991 resultados para Burroughs D-machine (Computer)


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We present an approach to parsing rehive clauses in Arabic in the tradition of the Paninian Grammar Frumework/2] which leads to deriving U common logicul form for equivalent sentences. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of resumptive pronouns in the retrieval of syntuctico-semantic relationships. The analysis arises from the development of a lexicalised dependency grammar for Arabic that has application for machine translation.


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Users of safety-critical systems are expected to effectively control or monitor complex systems, with errors potentially leading to catastrophe. For such systems, safety is of paramount importance and must be designed into the human-machine interface. While many case studies show how inadequate design practice led to poor safety and usability, concrete guidance on good design practices is scarce. The paper argues that the pattern language paradigm, widely used in the software design community, is a suitable means of documenting appropriate design strategies. We discuss how typical usability-related properties (e.g., flexibility) need some adjustment to be used for assessing safety-critical systems, and document a pattern language, based on corresponding "safety-usability" principles


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The XSophe computer simulation software suite consisting of a daemon, the XSophe interface and the computational program Sophe is a state of the art package for the simulation of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The Sophe program performs the computer simulation and includes a number of new technologies including; the SOPHE partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, homotopy, parallelisation and spectral optimisation. The SOPHE partition and interpolation scheme along with a field segmentation algorithm greatly increases the speed of simulations for most systems. Multidimensional homotopy provides an efficient method for accurately tracing energy levels and hence tracing transitions in the presence of energy level anticrossings and looping transitions and allowing computer simulations in frequency space. Recent enhancements to Sophe include the generalised treatment of distributions of orientational parameters, termed the mosaic misorientation linewidth model and a faster more efficient algorithm for the calculation of resonant field positions and transition probabilities. For complex systems the parallelisation enables the simulation of these systems on a parallel computer and the optimisation algorithms in the suite provide the experimentalist with the possibility of finding the spin Hamiltonian parameters in a systematic manner rather than a trial-and-error process. The XSophe software suite has been used to simulate multifrequency EPR spectra (200 MHz to 6 00 GHz) from isolated spin systems (S > ~½) and coupled centres (Si, Sj _> I/2). Griffin, M.; Muys, A.; Noble, C.; Wang, D.; Eldershaw, C.; Gates, K.E.; Burrage, K.; Hanson, G.R."XSophe, a Computer Simulation Software Suite for the Analysis of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra", 1999, Mol. Phys. Rep., 26, 60-84.


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The real-time refinement calculus is an extension of the standard refinement calculus in which programs are developed from a precondition plus post-condition style of specification. In addition to adapting standard refinement rules to be valid in the real-time context, specific rules are required for the timing constructs such as delays and deadlines. Because many real-time programs may be nonterminating, a further extension is to allow nonterminating repetitions. A real-time specification constrains not only what values should be output, but when they should be output. Hence for a program to implement such a specification, it must guarantee to output values by the specified times. With standard programming languages such guarantees cannot be made without taking into account the timing characteristics of the implementation of the program on a particular machine. To avoid having to consider such details during the refinement process, we have extended our real-time programming language with a deadline command. The deadline command takes no time to execute and always guarantees to meet the specified time; if the deadline has already passed the deadline command is infeasible (miraculous in Dijkstra's terminology). When such a realtime program is compiled for a particular machine, one needs to ensure that all execution paths leading to a deadline are guaranteed to reach it by the specified time. We consider this checking as part of an extended compilation phase. The addition of the deadline command restores for the real-time language the advantage of machine independence enjoyed by non-real-time programming languages.


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This paper describes a formal component language, used to support automated component-based program development. The components, referred to as templates, are machine processable, meaning that appropriate tool support, such as retrieval support, can be developed. The templates are highly adaptable, meaning that they can be applied to a wide range of problems. Some of the main features of the language are described, including: higher-order parameters; state variable declarations; specification statements and conditionals; applicability conditions and theories; meta-level place holders; and abstract data structures.


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A significant problem with currently suggested approaches for transforming between models in different languages is that the transformation is often described imprecisely, with the result that the overall transformation task may be imprecise, incomplete and inconsistent. This paper presents a formal metamodeling approach for transforming between UML and Object-Z. In the paper, the two languages are defined in terms of their formal metamodels, and a systematic transformation between the models is provided at the meta-level in terms of formal mapping functions. As a consequence, we can provide a precise, consistent and complete transformation between them.


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The software implementation of the emergency shutdown feature in a major radiotherapy system was analyzed, using a directed form of code review based on module dependences. Dependences between modules are labelled by particular assumptions; this allows one to trace through the code, and identify those fragments responsible for critical features. An `assumption tree' is constructed in parallel, showing the assumptions which each module makes about others. The root of the assumption tree is the critical feature of interest, and its leaves represent assumptions which, if not valid, might cause the critical feature to fail. The analysis revealed some unexpected assumptions that motivated improvements to the code.