997 resultados para Beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test


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Hierarchical clustering is a popular method for finding structure in multivariate data,resulting in a binary tree constructed on the particular objects of the study, usually samplingunits. The user faces the decision where to cut the binary tree in order to determine the numberof clusters to interpret and there are various ad hoc rules for arriving at a decision. A simplepermutation test is presented that diagnoses whether non-random levels of clustering are presentin the set of objects and, if so, indicates the specific level at which the tree can be cut. The test isvalidated against random matrices to verify the type I error probability and a power study isperformed on data sets with known clusteredness to study the type II error.


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Protective immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains poorly understood and the role of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells is controversial. Here we performed a broad phenotypic and functional characterization of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells in 326 subjects with latent Mtb infection (LTBI) or active TB disease (TB). Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected in most (60%) TB patients and few (15%) LTBI subjects but were of similar magnitude. Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells in LTBI subjects were mostly T EMRA cells (CD45RA(+) CCR7(-)), coexpressing 2B4 and CD160, and in TB patients were mostly TEM cells (CD45RA(-) CCR7(-)), expressing 2B4 but lacking PD-1 and CD160. The cytokine profile was not significantly different in both groups. Furthermore, Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed low levels of perforin and granulysin but contained granzymes A and B. However, in vitro-expanded Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed perforin and granulysin. Finally, Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses were less frequently detected in extrapulmonary TB compared with pulmonary TB patients. Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation was also greater in patients with extrapulmonary compared with pulmonary TB. Thus, the activity of Mtb infection and clinical presentation are associated with distinct profiles of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses. These results provide new insights in the interaction between Mtb and the host immune response.


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In a weighted spatial network, as specified by an exchange matrix, the variances of the spatial values are inversely proportional to the size of the regions. Spatial values are no more exchangeable under independence, thus weakening the rationale for ordinary permutation and bootstrap tests of spatial autocorrelation. We propose an alternative permutation test for spatial autocorrelation, based upon exchangeable spatial modes, constructed as linear orthogonal combinations of spatial values. The coefficients obtain as eigenvectors of the standardised exchange matrix appearing in spectral clustering, and generalise to the weighted case the concept of spatial filtering for connectivity matrices. Also, two proposals aimed at transforming an acessibility matrix into a exchange matrix with with a priori fixed margins are presented. Two examples (inter-regional migratory flows and binary adjacency networks) illustrate the formalism, rooted in the theory of spectral decomposition for reversible Markov chains.


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Decline in gait stability has been associated with increased fall risk in older adults. Reliable and clinically feasible methods of gait instability assessment are needed. This study evaluated the relative and absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the testing procedure of the clinical version of the Narrow Path Walking Test (NPWT) under single task (ST) and dual task (DT) conditions. Thirty independent community-dwelling older adults (65-87 years) were tested twice. Participants were instructed to walk within the 6-m narrow path without stepping out. Trial time, number of steps, trial velocity, number of step errors, and number of cognitive task errors were determined. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated as indices of agreement, and a graphic approach called "mountain plot" was applied to help interpret the direction and magnitude of disagreements between testing procedures. Smallest detectable change and smallest real difference (SRD) were computed to determine clinically relevant improvement at group and individual levels, respectively. Concurrent validity was assessed using Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment Tool (POMA) and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Test-retest agreement (ICC1,2) varied from 0.77 to 0.92 in ST and from 0.78 to 0.92 in DT conditions, with no apparent systematic differences between testing procedures demonstrated by the mountain plot graphs. Smallest detectable change and smallest real change were small for motor task performance and larger for cognitive errors. Significant correlations were observed for trial velocity and trial time with POMA and SPPB. The present results indicate that the NPWT testing procedure is highly reliable and reproducible.


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In conditions of T lymphopenia, interleukin (IL) 7 levels rise and, via T cell receptor for antigen-self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) interaction, induce residual naive T cells to proliferate. This pattern of lymphopenia-induced "homeostatic" proliferation is typically quite slow and causes a gradual increase in total T cell numbers and differentiation into cells with features of memory cells. In contrast, we describe a novel form of homeostatic proliferation that occurs when naive T cells encounter raised levels of IL-2 and IL-15 in vivo. In this situation, CD8(+) T cells undergo massive expansion and rapid differentiation into effector cells, thus closely resembling the T cell response to foreign antigens. However, the responses induced by IL-2/IL-15 are not seen in MHC-deficient hosts, implying that the responses are driven by self-ligands. Hence, homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells can be either slow or fast, with the quality of the response to self being dictated by the particular cytokine (IL-7 vs. IL-2/IL-15) concerned. The relevance of the data to the gradual transition of naive T cells into memory-phenotype (MP) cells with age is discussed.


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Summary One of the major goals of cancer immunotherapy is the induction of a specific and effective antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. However, the downregulation of Class I Major Histocompatibility Complexes (MHC) expression and the low level of tumor peptide presentation on tumor cell surface, ás well as the low immunogenicity of tumor specific antigens, limit the effectiveness of anti-tumor CTL responses. On the other hand, monoclonal antibodies, which bind with high affinity to tumor cell surface markers, are powerful tumor targeting tools. However, their capacity to .kill cancer cells is limited and mAb cancer treatments usually require the addition of different form of chemotherapy. The new cancer immunotherapy strategy described herein combines the advantage of the high tumor targeting capacity of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with the powerful cytotoxicity of CD8 T lymphocytes directed against highly antigenic peptide-MHC complexes. Monoclonal antibody Fab fragments directed against a cell surface tumor associated antigen (TAA) are chemically coupled to soluble MHC class I complexes carrying a highly antigenic peptide. Antibody guided targeting and oligomerization of numerous antigenic class IMHC/peptide complexes on tumor cell surfaces can redirect the cytotoxicity of peptide-specific CD8 T cells towards target cancer cells. After the description of the production of murine anti-tumor xMHC/peptide conjugates in the first part of this thesis, the therapeutic potential of such conjugates were sequentially investigated in different syngeneic tumor mouse models. As a first proof of principle, transgenic OT-1 mice and later CEA transgenic C57BL/6 (B6) mice, adoptively transferred with OT-1 spleen cells and immunized with ovalbumin, were used as a model of high frequency of ova peptide specific T cells. In these mice, growth inhibition and regression of palpable colon carcinoma expressing CEA, were obtained by systemic injection of anti-CEA Fab/H-2Kb/ova peptide conjugates. Next, LCMV virus and influenza virus infection of B6 mice were used as viral models to redirect natural antiviral CTL responses to tumors via conjugates loaded with viral peptides. We showed that in mice infected with the LCMV virus, subcutaneous CEA-expressing tumor cells were inhibited by the H2Db/GP33 restricted anti-viral CTL response when preincubated before grafting with anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33 peptide conjugates. In mice infected with the influenza virus, lung metastases expressing the HER2 antigen were inhibited by the H-2Db/NP366 restricted CTLs response when preincubated before injection with anti-Her2 Fab-H-2Db/NP366 peptide conjugates. In the last chapter, the stability of the peptide in the anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33 conjugates was improved by the covalent photocross-link of the GP33 peptide in the H-2Db MHC groove. Thus, LCMV immune mice could reject CEA expressing tumors when treated with systemic injections of anti-CEA FabH-2Db/GP33 cross-linked conjugates. These results are encouraging for the potential application of this strategy in clinic. Such conjugates could be used alone in patients boosted by the relevant virus, or used in combination with existing T cell based ìmmunotherapy. Résumé Une des principales approches utilisées dans l'immunothérapie contre le cancer consiste en l'induction d'une réponse T cytotoxique (CTL) spécifiquement dirigée contre la tumeur. Cependant, le faible niveau d'expression des complexes majeurs d'histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I) et de présentation des peptides tumoraux à la surface des cellules cancéreuses ainsi que la faible immunogenicité des antigens tumoraux, limitent l'efficacité de la réponse CTL. D'autre part,. l'injection d'anticorps monoclonaux (mAb), se liant avec une haute affinité aux marqueurs de surface des cellules tumorales, a fourni des résultats cliniques encourageant. Cependant l'efficacité de ces mAbs contre des tumeur solides reste limitée et necessite souvent l'addition de chimiotherapie. La nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique décrite dans ce travail associe le fort pouvoir de localisation des anticorps monoclonaux et le fort pouvoir cytotoxique des lymphocytes T CD8+. Des fragments Fab d'anticorps monoclonaux, dirigés contre des antigènes surexprimés à la surface de cellules tumorales, ont été chimiquement couplés à des CMH I solubles, portant un peptide fortement antigénique. Le ciblage et l'oligomérisation à la surface des cellules tumorales de nombreux CMH I présentant un peptide antigénique, va réorienter la cytotoxicité des cellules T CD8+ spécifiques du peptide présenté, vers les cellules tumorales cibles. Après une description de la production de conjugé anti-tumeur x CMH Upeptide dans la première partie de cette thèse, le potentiel thérapeutique de tels conjugés a été successivement étudiés in vivo dans différents modèles de tumeur syngénéiques. Tout d'abord, des souris OT-1 transgéniques, puis des souris C57BL/6 (B6) transférées avec des cellules de rate OT-1 puis immunisées avec l'ovalbumine, ont été employées comme modèle de haute fréquence de cellules T CD8+ spécifiques du peptide ova. Chez ces souris, l'inhibition de la croissance et la régression de nodules palpables de carcinomes exprimant l'antigène caccino embryonaire (ACE), ont été obtenues par l'injection systémique de conjugés anti-ACE Fab/H-2Kb/ova. Par la suite, l'infection de souris B6 par le virus LCMV et par le virus de la grippe, ont été utilisés comme modèles viraux pour redirigées des réponses anti-virales naturelles vers les tumeurs, en utilisant des conjugés chargés avec des peptides viraux. Nous avons montré que .chez les souris infectées par le LCMV, la croissance de carcinome sous-cutané est empêchée par la réponse anti-virale, spécifique du complexe H2Db/GP33, lorsque les cellules tumorales greffées sont pré-incubées avec des conjugés anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33. Dans le cas de souris infectées par le virus de la grippe, la métastatisation de mélanomes pulmonaires exprimant l'antigène HER-2 est inhibée par la réponse anti-virale spécifique du complexe H-2Db/NP366, après pré-incubation des cellules tumorales avec des conjugés anti-Her2 FabxH-2Db/NP366. Dans le dernier chapitre, la liaison covalente du peptide GP33 dans le complexe H-2Db a amélioré la stabilité des conjugés correspondants et a permis le traitement systémique de souris greffées avec des tumeurs exprimant l'ACE et infectées par le LCMV. L'ensemble de ces résultats sont encourageant pour l'application de cette strategie en clinique. De tels conjugués pourraient être employés seuls ou en combinaison avec des protocols d'immunisation peptidique anti-tumoral. Résumé pour un large public Dans les pays industrialisés, le cancer se situe au deuxième rang des causes de mortalité après les maladies cardiovasculaires. Les principaux traitement de nombreux cancers sont la chirurgie, en association avec la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie est l'une des nouvelles approches mises en oeuvre pour la lutte contre le cancer. Elle peut être humorale, et s'appuyer alors sur la perfusion d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, par exemple les anticorps dirigés contre les protéines oncogéniques Her-2/neu dans le cancer du sein. Ces anticorps ont le grand avantage de spécifiquement se localiser à la tumeur et d'induire la lyse ou d'inhiber la proliferation des cellules tumorales exprimant l'antigène. Certains sont utilisés en clinique pour le traitement de lymphomes, de carcinomes de l'ovaire et du sein ou encore de carcinomes metastatiques du côlon. Cependant l'efficacité de ces anticorps contre des tumeurs solides reste limitée et les traitements exigent souvent d'être combiner avec de la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie spécifique peut également être cellulaire et reposer sur une démarche de type vaccinal, consistant à générer des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques (cytotoxic T lymphocytes :CTL) capables de détruire spécifiquement les cellules malignes. Pour obtenir une réponse lymphocytaire T cytotoxique antitumorale, la cellule T doit reconnaître un antigène associé à la tumeur, présenté sous forme de peptide dans un complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I. Or les cellules tumorales ne presentent pas efficacement les peptides antigèniques, car elles se caractérisent par une diminution ou une absence d'expression des antigènes d'histocompatibilité de classe I, des molécules d'adhésion et des cytokines costimulatrices, et par une faible expression des antigènes associés aux tumeurs. C'est en partie pourquoi, malgré l'induction de fortes réponses CTL specifiquement dirigés contre des antigens tumoraux, les régressions tumorales obtenus grace à ces vaccinations sont relativement rares. Alors que chez les personnes atteintes du cancer on observe l'instauration d'une tolérance immunitaire vis-à-vis de la tumeur, à l'inverse, notre systeme immunitaire reste parfaitement capable de combattre des infection virales classiques, tels que la grippe, qui font aussi appel à une réponse T cytotoxique. Notre groupe de recherche a donc eu l'idee de développer une nouvelle approche thérapeutique où une réponse immunitaire anti-virale très efficace serait redirigée vers les tumeurs par des anticorps monoclonaux. Concrètement, nous avons chimiquement couplés des fragments d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes surexprimés à la surface de cellules tumorales, à des CMH I portant un peptide viral antigénique. Les cellules tumorales, ciblées par le fragment anticorps et couvertes d' antigènes viraux présentés par des molécules de CMH I, peuvent ainsi tromper les lymphocytes cytotoxiques anti-viraux qui vont détruire les cellules tumorales comme si elles étaient infectées par le virus. Suite à des résultats prometteurs obtenus in vitro avec différents conjugués anticorps-CMH humain de type HLA.A2/peptide Flu, le but du projet était de tester in vivo des conjugués anticorps-CMH I murins sur des modèles expérimentaux de souris. Tout d'abord, des souris transgéniques pour un recepteur T specifique du peptide ova, puis des transferts adoptifs de ces cellules T specifiques dans des souris immunocompétentes, ont été choisi comme modèle de haute fréquence des cellules T spécifiques, et ont permi de valider le principe de la strategie in vivo. Puis, deux modèles viraux ont été elaboré avec le virus LCMV et le virus Influenza, pour réorienter des réponses antivirales naturelles vers les tumeurs grâce à des conjugés chargés avec des peptides viraux. Nous avons montré la grande capacité de nos conjugués à rediriger des réponses cytotoxiques vers les tumeurs et inhiber la croissance de tumeurs syngénéiques sous cutanés et pulmonaires. Ces résultats d'inhibition tumorales obtenus dans des souris immunocompétentes, grâce à l'injection de conjugués anticorps xCMH/peptide et réorientant deux réponses antivirales différentes vers deux modèles tumoraux syngeneiques, sont encourageant pour l'application de cette nouvelle stratégie en clinique.


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So far, cardiac arrest is still associated with high mortality or severe neurological disability in survivors. At the tissue level, cardiac arrest results into an acute condition of generalized hypoxia. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion and of the inflammatory response that develops after cardiac arrest could help to design novel therapeutic strategies in the future. It seems unlikely that a single drug, acting as a <magic bullet>, might be able to improve survival or neurological prognosis. Lessons learned from pathophysiological mechanisms rather indicate that combined therapies, involving thrombolysis, neuroprotective agents, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules, together with temperature cooling, might represent helpful strategies to improve patient's outcome after cardiac arrest.


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The effectiveness of pre-play communication in achieving efficientoutcomes has long been a subject of controversy. In some environments,cheap talk may help to achieve coordination. However, Aumannconjectures that, in a variant of the Stag Hunt game, a signal forefficient play is not self-enforcing and concludes that an "agreementto play [the efficient outcome] conveys no information about what theplayers will do." Harsanyi and Selten (1988) cite this example as anillustration of risk-dominance vs. payoff-dominance. Farrell and Rabin(1996) agree with the logic, but suspect that cheap talk willnonetheless achieve efficiency. The conjecture is tested with one-waycommunication. When the sender first chooses a signal and then anaction, there is impressive coordination: a 94% probability for thepotentially efficient (but risky) play, given a signal for efficientplay. Without communication, efforts to achieve efficiency wereunsuccessful, as the proportion of B moves is only 35%. I also test ahypothesis that the order of the action and the signal affects theresults, finding that the decision order is indeed important. WhileAumann s conjecture is behaviorally disconfirmed when the signal isdetermined initially, the signal s credibility seems to be much moresuspect when the sender is known to have first chosen an action, andthe results are not statistically distinguishable from those whenthere is no signal. Some applications and issues in communication andcoordination are discussed.


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This paper argues that low-stakes test scores, available in surveys, may be partially determinedby test-taking motivation, which is associated with personality traits but not with cognitiveability. Therefore, such test score distributions may not be informative regarding cognitiveability distributions. Moreover, correlations, found in survey data, between high test scoresand economic success may be partially caused by favorable personality traits. To demonstratethese points, I use the coding speed test that was administered without incentives to NationalLongitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY) participants. I suggest that due to its simplicityits scores may especially depend on individuals' test-taking motivation. I show that controllingfor conventional measures of cognitive skills, the coding speed scores are correlated with futureearnings of male NLSY participants. Moreover, the coding speed scores of highly motivated,though less educated, population (potential enlists to the armed forces) are higher than NLSYparticipants' scores. I then use controlled experiments to show that when no performance-basedincentives are provided, participants' characteristics, but not their cognitive skills, affect effortinvested in the coding speed test. Thus, participants with the same ability (measured by theirscores on an incentivized test) have significantly different scores on tests without performance-based incentives.


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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infects B lymphocytes and expresses a superantigen on the cell surface after integration of its reverse-transcribed genome. Superantigen-dependent B- and T-cell activation becomes detectable 2 to 3 days after infection. We show here that before this event, B cells undergo a polyclonal activation which does not involve massive proliferation. This first phase of B-cell activation is T cell independent. Moreover, during the first phase of activation, when only a small fraction of B cells is infected by MMTV(SW), viral DNA is detected only in activated B cells. Such a B-cell activation is also seen after injection of murine leukemia virus but not after injection of vaccinia virus, despite the very similar kinetics and intensity of the immune response. Since retroviruses require activated target cells to induce efficient infection, these data suggest that the early polyclonal retrovirus-induced target cell activation might play an important role in the establishment of retroviral infections.


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PURPOSE: As compared with natural tumor peptide sequences, carefully selected analog peptides may be more immunogenic and thus better suited for vaccination. However, T cells in vivo activated by such altered analog peptides may not necessarily be tumor specific because sequence and structure of peptide analogs differ from corresponding natural peptides. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Three melanoma patients were immunized with a Melan-A peptide analog that binds more strongly to HLA-A*0201 and is more immunogenic than the natural sequence. This peptide was injected together with a saponin-based adjuvant, followed by surgical removal of lymph node(s) draining the site of vaccination. RESULTS: Ex vivo analysis of vaccine site draining lymph nodes revealed antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which had differentiated to memory cells. In vitro, these cells showed accelerated proliferation upon peptide stimulation. Nearly all (16 of 17) of Melan-A-specific CD8+ T-cell clones generated from these lymph nodes efficiently killed melanoma cells. CONCLUSIONS: Patient immunization with the analog peptide leads to in vivo activation of T cells that were specific for the natural tumor antigen, demonstrating the usefulness of the analog peptide for melanoma immunotherapy.


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Early revascularization of pancreatic islet cells after transplantation is crucial for engraftment, and it has been suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) plays a significant role in this process. Although VEGF gene therapy can improve angiogenesis, uncontrolled VEGF secretion can lead to vascular tumor formation. Here we have explored the role of temporal VEGF expression, controlled by a tetracycline (TC)-regulated promoter, on revascularization and engraftment of genetically modified beta cells following transplantation. To this end, we modified the CDM3D beta cell line using a lentiviral vector to promote secretion of VEGF-A either in a TC-regulated (TET cells) or a constitutive (PGK cells) manner. VEGF secretion, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and stimulated insulin secretion were assessed in vitro. VEGF secretion was increased in TET and PGK cells, and VEGF delivery resulted in angiogenesis, whereas addition of TC inhibited these processes. Insulin secretion by the three cell types was similar. We used a syngeneic mouse model of transplantation to assess the effects of this controlled VEGF expression in vivo. Time to normoglycemia, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, graft vascular density, and cellular mass were evaluated. Increased expression of VEGF resulted in significantly better revascularization and engraftment after transplantation when compared to control cells. In vivo, there was a significant increase in vascular density in grafted TET and PGK cells versus control cells. Moreover, the time for diabetic mice to return to normoglycemia and the stimulated plasma glucose clearance were also significantly accelerated in mice transplanted with TET and PGK cells when compared to control cells. VEGF was only needed during the first 2-3 weeks after transplantation; when removed, normoglycemia and graft vascularization were maintained. TC-treated mice grafted with TC-treated cells failed to restore normoglycemia. This approach allowed us to switch off VEGF secretion when the desired effects had been achieved. TC-regulated temporal expression of VEGF using a gene therapy approach presents a novel way to improve early revascularization and engraftment after islet cell transplantation.


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In this study, we report the effect of fatty acids on the Thy-1 antigen mRNA decay. Low serum and synthetic medium culture conditions were used to demonstrate that fatty acids, which are important metabolites involved as second messengers in signal transduction, also influence the steady-state mRNA level. Detailed analysis demonstrated that polyunsaturated lipids attached to bovine serum albumin, such as linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids, modulate gene expression specifically in the S1A T lymphoma cell line by inducing a 3-5-fold increase in the steady-state Thy-1 mRNA level, concomitant with a twofold increase in cell surface expression. A similar modulation was observed in the immature CD4-CD8- T cell precursors but not in mature thymocytes. Nuclear run-on and transfection experiments indicated that the observed Thy-1 mRNA level is post-transcriptionally regulated and that the presence of the coding region is sufficient for this adaptive response. A mechanism without a requirement for protein kinase C activation, but involving Ca2+ entry, could account for this difference in Thy-1 mRNA stability.


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A test-chamber (K&L-Chamber) made of cardboard and acrylic plastic, and consisting in four sections (A, B, C and D) was developed by Klowden & Lea (1978) for Aedes aegypti host-seeking behavior studies. Later, Foster & Lutes (1985) also used an identical chamber to successfully evaluate the efficacy of electronic repellers. It was described here a modified K&L-Chamber for behavioral studies of Ae. aegypti adults. The chamber was made in polystyrene, consisting of three sections (A, B and C) and using a human hand and a fluorescent lamp as stimulus to attract the mosquitoes. The suitability of the present test-chamber was validated assaying 80 replicates and releasing 10 Ae. aegypti females in each replicate. The females were released in the section A and allowed to fly to the section C. A mean of 96.0% (s.e. 0.213) Ae. aegypti females successfully reached section C. The present test-chamber is cheaper and easier to handle and as efficient as K&L-Chamber, when compared to Foster & Lutes (1978) that noticed 93.8% of Ae. aegypti reaching the trap section.