974 resultados para Bioclimatic Architecture. School Architecture and Evaluation Post Occupation


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The prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Twenty-five percent of school aged students are overweight. Schools have the opportunity to help slow this epidemic. School cafeterias in the United States feed millions of students every day through the National School Lunch Program.^ Point-of-sale machines are used in most school cafeterias to help streamline the process of purchasing school lunches. The point-of-sale software allows school personnel to place special notes on student's accounts to provide alerts about parental requests. This study investigated what the alerts are used for, who uses the alerts, and if there are any patterns by demographic characteristics. ^ Counts and percentages were used to determine what the alerts were used for and who used them. This study found that students who were white non-Hispanic, paid status, or in elementary school were most likely to have alerts placed on their accounts. Also, the majority of point-of-sale alerts were used as allowances (i.e., allowed to purchase snacks from the balance on the school lunch account), rather than restrictions (i.e., restricted from purchasing high calorie foods or specific food items). Using chi-square analysis, a total of 688 alerts were analyzed. There were significant differences in alert frequencies for intent category by grade level (p=0.000), snack access (p=0.000), and gender (p=0.002). Therefore, the results are significant, and one can conclude there is a significant relationship between gender, grade level, and snack access, and the presence of an alert on the school lunch account.^ Also, school administrators may want to take into consideration possible changes to their program, such as requiring more time to run the software. The results of this study can assist school administrators to better understand that a point-of-sale alert program may help their school lunch programs run more efficiently, while also providing parental influence on students’ food choices at the point-of-sale.^ School food service authorities should consider implementing a structured point-of-sale alert policy to encourage parental input on their children's food choices. When implementing the point-of-sale policy, schools should publicize this policy online, through school lunch menus, and parent communications increase participation throughout the school district.^


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As schools are pressured to perform on academics and standardized examinations, schools are reluctant to dedicate increased time to physical activity. After-school exercise and health programs may provide an opportunity to engage in more physical activity without taking time away from coursework during the day. The current study is a secondary data analysis of data from a randomized trial of a 10-week after-school program (six schools, n = 903) that implemented an exercise component based on the CATCH physical activity component and health modules based on the culturally-tailored Bienestar health education program. Outcome variables included BMI and aerobic capacity, health knowledge and healthy food intentions as assessed through path analysis techniques. Both the baseline model (χ2 (df = 8) = 16.90, p = .031; RMSEA = .035 (90% CI of .010–.058), NNFI = 0.983 and the CFI = 0.995) and the model incorporating intervention participation proved to be a good fit to the data (χ2 (df = 10) = 11.59, p = .314. RMSEA = .013 (90% CI of .010–.039); NNFI = 0.996 and CFI = 0.999). Experimental group participation was not predictive of changes in health knowledge, intentions to eat healthy foods or changes in Body Mass Index, but it was associated with increased aerobic capacity, β = .067, p < .05. School characteristics including SES and Language proficiency proved to be significantly associated with changes in knowledge and physical indicators. Further effects of school level variables on intervention outcomes are recommended so that tailored interventions can be developed aimed at the specific characteristics of each participating school. ^


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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the theory-based Eat 5 nutrition badge. It is designed to increase fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake in 4th-6th grade junior Girl Scouts. Twenty-two troops were recruited and randomized by grade level (4th, 5th, 6th, or mixed) into either the intervention or control conditions. The leaders in the intervention condition received a brief training and the materials and conducted the program with their troops during four meetings. The Girl Scouts in the intervention condition completed 1-day Food Frequency Questionnaires and Nutrition Questionnaires both before and after completing the Eat 5 badge, and a third measurement of F&V intake three months after the posttest. Girl Scouts in the control condition were only evaluated at the three time periods.^ The primary hypotheses were that the Girl Scouts in the intervention condition would increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables at both the posttest and three months later, compared to the Girl Scouts in the control condition. Other study questions investigated the impact of the Eat 5 program on intervening variables such as knowledge, self-efficacy, barriers, norms, F&V preference, and F&V selection and preparation skills.^ A nested ANOVA, with troop as the unit of analysis nested within condition, was used to assess the effects of the program. Pretest F&V intake and grade level were used as covariates. Pretest mean F&V intake for the total sample of 210 girls was 2.50 servings per day; 3.0 for the intervention group (n = 101). Significant increases in F&V intake (to 3.4 servings per day), knowledge, and fruit and vegetable preference were found for the intervention condition troops compared to the troops in the control condition. Three months later, the mean F&V intake had returned to pretest levels.^ This study indicates that social groups such as Girl Scouts can provide a channel for nutrition education. Long term effects were not sustained by the intervention; a possible cause was the lack of change in self-efficacy. Therefore, additional interventions are recommended such as booster lessons to maintain increased F&V intake by Girl Scouts. ^


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High-resolution, small-bore PET systems suffer from a tradeoff between system sensitivity, and image quality degradation. In these systems long crystals allow mispositioning of the line of response due to parallax error and this mispositioning causes resolution blurring, but long crystals are necessary for high system sensitivity. One means to allow long crystals without introducing parallax errors is to determine the depth of interaction (DOI) of the gamma ray interaction within the detector module. While DOI has been investigated previously, newly available solid state photomultipliers (SSPMs) well-suited to PET applications and allow new modules for investigation. Depth of interaction in full modules is a relatively new field, and so even if high performance DOI capable modules were available, the appropriate means to characterize and calibrate the modules are not. This work presents an investigation of DOI capable arrays and techniques for characterizing and calibrating those modules. The methods introduced here accurately and reliably characterize and calibrate energy, timing, and event interaction positioning. Additionally presented is a characterization of the spatial resolution of DOI capable modules and a measurement of DOI effects for different angles between detector modules. These arrays have been built into a prototype PET system that delivers better than 2.0 mm resolution with a single-sided-stopping-power in excess of 95% for 511 keV g's. The noise properties of SSPMs scale with the active area of the detector face, and so the best signal-to-noise ratio is possible with parallel readout of each SSPM photodetector pixel rather than multiplexing signals together. This work additionally investigates several algorithms for improving timing performance using timing information from multiple SSPM pixels when light is distributed among several photodetectors.


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CHARACTERIZATION OF THE COUNT RATE PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF HIGH COUNT RATES ON MODERN GAMMA CAMERAS Michael Stephen Silosky, B.S. Supervisory Professor: S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D. Evaluation of count rate performance (CRP) is an integral component of gamma camera quality assurance and measurement of system dead time (τ) is important for quantitative SPECT. The CRP of three modern gamma cameras was characterized using established methods (Decay and Dual Source) under a variety of experimental conditions. For the Decay method, input count rate was plotted against observed count rate and fit to the paralyzable detector model (PDM) to estimate τ (Rates method). A novel expression for observed counts as a function of measurement time interval was derived and the observed counts were fit to this expression to estimate τ (Counts method). Correlation and Bland-Altman analysis were performed to assess agreement in estimates of τ between methods. The dependencies of τ on energy window definition and incident energy spectrum were characterized. The Dual Source method was also used to estimate τ and its agreement with the Decay method under identical conditions and the effects of total activity and the ratio of source activities were investigated. Additionally, the effects of count rate on several performance metrics were evaluated. The CRP curves for each system agreed with the PDM at low count rates but deviated substantially at high count rates. Estimates of τ for the paralyzable portion of the CRP curves using the Rates and Counts methods were highly correlated (r=0.999) but with a small (~6%) difference. No significant difference was observed between the highly correlated estimates of τ using the Decay or Dual Source methods under identical experimental conditions (r=0.996). Estimates of τ increased as a power-law function with decreasing ratio of counts in the photopeak to the total counts and linearly with decreasing spectral effective energy. Dual Source method estimates of τ varied as a quadratic with the ratio of the single source to combined source activities and linearly with total activity used across a large range. Image uniformity, spatial resolution, and energy resolution degraded linearly with count rate and image distorting effects were observed. Guidelines for CRP testing and a possible method for the correction of count rate losses for clinical images have been proposed.


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A review of literature related to appointment-keeping served as the basis for the development of an organizational paradigm for the study of appointment-keeping in the Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT). Features of the organizational environment, demographic characteristics of BHAT enrollees, organizational structure and processes and previous organizational performance variables were measured so as to provide exploratory information relating to the appointment-keeping behavior of 3,837 participants enrolled at thirty-two Clinical Centers. Results suggest that the social context of individual behavior is an important consideration for the understanding of patient compliance. In particular, the degree to which previous organizational performance--as measured by obtaining recruitment goals--and the ability to utilize resources had particularly strong bivariate associations with appointment-keeping. Implications for future theory development, research and practical implications were provided as was a suggestion for the development of multidisciplinary research efforts conducted within the context of Centers for the study and application of adherence behaviors. ^


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an HIV-screening program at a private health-care institution where the providers were trained to counsel pregnant women about the HIV-antibody test according to the latest recommendations made by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and the Texas legislature. A before-and-after study design was selected for the study. The participants were OB/GYN nurses who attended an educational program and the patients they counseled about the HIV test. Training improved the nurses' overall knowledge about the content of the program and nurses were more likely to offer the HIV test to all pregnant women regardless of their risk of infection. Still, contrary to what was predicted, the nurses did not give more information to increase the knowledge pregnant women had about HIV infection, transmission, and available treatments. Consequently, many women were not given the chance to correctly assess their risk during the counseling session and there was no evidence that knowledge would reduce the propensity of many women to deny being at risk for HIV. On the other hand, pregnant women who received prenatal care after the implementation of the HIV-screening program were more likely to be tested than women who received prenatal care before its implementation (96% vs. 48%); in turn, the likelihood that more high-risk women would be tested for HIV also increased (94% vs. 60%). There was no evidence that mandatory testing with right of refusal would deter women from being tested for HIV. When the moment comes for a woman to make her decision, other concerns are more important to her than whether the option to be tested is mandatory or not. The majority of pregnant women indicated that their main reasons for being tested were: (a) the recommendation of their health-care provider; and (b) concern about the risks to their babies. Recommending that all pregnant women be tested regardless of their risk of infection, together with making the HIV test readily available to all women, are probably the two best ways of increasing the patients' participation in an HIV-screening program for pregnant women. ^


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Although more than 100 genes associated with inherited retinal disease have been mapped to chromosomal locations, less than half of these genes have been cloned. This text includes identification and evaluation of candidate genes for three autosomal dominant forms of inherited retinal degeneration: atypical vitelliform macular dystrophy (VMD1), cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). ^ VMD1 is a disorder characterized by complete penetrance but extremely variable expressivity, and includes macular or peripheral retinal lesions and peripappilary abnormalitites. In 1984, linkage was reported between VMD1 and soluble glutamate-pyruvate transaminase GPT); however, placement of GPT to 8q24 on linkage maps had been debated, and VMD1 did not show linkage to microsatellite markers in that region. This study excluded linkage between the loci by cloning GPT, identifying the nucleotide substitution associated with the GPT sozymes, and by assaying VMD1 family samples with an RFLP designed to detect the substitution. In addition, linkage of VMD1 to the known dominant macular degeneration loci was excluded. ^ CORD is characterized by early onset of color-vision deficiency, and decreased visual acuity, However, this retinal degeneration progresses to no light perception, severe macular lesion, and “bone-spicule” accumulations in the peripheral retina. In this study, the disorder in a large Texan family was mapped to the CORD2 locus of 19q13, and a mutation in the retina/pineal-specific cone-rod homeobox gene (CRX) was identified as the disease cause. In addition, mutations in CRX were associated with significantly different retinal disease phenotypes, including retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis. ^ Many of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in genes like CRX, which are expressed predominantly in the retina and pineal gland. Therefore, a combination of database analysis and laboratory investigation was used to identify 26 novel retina/pineal-specific expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters as candidate genes for inherited retinal disorders. Eight of these genes were mapped into the candidate regions of inherited retinal degeneration loci. ^ Two of the eight clusters mapped into the retinitis pigmentosa RP13 candidate region of 17p13, and were both determined to represent a single gene that is highly expressed in photoreceptors. This gene, the Ah receptor-interacting like protein-1 (AIPL1), was cloned, characterized, and screened for mutations in RP13 patient DNA samples. ^


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If payment of goods is easily default, economic transaction may deeply suffer from the risk. This risky environment formed a mechanism that governs how economic transaction is realized, subsequently how trade credit is given. This paper distinguished ex ante bargaining and ex post enforcement, then modeled that bargaining power reduces trade credit ex ante, and ex post enforcement power and cash in hand of buyer can enhances both trade amount and trade credit in a presence of default risk. We modeled this relationship in order to organize findings from previous literature and from our original micro data on detailed transaction in China to consistently understand the mechanism governing trade credit. Then empirically tested a structure from the theoretical prediction with data. Results show that ex post enforcement power of seller mainly determines size of trade credit and trade amount, cash in hand of buyer can substitute with enforcement power; Bargaining power of seller is exercised to reduces trade credit and trade amount for avoiding default risk, but it simultaneously improves enforcement power as well. We found that ex post enforcement power consists of (ex ante) bargaining power on between two parties and intervention from the third party. However, its magnitude is far smaller than the direct impact to reduce trade credit and trade amount.


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The use of modular or ‘micro’ maximum power point tracking (MPPT) converters at module level in series association, commercially known as “power optimizers”, allows the individual adaptation of each panel to the load, solving part of the problems related to partial shadows and different tilt and/or orientation angles of the photovoltaic (PV) modules. This is particularly relevant in building integrated PV systems. This paper presents useful behavioural analytical studies of cascade MPPT converters and evaluation test results of a prototype developed under a Spanish national research project. On the one hand, this work focuses on the development of new useful expressions which can be used to identify the behaviour of individual MPPT converters applied to each module and connected in series, in a typical grid-connected PV system. On the other hand, a novel characterization method of MPPT converters is developed, and experimental results of the prototype are obtained: when individual partial shading is applied, and they are connected in a typical grid connected PV array


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In this paper, we describe a complete development platform that features different innovative acceleration strategies, not included in any other current platform, that simplify and speed up the definition of the different elements required to design a spoken dialog service. The proposed accelerations are mainly based on using the information from the backend database schema and contents, as well as cumulative information produced throughout the different steps in the design. Thanks to these accelerations, the interaction between the designer and the platform is improved, and in most cases the design is reduced to simple confirmations of the “proposals” that the platform dynamically provides at each step. In addition, the platform provides several other accelerations such as configurable templates that can be used to define the different tasks in the service or the dialogs to obtain or show information to the user, automatic proposals for the best way to request slot contents from the user (i.e. using mixed-initiative forms or directed forms), an assistant that offers the set of more probable actions required to complete the definition of the different tasks in the application, or another assistant for solving specific modality details such as confirmations of user answers or how to present them the lists of retrieved results after querying the backend database. Additionally, the platform also allows the creation of speech grammars and prompts, database access functions, and the possibility of using mixed initiative and over-answering dialogs. In the paper we also describe in detail each assistant in the platform, emphasizing the different kind of methodologies followed to facilitate the design process at each one. Finally, we describe the results obtained in both a subjective and an objective evaluation with different designers that confirm the viability, usefulness, and functionality of the proposed accelerations. Thanks to the accelerations, the design time is reduced in more than 56% and the number of keystrokes by 84%.