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[EN] During maximal whole body exercise VO2 peak is limited by O2 delivery. In turn, it is though that blood flow at near-maximal exercise must be restrained by the sympathetic nervous system to maintain mean arterial pressure. To determine whether enhancing vasodilation across the leg results in higher O2 delivery and leg VO2 during near-maximal and maximal exercise in humans, seven men performed two maximal incremental exercise tests on the cycle ergometer. In random order, one test was performed with and one without (control exercise) infusion of ATP (8 mg in 1 ml of isotonic saline solution) into the right femoral artery at a rate of 80 microg.kg body mass-1.min-1. During near-maximal exercise (92% of VO2 peak), the infusion of ATP increased leg vascular conductance (+43%, P<0.05), leg blood flow (+20%, 1.7 l/min, P<0.05), and leg O2 delivery (+20%, 0.3 l/min, P<0.05). No effects were observed on leg or systemic VO2. Leg O2 fractional extraction was decreased from 85+/-3 (control) to 78+/-4% (ATP) in the infused leg (P<0.05), while it remained unchanged in the left leg (84+/-2 and 83+/-2%; control and ATP; n=3). ATP infusion at maximal exercise increased leg vascular conductance by 17% (P<0.05), while leg blood flow tended to be elevated by 0.8 l/min (P=0.08). However, neither systemic nor leg peak VO2 values where enhanced due to a reduction of O2 extraction from 84+/-4 to 76+/-4%, in the control and ATP conditions, respectively (P<0.05). In summary, the VO2 of the skeletal muscles of the lower extremities is not enhanced by limb vasodilation at near-maximal or maximal exercise in humans. The fact that ATP infusion resulted in a reduction of O2 extraction across the exercising leg suggests a vasodilating effect of ATP on less-active muscle fibers and other noncontracting tissues and that under normal conditions these regions are under high vasoconstrictor influence to ensure the most efficient flow distribution of the available cardiac output to the most active muscle fibers of the exercising limb.


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[EN] To determine central and peripheral hemodynamic responses to upright leg cycling exercise, nine physically active men underwent measurements of arterial blood pressure and gases, as well as femoral and subclavian vein blood flows and gases during incremental exercise to exhaustion (Wmax). Cardiac output (CO) and leg blood flow (BF) increased in parallel with exercise intensity. In contrast, arm BF remained at 0.8 l/min during submaximal exercise, increasing to 1.2 +/- 0.2 l/min at maximal exercise (P < 0.05) when arm O(2) extraction reached 73 +/- 3%. The leg received a greater percentage of the CO with exercise intensity, reaching a value close to 70% at 64% of Wmax, which was maintained until exhaustion. The percentage of CO perfusing the trunk decreased with exercise intensity to 21% at Wmax, i.e., to approximately 5.5 l/min. For a given local Vo(2), leg vascular conductance (VC) was five- to sixfold higher than arm VC, despite marked hemoglobin deoxygenation in the subclavian vein. At peak exercise, arm VC was not significantly different than at rest. Leg Vo(2) represented approximately 84% of the whole body Vo(2) at intensities ranging from 38 to 100% of Wmax. Arm Vo(2) contributed between 7 and 10% to the whole body Vo(2). From 20 to 100% of Wmax, the trunk Vo(2) (including the gluteus muscles) represented between 14 and 15% of the whole body Vo(2). In summary, vasoconstrictor signals efficiently oppose the vasodilatory metabolites in the arms, suggesting that during whole body exercise in the upright position blood flow is differentially regulated in the upper and lower extremities.


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[EN] In this review we integrate ideas about regional and systemic circulatory capacities and the balance between skeletal muscle blood flow and cardiac output during heavy exercise in humans. In the first part of the review we discuss issues related to the pumping capacity of the heart and the vasodilator capacity of skeletal muscle. The issue is that skeletal muscle has a vast capacity to vasodilate during exercise [approximately 300 mL (100 g)(-1) min(-1)], but the pumping capacity of the human heart is limited to 20-25 L min(-1) in untrained subjects and approximately 35 L min(-1) in elite endurance athletes. This means that when more than 7-10 kg of muscle is active during heavy exercise, perfusion of the contracting muscles must be limited or mean arterial pressure will fall. In the second part of the review we emphasize that there is an interplay between sympathetic vasoconstriction and metabolic vasodilation that limits blood flow to contracting muscles to maintain mean arterial pressure. Vasoconstriction in larger vessels continues while constriction in smaller vessels is blunted permitting total muscle blood flow to be limited but distributed more optimally. This interplay between sympathetic constriction and metabolic dilation during heavy whole-body exercise is likely responsible for the very high levels of oxygen extraction seen in contracting skeletal muscle. It also explains why infusing vasodilators in the contracting muscles does not increase oxygen uptake in the muscle. Finally, when approximately 80% of cardiac output is directed towards contracting skeletal muscle modest vasoconstriction in the active muscles can evoke marked changes in arterial pressure.


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[EN] With altitude acclimatization, blood hemoglobin concentration increases while plasma volume (PV) and maximal cardiac output (Qmax) decrease. This investigation aimed to determine whether reduction of Qmax at altitude is due to low circulating blood volume (BV). Eight Danish lowlanders (3 females, 5 males: age 24.0 +/- 0.6 yr; mean +/- SE) performed submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer after 9 wk at 5,260 m altitude (Mt. Chacaltaya, Bolivia). This was done first with BV resulting from acclimatization (BV = 5.40 +/- 0.39 liters) and again 2-4 days later, 1 h after PV expansion with 1 liter of 6% dextran 70 (BV = 6.32 +/- 0.34 liters). PV expansion had no effect on Qmax, maximal O2 consumption (VO2), and exercise capacity. Despite maximal systemic O2 transport being reduced 19% due to hemodilution after PV expansion, whole body VO2 was maintained by greater systemic O2 extraction (P < 0.05). Leg blood flow was elevated (P < 0.05) in hypervolemic conditions, which compensated for hemodilution resulting in similar leg O2 delivery and leg VO2 during exercise regardless of PV. Pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange, and acid-base balance were essentially unaffected by PV expansion. Sea level Qmax and exercise capacity were restored with hyperoxia at altitude independently of BV. Low BV is not a primary cause for reduction of Qmax at altitude when acclimatized. Furthermore, hemodilution caused by PV expansion at altitude is compensated for by increased systemic O2 extraction with similar peak muscular O2 delivery, such that maximal exercise capacity is unaffected.


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is associated with elevated sympathetic activity and hypertension in patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease. However, the effect of chronic hypoxia on systemic and regional sympathetic activity in healthy humans remains unknown. To determine if chronic hypoxia in healthy humans is associated with hyperactivity of the sympathetic system, we measured intra-arterial blood pressure, arterial blood gases, systemic and skeletal muscle noradrenaline (norepinephrine) spillover and vascular conductances in nine Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 9 weeks of exposure at 5260 m. Mean blood pressure was 28 % higher at altitude (P < 0.01) due to increases in both systolic (18 % higher, P < 0.05) and diastolic (41 % higher, P < 0.001) blood pressures. Cardiac output and leg blood flow were not altered by chronic hypoxia, but systemic vascular conductance was reduced by 30 % (P < 0.05). Plasma arterial noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline concentrations were 3.7- and 2.4-fold higher at altitude, respectively (P < 0.05). The elevation of plasma arterial NA concentration was caused by a 3.8-fold higher whole-body NA release (P < 0.001) since whole-body noradrenaline clearance was similar in both conditions. Leg NA spillover was increased similarly (x 3.2, P < 0.05). These changes occurred despite the fact that systemic O2 delivery was greater after altitude acclimatisation than at sea level, due to 37 % higher blood haemoglobin concentration. In summary, this study shows that chronic hypoxia causes marked activation of the sympathetic nervous system in healthy humans and increased systemic arterial pressure, despite normalisation of the arterial O2 content with acclimatisation.


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[EN] A universal O2 sensor presumes that compensation for impaired O2 delivery is triggered by low O2 tension, but in humans, comparisons of compensatory responses to altered arterial O2 content (CaO2) or tension (PaO2) have not been reported. To directly compare cardiac output (QTOT) and leg blood flow (LBF) responses to a range of CaO2 and PaO2, seven healthy young men were studied during two-legged knee extension exercise with control hemoglobin concentration ([Hb] = 144.4 +/- 4 g/l) and at least 1 wk later after isovolemic hemodilution ([Hb] = 115 +/- 2 g/l). On each study day, subjects exercised twice at 30 W and on to voluntary exhaustion with an FIO2 of 0.21 or 0.11. The interventions resulted in two conditions with matched CaO2 but markedly different PaO2 (hypoxia and anemia) and two conditions with matched PaO2 and different CaO2 (hypoxia and anemia + hypoxia). PaO2 varied from 46 +/- 3 Torr in hypoxia to 95 +/- 3 Torr (range 37 to >100) in anemia (P < 0.001), yet LBF at exercise was nearly identical. However, as CaO2 dropped from 190 +/- 5 ml/l in control to 132 +/- 2 ml/l in anemia + hypoxia (P < 0.001), QTOT and LBF at 30 W rose to 12.8 +/- 0.8 and 7.2 +/- 0.3 l/min, respectively, values 23 and 47% above control (P < 0.01). Thus regulation of QTOT, LBF, and arterial O2 delivery to contracting intact human skeletal muscle is dependent for signaling primarily on CaO2, not PaO2. This finding suggests that factors related to CaO2 or [Hb] may play an important role in the regulation of blood flow during exercise in humans.


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This work is structured as follows: In Section 1 we discuss the clinical problem of heart failure. In particular, we present the phenomenon known as ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony: its impact on cardiac function, the therapy for its treatment and the methods for its quantification. Specifically, we describe the conductance catheter and its use for the measurement of dyssynchrony. At the end of the Section 1, we propose a new set of indexes to quantify the dyssynchrony that are studied and validated thereafter. In Section 2 we describe the studies carried out in this work: we report the experimental protocols, we present and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we report the overall conclusions drawn from this work and we try to envisage future works and possible clinical applications of our results. Ancillary studies that were carried out during this work mainly to investigate several aspects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) are mentioned in Appendix. -------- Ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony plays a regulating role already in normal physiology but is especially important in pathological conditions, such as hypertrophy, ischemia, infarction, or heart failure (Chapter 1,2.). Several prospective randomized controlled trials supported the clinical efficacy and safety of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with moderate or severe heart failure and ventricular dyssynchrony. CRT resynchronizes ventricular contraction by simultaneous pacing of both left and right ventricle (biventricular pacing) (Chapter 1.). Currently, the conductance catheter method has been used extensively to assess global systolic and diastolic ventricular function and, more recently, the ability of this instrument to pick-up multiple segmental volume signals has been used to quantify mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony. Specifically, novel indexes based on volume signals acquired with the conductance catheter were introduced to quantify dyssynchrony (Chapter 3,4.). Present work was aimed to describe the characteristics of the conductancevolume signals, to investigate the performance of the indexes of ventricular dyssynchrony described in literature and to introduce and validate improved dyssynchrony indexes. Morevoer, using the conductance catheter method and the new indexes, the clinical problem of the ventricular pacing site optimization was addressed and the measurement protocol to adopt for hemodynamic tests on cardiac pacing was investigated. In accordance to the aims of the work, in addition to the classical time-domain parameters, a new set of indexes has been extracted, based on coherent averaging procedure and on spectral and cross-spectral analysis (Chapter 4.). Our analyses were carried out on patients with indications for electrophysiologic study or device implantation (Chapter 5.). For the first time, besides patients with heart failure, indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony based on conductance catheter were extracted and studied in a population of patients with preserved ventricular function, providing information on the normal range of such a kind of values. By performing a frequency domain analysis and by applying an optimized coherent averaging procedure (Chapter 6.a.), we were able to describe some characteristics of the conductance-volume signals (Chapter 6.b.). We unmasked the presence of considerable beat-to-beat variations in dyssynchrony that seemed more frequent in patients with ventricular dysfunction and to play a role in discriminating patients. These non-recurrent mechanical ventricular non-uniformities are probably the expression of the substantial beat-to-beat hemodynamic variations, often associated with heart failure and due to cardiopulmonary interaction and conduction disturbances. We investigated how the coherent averaging procedure may affect or refine the conductance based indexes; in addition, we proposed and tested a new set of indexes which quantify the non-periodic components of the volume signals. Using the new set of indexes we studied the acute effects of the CRT and the right ventricular pacing, in patients with heart failure and patients with preserved ventricular function. In the overall population we observed a correlation between the hemodynamic changes induced by the pacing and the indexes of dyssynchrony, and this may have practical implications for hemodynamic-guided device implantation. The optimal ventricular pacing site for patients with conventional indications for pacing remains controversial. The majority of them do not meet current clinical indications for CRT pacing. Thus, we carried out an analysis to compare the impact of several ventricular pacing sites on global and regional ventricular function and dyssynchrony (Chapter 6.c.). We observed that right ventricular pacing worsens cardiac function in patients with and without ventricular dysfunction unless the pacing site is optimized. CRT preserves left ventricular function in patients with normal ejection fraction and improves function in patients with poor ejection fraction despite no clinical indication for CRT. Moreover, the analysis of the results obtained using new indexes of regional dyssynchrony, suggests that pacing site may influence overall global ventricular function depending on its relative effects on regional function and synchrony. Another clinical problem that has been investigated in this work is the optimal right ventricular lead location for CRT (Chapter 6.d.). Similarly to the previous analysis, using novel parameters describing local synchrony and efficiency, we tested the hypothesis and we demonstrated that biventricular pacing with alternative right ventricular pacing sites produces acute improvement of ventricular systolic function and improves mechanical synchrony when compared to standard right ventricular pacing. Although no specific right ventricular location was shown to be superior during CRT, the right ventricular pacing site that produced the optimal acute hemodynamic response varied between patients. Acute hemodynamic effects of cardiac pacing are conventionally evaluated after stabilization episodes. The applied duration of stabilization periods in most cardiac pacing studies varied considerably. With an ad hoc protocol (Chapter 6.e.) and indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony derived by conductance catheter we demonstrated that the usage of stabilization periods during evaluation of cardiac pacing may mask early changes in systolic and diastolic intra-ventricular dyssynchrony. In fact, at the onset of ventricular pacing, the main dyssynchrony and ventricular performance changes occur within a 10s time span, initiated by the changes in ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony induced by aberrant conduction and followed by a partial or even complete recovery. It was already demonstrated in normal animals that ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony may act as a physiologic modulator of cardiac performance together with heart rate, contractile state, preload and afterload. The present observation, which shows the compensatory mechanism of mechanical dyssynchrony, suggests that ventricular dyssynchrony may be regarded as an intrinsic cardiac property, with baseline dyssynchrony at increased level in heart failure patients. To make available an independent system for cardiac output estimation, in order to confirm the results obtained with conductance volume method, we developed and validated a novel technique to apply the Modelflow method (a method that derives an aortic flow waveform from arterial pressure by simulation of a non-linear three-element aortic input impedance model, Wesseling et al. 1993) to the left ventricular pressure signal, instead of the arterial pressure used in the classical approach (Chapter 7.). The results confirmed that in patients without valve abnormalities, undergoing conductance catheter evaluations, the continuous monitoring of cardiac output using the intra-ventricular pressure signal is reliable. Thus, cardiac output can be monitored quantitatively and continuously with a simple and low-cost method. During this work, additional studies were carried out to investigate several areas of uncertainty of CRT. The results of these studies are briefly presented in Appendix: the long-term survival in patients treated with CRT in clinical practice, the effects of CRT in patients with mild symptoms of heart failure and in very old patients, the limited thoracotomy as a second choice alternative to transvenous implant for CRT delivery, the evolution and prognostic significance of diastolic filling pattern in CRT, the selection of candidates to CRT with echocardiographic criteria and the prediction of response to the therapy.


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Introduction: Apoptotic cell death of cardiomyocytes is involved in several cardiovascular diseases including ischemia, hypertrophy and heart failure, thus representing a potential therapeutic target. Apoptosis of cardiac cells can be induced experimentally by several stimuli including hypoxia, serum withdrawal or combination of both. Several lines of research suggest that neurohormonal mechanisms play a central role in the progression of heart failure. In particular, excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system or the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is known to have deleterious effects on the heart. Recent studies report that norepinephrine (NE), the primary transmitter of sympathetic nervous system, and aldosterone (ALD), which is actively produced in failing human heart, are able to induce apoptosis of rat cardiomyocytes. Polyamines are biogenic amines involved in many cellular processes, including apoptosis. Actually it appears that these molecules can act as promoting, modulating or protective agents in apoptosis depending on apoptotic stimulus and cellular model. We have studied the involvement of polyamines in the apoptosis of cardiac cells induced in a model of simulated ischemia and following treatment with NE or ALD. Methods: H9c2 cardiomyoblasts were exposed to a condition of simulated ischemia, consisting of hypoxia plus serum deprivation. Cardiomyocyte cultures were prepared from 1-3 day-old neonatal Wistar rat hearts. Polyamine depletion was obtained by culturing the cells in the presence of α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). Polyamines were separated and quantified in acidic cellular extracts by HPLC after derivatization with dansyl chloride. Caspase activity was measured by the cleavage of the fluorogenic peptide substrate. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was measured by estimation of the release of 14C-CO2 from 14C-ornithine. DNA fragmentation was visualized by the method of terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), and DNA laddering on agarose gel electophoresis. Cytochrome c was detected by immunoflorescent staining. Activation of signal transduction pathways was investigated by western blotting. Results: The results indicate that simulated ischemia, NE and ALD cause an early induction of the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, followed by a later increase of caspase activity, a family of proteases that execute the death program and induce cell death. This effect was prevented in the presence of DFMO, an irreversible inhibitor of ODC, thus suggesting that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated by these stimuli. In H9c2 cells DFMO inhibits several molecular events related to apoptosis that follow simulated ischemia, such as the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, down-regulation of Bcl-xL, and DNA fragmentation. The anti-apoptotic protein survivin is down-regulated after ALD or NE treatement and polyamine depletion obtained by DFMO partially opposes survivin decrease. Moreover, a study of key signal transduction pathways governing cell death and survival, revealed an involvement of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) and AKT kinase, in the modulation by polyamines of the response of cardiomyocytes to NE. In fact polyamine depleted cells show an altered pattern of AMPK and AKT activation that may contrast apoptosis and appears to result from a differential effect on the specific phosphatases that dephosphorylate and switch off these signaling proteins. Conclusions: These results indicate that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated in cardiac cells by heart failure-related stimuli, like ischemia, ALD and NE, and suggest that their apoptosis facilitating action is mediated by a network of specific phosphatases and kinases.


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In the last years of research, I focused my studies on different physiological problems. Together with my supervisors, I developed/improved different mathematical models in order to create valid tools useful for a better understanding of important clinical issues. The aim of all this work is to develop tools for learning and understanding cardiac and cerebrovascular physiology as well as pathology, generating research questions and developing clinical decision support systems useful for intensive care unit patients. I. ICP-model Designed for Medical Education We developed a comprehensive cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure model to simulate and study the complex interactions in cerebrovascular dynamics caused by multiple simultaneous alterations, including normal and abnormal functional states of auto-regulation of the brain. Individual published equations (derived from prior animal and human studies) were implemented into a comprehensive simulation program. Included in the normal physiological modelling was: intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow, blood pressure, and carbon dioxide (CO2) partial pressure. We also added external and pathological perturbations, such as head up position and intracranial haemorrhage. The model performed clinically realistically given inputs of published traumatized patients, and cases encountered by clinicians. The pulsatile nature of the output graphics was easy for clinicians to interpret. The manoeuvres simulated include changes of basic physiological inputs (e.g. blood pressure, central venous pressure, CO2 tension, head up position, and respiratory effects on vascular pressures) as well as pathological inputs (e.g. acute intracranial bleeding, and obstruction of cerebrospinal outflow). Based on the results, we believe the model would be useful to teach complex relationships of brain haemodynamics and study clinical research questions such as the optimal head-up position, the effects of intracranial haemorrhage on cerebral haemodynamics, as well as the best CO2 concentration to reach the optimal compromise between intracranial pressure and perfusion. We believe this model would be useful for both beginners and advanced learners. It could be used by practicing clinicians to model individual patients (entering the effects of needed clinical manipulations, and then running the model to test for optimal combinations of therapeutic manoeuvres). II. A Heterogeneous Cerebrovascular Mathematical Model Cerebrovascular pathologies are extremely complex, due to the multitude of factors acting simultaneously on cerebral haemodynamics. In this work, the mathematical model of cerebral haemodynamics and intracranial pressure dynamics, described in the point I, is extended to account for heterogeneity in cerebral blood flow. The model includes the Circle of Willis, six regional districts independently regulated by autoregulation and CO2 reactivity, distal cortical anastomoses, venous circulation, the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, and the intracranial pressure-volume relationship. Results agree with data in the literature and highlight the existence of a monotonic relationship between transient hyperemic response and the autoregulation gain. During unilateral internal carotid artery stenosis, local blood flow regulation is progressively lost in the ipsilateral territory with the presence of a steal phenomenon, while the anterior communicating artery plays the major role to redistribute the available blood flow. Conversely, distal collateral circulation plays a major role during unilateral occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. In conclusion, the model is able to reproduce several different pathological conditions characterized by heterogeneity in cerebrovascular haemodynamics and can not only explain generalized results in terms of physiological mechanisms involved, but also, by individualizing parameters, may represent a valuable tool to help with difficult clinical decisions. III. Effect of Cushing Response on Systemic Arterial Pressure. During cerebral hypoxic conditions, the sympathetic system causes an increase in arterial pressure (Cushing response), creating a link between the cerebral and the systemic circulation. This work investigates the complex relationships among cerebrovascular dynamics, intracranial pressure, Cushing response, and short-term systemic regulation, during plateau waves, by means of an original mathematical model. The model incorporates the pulsating heart, the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation, with an accurate description of the cerebral circulation and the intracranial pressure dynamics (same model as in the first paragraph). Various regulatory mechanisms are included: cerebral autoregulation, local blood flow control by oxygen (O2) and/or CO2 changes, sympathetic and vagal regulation of cardiovascular parameters by several reflex mechanisms (chemoreceptors, lung-stretch receptors, baroreceptors). The Cushing response has been described assuming a dramatic increase in sympathetic activity to vessels during a fall in brain O2 delivery. With this assumption, the model is able to simulate the cardiovascular effects experimentally observed when intracranial pressure is artificially elevated and maintained at constant level (arterial pressure increase and bradicardia). According to the model, these effects arise from the interaction between the Cushing response and the baroreflex response (secondary to arterial pressure increase). Then, patients with severe head injury have been simulated by reducing intracranial compliance and cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption. With these changes, oscillations with plateau waves developed. In these conditions, model results indicate that the Cushing response may have both positive effects, reducing the duration of the plateau phase via an increase in cerebral perfusion pressure, and negative effects, increasing the intracranial pressure plateau level, with a risk of greater compression of the cerebral vessels. This model may be of value to assist clinicians in finding the balance between clinical benefits of the Cushing response and its shortcomings. IV. Comprehensive Cardiopulmonary Simulation Model for the Analysis of Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure We developed a new comprehensive cardiopulmonary model that takes into account the mutual interactions between the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems along with their short-term regulatory mechanisms. The model includes the heart, systemic and pulmonary circulations, lung mechanics, gas exchange and transport equations, and cardio-ventilatory control. Results show good agreement with published patient data in case of normoxic and hyperoxic hypercapnia simulations. In particular, simulations predict a moderate increase in mean systemic arterial pressure and heart rate, with almost no change in cardiac output, paralleled by a relevant increase in minute ventilation, tidal volume and respiratory rate. The model can represent a valid tool for clinical practice and medical research, providing an alternative way to experience-based clinical decisions. In conclusion, models are not only capable of summarizing current knowledge, but also identifying missing knowledge. In the former case they can serve as training aids for teaching the operation of complex systems, especially if the model can be used to demonstrate the outcome of experiments. In the latter case they generate experiments to be performed to gather the missing data.


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Introduction: Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) is a distinct syndrome of partial epilepsy whose clinical features comprise a spectrum of paroxysmal motor manifestations of variable duration and complexity, arising from sleep. Cardiovascular changes during NFLE seizures have previously been observed, however the extent of these modifications and their relationship with seizure onset has not been analyzed in detail. Objective: Aim of present study is to evaluate NFLE seizure related changes in heart rate (HR) and in sympathetic/parasympathetic balance through wavelet analysis of HR variability (HRV). Methods: We evaluated the whole night digitally recorded video-polysomnography (VPSG) of 9 patients diagnosed with NFLE with no history of cardiac disorders and normal cardiac examinations. Events with features of NFLE seizures were selected independently by three examiners and included in the study only if a consensus was reached. Heart rate was evaluated by measuring the interval between two consecutive R-waves of QRS complexes (RRi). RRi series were digitally calculated for a period of 20 minutes, including the seizures and resampled at 10 Hz using cubic spline interpolation. A multiresolution analysis was performed (Daubechies-16 form), and the squared level specific amplitude coefficients were summed across appropriate decomposition levels in order to compute total band powers in bands of interest (LF: 0.039062 - 0.156248, HF: 0.156248 - 0.624992). A general linear model was then applied to estimate changes in RRi, LF and HF powers during three different period (Basal) (30 sec, at least 30 sec before seizure onset, during which no movements occurred and autonomic conditions resulted stationary); pre-seizure period (preSP) (10 sec preceding seizure onset) and seizure period (SP) corresponding to the clinical manifestations. For one of the patients (patient 9) three seizures associated with ictal asystole were recorded, hence he was treated separately. Results: Group analysis performed on 8 patients (41 seizures) showed that RRi remained unchanged during the preSP, while a significant tachycardia was observed in the SP. A significant increase in the LF component was instead observed during both the preSP and the SP (p<0.001) while HF component decreased only in the SP (p<0.001). For patient 9 during the preSP and in the first part of SP a significant tachycardia was observed associated with an increased sympathetic activity (increased LF absolute values and LF%). In the second part of the SP a progressive decrease in HR that gradually exceeded basal values occurred before IA. Bradycardia was associated with an increase in parasympathetic activity (increased HF absolute values and HF%) contrasted by a further increase in LF until the occurrence of IA. Conclusions: These data suggest that changes in autonomic balance toward a sympathetic prevalence always preceded clinical seizure onset in NFLE, even when HR changes were not yet evident, confirming that wavelet analysis is a sensitive technique to detect sudden variations of autonomic balance occurring during transient phenomena. Finally we demonstrated that epileptic asystole is associated with a parasympathetic hypertonus counteracted by a marked sympathetic activation.


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Several studies showed that sleep loss/fragmentation may have a negative impact on cognitive performance, mood and autonomic activity. Specific neurocognitive domains, such as executive function (i.e.,prefrontal cortex), seems to be particularly vulnerable to sleep loss. Pearson et al.(2006) evaluated 16 RLS patients compared to controls by cognitive tests, including those particularly sensitive to prefrontal cortical (PFC) functioning and sleep loss. RLS patients showed significant deficits on two of the three PFC tests. It has been recently reported that RLS is associated with psychiatric manifestations. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been found in patients with RLS(Rothdach AJ et al., 2000). RLS could cause depression through its adverse influences on sleep and energy. On the other hand, symptoms of depression such as sleep deprivation, poor nutrition or lack of exercise may predispose an individual to the development of RLS. Moreover, depressed patients may amplify mild RLS, making occasional RLS symptoms appear to meet threshold criteria. The specific treatment of depression could be also implicated, since antidepressant compounds may worsen RLS and PLMD(Picchietti D et al., 2005; Damsa C et al., 2004). Interestingly, treatments used to relieve RLS symptoms (dopamine agonists) seem to have an antidepressant effects in RLS depressed patients(Saletu M et al., 2002&2003). During normal sleep there is a well-regulated pattern of the autonomic function, modulated by changes in sleep stages. It has been reported that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with cardiovascular events. In patients with sleep fragmentation increased number of arousals and increased cyclic alternating pattern rate is associated with an increase in sympathetic activity. It has been demonstrated that PLMS occurrence is associated with a shift to increased sympathetic activity without significant changes in cardiac parasympathetic activity (Sforza E et al., 2005). An increased association of RLS with hypertension and heart disease has been documented in several studies(Ulfberg J et al., 2001; Ohayon MM et al., 2002).