948 resultados para Brain-derived neurotrophic factor


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In vitro incubation of acetylcholinesterase from brain tissue of several species with organophosphate compounds indicated that the concentrations required to inhibit 50% of acetylcholinesterase activity (IC(,50)) differed from species to species for the same compound (Murphy, et al., 1968; Andersen, et al., 1972, 1977 and 1978).^ The hypothesis that non-specific binding proteins (Lauwerys and Murphy, 1969a,b) exerts a protective effect on acetylcholinesterase, and thus cause the differences observed in IC(,50) studies was tested by a ('3)H-DFP binding experiment. It was found that differences in the amount of non-specific binding protein cannot explain the observed differences observed in IC(,50) studies.^ An alternative hypothesis, that acetylcholinesterase from different species have different affinities for binding and/or different rates of phosphorylation by organophosphate insecticides was tested by determining the apparent affinity constant (k(,a)) and apparent rate of phosphorylation (k(,p)). Kinetic studies indicated that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different sensitivities to inhibition by organophosphate insecticides, and the differences are due to different affinities for binding and/or different rates of phosphorylation by the same organophosphate compound.^ Studies of the spontaneous reactivation of acetylcholinesterase after inhibition by organophosphate insecticides also indicated that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different rates and extents of spontaneous reactivation. This further substantiates the hypothesis that acetylcholinesterases from different species have different kinetic characteristics with respect to organophosphate insecticides inhibition.^ Eleven paraoxon analogs were synthesized for a quantitative structure-activity relationship study. It was found that the electron-withdrawing power ((sigma)) and hydrophobicity ((PARAGR)) of the substituent are important in determining the anti-cholinesterase activity of paraoxon analogs. Thus, predictions of species differences in acetylcholinesterase sensitivities to paraoxon analogs can be made if the physicochemical parameters ((sigma) and (PARAGR)) of the substituents are known.^ In another approach, i.e. enzyme modeling, the sensitivity of rat brain acetylcholinesterase to organophosphate insecticides was used as the independent variable to predict the sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases from other species to the same compound. Regression equations were derived for each species based on nineteen organophosphate insecticides studied. It was found, that in addition to paraoxon analogs, this method is also applicable to other organophosphate compounds with wide variations in structure. Thus, the sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases from other species can also be predicted from the sensitivity of rat brain acetylcholinesterase. ^


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Symptoms has been shown to predict quality of life, treatment course and survival in solid tumor patients. Currently, no instrument exists that measures both cancer-related symptoms and the neurologic symptoms that are unique to persons with primary brain tumors (PBT). The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to measure symptoms in patients who have PBT. A conceptual analysis of symptoms and symptom theories led to defining the symptoms experience as the perception of the frequency, intensity, distress, and meaning that occurs as symptoms are produced, perceived, and expressed. The M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI) measures both symptoms and how they interfere with daily functioning in patients with cancer, which is similar to the situational meaning defined in the analysis. A list of symptoms pertinent to the PBT population was added to the core MDASI and reviewed by a group of experts for validity. As a result, 18 items were added to the core MDASI (the MDASI-BT) for the next phase of instrument development, establishing validity and reliability through a descriptive, cross-sectional approach with PBT patients. Data were collected with a patient completed demographic data sheet, an investigator completed clinician checklist, and the MDASI-BT. Analysis evaluated the reliability and validity of the MDASI-BT in PBT patients. Data were obtained from 201 patients. The number of items was reduced to 22 by evaluation of symptom severity as well as cluster analysis. Regression analysis showed more than half (56%) of the variability in symptom severity was explained by the brain tumor module items. Factor analysis confirmed that the 22 item MDASI-BT measured six underlying constructs: (a) affective; (b) cognitive; (c) focal neurologic deficits; (d) constitutional symptoms; (e) treatment-related symptoms; and (f) gastrointestinal symptoms. The MDASI-BT was sensitive to disease severity and if the patient was hospitalized. The MDASI-BT is the first instrument to measure symptoms in PBT patients that has demonstrated reliability and validity. It is the first step in a program of research to evaluate the occurrence of symptoms and plan and evaluate interventions for PBT patients. ^


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Brain metastasis, which occurs in 40%-60% of patients with advanced melanoma, has led directly to death in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the biological and molecular basis of melanoma brain metastases. In our previous study, we developed a model to study human melanoma brain metastasis and found that Stat3 activity was increased in human brain metastatic melanoma cells when compared with that in cutaneous melanoma cells. The increased activation of Stat3 is also responsible for affecting melanoma angiogenesis in vivo and melanoma cell invasion in vitro and significantly affecting the expression of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-2 in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, a member of a new family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signal transduction, termed suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) was found to negatively regulate the Janus kinase signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling cascade. Here we report that restoration of SOCS1 expression by transfecting of SOCS1-expressing vector effectively inhibited melanoma brain metastasis through inhibiting Stat3 activation and further affecting melanoma angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion in vitro, and significantly affected the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we used cDNA array to compare mRNA expression in the SOCS1-transfected and vector-transfected cell lines and found some genes are tightly correlated to the restoration of SOCS1. One of them is Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Cav-1 was reported to function as a tumor suppressor gene by several groups. Finally, the Cav-1 expression is up-regulated in SOCS1-overexpressing cell line. Further study found the regulation of Cav-1 by SOCS1 occurs through inhibiting Stat3 activation. Activated Stat3 binds directly to Cav-1 promoter and the Cav-1 promoter within -575bp is essential for active Stat3 binding. My studies reveal that Stat3 activation and SOCS1 expression play important roles in melanoma metastases. Moreover, the expression between SOCS1, Stat3 and Cav-1 forms a feedback regulation loop. ^