979 resultados para Capacidade geral de combinação


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This paper presents and discusses Ménard Pressuremeter test results used to predict bearing capacity of pounded piles installed in a tropical sandy soil. Fifteen pre-bored pressuremeter tests were carried out at the Experimental Research Site from Unesp - Bauru up to 15 m depth, one test per meter. Several laboratory and in situ tests were carried out in this research site as well as load tests on plates and on piles. Pressuremeter test results were firstly analyzed to determine geotechnical soil parameters based on empirical methods, emphasizing the estimative of the earth pressure coefficient at rest (K0). After that, bearing capacity prediction of pounded piles with 4 m, 7 m and 10 m were made and compared with test results from instrumented load tests. Pressuremeter test results allowed a very good estimative of bearing capacity for the pile with 4 m length and underestimated in 25,7% and 20,0% the bearing capacity for the pile with 7 and 10 m length, respectively. The back analysis of the test results suggests that the appropriate value for the bearing capacity factor for the tested soil-pile system on this soil is equal to 2.


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The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary aspects of the petrography and chemistry of intrusive rocks (sills and dykes) from the eastern portion of the Parana Basin in the State of Säo Paulo. Data from 80 samples of the region show a subaphyric and subophitic nature and have plagioclase (25-50%), augite (3-39%), pigeonite (0-10%) and magnetite (4-20%) as an essential minerals. Apatite and quartz are present as accessory minerals. The geochemical data of intrusive rocks show a basic to intermediate composition (48% < SiO 2 < 56%) and a high Ti nature (TiO 2 > 2%). Based on the minor and trace composition of the intrusive rocks, two different magma types were recognized, named Paranapanema and Pitanga. The spatial distribution of these magma types is not alleatory in the studied region. The intrusive rocks of Pitanga magma type are displayed in the Campinas-Paulinia region, while the Paranapanema magma type cover a large region above that one, between Rio Claro and Cajuru. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the lava flows of the Serra Geral Formation, sampled in this work, reveals a magma of Urubici type. So, the intrusive rocks of the eastern portion of the of State Säo Paulo are not the extension of the lava flows, or they aren't a portions which don't reach the surface.


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Biceps femoris, Longissimus and Triceps brachii muscles from Morada Nova lambs were submitted to ageing and calcium chloride injection. Colour, water holding capacity and tenderness were studied. Lambs were slaughtered weighting 25kg.. The muscles presented differences in colour (lightness-L*, redness-a* and yellowness- b*) 24 hours after rigor mortis instalation. Ageing intensified redness of the meats. Calcium chloride did not modify the colour of Longissimus and Triceps brachii, however, Biceps femoris became more redness after receiving calcium chloride. In relation to water holding capacity, ageing affected meats from Triceps brachii. However, it did not affect Biceps femoris and Longissimus. The calcium chloride didn't modify the water holding capacity of the muscles. Ageing influenced tenderness of Biceps femoris and Longissimus.


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This study correlated the solid preoperative fasting periods with plasma glycemia, serum cortisol, condition clinic and acid-base balance in dogs submitted to inhalation of general anaesthesia. Eight adults, animals were distributed into three groups in accordance with solid preoperative fasting: group 1 (12 hours), group 2 (18 hours) and group 3 (24 hours). Gastric emptying was observed and following this animals were submitted to the same anesthetic procedure. Heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, capillary refill time, percent hydration and noninvasive arterial pressure determined before and after Acepromazine and every 10 minutes during anaesthesia, included ETCO 2; values blood gas (pH, PaCO 2, PaO 2, HCO 3, TCO 2, SaO 2, BE), glycemic and serum cortisol were analyzed before MPA and each 30 minutes during anaesthesia. In recovery anaesthetic, glycemia and serum cortisol were repeated. During anaesthesia there were little cardiovascular and respiratory alteration not having interference of the preoperative fasting periods. Animals with 12 hours of the preoperative fasting showed a higher rise in glycemia levels than others groups in recovery anaesthetic. Serum cortisol wasn't influenced by fasting. Solid preoperative fasting independent of the duration describe a discreet respiratory alkalosis. All animals showed good clinical condition in all three groups. Solid preoperative fasting of the 18 hours is recommended to ensure a complete absence of the solid food contents in stomach.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study aimed to show the spatial distribution of the Rochas watershed (Avaré-SP, Brazil) soil use capacity using the Idrisi geographical information system in order to contribute to a better territorial organization and the planning of the appropriate soil occupation. The obtained results using this methodology showed that most of the Rocha watershed areas are from the following groups: dystrophic yellow-red latosol (36.64%), eutroferric and distroferric red latosol (30.30%) with sandy texture. There was a predominance of areas with slope classes of 0-12%, plain to wavy relief (61.37% of the watershed area) showing that these areas are appropriate for annual culture plantations with wide use of machinery. Most of these areas were classified as class IV (73.79%) as to use capacity. In the studied area the following subclasses of land use capacity were found: IIe, s; IIIe; IVe; IVs; IVe,s; VIe and VIIe. Capacity subclasses IVe; IVe,s; IVs and Vie were the most significant because they are areas that can be used for agriculture but subject to severe soil impoverishment if there are no special care mainly for annual cultures. The Idrisi geographical information system was efficient to determine soil use capacity of the Rocha's watershed showing that the use of geoprocessing tools makes data analysis easier and faster, allowing digital data storage for future analysis uses mainly for territorial planning and environmental studies.


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The tourist use of Santana cave provides a row of environmental damages, compromising partially the pristine conditions. Among the measures adopted to avoid this situation, this issue presents a contribution for the physical limits to tourist visitation and the indications for speleotouristic management. It was used the Cifuentes Carrying Capacity method and some basic principles of Visitors Impact Management Framework - VIM. The results show a Real Carrying Capacity (CCR) about 120 visits daily on the cave. The discussions raise a few hypotheses about the alteration in the method used and the temporal frequency between visitors groups, suggesting a provisional CCR of 117 and 135 visitors daily, respectively, during the week and in the weekends and holidays. The conclusions appoint the necessity of a conceptual revision in the Carrying Capacity methods, mainly about its adaptation for tourist management in caves. In the case studied, it is suggested the immediate beginning of environmental monitoring of the cave, to verify the plausibility from proposed visitation limits and the possible contributions for to mitigate the environmental impacts from speleotourism.


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The basalts of the Formação Serra Geral in Parana Basin in the Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states cover an area of 180,000 km2. They rest on the Botucatu sandstones and they are recovered by the sedimentary rocks of Bauru and Caiuá Groups. The mineralogical composition of these rocks are plagioclase (40%-55%), clinopyroxenes (19%-40%; augite and pigeonite), opaque minerals (2%-10%; magnetite and ilmenite) and olivine (1.5%). Geochemical data show two different types of basalts, named ATi-Pitanga (2.6% < TiO2 < 4.2%; 396 ppm < Sr < 438 ppm) and BTi-Ribeira (1.7% TiO2 <2.4%, 246 ppm < Sr < 286 ppm). In general, ATi-Pitanga have gently higher La/Yb(n) (6,1 ± 1,5ppm) than those BTi-Ribeira (5.6 ± 1,7ppm). The geochemical differences between ATi-Pitanga and BTi-Ribeira probably are related to different degrees of partial melt of a same mantle source, or to different mantle sources. The field relations show that BTi-Ribeira is displaced towards the north-western margin of the Paraná Basin and the thickness of lava flows increases towards the Paraná Graben, suggesting that ATi-Pitaga overlies BTi-Ribeira.


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The ELISA technique was used to evaluate and compare young ovine humoral immune response during crotalic antiserum production. Animals were clinically evaluated throughout this process, and the neutralizing capacity of antisera raised against natural (NV) and Cobalt-60 irradiated (IrV) venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) was verified by means of in vitro challenges. Three groups of six animals each were used: G1 received NV; G2 was inoculated with IrV; and G3 was used as control. Animals received six immunizations during 84 days at 14-day intervals. ELISA of antibody profile showed significant difference (p<5%) between experimental groups (G1<G2). These results justify the use of gamma radiation to detoxify Crotalus durissus terrificus venom like alternative to antiserum production. The neutralizing capacity of antiserum raised against IrV was fivefold higher than that of antiserum raised against NV. Results showed a new possibility of using ovines to produce commercial crotalic antiserum, which may be employed in the treatment of human and animal envenomation. Production cost might be reduced by the subsequent utilization of hyperimmunized ovines as food.


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This research aimed to study land use capability classes in Pratânia, São Paulo State, Brazil, by using the Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to find out the appropriate planning system for soil use. The watershed covers an area of 21,773.61 ha and is located among the coordinates 22°44'48S and 22°52'17S and 48°38'21W and 48°48'07W. The land use capability map was made from the slope and soil maps, based on the features of each kind of soil and the land use capability table for class assessment. It was possible to conclude that IIIs was the most significant subclass. Slope classes from 0% to 20% were present in more than 97% of Pratânia, being the plane areas the most representative ones (55%). GIS showed to be an excellent tool for determining land use capability, because the geoprocessing use facilitates and activates the digital data crossing, allowing its storage for future environmental planning.