988 resultados para CD-ROMS
Durant els darrers anys, s’han publicat un gran nombre de materials multimèdia destinats a l’aprenentatge de llengües, la major part dels quals son CD-ROM dissenyats com a cursos per l’autoaprenentatge. Amb aquests materials, els alumnes poden treballar independentment sense l’assessorament d’un professor, i per aquest motiu s’ha afirmat que promouen i faciliten l’aprenentatge autònom. Aquesta relació, però, no es certa, com Phil Benson i Peter Voller 1997:10) han manifestat encertadament:(…) Such claims are often dubious, however, because of the limited range of options and roles offered to the learner. Nevertheless, technologies of education in the broadest sense can be considered to be either more or less supportive of autonomy. The question is what kind of criteria do we apply in evaluating them? En aquest article presentem una investigació conjunta on es defineixen els criteris que poden ser utilitzats per avaluar materials multimèdia en relació a la seva facilitat per permetre l’aprenentatge autònom. Aquests criteris son la base d’un qüestionari que s’ha emprat per avaluar una selecció de CD-ROM destinats a l’autoaprenentatge de llengües. La estructura d’aquest article és la següent: - Una introducció de l’estudi - Els criteris que s’han utilitzar per la creació del qüestionari - Els resultats generals de l’avaluació - Les conclusions que s’han extret i la seva importància pel disseny instructiu multimèdia
This note describes ParallelKnoppix, a bootable CD that allows econometricians with average knowledge of computers to create and begin using a high performance computing cluster for parallel computing in very little time. The computers used may be heterogeneous machines, and clusters of up to 200 nodes are supported. When the cluster is shut down, all machines are in their original state, so their temporary use in the cluster does not interfere with their normal uses. An example shows how a Monte Carlo study of a bootstrap test procedure may be done in parallel. Using a cluster of 20 nodes, the example runs approximately 20 times faster than it does on a single computer.
The parameterized expectations algorithm (PEA) involves a long simulation and a nonlinear least squares (NLS) fit, both embedded in a loop. Both steps are natural candidates for parallelization. This note shows that parallelization can lead to important speedups for the PEA. I provide example code for a simple model that can serve as a template for parallelization of more interesting models, as well as a download link for an image of a bootable CD that allows creation of a cluster and execution of the example code in minutes, with no need to install any software.
This paper shows how a high level matrix programming language may be used to perform Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping, estimation by maximum likelihood and GMM, and kernel regression in parallel on symmetric multiprocessor computers or clusters of workstations. The implementation of parallelization is done in a way such that an investigator may use the programs without any knowledge of parallel programming. A bootable CD that allows rapid creation of a cluster for parallel computing is introduced. Examples show that parallelization can lead to important reductions in computational time. Detailed discussion of how the Monte Carlo problem was parallelized is included as an example for learning to write parallel programs for Octave.
This note shows how to set up a Linux cluster for MPI parallel processing using ParallelKnoppix, a bootable CD.
This note describes ParallelKnoppix, a bootable CD that allows creation of a Linux cluster in very little time. An experienced user can create a cluster ready to execute MPI programs in less than 10 minutes. The computers used may be heterogeneous machines, of the IA-32 architecture. When the cluster is shut down, all machines except one are in their original state, and the last can be returned to its original state by deleting a directory. The system thus provides a means of using non-dedicated computers to create a cluster. An example session is documented.
El proyecto se enmarca dentro de Plan Ambiental Institucional (PAI) de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), México, en lo referente a la gestión de residuos y tiene por finalidad analizar la tipología y composición de los residuos que se generan en algunas de las áreas de Ciudad Universitaria (CU). Para esto se realizó una metodología de recogida no selectiva de residuos puerta a puerta que se estructuró en dos fases, la primera, con el objetivo de obtener toda la información sobre el número y tipo de espacios de los edificios para luego elaborar y llevar a cabo el muestreo de los residuos, y la segunda, que se centró en la captura informática y gestión de los pesos de los mismos. De los datos obtenidos se concluyó que los residuos de mayor peso muestreado fueron el papel, la materia orgánica, el cartón y el vidrio transparente, los residuos de mayor generación per cápita fueron el papel, cartucho de impresora, CD y disquete. Finalmente, se concluye que la UMSNH no da tratamiento a los residuos que al ser depositados al aire libre contaminan su medio ambiente. Reciclándolos podrían obtenerse no sólo beneficios ambientales sino también económicos, que disminuirían el costo del reciclado devolviendo los residuos al ciclo productivo.
L’entorn administratiu d’aquests últims anys ha evidenciat la proliferació dels codis de conducta de l’Administració pública, un instrument procedent de l’experiència anglosaxona, especialment de la nord-americana, que en el present està en apogeu a l’Estat espanyol. La realitat ha exigit el desenvolupament d’un mecanisme extrínsec capaç de procurar la comprensió de determinats estàndards ètic-institucionals, així com d’orientar l’actuació d’uns empleats públics que, amb caràcter general, es troben lluny d’encarnar aquella que podríem considerar característica del mite de l’administrador ben educat. Així, sorgeix la voluntat ferma de recórrer a una figura que alguns han qualificat d’organitzativa, la finalitat de la qual rau en cobrir aquelles àrees de l’activitat administrativa que presenten una situació especialment sensible, responent a la necessitat d’una reforma administrativa multidireccional que afronti els nous reptes. El fenomen actual dels codis ètics no ha romàs immune a la influència d’uns determinats corrents de pensament, que no només han definit els fonaments específics dels mateixos –subjacents en la formulació dels principis que incorporen−, sinó també la base del marc ètic-públic en el qual els codis es troben immersos. Els codis de conducta dels funcionaris públics anglosaxons estan arrelats, principalment, en les ètiques fundacionals (teleològica utilitarista i deontològica kantiana) i, de manera indirecta, en aquells preceptes jurídics que en el seu moment varen acollir els principis ètic-públics fundacionals, conformant el que avui denominem ètica institucional, inserida en un marc jurídic-positiu. Per aquest motiu podem afirmar la naturalesa híbrida dels codis de conducta, majoritàriament ètica però no exclusiva que, atenent als principis constitucionals, encapçalarà el diàleg entre la tradicional disjuntiva Ètica-Dret. La necessitat d’elaboració i d’implantació dels codis de conducta al servei del bé dels ciutadans ha conduït, sense més ni més, a la recepció del model nord-americà a l’Estat espanyol, desproveïda de qualsevol element distintiu entre ambdues cultures. D’aquesta manera, l’Administració pública espanyola ha incorporat uns codis ètics de fonamentació únicament fundacional, sense ni tan sols procurar un marc d’aplicació conforme a les exigències públiques del nostre Estat. En desavinença a aquest fet, proposem un model en el que, prescindint –i fins i tot assumint− d’una irreversible formulació fundacional dels codis, l’aplicació d’aquestes figures assenti la base en l’ètica de les virtuts. Les normes i els deures definits en els codis de conducta dels empleats públics no poden esdevenir realitats morals primàries, sinó que han d’estar en funció de la vida segons la virtut. Aquesta concepció ètica dirigeix l’home fins a un nivell de reflexió que li permet indagar racionalment sobre el bé veritable de la vida humana, obrint camí a la perfecció d’una conducta que, en última instància, li proporcionarà l’autèntica llibertat d’acord amb les seves pròpies conviccions.
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study and to correlate MVT with clinical outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Abdominal portal phase CT was used to examine patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Two experienced abdominal radiologists retrospectively analyzed the images, focusing on the superior and inferior mesenteric vein branches and looking for signs of acute or chronic thrombosis. The location of abnormalities was registered. The presence of MVT was correlated with IBD-related radiologic signs and complications. RESULTS. The cases of 160 patients with IBD (89 women, 71 men; Crohn disease [CD], 121 patients; ulcerative colitis [UC], 39 patients; median age at diagnosis, 27 years for patients with CD, 32 years for patients with UC) were analyzed. MVT was detected in 43 patients with IBD (26.8%). One of these patients had acute MVT; 38, chronic MVT; and four, both. The prevalence of MVT did not differ between CD (35/121 [28.9%]) and UC (8/39 [20.5%]) (p = 0.303). The location of thrombosis was different between CD and UC (CD, jejunal or ileal veins only [p = 0.005]; UC, rectocolic veins only [p = 0.001]). Almost all (41/43) cases of thrombosis were peripheral. MVT in CD patients was more frequently associated with bowel wall thickening (p = 0.013), mesenteric fat hypertrophy (p = 0.005), ascites (p = 0.002), and mesenteric lymph node enlargement (p = 0.036) and was associated with higher rate of bowel stenosis (p < 0.001) and more intestinal IBD-related surgery (p = 0.016) in the outcome. Statistical analyses for patients with UC were not relevant because of the limited population (n = 8). CONCLUSION. MVT is frequently found in patients with IBD. Among patients with CD, MVT is associated with bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery.
Els dominis d’activació (ADs) de les procarboxipeptidases de la subfamília A/B sempre han sorprès ja que representen una quarta part del proenzim. S’han realitzat alguns estudis per intentar descobrir-ne alguna possible funció alternativa, però no han estat fructífers. El descobriment de l’elevada velocitat de plegament del domini d’activació de la procarboxipeptidasa A2 humana, (ADA2h), emperò, va portar a proposar la possibilitat de que realitzessin una funció d’assistència al plegament del domini enzimàtic. Posteriorment, l’anàlisi del plegament d’ADA2h a pH baix va revelar la capacitat d’aquest domini per formar fibres amiloides, a més de demostrar que un increment de l’estabilitat proteica podia prevenir la formació d’aquests agregats. La profunda caracterització del plegament d’ADA2h va fer que aquesta proteïna fos un bon model amiloidogènic, de manera que es van proposar un seguit d’experiments que s’han desenvolupat en el present treball per tal de conèixer millor aquest procés. S’han dut a terme estudis cinètics d’agregació per tal de valorar la contribució dels diferents aminoàcids de la seqüència polipeptídica, utilitzant 29 variants puntuals d’ADA2h. Es va eliminar la contribució de l’estabilitat mitjançant la utilització d’urea, i per dicroïsme circular conjuntament amb un aparell de flux detingut, es van obtenir dues velocitats diferents, v1 i v2, que corresponen a la formació d’un intermediari i a la seva reorganització, respectivament. Experiments complementaris utilitzant espectroscòpia d’infraroig (IR) revelaren la reorganització de l’estat natiu (en aquest cas) per a donar la forma agregada. Les cinètiques d’IR van mostrar que ADA2h forma l’estructura _ típica de les fibres amiloides, previ desplegament les seves hèlixs-_. Finalment, s’han realitzat estudis de biocomputació per tal d’esbrinar possibles funcions alternatives dels ADs. Les superposicions estructurals semblen mostrar similaritat dels ADs amb dominis de reconeixement d’RNA (RRM). Aquesta hipòtesi s’ha comprovat experimentalment amb ADA4h, mostrant una dèbil, però existent, unió a RNA.
Airway epithelial cells were shown to drive the differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DCs) with a suppressive phenotype. In this study, we investigated the impact of virus-induced inflammatory mediator production on the development of DCs. Monocyte differentiation into functional DCs, as reflected by the expression of CD11c, CD123, BDCA-4, and DC-SIGN and the capacity to activate T cells, was similar for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-infected and mock-infected BEAS-2B and A549 cells. RSV-conditioned culture media resulted in a partially mature DC phenotype, but failed to up-regulate CD80, CD83, CD86, and CCR7, and failed to release proinflammatory mediators upon Toll-like receptor (TLR) triggering. Nevertheless, these DCs were able to maintain an antiviral response by the release of Type I IFN. Collectively, these data indicate that the airway epithelium maintains an important suppressive DC phenotype under the inflammatory conditions induced by infection with RSV.
PelicanHPC is a rapid (around 5 minutes, when you know what you're doing) means of setting up a high performance computing (HPC) cluster for parallel computing using MPI. This tutorial gives a basic description of what PelicanHPC does, addresses how to use the released CD images to set up a HPC cluster, and gives some basic examples of usage.
BACKGROUND: In patients with outer retinal degeneration, a differential pupil response to long wavelength (red) versus short wavelength (blue) light stimulation has been previously observed. The goal of this study was to quantify differences in the pupillary re-dilation following exposure to red versus blue light in patients with outer retinal disease and compare them with patients with optic neuropathy and with healthy subjects. DESIGN: Prospective comparative cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three patients with outer retinal disease, 13 patients with optic neuropathy and 14 normal subjects. METHODS: Subjects were tested using continuous red and blue light stimulation at three intensities (1, 10 and 100 cd/m2) for 13 s per intensity. Pupillary re-dilation dynamics following the brightest intensity was analysed and compared between the three groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The parameters of pupil re-dilation used in this study were: time to recover 90% of baseline size; mean pupil size at early and late phases of re-dilation; and differential re-dilation time for blue versus red light. RESULTS: Patients with outer retinal disease showed a pupil that tended to stay smaller after light termination and thus had a longer time to recovery. The differential re-dilation time was significantly greater in patients with outer retinal disease (median = 28.0 s, P < 0.0001) compared with controls and patients with optic neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS: A differential response of pupil re-dilation following red versus blue light stimulation is present in patients with outer retinal disease but is not found in normal eyes or among patients with visual loss from optic neuropathy.
OBJECTIVES: In patients with septic shock, circulating monocytes become refractory to stimulation with microbial products. Whether this hyporesponsive state is induced by infection or is related to shock is unknown. To address this question, we measured TNF alpha production by monocytes or by whole blood obtained from healthy volunteers (controls), from patients with septic shock, from patients with severe infection (bacterial pneumonia) without shock, and from patients with cardiogenic shock without infection. MEASUREMENTS: The numbers of circulating monocytes, of CD14+ monocytes, and the expression of monocyte CD14 and the LPS receptor, were assessed by flow cytometry. Monocytes or whole blood were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide endotoxin (LPS), heat-killed Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus, and TNF alpha production was measured by bioassay. RESULTS: The number of circulating monocytes, of CD14+ monocytes, and the monocyte CD14 expression were significantly lower in patients with septic shock than in controls, in patients with bacterial pneumonia or in those with cardiogenic shock (p < 0.001). Monocytes or whole blood of patients with septic shock exhibited a profound deficiency of TNF alpha production in response to all stimuli (p < 0.05 compared to controls). Whole blood of patients with cardiogenic shock also exhibited this defect (p < 0.05 compared to controls), although to a lesser extent, despite normal monocyte counts and normal CD14 expression. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike patients with bacterial pneumonia, patients with septic or cardiogenic shock display profoundly defective TNF alpha production in response to a broad range of infectious stimuli. Thus, down-regulation of cytokine production appears to occur in patients with systemic, but not localised, albeit severe, infections and also in patients with non-infectious circulatory failure. Whilst depletion of monocytes and reduced monocyte CD14 expression are likely to be critical components of the hyporesponsiveness observed in patients with septic shock, other as yet unidentified factors are at work in this group and in patients with cardiogenic shock.
Although the knowledge on heavy metal hyperaccumulation mechanisms is increasing, the genetic basis of cadmium (Cd) hyperaccurnulation remains to be elucidated. Thlaspi caerulescens is an attractive model since Cd accumulation polymorphism observed in this species suggests genetic differences between populations with low versus high Cd hyperaccumulation capacities. In our study, a methodology is proposed to analyse at a regional scale the genetic differentiation of T. caerulescens natural populations in relation to Cd hyperaccumulation capacity while controlling for different environmental, soil, plant parameters and geographic origins of populations. Twenty-two populations were characterised with AFLP markers and cpDNA polymorphism. Over all loci, a partial Mantel test showed no significant genetic structure with regard to the Cd hyperaccumulation capacity. Nevertheless, when comparing the marker variation to a neutral model, seven AFLP fragments (9% of markers) were identified as presenting particularly high genetic differentiation between populations with low and high Cd hyperaccurnulation capacity. Using simulations, the number of outlier loci was showed to be significantly higher than expected at random. These loci presented a genetic structure linked to Cd hyperaccumulation capacity independently of the geography, environment, soil parameters and Zn, Pb, Fe and Cu concentrations in plants. Using a canonical correspondence analysis, we identified three of them as particularly related to the Cd hyperaccumutation capacity. This study demonstrates that populations with low and high hyperaccurnulation capacities can be significantly distinguished based on molecular data. Further investigations with candidate genes and mapped markers may allow identification and characterization of genomic regions linked to factors involved in Cd hyperaccumulation.