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Due to diverging levels of political influence of various income groups, political institutions likely reflect¦the policy preferences of certain groups of citizens better than others, independently of their numerical¦weight. This runs counter the egalitarian principle of 'one citizen, one vote'. The present article documents¦a general trend of underrepresentation of the preferences of relatively poor citizens both by¦parties and by governments across Western democracies, although important cross-national differences¦exist.


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Radioiodinated murine monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) 81C6, Me 1-14, C12, D12, and E9, made against or reactive with human gliomas but not normal brain, and Mab UJ13A, a pan-neuroectodermal Mab reactive with normal human glial and neural cells, were evaluated in paired label studies in the D-54 MG subcutaneous human glioma xenograft model system in nude mice. Following intravenous injection in the tail vein of mice bearing 200-400 mm3 tumors, specific localization of Mabs to tumor over time (6 h-9 days) was evaluated by tissue counting; each Mab demonstrated a unique localization profile. The comparison of localization indices (LI), determined as a ratio of tissue level of Mab to control immunoglobulin with simultaneous correction for blood levels of each, showed Mabs 81C6 and Me 1-14 to steadily accumulate in glioma xenografts, maintaining LI from 5-20 at 7-9 days after Mab injection. Mab UJ13A peaked at day 1, maintaining this level through day 2, and declining thereafter. Mabs D12 and C12 peaked at days 3 and 4, respectively, and E9 maintained an LI of greater than 3 from days 3-9. Percent injected dose localized/g of tumor varied from a peak high of 16% (81C6) to a low of 5% (Me 1-14 and UJ13A). Immunoperoxidase histochemistry, performed with each Mab on a battery of primary human brain neoplasms, revealed that Mabs 81C6 and E9, which demonstrated the highest levels of percent injected dose localized/g of tumor over time, reacted with antigens expressed in the extracellular matrix. This finding suggests that extracellular matrix localization of antigen represents a biologically significant factor affecting localization and/or binding in the xenograft model used. The demonstration of significant localization, varied kinetics and patterns of localization of this localizing Mab panel warrants their continued investigation as potential imaging and therapeutic agents for human trials.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus causing severe pneumonia in immuno-compromised patients. Progress in understanding its pathogenicity and epidemiology has been hampered by the lack of a long-term in vitro culture method. Obligate parasitism of this pathogen has been suggested on the basis of various features but remains controversial. We analysed the 7.0 Mb draft genome sequence of the closely related species Pneumocystis carinii infecting rats, which is a well established experimental model of the disease. We predicted 8'085 (redundant) peptides and 14.9% of them were mapped onto the KEGG biochemical pathways. The proteome of the closely related yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was used as a control for the annotation procedure (4'974 genes, 14.1% mapped). About two thirds of the mapped peptides of each organism (65.7% and 73.2%, respectively) corresponded to crucial enzymes for the basal metabolism and standard cellular processes. However, the proportion of P. carinii genes relative to those of S. pombe was significantly smaller for the "amino acid metabolism" category of pathways than for all other categories taken together (40 versus 114 against 278 versus 427, P<0.002). Importantly, we identified in P. carinii only 2 enzymes specifically dedicated to the synthesis of the 20 standard amino acids. By contrast all the 54 enzymes dedicated to this synthesis reported in the KEGG atlas for S. pombe were detected upon reannotation of S. pombe proteome (2 versus 54 against 278 versus 427, P<0.0001). This finding strongly suggests that species of the genus Pneumocystis are scavenging amino acids from their host's lung environment. Consequently, they would have no form able to live independently from another organism, and these parasites would be obligate in addition to being opportunistic. These findings have implications for the management of patients susceptible to P. jirovecii infection given that the only source of infection would be other humans.


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A statewide evaluation of the six adult and three juvenile drug courts in operation during calendar year 2003 was conducted. Completion rates, recidivism, substance abuse treatment, and supervision and placement (juveniles only) costs were examined by model (Judge and Community Panel) and by Judicial District. In addition, adult drug court participants were compared with a group of offenders who were screened and declined or were rejected by drug court in 2003 (referred) and a sample of offenders starting probation in 2003 (probationer). The adult participant and comparison groups were tracked from their entry into drug court, or the study, through December 31, 2007. This yielded an average post-program follow-up time of almost 3 years (2.9) for drug court participants. For the juvenile portion, drug court participants were compared with a group matched on several demographic and offense variables (Matched Comparison group) and juveniles referred to drug court who did not enter the program (Referred Comparison group). The juvenile participant and comparison groups were tracked from their entry into drug court, or the study, through approximately 16 quarters after program discharge with an end date of December 31, 2007.


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The objective of this essay is to reflect on a possible relation between entropy and emergence. A qualitative, relational approach is followed. We begin by highlighting that entropy includes the concept of dispersal, relevant to our enquiry. Emergence in complex systems arises from the coordinated behavior of their parts. Coordination in turn necessitates recognition between parts, i.e., information exchange. What will be argued here is that the scope of recognition processes between parts is increased when preceded by their dispersal, which multiplies the number of encounters and creates a richer potential for recognition. A process intrinsic to emergence is dissolvence (aka submergence or top-down constraints), which participates in the information-entropy interplay underlying the creation, evolution and breakdown of higher-level entities.


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La durée moyenne de vie d'une population est l'un des principaux indicateurs de l'état de santé, en¦tous cas celui qui est le plus utilisé. Cette durée moyenne peut être estimée de plusieurs façons,¦chacune basée sur une table de mortalité différente. La plus répandue est celle calculée avec les¦tables de mortalité du moment. Une deuxième approche est la table de génération, qui estime la¦durée moyenne de vie des générations éteintes au moment de l'analyse. Enfin, la troisième approche¦est une table de cohorte (de survie), construite à partir d'individus suivis depuis un recensement.¦Cette dernière possibilité est récemment disponible en Suisse avec l'appariement des données¦fédérales provenant du recensement et de la mortalité, permettant une comparaison des durées¦moyennes de vie estimées selon trois approches différentes (moment, génération, cohorte). Vu les¦débats actuels sur l'accroissement de la longévité et la diminution rapide de la mortalité chez les¦personnes âgées et très âgées, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la comparaison des durées¦moyennes de vie chez les personnes de plus de 80 ans. Notre étude montre que la durée moyenne¦de vie issues des tables de cohorte est inférieure à celle estimée à partir des tables de génération.¦L'espérance de vie du moment est également en‐dessous de celle estimée par les tables de¦génération, mais dans une moindre proportion. Cette étude est la première à ce jour à comparer les¦tables de cohorte, de génération et du moment en Suisse.


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Proteins of the RsmA/CsrA family are global translational regulators in many bacterial species. We have determined the solution structure of a complex formed between the RsmE protein, a member of this family from Pseudomonas fluorescens, and a target RNA encompassing the ribosome-binding site of the hcnA gene. The RsmE homodimer with its two RNA-binding sites makes optimal contact with an 5'-A/UCANGGANGU/A-3' sequence in the mRNA. When tightly gripped by RsmE, the ANGGAN core folds into a loop, favoring the formation of a 3-base-pair stem by flanking nucleotides. We validated these findings by in vivo and in vitro mutational analyses. The structure of the complex explains well how, by sequestering the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, the RsmA/CsrA proteins repress translation.


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A novel type of triple-stranded DNA structure was proposed by several groups to play a crucial role in homologous recognition between single- and double-stranded DNA molecules. In this still putative structure a duplex DNA was proposed to co-ordinate a homologous single strand in its major groove side. In contrast to the well-characterized pyrimidine-purine-pyrimidine triplexes in which the two like strands are antiparallel and which are restricted to poly-pyrimidine-containing stretches, the homology-specific triplexes would have like strands in parallel orientation and would not be restricted to any particular sequence provided that there is a homology between interacting DNA molecules. For many years the stereo-chemical possibility of forming homology-dependent three- or four-stranded DNA structures during the pairing stage of recombination reactions was seriously considered in published papers. However, only recently has there been a marked increase in the number of papers that have directly tested the formation of triple-stranded DNA structures during the actual pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Unfortunately the results of these tests are not totally clear cut; while some laboratories presented experimental evidence consistent with the formation of triplexes, others studying the same or very similar systems offered alternative explanations. The aim of this review is to present the current state of the central question in the mechanism of homologous recombination, namely, what kind of DNA structure is responsible for DNA homologous recognition. Is it a novel triplex structure or just a classical duplex?


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Reductive evolution and massive pseudogene formation have shaped the 3.31-Mb genome of Mycobacterium leprae, an unculturable obligate pathogen that causes leprosy in humans. The complete genome sequence of M. leprae strain Br4923 from Brazil was obtained by conventional methods (6x coverage), and Illumina resequencing technology was used to obtain the sequences of strains Thai53 (38x coverage) and NHDP63 (46x coverage) from Thailand and the United States, respectively. Whole-genome comparisons with the previously sequenced TN strain from India revealed that the four strains share 99.995% sequence identity and differ only in 215 polymorphic sites, mainly SNPs, and by 5 pseudogenes. Sixteen interrelated SNP subtypes were defined by genotyping both extant and extinct strains of M. leprae from around the world. The 16 SNP subtypes showed a strong geographical association that reflects the migration patterns of early humans and trade routes, with the Silk Road linking Europe to China having contributed to the spread of leprosy.


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Under iron limitation, the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces the siderophore pyochelin. When secreted into the extracellular environment, pyochelin complexes ferric ions and delivers them, via the outer membrane receptor FptA, to the bacterial cytoplasm. Extracellular pyochelin also acts as a signalling molecule, inducing the expression of pyochelin biosynthesis and uptake genes by a mechanism involving the AraC-type regulator PchR. We have identified a 32 bp conserved sequence element (PchR-box) in promoter regions of pyochelin-controlled genes and we show that the PchR-box in the pchR-pchDCBA intergenic region is essential for the induction of the pyochelin biosynthetic operon pchDCBA and the repression of the divergently transcribed pchR gene. PchR was purified as a fusion with maltose-binding protein (MBP). Mobility shift assays demonstrated specific binding of MBP-PchR to the PchR-box in the presence, but not in the absence of pyochelin and iron. PchR-box mutations that interfered with pyochelin-dependent regulation in vivo, also affected pyochelin-dependent PchR-box recognition in vitro. We conclude that pyochelin, probably in its iron-loaded state, is the intracellular effector required for PchR-mediated regulation. The fact that extracellular pyochelin triggers this regulation suggests that the siderophore can enter the cytoplasm.