990 resultados para Bullard, Joanna


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Ziel vorliegender Studie waren eine explorative Analyse der Definition des unternehmerischen Erfolgs sowie eine Überprüfung, inwieweit sich die Geschlechter in der Definition von Unternehmenserfolg unterscheiden. Weiterhin wurden die Motive für die Selbstständigkeit bei Frauen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl Unternehmer als auch Unternehmerinnen unternehmerischen Erfolg relativ breit definieren. Für beide Gruppen beinhaltet er sowohl finanzielle (Unternehmensleistung und persönliche Belohnung) als auch nicht finanzielle Aspekte (Arbeitsbeziehungen, Selbstverwirklichung und sozialer Erfolg). Weiterhin wurde bestätigt, dass Frauen den unternehmerischen Erfolg überwiegend über die sogenannten sozioemotionalen Kriterien definieren, während Männer die traditionellen statusbezogenen Aspekte und Leistung hervorheben. Die Analyse der Motive für Selbstständigkeit ergab, dass Unternehmerinnen besonders nach Selbstverwirklichung und Unabhängigkeit streben und in ihrem Durchsetzungsvermögen sowie in Kooperation und Rücksichtnahme ihre Stärken sehen. Fehlende Balance zwischen Familie und Beruf erleben sie als (unternehmerinnenspezifische) Schwierigkeit.


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A simple method of preparing Ag2CO3 nanoparticles utilising high area γ-alumina nanoneedles has been developed; these are promising antimicrobial agents against diverse bacterial strains. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Despite being nominated as a key potential interaction technique for supporting today's mobile technology user, the widespread commercialisation of speech-based input is currently being impeded by unacceptable recognition error rates. Developing effective speech-based solutions for use in mobile contexts, given the varying extent of background noise, is challenging. The research presented in this paper is part of an ongoing investigation into how best to incorporate speechbased input within mobile data collection applications. Specifically, this paper reports on a comparison of three different commercially available microphones in terms of their efficacy to facilitate mobile, speech-based data entry. We describe, in detail, our novel evaluation design as well as the results we obtained.


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Mobile technologies have yet to be widely adopted by the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry despite being one of the major growth areas in computing in recent years. This lack of uptake in the AEC industry is likely due, in large part, to the combination of small screen size and inappropriate interaction demands of current mobile technologies. This paper discusses the scope for multimodal interaction design with a specific focus on speech-based interaction to enhance the suitability of mobile technology use within the AEC industry by broadening the field data input capabilities of such technologies. To investigate the appropriateness of using multimodal technology for field data collection in the AEC industry, we have developed a prototype Multimodal Field Data Entry (MFDE) application. This application, which allows concrete testing technicians to record quality control data in the field, has been designed to support two different modalities of data input speech-based data entry and stylus-based data entry. To compare the effectiveness or usability of, and user preference for, the different input options, we have designed a comprehensive lab-based evaluation of the application. To appropriately reflect the anticipated context of use within the study design, careful consideration had to be given to the key elements of a construction site that would potentially influence a test technician's ability to use the input techniques. These considerations and the resultant evaluation design are discussed in detail in this paper.


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Many experts predicted that this, the first decade of the 21st century, will be the decade of mobile computing; although in recent years mobile technology has been one of the major growth areas in computing, the hype has thus far exceeded the reality (Urbaczewski, Valacich, & Jessup, 2003). Why is this? A recent international study of users of handheld devices suggests that there is a predominant perception that quality of service is low and that mobile applications are difficult to use; additionally, although users recognise the potential of emerging mobile technology, the study highlighted a general feeling that the technology is currently dominating rather than supporting users (Jarvenpaa, Lang, Takeda, & Tuunainen, 2003). Users are generally forgiving of physical limitations of mobile devices imposed by technological constraints; they are not, however, so forgiving of the interface to these devices (Sarker & Wells, 2003). Users can excuse restrictions on their use of mobile technology on the basis of level of technological advancement, but find it hard to accept impractical, illogical, or inconvenient interaction design.


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As a new medium for questionnaire delivery, the internet has the potential to revolutionise the survey process. Online (web-based) questionnaires provide several advantages over traditional survey methods in terms of cost, speed, appearance, flexibility, functionality, and usability [1, 2]. For instance, delivery is faster, responses are received more quickly, and data collection can be automated or accelerated [1- 3]. Online-questionnaires can also provide many capabilities not found in traditional paper-based questionnaires: they can include pop-up instructions and error messages; they can incorporate links; and it is possible to encode difficult skip patterns making such patterns virtually invisible to respondents. Like many new technologies, however, online-questionnaires face criticism despite their advantages. Typically, such criticisms focus on the vulnerability of online-questionnaires to the four standard survey error types: namely, coverage, non-response, sampling, and measurement errors. Although, like all survey errors, coverage error (“the result of not allowing all members of the survey population to have an equal or nonzero chance of being sampled for participation in a survey” [2, pg. 9]) also affects traditional survey methods, it is currently exacerbated in online-questionnaires as a result of the digital divide. That said, many developed countries have reported substantial increases in computer and internet access and/or are targeting this as part of their immediate infrastructural development [4, 5]. Indicating that familiarity with information technologies is increasing, these trends suggest that coverage error will rapidly diminish to an acceptable level (for the developed world at least) in the near future, and in so doing, positively reinforce the advantages of online-questionnaire delivery. The second error type – the non-response error – occurs when individuals fail to respond to the invitation to participate in a survey or abandon a questionnaire before it is completed. Given today’s societal trend towards self-administration [2] the former is inevitable, irrespective of delivery mechanism. Conversely, non-response as a consequence of questionnaire abandonment can be relatively easily addressed. Unlike traditional questionnaires, the delivery mechanism for online-questionnaires makes estimation of questionnaire length and time required for completion difficult1, thus increasing the likelihood of abandonment. By incorporating a range of features into the design of an online questionnaire, it is possible to facilitate such estimation – and indeed, to provide respondents with context sensitive assistance during the response process – and thereby reduce abandonment while eliciting feelings of accomplishment [6]. For online-questionnaires, sampling error (“the result of attempting to survey only some, and not all, of the units in the survey population” [2, pg. 9]) can arise when all but a small portion of the anticipated respondent set is alienated (and so fails to respond) as a result of, for example, disregard for varying connection speeds, bandwidth limitations, browser configurations, monitors, hardware, and user requirements during the questionnaire design process. Similarly, measurement errors (“the result of poor question wording or questions being presented in such a way that inaccurate or uninterpretable answers are obtained” [2, pg. 11]) will lead to respondents becoming confused and frustrated. Sampling, measurement, and non-response errors are likely to occur when an online-questionnaire is poorly designed. Individuals will answer questions incorrectly, abandon questionnaires, and may ultimately refuse to participate in future surveys; thus, the benefit of online questionnaire delivery will not be fully realized. To prevent errors of this kind2, and their consequences, it is extremely important that practical, comprehensive guidelines exist for the design of online questionnaires. Many design guidelines exist for paper-based questionnaire design (e.g. [7-14]); the same is not true for the design of online questionnaires [2, 15, 16]. The research presented in this paper is a first attempt to address this discrepancy. Section 2 describes the derivation of a comprehensive set of guidelines for the design of online-questionnaires and briefly (given space restrictions) outlines the essence of the guidelines themselves. Although online-questionnaires reduce traditional delivery costs (e.g. paper, mail out, and data entry), set up costs can be high given the need to either adopt and acquire training in questionnaire development software or secure the services of a web developer. Neither approach, however, guarantees a good questionnaire (often because the person designing the questionnaire lacks relevant knowledge in questionnaire design). Drawing on existing software evaluation techniques [17, 18], we assessed the extent to which current questionnaire development applications support our guidelines; Section 3 describes the framework used for the evaluation, and Section 4 discusses our findings. Finally, Section 5 concludes with a discussion of further work.


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This paper describes an online survey that was conducted to explore typical Internet users' awareness and knowledge of specific technologies that relate to their security and privacy when using a Web browser to access the Internet. The survey was conducted using an anonymous, online questionnaire. Over a four month period, 237 individuals completed the questionnaire. Respondents were predominately Canadian, with substantial numbers from the United Kingdom and the United States. Important findings include evidence that users have tried to educate themselves regarding their online security and privacy, but with limited success; different interpretations of the term "secure Web site" can lead to very different levels of trust in a site; respondents strongly expressed their skepticism about privacy policies, but nevertheless believe that sites can be trusted to respect their stated policies; and users may confuse browser cookies with other types of data stored locally by browsers, leading to inappropriate conclusions about the risks they present.


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Developers of interactive software are confronted by an increasing variety of software tools to help engineer the interactive aspects of software applications. Not only do these tools fall into different categories in terms of functionality, but within each category there is a growing number of competing tools with similar, although not identical, features. Choice of user interface development tool (UIDT) is therefore becoming increasingly complex.


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When designing interaction techniques for mobile devices we must ensure users are able to safely navigate through their physical environment while interacting with their mobile device. Non-speech audio has proven effective at improving interaction on mobile devices by allowing users to maintain visual focus on environmental navigation while presenting information to them via their audio channel. The research described here builds on this to create an audio-enhanced single-stroke-based text entry facility that demands as little visual resource as possible. An evaluation of the system demonstrated that users were more aware of their errors when dynamically guided by audio-feedback. The study also highlighted the effect of handwriting style and mobility on text entry; designers of handwriting recognizers and of applications involving mobile note taking can use this fundamental knowledge to further develop their systems to better support the mobility of mobile text entry.


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Desktop user interface design originates from the fact that users are stationary and can devote all of their visual resource to the application with which they are interacting. In contrast, users of mobile and wearable devices are typically in motion whilst using their device which means that they cannot devote all or any of their visual resource to interaction with the mobile application -- it must remain with the primary task, often for safety reasons. Additionally, such devices have limited screen real estate and traditional input and output capabilities are generally restricted. Consequently, if we are to develop effective applications for use on mobile or wearable technology, we must embrace a paradigm shift with respect to the interaction techniques we employ for communication with such devices.This paper discusses why it is necessary to embrace a paradigm shift in terms of interaction techniques for mobile technology and presents two novel multimodal interaction techniques which are effective alternatives to traditional, visual-centric interface designs on mobile devices as empirical examples of the potential to achieve this shift.


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Mobile and wearable computers present input/output prob-lems due to limited screen space and interaction techniques. When mobile, users typically focus their visual attention on navigating their environment - making visually demanding interface designs hard to operate. This paper presents two multimodal interaction techniques designed to overcome these problems and allow truly mobile, 'eyes-free' device use. The first is a 3D audio radial pie menu that uses head gestures for selecting items. An evaluation of a range of different audio designs showed that egocentric sounds re-duced task completion time, perceived annoyance, and al-lowed users to walk closer to their preferred walking speed. The second is a sonically enhanced 2D gesture recognition system for use on a belt-mounted PDA. An evaluation of the system with and without audio feedback showed users' ges-tures were more accurate when dynamically guided by au-dio-feedback. These novel interaction techniques demon-strate effective alternatives to visual-centric interface de-signs on mobile devices.


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Audio feedback remains little used in most graphical user interfaces despite its potential to greatly enhance interaction. Not only does sonic enhancement of interfaces permit more natural human-computer communication but it also allows users to employ an appropriate sense to solve a problem rather than having to rely solely on vision. Research shows that designers do not typically know how to use sound effectively; subsequently, their ad hoc use of sound often leads to audio feedback being considered an annoying distraction. Unlike the design of purely graphical user interfaces for which guidelines are common, the audio-enhancement of graphical user interfaces has (until now) been plagued by a lack of suitable guidance. This paper presents a series of empirically substantiated guidelines for the design and use of audio-enhanced graphical user interface widgets.


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Developers of interactive software are confronted by an increasing variety of software tools to help engineer the interactive aspects of software applications. Typically resorting to ad hoc means of tool selection, developers are often dissatisfied with their chosen tool on account of the fact that the tool lacks required functionality or does not fit seamlessly within the context in which it is to be used. This paper describes a system for evaluating the suitability of user interface development tools for use in software development organisations and projects such that the selected tool appears ‘invisible’ within its anticipated context of use. The paper also outlines and presents the results of an informal empirical study and a series of observational case studies of the system.


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About one third of patients with epilepsy are refractory to medical treatment. For these patients, alternative treatment options include implantable neurostimulation devices such as vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and responsive neurostimulation systems (RNS). We conducted a systematic literature review to assess the available evidence on the clinical efficacy of these devices in patients with refractory epilepsy across their lifespan. VNS has the largest evidence base, and numerous randomized controlled trials and open-label studies support its use in the treatment of refractory epilepsy. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1997 for treatment of partial seizures, but has also shown significant benefit in the treatment of generalized seizures. Results in adult populations have been more encouraging than in pediatric populations, where more studies are required. VNS is considered a safe and well-tolerated treatment, and serious side effects are rare. DBS is a well-established treatment for several movement disorders, and has a small evidence base for treatment of refractory epilepsy. Stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus has shown the most encouraging results, where significant decreases in seizure frequency were reported. Other potential targets include the centromedian thalamic nucleus, hippocampus, cerebellum, and basal ganglia structures. Preliminary results on RNS, new-generation implantable neurostimulation devices which stimulate brain structures only when epileptic activity is detected, are encouraging. Overall, implantable neurostimulation devices appear to be a safe and beneficial treatment option for patients in whom medical treatment has failed to adequately control their epilepsy. Further large-scale randomized controlled trials are required to provide a sufficient evidence base for the inclusion of DBS and RNS in clinical guidelines.


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The controlled synthesis of poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS) using RAFT polymerisation has been studied. Selected experimental conditions led to the production of PNSS with variable molecular weights and low dispersities (D{stroke}≤1.50). The controlled synthesis of poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS) using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation has been studied under a wide range of experimental conditions. PNSS can be used as an organic-soluble, thermally labile precursor for industrially valuable poly(p-styrene sulfonate), widely employed in technologies such as ionic exchange membranes and organic electronics. The suitability of two different chain transfer agents, three solvents, three different monomer concentrations and two different temperatures for the polymerisation of neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate is discussed in terms of the kinetics of the process and characteristics of the final polymer. Production of PNSS with systematically variable molecular weights and low dispersities (D{stroke} ≤1.50 in all cases) has been achieved using 2-azidoethyl 2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionate in anisole at 75°C, with an initial monomer concentration of 4.0molL-1. Finally, a poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate)-b-polybutadiene-b-poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS-b-PBD-b-PNSS) triblock copolymer has been synthesised via azide-alkyne click chemistry. Moreover, subsequent thermolysis of the PNSS moieties generated poly(p-styrene sulfonate) end blocks. This strategy allows the fabrication of amphiphilic copolymer films from single organic solvents without the need for post-deposition chemical treatment.