954 resultados para Beet sugar


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física


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Dissertation for the Degree of Master in Biotechnology


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A riqueza, abundância relativa, flutuação sazonal, preferência por ambiente (peri e intradomicílio) e horários de hematofagismo de espécies de Anopheles foram estudados no município de Pinheiro, Maranhão. As fêmeas foram capturadas mensalmente sobre iscas humanas de maio/1998 a abril/1999, das 18 às 6 horas. Foram coletados 1.321 espécimens pertencentes a 10 espécies de Anopheles, todas do subgênero Nyssorhynchus: A. argyritarsis com 62%, A. darlingi (21,7%), A. albitarsis (4,5%), A. galvaoi (4%), A. triannulatus (3,1%) e A. evansae (2,8%). As espécies A. nuneztovari, A. braziliensis, A. rondoni e A. strodei representaram juntas 1,9%. Os anofelinos ocorreram o ano todo, não havendo diferença significativa no número de exemplares capturados entre as estações chuvosa (51,7%) e seca (48,3%). A freqüência dos anofelinos no peridomicílio foi significativamente maior (p < 0,01) (82%) do que no intradomicílio (18%), preferindo sugar no crepúsculo vespertino e nas primeiras horas da noite.


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O comportamento e hábitos alimentares de algumas espécies da flebotomíneos têm sido útil na compreensão da epidemiologia das leishmanioses. No município de Porteirinha (MG), foram realizadas capturas mensais sistematizadas utilizando-se 28 armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC, durante o período de janeiro a dezembro de 2002. Foram capturadas 14 espécies de flebotomíneos, totalizando 1.408 exemplares. De acordo com o ambiente, os resultados obtidos mostraram que o peridomicílio apresentou a maior (53,3%) porcentagem dos espécimens encontrados na região, embora parte (46,7%) da fauna também tenha sido encontrada no intradomicílio. O repasto sanguíneo de 38 fêmeas de Lutzomyia longipalpis, provenientes do campo, foi identificado através da reação de precipitina. Os resultados indicam que Lutzomyia longipalpis foi a espécie predominante (65,1%), mostrando-se oportunista, podendo sugar uma ampla variedade de vertebrados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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The main objective of this work was the development of polymeric structures, gel and films, generated from the dissolution of the Chitin-Glucan Complex (CGC) in biocompatible ionic liquids for biomedical applications. Similar as chitin, CGC is only soluble in some special solvents which are toxic and corrosive. Due to this fact and the urgent development of biomedical applications, the need to use biocompatible ionic liquids to dissolve the CGC is indispensable. For the dissolution of CGC, the biocompatible ionic liquid used was Choline acetate. Two different CGC’s, KiOnutrime from KitoZyme and biologically produced CGC from Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia (FCT) - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, were characterized in order to develop biocompatible wound dressing materials. The similar result is shown in term of the ratio of chitin:glucan, which is 1:1.72 for CGC-FCT and 1:1.69 for CGC-Commercial. For the analysis of metal element content, water and inorganic salts content and protein content, both polymers showed some discrepancies, where the content in CGC-FCT is always higher compared to the commercial one. The different characterization results between CGC-FCT and CGC-Commercial could be addressed to differences in the purification method, and the difference of its original strain yeast, whereas CGC-FCT is derived from P.pastoris and the commercial CGC is from A.niger. This work also investigated the effect of biopolymers, temperature dissolution, non-solvent composition on the characteristics of generated polymeric structure with biocompatible ionic liquid. The films were prepared by casting a polymer mixture, immersion in a non-solvent, followed by drying at ambient temperature. Three different non-solvents were tested in phase inversion method, i.e. water, methanol, and glycerol. The results indicate that the composition of non-solvent in the coagulation bath has great influence in generated polymeric structure. Water was found to be the best coagulant for producing a CGC polymeric film structure. The characterizations that have been done include the analysis of viscosity and viscoelasticity measurement, as well as sugar composition in the membrane and total sugar that was released during the phase inversion method. The rheology test showed that both polymer mixtures exhibit a non- Newtonian shear thinning behaviour. Where the viscosity and viscoelasticity test reveal that CGCFCT mixture has a typical behaviour of a viscous solution with entangled polymer chains and CGCCommercial mixture has true gel behaviour. The experimental results show us that the generated CGC solution from choline acetate could be used to develop both polymeric film structure and gel. The generated structures are thermally stable at 100° C, and are hydrophilic. The produced films have dense structure and mechanical stabilities against puncture up to 60 kPa.


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Forest managers, stakeholders and investors want to be able to evaluate economic, environmental and social benefits in order to improve the outcomes of their decisions and enhance sustainable forest management. This research developed a spatial decision support system that provides: (1) an approach to identify the most beneficial locations for agroforestry projects based on the biophysical properties and evaluate its economic, social and environmental impact; (2) a tool to inform prospective investors and stakeholders of the potential and opportunities for integrated agroforestry management; (3) a simulation environment that enables evaluation via a dashboard with the opportunity to perform interactive sensitivity analysis for key parameters of the project; (4) a 3D interactive geographic visualization of the economic, environmental and social outcomes, which facilitate understanding and eases planning. Although the tool and methodology presented are generic, a case study was performed in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. For the whole study area, it was simulated the most suitable location for three different plantation schemes: monoculture of timber, a specific recipe (cassava, banana and sugar palm) and different recipes per geographic unit. The results indicate that a mixed cropping plantation scheme, with different recipes applied to the most suitable location returns higher economic, environmental and social benefits.


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This study focuses on the assessment of the fermentation conditions required to modulate the metabolic flux in the osmotolerant yeast Candida magnoliae and evaluate its potential to produce low-alcoholic and low-caloric fermented beverages. For that purpose, two strains, PYCC 2903 and PYCC 3191, were used and fermentation conditions as oxygenation, sugar concentration and the ratio of glucose to fructose were studied using synthetic culture media. Candida magnoliae PYCC 2903 was subsequently used to ferment real industrial fructose-rich substrates such as fruit juices. Sugar consumption profiles for C.magnoliae PYCC 2903 incubated aerobically in the presence of high fructose and glucose concentrations (15%, 10% and 5%) showed a selective utilization of fructose, denoting a preference for this sugar over glucose. The lower ratio between ethanol and sugar alcohols yield was obtained for both strains incubated under oxygen limitation simulating industrial fructose-rich substrates, confirming the ability of this yeast to direct fermentation towards alternative products. Enzymatic assays for hexokinase activity in terms of capacity and affinity for glucose and fructose were performed, aiming to elucidate its contribution to the fructophilic behaviour of this yeast. Enzymatic assays for both strains showed that the Vmax is two to threefold higher for fructose than for glucose but Km is also 10-20-fold higher for this sugar than for glucose. Hence, hexokinase kinetic properties do not explain fructophily in C.magnoliae. This indicates that fructose transport is probably determining in this respect, as observed for other fructophilic yeasts. Fruit juice fermentations with C.magnoliae PYCC 2903 revealed a potential for the production of beverages with interesting sensorial properties. Pear and peach fermentations exhibited the best results with the lowest ratio between ethanol and sugar alcohols yield and the most pleasant organoleptic features.


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All life forms need to monitor carbon and energy availability to survive and this is especially true for plants which must integrate unavoidable environmental conditions with metabolism for cellular homeostasis maintenance. Sugars, in the heart of metabolism, are now recognized as crucial signaling molecules that translate those conditions. One such signal is trehalose 6- phosphate (T6P), a phosphorylated dimer of glucose molecules which levels correlate well with those of sucrose (Suc). Central integrators of stress and energy regulation include the conserved plant Snf1-related kinase1 (SnRK1) which respond to low cellular energy levels by up-regulating energy conserving and catabolic metabolism and down-regulating energy consuming processes. In 2009 T6P was shown to inhibit SnRK1. The in vitro inhibition of SnRK1 by T6P was confirmed in vivo through the observation that genes normally induced by SnRK1 were repressed by T6P and vice-versa, promoting growth processes. These observations provided a model for the regulation of growth by sugar.(...)