999 resultados para Beach Recovery


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The current survey provides an overview of the economic performance for 2013 of the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago plus the eight member states of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and the outlook for 2014 and 2015. Data were collected from a review of reports from national governments and through interviews with government officials in each of the countries analyzed.


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Latin America and the Caribbean experienced an unexpectedly vigorous economic recovery in 2010 after the output contraction of 2009. This upturn was reflected in the region’s employment and unemployment rates, which resumed the positive trends that had been broken by the crisis, and formal wages rose slightly. The strength of the recovery and labour-market performance varied markedly across subregions and countries, however. The first part of this joint ECLAC/ILO publication on the employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean looks at how labour markets have responded to the rapid economic upswing in 2010 and early 2011, highlighting both the significant advances achieved in the post-crisis period and the sharp differences evident across subregions and countries. As well as tapping into the improved external conditions which followed upon the Asianled global economic upturn, several Latin American countries were also able to contain the impacts of the crisis and underpin their own recovery with countercyclical policies, thanks to the leeway gained by their macroeconomic management during the run of growth from 2003 to 2008. These countries were in a position to implement expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, some of which channelled higher fiscal spending through labour-market policies or softened the impact of the crisis on employment and income, as discussed in previous ECLAC/ILO bulletins. Since the region is fairly new to the use of countercyclical policies, the second part of this document reviews the experiences arising from those policies and considers lessons for institutionalizing them. Economic growth in the Latin American and Caribbean region has historically been marked by the volatility of its economic cycles, with high-growth periods being succeeded by deep crises. Volatility has conspired against the use of production resources over extended periods and short growth horizons have impeded investment in capital and labour. In the recent international crisis, the deployment of countercyclical macroeconomic policy helped to reduce the depth and duration of the impact and to leverage a more rapid recovery. It is therefore worth looking at the fundamentals of a long-term countercyclical macroeconomic policy which would provide the tools needed to deal with future crises and pave the way for economic growth that may be sustained over time. A special factor during this crisis was that a greater effort was made to support employment and income. Several of the labour-market policy measures taken acted as vehicles for conveying increased fiscal spending to individuals, reflecting greater consideration for equality concerns. Indeed, these measures were aimed not only at stabilizing andstrengthening domestic demand per se, but also at preventing the crisis from hitting lowest-income households the hardest, as had occurred in previous episodes. And —again unlike the pattern seen in previous episodes— inflation actually fell during the crisis as the high food and fuel prices seen in the run-up to it eased as a result of both existing macroeconomic policies and global conditions. This averted the surge in inequality so often seen in previous crises. Two caveats must be added, however. First, not all the countries were in a position to deploy strong countercyclical policies. Many simply lacked the fiscal space to do so. Second, some countries took this sort of measure more as an ad hoc response to the crisis than as part of a clearly established countercyclical policy strategy. The challenge, then, is to institutionalize a countercyclical approach throughout the economic cycle. Taking up this challenge is part of making economic growth more sustainable. This year —2011— was ushered in by rapid economic growth and substantial improvements in labour indicators. With the region’s GDP projected to grow well over 4% this year, ECLAC and ILO estimate that the regional unemployment rate will fall substantially again, from 7.3% in 2010 to between 6.7% and 7.0% in 2011.


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The adverse effects on Latin America and the Caribbean of the global economic and financial crisis, the worst since the 1930s, have been considerably less than was once feared. Although a run of growth was cut short in 2009 and regional output shrank by 1.9%, the impact of the crisis was limited by the application of countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies by many of the region’s governments. The recovery in the economies, particularly in South America, has gone hand-in-hand with the rapid resurgence of the emerging economies of Asia, with all the favourable consequences this has had for global trade. A similar pattern may be observed regarding the impact of the crisis on labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although millions of people lost their jobs or had to trade down to lower-quality work, levels of employment (including formal employment) fell by less than originally foreseen. At the same time, real wages rose slightly in a context of falling inflation. The labour market thus stabilized domestic demand, and this contributed to the recovery that began in many countries in late 2009. Improved international trade and financing conditions, and the pick-up in domestic demand driven by macroeconomic policies, have led different commentators to estimate growth in the region’s economy at some 6% in 2010. As detailed in the first part of this edition of the Bulletin, the upturn has been manifested at the regional level by the creation of formal employment, a rise in the employment rate, a decline in joblessness and a moderate increase in real wages. Specifically, it is estimatedthat the regional unemployment rate will have dropped by 0.6 percentage points, from 8.1% in 2009 to 7.5% in 2010. The performance of different countries and subregions has been very uneven, however. On the one hand, there is Brazil, where high economic growth has been accompanied by vigorous creation of formal jobs and the unemployment rate has dropped to levels not seen in a long time. Other countries in South America have benefited from strong demand for natural resources from the Asian countries. Combined with higher domestic demand, this has raised their economic growth rates and had a positive impact on employment indicators. On the other hand, the recovery is still very weak in certain countries and subregions, particularly in the Caribbean, with employment indicators continuing to worsen.Thus, the recovery in the region’s economy in 2010 may be characterized as dynamic but uneven. Growth estimates for 2011 are less favourable. The risks associated with the imbalances in the world economy and the withdrawal of countercyclical fiscal packages are likely to cause the region to grow more slowly in 2011. Accordingly, a small further reduction of between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points in the unemployment rate is projected for 2011. However, these indicators of recovery do not guarantee growth with decent work in the long term. To bolster the improvement in labour market indicators and generate more productive employment and decent work, the region’s countries need to strengthen their macroeconomic policies, improve regional and global policy coordination, identify and remove bottlenecks in the labour market itself and enhance instruments designed to promote greater equality. Like the rest of the world, the Latin American and Caribbean region is also confronted with the challenge of transforming the way it produces so that its economies can develop along tracks that are sustainable in the long term. Climate change and the consequent challenge of developing and strengthening low-carbon production and consumption patterns will also affect the way people work. A great challenge ahead is to create green jobs that combine decent work with environmentally sustainable production patterns. From this perspective, the second part of this Bulletin discusses the green jobs approach, offering some information on the challenges and opportunities involved in moving towards a sustainable economy in the region and presenting a set of options for addressing environmental issues and the repercussions of climate change in the world of work. Although the debate about the green jobs concept is fairly new in the region, examples already exist and a number of countries have moved ahead with the application of policies and programmes in this area. Costa Rica has formulated a National Climate Change Strategy, for example, whose foremost achievements include professional training in natural-resource management. In Brazil, fuel production from biomass has increased and social housing with solar panelling is being built. A number of other countries in the region are making progress in areas such as ecotourism, sustainable agriculture and infrastructure for climate change adaptation, and in formalizing the work of people who recycle household waste. The shift towards a more environmentally sustainable economy may cause jobs to be destroyed in some economic sectors and created in others. The working world will inevitably undergo major changes. If the issue is approached by way of social dialogue and appropriate public policies, there is a chance to use this shift to create more decent jobs, thereby contributing to growth in the economy, the construction of higher levels of equality and protection for the environment.


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The survey provides an overview of the economic performance for 2014 of the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago plus the eight member states of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and the outlook for 2015. Data were collected from a review of reports from national governments and through interviews with government officials in each of the countries analyzed.


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Turus são importantes decompositores de madeira, especialmente em manguezais, onde a produtividade é alta. Entretanto, pouca ênfase tem sido dada à atividade de turus em relação à exportação de nutrientes de manguezais para as áreas costeiras adjacentes. Como um passo inicial para obter tais informações, a freqüência de madeira do mangue à deriva colonizada por turus, bem como a densidade e comprimento de turus, foram estudados através da coleta de troncos encalhados durante 12 meses na praia de Ajuruteua, Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil. Uma única espécie, Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920), foi encontrada colonizando a madeira à deriva. Embora troncos grandes colonizados fossem mais comuns na praia, a densidade de turus foi maior nos troncos menores, especialmente na estação seca. Em geral, a densidade foi maior durante a estação chuvosa (janeiro a abril) e menor em julho. O comprimento médio geral de turus foi de 9,66cm e, em troncos grandes, o comprimento médio aumentou entre as estações chuvosa e seca. Entretanto, não houve nenhuma diferença em comprimento entre as categorias de tamanho dos troncos. O comprimento médio dos turus foi semelhante ao longo do maior parte do ano, mas a tendência foi de comprimentos maiores em julho. Embora a salinidade tenha variado entre 10,9 e 40 durante o ano, nenhuma relação entre salinidade e densidade ou comprimento foi encontrada. Os resultados sugerem que a atividade de turus em madeira à deriva é relativamente constante ao longo do ano. Maior umidade do ar e precipitação podem promover sobrevivência durante a estação chuvosa. Troncos maiores podem levar mais tempo para serem colonizados e portanto podem ter densidades menores do que nos troncos menores. Estes últimos são incomuns talvez porque sejam rapidamente destruídos pela atividade dos turus. Dados sobre a desintegração de troncos, entretanto, seriam necessários para corroborar esta hipótese. O tamanho maior de turus na estação seca possivelmente esteja relacionado ao crescimento após um período anterior de recrutamento. Na estação seca, turus em troncos grandes podem ser melhor protegidos da dessecação e de altas temperaturas pelas propriedades isolantes do maior volume de madeira.


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ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of enriched environment on the distribution of perineuronal nets (PNNs) using a stereogically based unbiased protocol and visual acuity in adult Swiss albino mice that underwent monocular deprivation during the critical period of postnatal development. Eight female Swiss albino mice were monocular deprived were removed and cut at 70 µm thickness in a vibratome and processed for lectin histochemical staining with Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA). Architectonic limits of area 17 were conspicuously defined by WFA histochemical staining, and the optical fractionator stereological method was applied to estimate the total number of PNNs in the supragranular, granular, and infragranular layers. All groups were compared using Student's t-test at a 95% confidence level. Comparative analysis of the average PNN estimations revealed that the EE group had higher PNNs in the supragranular layer (2726.33 ± 405.416, mean ± standard deviation) compared with the SE group (1543.535 ± 260.686; Student's t-test, p = .0495). No differences were found in the other layers. Visual acuity was significantly lower in the SE group (0.55 cycles/degree) than in the EE group (1.06 cycles/degree). Our results suggest that the integrity of the specialized extracellular matrix PNNs of the supragranular layer may be essential for normal visual acuity development.


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O presente estudo descreve a associação de nematódeos da Baía de Tamandaré (Brasil), praia arenosa tropical típica, durante as marés (baixa, enchente, alta e vazante) de dois ciclos de maré consecutivos, em quatro meses diferentes do ano (Maio, Julho, Setembro e Novembro). A associação de nematódeos foi dominada por Metachromadora e Perepsilonema e variou significativamente entre meses e marés. Densidades foram mais baixas em julho e as mudanças na associação ocorreram durante meses de transição entre chuvoso e seco mostrando a influência do ciclo de chuvas. No ciclo de maré a enchente e vazante pareceram exercer a maior influência, embora os padrões não fossem muito claros. Recomenda-se que os estudos devam ser feitos ao nível de gêneros/espécies para melhor compreensão dos padrões das associações de nematódeos durante ciclos de marés.


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A estrutura populacional (machos, fêmeas e juvenis) e densidade de Mesacanthion hirsutum Gerlach foram estudadas durante as marés (baixa, enchente, alta e vazante) de dois ciclos de maré consecutivos, em quatro meses diferentes do ano (Maio, Julho, Setembro e Novembro). As variações de densidade de Mesacanthion hirsutum mostraram associação com o ciclo de chuvas, com densidades mais baixas durante Julho e Setembro e significativamente maiores em Maio e Novembro. A estrutura populacional constituiu-se em sua maior parte por juvenis indicando uma reprodução continua durante todo o período de estudo. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os períodos claros e escuros do dia, contudo maiores densidades foram detectadas durante as marés altas e vazantes demonstrando que a espécie pode estar se dispersando através da coluna d'água e/ou migrando dentro do sedimento.


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AIM: In this study, we evaluated and compared community attributes from a tropical deforested stream, located in a pasture area, in a period before (PRED I) and three times after (POSD I, II, and III) a flash flood, in order to investigate the existence of temporal modifications in community structure that suggests return to conditions previous to the flash flood. METHODS: Biota samples included algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages. Changes in stream physical structure we also evaluated. Similarity of the aquatic biota between pre and post-disturbance periods was examined by exploratory ordination, known as Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling associated with Cluster Analysis, using quantitative and presence/absence Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients. Presence and absence data were used for multivariate correlation analysis (Relate Analysis) in order to investigate taxonomic composition similarity of biota between pre and post-disturbance periods. RESULTS: Our results evidenced channel simplification and an expressive decrease in richness and abundance of all taxa right after the flood, followed by subsequent increases of these parameters in the next three samples, indicating trends towards stream community recovery. Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients evidenced a greater community structure disparity among the period right after the flood and the subsequent ones. Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced a greater correlation between macroinvertebrates and algae/macrophytes, demonstrating the narrow relation between their recolonization dynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall community structure tended to return to previous conditions, recolonization after the flood was much slower than that reported in literature. Finally, the remarkably high flood impact along with the slow recolonization could be a result of the historical presence of anthropic impacts in the region, such as siltation, riparian forest complete depletion, and habitat simplification, which magnified the effects of a natural disturbance.


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Background: The effects of modern therapy on functional recovery after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are unknown.Objectives: To evaluate the predictors of systolic functional recovery after anterior AMI in patients undergoing modern therapy (reperfusion, aggressive platelet antiaggregant therapy, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers).Methods: A total of 94 consecutive patients with AMI with ST-segment elevation were enrolled. Echocardiograms were performed during the in-hospital phase and after 6 months. Systolic dysfunction was defined as ejection fraction value < 50%.Results: In the initial echocardiogram, 64% of patients had systolic dysfunction. Patients with ventricular dysfunction had greater infarct size, assessed by the measurement of total and isoenzyme MB creatine kinase enzymes, than patients without dysfunction. Additionally, 24.5% of patients that initially had systolic dysfunction showed recovery within 6 months after AMI. Patients who recovered ventricular function had smaller infarct sizes, but larger values of ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time than patients without recovery. At the multivariate analysis, it can be observed that infarct size was the only independent predictor of functional recovery after 6 months of AMI when adjusted for age, gender, ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time.Conclusion: In spite of aggressive treatment, systolic ventricular dysfunction remains a frequent event after the anterior myocardial infarction. Additionally, 25% of patients show functional recovery. Finally, infarct size was the only significant predictor of functional recovery after six months of acute myocardial infarction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A significant increase of surface hydrophilicity of copper and gold surfaces was obtained after atmospheric pressure plasma treatment using the surface dielectric barrier discharge with specific electrode geometry, the so-called diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge. Surface wettability was estimated using the sessile drop method with further calculation of the surface free energy. After the plasma treatments, it was observed that the treated surfaces exhibited hydrophobic recovery (or aging effect). The aging effect was studied in different storage environments, such as air, low and high vacuum. The role of plasma and the reasons of the following aging effect are discussed with respect to the observed hydrophilic recovery after immersing the aged surfaces into deionized water. The changes in the surface morphology, composition and bond structure are presented and discussed as well. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.