised by strategic alliances when firms aim to reach new markets through the sharing of core competences with local firms. The article is based on documentary research and interviews with Cosan's Investor Relations staff, and examines the main questions involving hybrid forms through the lens of the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), Agency Theory, Resource Based View (RBV), and dynamic capabilities theoretical approaches. One focal point is knowledge "appropriability" and the specific assets originated by the joint venture. Once the alliance is formed, it is expected that competences will be shared and new capabilities will expand the limits of the firm. In the case studied, Cosan and Shell shared a number of strategic assets related to their competences. Raízen was formed with economizing incentives, as well to continue marshalling internal resources to enhance the company's presence in the world energy sector. Therefore, some challenges might be related to the control and monitoring agents' behavior, considering the two-part organism formed by distinctive organizational culture, tacit knowledge, and long-term incentives. The case study analyzed illustrates the hybrid arrangement as a middle form for organizing the transaction: neither in the market nor in the hierarchy mode, but rather a more flexible commitment agreement with a strategic central authority. The corporate governance devices are also a challenge, since the alignment between the parent companies in the joint ventures is far more complex. These characteristics have led to an organism with bilateral dependence, offering favorable conditions for developing dynamic capabilities. However, these conditions might rely on the partners' long-term interest in the joint venture.
No estudo aqui relatado identificaram-se os fatores que levam à formação do capital social familiar em empresas familiares. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se, como aporte teórico, a teoria do capital social e do capital social familiar. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, do tipo survey, em 120 empreendimentos familiares. Aplicou-se questionário, sob a forma de entrevista, a todos os empresários. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial. Os resultados foram apresentados em dois blocos: primeiro, a caracterização da amostra em relação ao perfil do respondente e ao perfil do empreendimento, bem como a apresentação da frequência de cada uma das assertivas; na segunda parte, foi feita a análise fatorial, após a qual foram identificados sete fatores relacionados com a formação do capital social familiar. São eles: diálogo colaborativo, rede familiar, infraestrutura moral, confiança, normas éticas, ideias próprias e canais de informação externos. O capital social familiar é solidificado por meio do diálogo colaborativo, a partir do qual é possível enraizar, na família e na empresa, as normas éticas, originando o que se chama de infraestrutura moral, quando a família e a empresa estão em sintonia interna e externa. Em um sentido contraditório, a ausência do diálogo colaborativo gera autoritarismo por parte dos dirigentes e membros da família, prevalecendo ideias próprias, as quais foram identificadas como fator contraditório à formação do capital social familiar.
O Arranjo Produtivo Local de Ubá e região (APL de Ubá) gera cerca de nove mil empregos e abriga a sede da maior empresa de móveis de aço da América Latina, além de três outras grandes empresas. Entretanto, é marcado por relações de disputa que preocupam os próprios empresários locais. O problema investigado é até que ponto essas disputas, especialmente entre fabricantes e fornecedores, colocam em risco esse APL moveleiro. O objetivo neste artigo é apresentar um entendimento de como se dão as relações de poder entre os empreendedores locais fabricantes de móveis e os fornecedores dessas empresas, discutindo suas implicações para o APL. Os resultados apontam para a existência de problemas nas relações entre fabricantes e fornecedores decorrentes, principalmente, da acumulação desigual de capital simbólico, do predomínio de interesses diferentes em jogo (illusio), bem como dos princípios diferentes e em oposição que orientam as práticas dos agentes (habitus). Os resultados apontam os riscos que essa natureza de relações acarreta para o APL de Ubá.
Neste trabalho, procurou-se analisar comparativamente as informações socioambientais divulgadas pelas companhias latino-americanas nos seus relatórios. Foi efetuada uma análise de conteúdo das informações socioambientais divulgadas por uma amostra de 226 organizações, no período de 2004 a 2009, segregadas por país, empresa, setor e ano. Foram utilizadas as diretrizes voluntárias da The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) como escopo para analisar o conteúdo dos relatórios anuais, relatórios de sustentabilidade e Formulários 20F, disponibilizados pelas organizações nos seus websites ou nas Bolsas de Valores em que negociam suas ações. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que a maioria das companhias de capital aberto na região não disponibiliza informações socioambientais nos seus relatórios anuais ou em relatórios específicos sobre o tema, entretanto, as companhias estabelecidas no Brasil são as que mais destacam o assunto. Quanto à evolução e à forma de divulgação de informações socioambientais, verificou-se que o relatório anual é o principal canal utilizado pelas companhias para destacar tais informações, seguido do relatório de sustentabilidade, divulgado como parte do relatório anual ou como uma publicação específica.
El treball en primer lloc presenta una breu introducció del moviment esperantista, explicitant els vincles entre pacifisme i esperantisme, particularment en el cas català. En segon lloc, i a partir d’una enquesta a aquest subconjunt del moviment per la pau, l’estudi, d’una banda, compara les característiques d’aquest col·lectiu amb les de la societat catalana i amb la d’esperantistes d’altres països. D’altra banda, analitza el grup mateix i l’eventual evolució personal dels seus membres. L’estudi no sobreentén, com en enquestes anteriors en altres països, el concepte d’«esperantista» com el fet de ser membre d’una associació esperantista, sinó que estudia quina concepció en tenen els mateixos membres del col·lectiu i persones pròximes. Els resultats mostren algunes diferències notables entre els esperantistes catalans i la resta de la població catalana, particularment en relació amb el nivell d’estudis, les opinions polítiques i el lleure. Per altra banda, confirma els resultats obtinguts amb esperantistes d’altres països, malgrat algunes diferències sensibles, que potser podrien explicar-se per la minorització nacional i lingüística dels catalans.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 protects plants from various root diseases. Antibiotic metabolites synthesized by this strain play an important role in disease suppression; their production is mediated by the global activator gene gacA. Here we show by complementation that the gacA gene is also essential for the expression of two extracellular enzymes in P. fluorescens CHA0: phospholipase C and a 47-kDa metalloprotease. In contrast, the production of another exoenzyme, lipase, is not regulated by the gacA gene. Protease, phospholipase and antibiotics of P. fluorescens are all known to be optimally produced at the end of exponential growth; thus, the gacA gene appears to be a general stationary-phase regulator.
International conservation organisations have identified priority areas for biodiversity conservation. These global-scale prioritisations affect the distribution of funds for conservation interventions. As each organisation has a different focus, each prioritisation scheme is determined by different decision criteria and the resultant priority areas vary considerably. However, little is known about how the priority areas will respond to the impacts of climate change. In this paper, we examined the robustness of eight global-scale prioritisations to climate change under various climate predictions from seven global circulation models. We developed a novel metric of the climate stability for 803 ecoregions based on a recently introduced method to estimate the overlap of climate envelopes. The relationships between the decision criteria and the robustness of the global prioritisation schemes were statistically examined. We found that decision criteria related to level of endemism and landscape fragmentation were strongly correlated with areas predicted to be robust to a changing climate. Hence, policies that prioritise intact areas due to the likely cost efficiency, and assumptions related to the potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change, require further examination. Our findings will help determine where additional management is required to enable biodiversity to adapt to the impacts of climate change
Social capital is viewed either as a proprietary asset that serves private interests, including those of entrepreneurs, or as a collective asset that supports trust-based transactions saving on transaction costs both in markets and within the boundaries of firms, and benefiting society as a whole. This paper explains the relative specialization between entrepreneurs and market-governed exchanges as a result of the interaction between social capital that lowers transaction costs, and the scale economies of ability in managerial jobs (Lucas 1978). The main hypothesis formulated in the paper is that higher social capital will benefit the hierarchy relatively more than the market as a governance mechanism, and therefore in economies with higher social capital, the equilibrium number of entrepreneurs will be lower and their average span of control larger than in economies with lower social capital. The empirical evidence, with data from the Spanish Autonomous Communities, is consistent with this prediction.
Background: New ways of representing diffusion data emerged recently and achieved to create structural connectivitymaps in healthy brains (Hagmann P et al. (2008)). These maps have the capacity to study alterations over the entire brain at the connection and network level. This is of high interest in complex disconnection diseases like schizophrenia. In this Pathology where multiple lines of evidence suggest the association of the pathology with abnormalities in neural circuitry and impaired structural connectivity, the diffusion imaging has been widely applied. Despite the large findings, most of the research using the diffusion just uses some scalar map derived from diffusion to show that some markers of white matter integrity are diminished in several areas of the brain (Kyriakopoulos M et al (2008)). Thanks to the structural connectionmatrix constructed by the whole brain tractography, we report in this work the network connectivity alterations in the schizophrenic patients. Methods: We investigated 13 schizophrenic patients as assessed by the DIGS (Diagnostic Interview for genetic studies, DSM IV criteria) and 13 healthy controls. We have got from each volunteer a DT-MRI as well as Qball imaging dataset and a high resolution anatomic T1 performed during the same session; with a 3 T clinical MRI scanner. The controls were matched on age, gender, handedness, and parental social economic-status. For all the subjects, a low resolution connection matrix is obtained by dividing the cortex into 66 gyral based ROIs. A higher resolution matrix is constructed using 250 ROIs as described in Hagmann P et al. (2008). These ROIs are respectively used jointly with the diffusion tractography to construct the high and low resolution densities connection matrices for each subject. In a first step the matrices of the groups are compared in term of connectivity, and not in term of density to check if the pathological group shows a loss of global connectivity. In this context the density connection matrices were binarized. As some local connectivity changes were also suspected, especially in frontal and temporal areas, we have also looked for the areas where the connectivity showed significant changes. Results: The statistical analysis revealed a significant loss of global connectivity in the schizophrenic's brains at level 5%. Furthermore, by constructing specific statistics which represent local connectivity within the anatomical regions (66 ROIs) using the data obtained by the finest resolution (250 ROIs) to improve the robustness, we found the regions that cause this significant loss of connectivity. The significance is observed after multiple testing corrections by the False Discovery Rate. Discussion: The detected regions are almost the same as those reported in the literature as the involved regions in schizophrenia. Most of the connectivity decreases are noted in both hemispheres in the fronto-frontal and temporo-temporal regions as well as some temporal ROIs with their adjacent ROIs in parietal and occipital lobes.
We present a new approach for analyzing the turnover rates of Cretaceous radiolarians recorded in pelagic sequences of western Tethys, The analysis of major extinction-radiation events and the fluctuation of diversity are compared with major paleoceanographic events and variation of diversity in dinoflagellates, calcareous nannoplankton and ammonites. There is an extraordinary correlation between biotic changes and sea level changes, temperatures, O, C and Sr isotopes, phosphorus accumulation rates and anoxic episodes. This reveals a predominantly abiotic control on the evolution of radiolarians. The rate of turnover and the diversity through time of two major orders of radiolarians (nassellarians and spumellarians) exhibits (1) the quasi-parallelism of their diversity curves, excluding a direct competition between them, (2) greater resistance of spumellarians to extinction during the early stage of extinction intervals and (3) a stronger post-extinction recovery of nassellarians. Evolutionary rates of radiolarians can be a good means of monitoring global environmental changes and allowing us to understand more clearly the relationship between plankton evolution, climate and pale oceanographic processes.
Planteja un projecte extens,innovador i creatiu, que a part d’un anàlisi de l’estat de la qüestió del patrimoni a Berga i el seu úsproposa noves rutes i noves propostes per conèixer la història de la ciutat de forma més global iamena, activar, donar valor i proposar restauracions d’urgència a elements poc valorats i pocdifosos. Fer que la cultura de Berga sigui molt més que la Patum, un patrimoni sostenible duranttot l’any, proper a tota classe de persones, famílies, col·lectius....S'ha volgut crear una visió global de la cultura Berguedana, una ruta que indagui des dels orígensfins l’actualitat de la capital de comarca, ja que les propostes actuals que s’ofereixen des del’Oficina de turisme de la ciutat, segmenten la història en parts i per tant els donen més valor, endetriment d’altres que al meu parer també són cabdals en la formació de l’actual Berga