956 resultados para Bipartite Folding
Recently, we established that satellite III (TGGAA)n tandem repeats, which occur at the centromeres of human chromosomes, pair with themselves to form an unusual "self-complementary" antiparallel duplex containing (GGA)2 motifs in which two unpaired guanines from opposite strands intercalate between sheared G.A base pairs. In separate studies, we have also established that the GCA triplet does not form bimolecular (GCA)2 motifs but instead promotes the formation of hairpins containing a GCA-turn motif in which the loop contains a single cytidine closed by a sheared G.A pair. Since TGCAA is the most frequent variant of TGGAA found in satellite III repeats, we reasoned that the potential of this variant to form GCA-turn miniloop fold-back structures might be an important factor in modulating the local structure in natural (TGGAA)n repeats. We report here the NMR-derived solution structure of the heptadecadeoxynucleotide (G)TGGAATGCAATGGAA(C) in which a central TGCAA pentamer is flanked by two TGGAA pentamers. This 17-mer forms a rather unusual and very stable hairpin structure containing eight base pairs in the stem, only four of which are Watson-Crick pairs, and a loop consisting of a single cytidine residue. The stem contains a (GGA)2 motif with intercalative 14G/4G stacking between two sheared G.A base pairs; the loop end of the stem consists of a sheared 8G.10A closing pair with the cytosine base of the 9C loop stacked on 8G. The remarkable stability of this unusual hairpin structure (Tm = 63 degrees C) suggests that it probably plays an important role in modulating the folding of satellite III (TGGAA)n repeats at the centromere.
Recent studies on proteins whose N and C termini are in close proximity have demonstrated that folding of polypeptide chains and assembly of oligomers can be accomplished with circularly permuted chains. As yet no methodical study has been conducted to determine how extensively new termini can be introduced and where such termini cannot be tolerated. We have devised a procedure to generate random circular permutations of the catalytic chains of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase; EC and to select clones that produce active or stable holoenzyme containing permuted chains. A tandem gene construct was made, based on the desired linkage between amino acid residues in the C- and N-terminal regions of the polypeptide chain, and this DNA was treated with a suitable restriction enzyme to yield a fragment containing the rearranged coding sequence for the chain. Circularization achieved with DNA ligase, followed by linearization at random with DNase I, and incorporation of the linearized, repaired, blunt-ended, rearranged genes into a suitable plasmid permitted the expression of randomly permuted polypeptide chains. The plasmid with appropriate stop codons also contained pyrI, the gene encoding the regulatory chain of ATCase. Colonies expressing detectable amounts of ATCase-like molecules containing permuted catalytic chains were identified by an immunoblot technique or by their ability to grow in the absence of pyrimidines in the growth medium. Sequencing of positive clones revealed a variety of novel circular permutations. Some had N and C termini within helices of the wild-type enzyme as well as deletions and insertions. Permutations were concentrated in the C-terminal domain and only few were detected in the N-terminal domain. The technique, which is adaptable generally to proteins whose N and C termini are near each other, can be of value in relating in vivo folding of nascent, growing polypeptide chains to in vitro renaturation of complete chains and determining the role of protein sequence in folding kinetics.
Protein-protein interactions typically are characterized by highly specific interfaces that mediate binding with precisely tuned affinities. Binding of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin GroES to chaperonin GroEL is mediated, at least in part, by a mobile polypeptide loop in GroES that becomes immobilized in the GroEL/GroES/nucleotide complex. The bacteriophage T4 cochaperonin Gp31 possesses a similar highly flexible polypeptide loop in a region of the protein that shows low, but significant, amino acid similarity with GroES and other cochaperonins. When bound to GroEL, a synthetic peptide representing the mobile loop of either GroES or Gp31 adopts a characteristic bulged hairpin conformation as determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effects in NMR spectra. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that flexible disorder in the cochaperonin mobile loops moderates their affinity for GroEL to facilitate cycles of chaperonin-mediated protein folding.
Fibronectin type III modules contain approximately 90 residues and are an extremely common building block of animal proteins. Despite containing a complex all-beta-sheet topology and eight prolines, the refolding of the 10th type III module of human fibronectin has been found to be very rapid, with native core packing, amide hydrogen bonding, and backbone conformation all recovered within 1 s at 5 degrees C. These observations indicate that this domain can overcome many structural characteristics often thought to slow the folding process.
Chaperonins prevent the aggregation of partially folded or misfolded forms of a protein and, thus, keep it competent for productive folding. It was suggested that GroEL, the chaperonin of Escherichia coli, exerts this function 1 unfolding such intermediates, presumably in a catalytic fashion. We investigated the kinetic mechanism of GroEL-induced protein unfolding by using a reduced and carbamidomethylated variant of RNase T1, RCAM-T1, as a substrate. RCAM-T1 cannot fold to completion, because the two disulfide bonds are missing, and it is, thus, a good model for long-lived folding intermediates. RCAM-T1 unfolds when GroEL is added, but GroEL does not change the microscopic rate constant of unfolding, ruling out that it catalyzes unfolding. GroEL unfolds RCAM-T1 because it binds with high affinity to the unfolded form of the protein and thereby shifts the overall equilibrium toward the unfolded state. GroEL can unfold a partially folded or misfolded intermediate by this thermodynamic coupling mechanism when the Gibbs free energy of the binding to GroEL is larger than the conformational stability of the intermediate and when the rate of its unfolding is high.
Tissue-specific transcription is regulated in part by cell type-restricted proteins that bind to defined sequences in target genes. The DNA-binding domain of these proteins is often evolutionarily conserved. On this basis, liver-enriched transcription factors were classified into five families. We describe here the mammalian prototype of a sixth family, which we therefore call hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF-6). It activates the promoter of a gene involved in the control of glucose metabolism. HNF-6 contains two different DNA-binding domains. One of these corresponds to a novel type of homeodomain. The other is homologous to the Drosophila cut domain. A similar bipartite sequence is coded by the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans.
A synthetic strand of RNA has been designed so that it can adopt two different topological states (a circle and a trefoil knot) when ligated into a cyclic molecule. The RNA knot and circle have been characterized by their behavior in gel electrophoresis and sedimentation experiments. This system allows one to assay for the existence of an RNA topoisomerase, because the two RNA molecules can be inter-converted only by a strand passage event. We find that the interconversion of these two species can be catalyzed by Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase III, indicating that this enzyme can act as an RNA topoisomerase. The conversion of circles to knots is accompanied by a small amount of RNA catenane generation. These findings suggest that strand passage must be considered a potential component of the folding and modification of RNA structures.
The question of whether proteins originate from random sequences of amino acids is addressed. A statistical analysis is performed in terms of blocked and random walk values formed by binary hydrophobic assignments of the amino acids along the protein chains. Theoretical expectations of these variables from random distributions of hydrophobicities are compared with those obtained from functional proteins. The results, which are based upon proteins in the SWISS-PROT data base, convincingly show that the amino acid sequences in proteins differ from what is expected from random sequences in a statistically significant way. By performing Fourier transforms on the random walks, one obtains additional evidence for nonrandomness of the distributions. We have also analyzed results from a synthetic model containing only two amino acid types, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. With reasonable criteria on good folding properties in terms of thermodynamical and kinetic behavior, sequences that fold well are isolated. Performing the same statistical analysis on the sequences that fold well indicates similar deviations from randomness as for the functional proteins. The deviations from randomness can be interpreted as originating from anticorrelations in terms of an Ising spin model for the hydrophobicities. Our results, which differ from some previous investigations using other methods, might have impact on how permissive with respect to sequence specificity protein folding process is-only sequences with nonrandom hydrophobicity distributions fold well. Other distributions give rise to energy landscapes with poor folding properties and hence did not survive the evolution.
The assembly of functional proteins from fragments in vivo has been recently described for several proteins, including the secreted maltose binding protein in Escherichia coli. Here we demonstrate for the first time that split gene products can function within the eukaryotic secretory system. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains able to use sucrose produce the enzyme invertase, which is targeted by a signal peptide to the central secretory pathway and the periplasmic space. Using this enzyme as a model we find the following: (i) Polypeptide fragments of invertase, each containing a signal peptide, are independently translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are modified by glycosylation, and travel the entire secretory pathway reaching the yeast periplasm. (ii) Simultaneous expression of independently translated and translocated overlapping fragments of invertase leads to the formation of an enzymatically active complex, whereas individually expressed fragments exhibit no activity. (iii) An active invertase complex is assembled in the ER, is targeted to the yeast periplasm, and is biologically functional, as judged by its ability to facilitate growth on sucrose as a single carbon source. These observation are discussed in relation to protein folding and assembly in the ER and to the trafficking of proteins through the secretory pathway.
The effects of ischemia on the maturation of secretory proteins are not well understood. Among several events that occur during ischemia-reperfusion are a rapid and extensive decrease in ATP levels and an alteration of cellular oxidative state. Since the normal folding and assembly of secretory proteins are mediated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperones, the function of which depends on ATP and maintenance of an appropriate redox environment, ischemia might be expected to perturb folding of secretory proteins. In this study, whole animal and cultured cell models for the epithelial ischemic state were used to examine this possibility. After acute kidney ischemia, marked increases in the mRNA levels of the ER chaperones glucose-regulated protein (grp)78/immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP), grp94, and ER protein (ERp)72 were noted. Likewise, when cellular ATP was depleted to less than 10% of control with antimycin A, mRNA levels of BiP, ERp72, and grp94 were increased in kidney and thyroid epithelial cell culture models. Since the signal for the up-regulation of these stress proteins is believed to be the accumulation of misfolded/misassembled secretory proteins in the ER, their induction after ischemia in vivo and antimycin treatment of cultured cells suggests that maturation of secretory proteins in the ER lumen might indeed be perturbed. To analyze the effects of antimycin A on the maturation of secretory proteins, we studied the fate of thyroglobulin (Tg), a large oligomeric secretory glycoprotein, the folding and assembly of which seems to require a variety of ER chaperones. Treatment of cultured thyroid epithelial cells with antimycin A greatly inhibited ( > 90%) the secretion of Tg. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that in antimycin A-treated cells Tg associates into large macromolecular complexes which, by immunofluorescence, appeared to localize to the ER. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation studies after antimycin A treatment demonstrated that Tg stably associates with BiP, grp94, and ERp72. Together, our results suggest that a key cellular lesion in ischemia is the misfolding of secretory proteins as they transit the ER, and this leads not only to increased expression of ER chaperones but also to their stable association with and the subsequent retention of at least some misfolded secretory proteins.
MacMARCKS is a member of the MARCKS family of protein kinase C (PKC) substrates. Biochemical evidence demonstrates that these proteins integrate calcium and PKC-dependent signals to regulate actin structure at the membrane. We report here that deletion of the MacMARCKS gene prevents cranial neural tube closure in the developing brain, resulting in anencephaly. This suggests a central role for MacMARCKS and the PKC signal transduction pathway in the folding of the anterior neural plate during the early phases of brain formation, and supports the hypothesis that actin-based motility directs cranial neural tube closure.