996 resultados para Cano, Alonso, 1601-1667.
En las últimas décadas, el Trasplante Renal demuestra ser el mejor tratamiento sustitutivo de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica, siendo el Trasplante Renal de donante vivo la mejor elección en cuanto calidad de vida, supervivencia del injerto, menores complicaciones y menor coste-beneficio para el trasplantado. En la Fundación Puigvert de Barcelona, la pareja, donante-receptor, de trasplante renal de donación de vivo permanecen juntos durante el procedimiento, mientras que en otros Centros Hospitalarios Nacionales la estancia es separada durante todo el procedimiento o en el post-operatorio. El presente trabajo es un ensayo clínico cuyo objetivo es comprobar si la pareja donante receptor de trasplante renal vivo que comparte estancia hospitalaria en el proceso de la donación modifica su estado afectivo, el físico y la estancia hospitalaria frente aquellos que no la comparten. La población diana son parejas de donante-receptor de nuestro Centro dónde se lleva a cabo el proceso del trasplante renal. La estimación de la muestra necesaria es de 18 parejas en cada grupo, se fija un nivel de significación del 5% y el nivel de pérdidas. El Análisis estadístico se realizará mediante el test 2 de Pearson para las variables independientes cualitativas y el test t-student o Test Shapiro-Wilk. Procedimiento: Grupo A, pareja que ingresa en la misma habitación y Grupo B, pareja que ingresa en habitaciones diferentes. En primer lugar, mediante un estudio exploratorio se conoce la sintomatología de ansiedad-depresión que presenta la pareja donante-receptor previo al ingreso hospitalario y en la segunda parte, se establece un grupo control (estancia junta del donante y receptor) y un grupo experimental (estancia separada del donante y receptor). Se analizan tres momentos diferentes: el antes del ingreso hospitalario, el previo a la intervención quirúrgica y el día del alta hospitalaria.
El control automàtic exerceix un paper important en molts processos de la industria. Cada un dels sistemes de control requereix d’un controlador, la majoria dels quals són del tipus PI. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es investigar tècniques que permetin superar les limitacions que tenen els controladors PI lineals. En la resposta d’un sistema de control es poden distingir dues tasques diferents: El seguiment a un canvi d’entrada o consigna correspon a la tasca de servo, mentre que el rebuig a pertorbacions correspon a la tasca de regulatori. Al típic esquema de control realimentat, aquestes dues tasques estan enfrontades, és a dir, una millora a la tasca de servo implica un empitjorament a la tasca de regulatori i a l’inversa. Això suposa un problema al rendiment del sistema, així com la necessitat d’establir un cert compromís entre les dues tasques. El que es pretén en aquest projecte es implementar senzilles regles de control no lineal amb la finalitat de millorar el rendiment del sistema i evitar la necessitat d’establir un compromís entre les dues tasques. Així, es pretén superar les limitacions que aquest té, obtenint controladors PI alternatius fàcilment sintetitzables.
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 46
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 45
Goal: To study an August 2004 outbreak of brucellosis notified in Velez-Rubio (Almeria) and to determine the source of that infection as well as its transmission mechanisms, in addition to proposing preventive measures. Methodology: Descriptive study and paired case controls (three controls were selected for each case). Setting: Health Centers in de Vélez-Rubio (Almeria) and Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). Population: Suspected/probable case: a person with compatible clinical symptoms and positive brusella agglutination diagnosed between July 2005 and March 2005. Confirmed case: in addition to identifying the causal agent, laboratory test results resulted in a confirmation. Interventions: Report forms, epidemiological surveys, clinical histories, and laboratory tests were used as sources of data. Odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals were calculated to study the relationship among cases, sources of infection, and transmission mechanisms. The Chi Square test and Yates correction were employed. Results: 10 cases were identified (9 in Almeria and 1 in Seville), 8 of them pobable and 2 confirmed, in persons between the ages of 45 and 81. The symptoms first appeared between the months of May and September 2005. Fever was the most frequent symptom (100%). The OR for the consumption of fresh, non.-pasteurized cheese was 112 (CI 4,48-16968,94), p< 0,001. Infected animals were intervened. Conclusions: The inter-provincial outbreak of brucellosis was confirmed as stemming from the consumption of non-pasteurized cheese sold on the street. The source of infection was identified and the Department of Agriculture carried out the necessary actions.
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 45
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 45
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 46
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 45
Référence bibliographique : Singer, 45
BACKGROUND Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSP) are characterized by progressive spasticity and weakness of the lower limbs. At least 45 loci have been identified in families with autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), or X-linked hereditary patterns. Mutations in the SPAST (SPG4) and ATL1 (SPG3A) genes would account for about 50% of the ADHSP cases. METHODS We defined the SPAST and ATL1 mutational spectrum in a total of 370 unrelated HSP index cases from Spain (83% with a pure phenotype). RESULTS We found 50 SPAST mutations (including two large deletions) in 54 patients and 7 ATL1 mutations in 11 patients. A total of 33 of the SPAST and 3 of the ATL1 were new mutations. A total of 141 (31%) were familial cases, and we found a higher frequency of mutation carriers among these compared to apparently sporadic cases (38% vs. 5%). Five of the SPAST mutations were predicted to affect the pre-mRNA splicing, and in 4 of them we demonstrated this effect at the cDNA level. In addition to large deletions, splicing, frameshifting, and missense mutations, we also found a nucleotide change in the stop codon that would result in a larger ORF. CONCLUSIONS In a large cohort of Spanish patients with spastic paraplegia, SPAST and ATL1 mutations were found in 15% of the cases. These mutations were more frequent in familial cases (compared to sporadic), and were associated with heterogeneous clinical manifestations.
Preoperative chemoradiation significantly improves oncological outcome in locally advanced rectal cancer. However there is no effective method of predicting tumor response to chemoradiation in these patients. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells have emerged recently as pathology markers of cancer and other diseases, making possible their use as therapy predictors. Furthermore, the importance of the immune response in radiosensivity of solid organs led us to hypothesized that microarray gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells could identify patients with response to chemoradiation in rectal cancer. Thirty five 35 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer were recruited initially to perform the study. Peripheral blood samples were obtained before neaodjuvant treatment. RNA was extracted and purified to obtain cDNA and cRNA for hybridization of microarrays included in Human WG CodeLink bioarrays. Quantitative real time PCR was used to validate microarray experiment data. Results were correlated with pathological response, according to Mandard´s criteria and final UICC Stage (patients with tumor regression grade 1-2 and downstaging being defined as responders and patients with grade 3-5 and no downstaging as non-responders). Twenty seven out of 35 patients were finally included in the study. We performed a multiple t-test using Significance Analysis of Microarrays, to find those genes differing significantly in expression, between responders (n = 11) and non-responders (n = 16) to CRT. The differently expressed genes were: BC 035656.1, CIR, PRDM2, CAPG, FALZ, HLA-DPB2, NUPL2, and ZFP36. The measurement of FALZ (p = 0.029) gene expression level determined by qRT-PCR, showed statistically significant differences between the two groups. Gene expression profiling reveals novel genes in peripheral blood samples of mononuclear cells that could predict responders and non-responders to chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Moreover, our investigation added further evidence to the importance of mononuclear cells' mediated response in the neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer.
En aquest estudi es pretén avaluar l'impacte de la intervenció de tres programes aplicats en centres educatius tancats de la Direcció General de Justícia juvenil per ajudar al jove al control de la seva conducta violenta. Aquest mateix programa s'ha aplicat a joves en medi obert que complien mesures imposades pel jutge de llibertat vigilada. La recerca intenta avaluar els resultats de l'aplicació i la seva perdurabilitat en el temps, un cop han passat uns anys des que van ser aplicats en els joves. El programa es plantejava el control de la conducta violenta dels joves a partir d'un plantejament cognitivo-conductual on les activitats proposades i desenvolupades amb els joves anaven encaminades al canvi i modificació d'aquests comportament. Per avaluar l'efectivitat d'aquests programes la recerca segueix a 31 joves que van fer el programa entre el 2002 i el 2004 i analitza el seu grau de satisfacció respecte la situació actual així com la taxa actual de reincidència. L'estudi aprofita per donar dades respecte el perfil socio-familiar, personal i criminològic dels joves que participen en les diferents aplicacions dels programes.
BACKGROUND Osteoporosis is a metabolic disorder characterized by a reduction in bone mass and deterioration in the microarchitectural structure of the bone, leading to a higher risk for spontaneous and fragility fractures.The main aim was to study the differences between human bone from osteoporotic and osteoarthritic patients about gene expression (osteogenesis and apoptosis), bone mineral density, microstructural and biomechanic parameters. METHODS We analyzed data from 12 subjects: 6 with osteoporotic hip fracture (OP) and 6 with hip osteoarthritis (OA), as the control group. All subjects underwent medical history, analytical determinations, densitometry, histomorphometric and biochemical study. The expression of 86 genes of osteogenesis and 86 genes of apoptosis was studied in pool of bone samples from patients with OP and OA by PCR array. RESULTS We observed that most of the genes of apoptosis and osteogenesis show a decrease in gene expression in the osteoporotic group in comparison with the osteoarthritic group. The histomorphometric study shows a lower bone quality in the group of patients with hip fractures compared to the osteoarthritic group. CONCLUSIONS The bone tissue of osteoporotic fracture patients is more fragile than the bone of OA patients. Our results showed an osteoporotic bone with a lower capacities for differentiation and osteoblastic activity as well as a lower rate of apoptosis than osteoarthritic bone. These results are related with structural and biochemical parameters.