972 resultados para Bayesian Modelling


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The quality of species distribution models (SDMs) relies to a large degree on the quality of the input data, from bioclimatic indices to environmental and habitat descriptors (Austin, 2002). Recent reviews of SDM techniques, have sought to optimize predictive performance e.g. Elith et al., 2006. In general SDMs employ one of three approaches to variable selection. The simplest approach relies on the expert to select the variables, as in environmental niche models Nix, 1986 or a generalized linear model without variable selection (Miller and Franklin, 2002). A second approach explicitly incorporates variable selection into model fitting, which allows examination of particular combinations of variables. Examples include generalized linear or additive models with variable selection (Hastie et al. 2002); or classification trees with complexity or model based pruning (Breiman et al., 1984, Zeileis, 2008). A third approach uses model averaging, to summarize the overall contribution of a variable, without considering particular combinations. Examples include neural networks, boosted or bagged regression trees and Maximum Entropy as compared in Elith et al. 2006. Typically, users of SDMs will either consider a small number of variable sets, via the first approach, or else supply all of the candidate variables (often numbering more than a hundred) to the second or third approaches. Bayesian SDMs exist, with several methods for eliciting and encoding priors on model parameters (see review in Low Choy et al. 2010). However few methods have been published for informative variable selection; one example is Bayesian trees (O’Leary 2008). Here we report an elicitation protocol that helps makes explicit a priori expert judgements on the quality of candidate variables. This protocol can be flexibly applied to any of the three approaches to variable selection, described above, Bayesian or otherwise. We demonstrate how this information can be obtained then used to guide variable selection in classical or machine learning SDMs, or to define priors within Bayesian SDMs.


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The project objective is to undertake paddock modelling across the Great Barrier Reef catchments to determine magnitude of sediment and particulate nutrient reductions from agricultural lands to GBR lagoon achieved over 5 years. Discussions, development and design of a plan (including a monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement plan) for GRASP paddock modelling will be undertaken to determine changes in water quality as a result of land management practices adopted by pastoralists. Biophysical outputs will be derived from range of land types, starting conditions and grazing management strategies. GRASP derived outputs will then be incorporated into water models to determine sediment and nutrient estimates for the catchments.


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Investigate the feasibility and utility of a macadamia physiological model.


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Development of 3D functional structural plant models for macadamias and other tropical fruit and nuts.


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In genetic epidemiology, population-based disease registries are commonly used to collect genotype or other risk factor information concerning affected subjects and their relatives. This work presents two new approaches for the statistical inference of ascertained data: a conditional and full likelihood approaches for the disease with variable age at onset phenotype using familial data obtained from population-based registry of incident cases. The aim is to obtain statistically reliable estimates of the general population parameters. The statistical analysis of familial data with variable age at onset becomes more complicated when some of the study subjects are non-susceptible, that is to say these subjects never get the disease. A statistical model for a variable age at onset with long-term survivors is proposed for studies of familial aggregation, using latent variable approach, as well as for prospective studies of genetic association studies with candidate genes. In addition, we explore the possibility of a genetic explanation of the observed increase in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Finland in recent decades and the hypothesis of non-Mendelian transmission of T1D associated genes. Both classical and Bayesian statistical inference were used in the modelling and estimation. Despite the fact that this work contains five studies with different statistical models, they all concern data obtained from nationwide registries of T1D and genetics of T1D. In the analyses of T1D data, non-Mendelian transmission of T1D susceptibility alleles was not observed. In addition, non-Mendelian transmission of T1D susceptibility genes did not make a plausible explanation for the increase in T1D incidence in Finland. Instead, the Human Leucocyte Antigen associations with T1D were confirmed in the population-based analysis, which combines T1D registry information, reference sample of healthy subjects and birth cohort information of the Finnish population. Finally, a substantial familial variation in the susceptibility of T1D nephropathy was observed. The presented studies show the benefits of sophisticated statistical modelling to explore risk factors for complex diseases.


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Computational Modelling of the Vacuum Drying of Australian Hardwoods.


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Increased climate variability and the need to establish production forests at more marginal sites requires an understanding of the mechanisms of drought death in production species so that predictions of growth and survival are robust and defendable.


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This project aims to use simulatiion modelling to improve our understanding of the genetics and physiology of complex traits with a view to increasing the rate of genetic gain in plant breeding programs.


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Pasture degradation, particularly that attributable to overgrazing, is a significant problem across the northern Australian rangelands. Although grazing studies have identified the scope for wet season resting strategies to be used to rehabilitate degraded pastures, the economic outcome of these strategies has not been extensively demonstrated. An exploratory study of the prospective economic value of wet season resting is presented using an economic simulation model of a 28000 ha beef enterprise located in the Charters Towers region of north-eastern Australia to explore seven hypothetical scenarios centred on the projected performance of a wet season resting strategy. A series of 20-year simulations for a range of pasture recovery profiles, stocking capacity, animal productivity responses, beef prices and agistment options are compared with a baseline scenario of taking no action. Estimates of the net present value of the 20-year difference in total enterprise gross margins between the various resting options and the 'do nothing' option identify that wet season resting can offer a positive economic return for the range of scenarios examined, although this is contingent on the assumptions that are made concerning the trajectories of change in carrying capacity and animal productivity. Some implications for management and policy making to support the practical implementation of wet season resting strategies are discussed.


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The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the largest reef system in the world; it covers an area of approximately 2,225,000 km² in the northern Queensland continental shelf. There are approximately 750 reefs that exist within 40 km of the Queensland coast. Recent research has identified that poor water quality is having negative impacts on the GBR (Haynes et al. 2007). The Fitzroy Basin covers 143,000 km² and is the largest catchment draining into the GBR as well as being one of the largest catchments in Australia (Karfs et al. 2009). The Burdekin Catchment is the second largest catchment entering into the GBR and covers 133,432 km².The prime determinant for the changes in water quality entering into the GBR have been attributed to grazing, with beef production the largest single land use industry comprising 90% of the land area (Karfs et al. 2009). Extensive beef production contributes over $1 billion dollars to the national economy annually and employs over 9000 people, many in rural communities (Gordon 2007). ‘Economic modelling of grazing systems in the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments’ was a joint project with the Fitzroy Basin Association and the Queensland Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation. The project was formed under the federally funded Caring For Our Country and the Reef Rescue programs. The project objectives were as follows; * Quantifying the costs of over-utilising available pasture and the resulting sediment leaving a representative farm for four of the major land systems in the Burdekin or Fitzroy catchments and identifying economically optimal pasture utilisation rates * Estimating the cost of reducing pasture utilisation rates below the determined optimal * Using this information, guide the selection of appropriate tools to achieve reduced utilisation rates e.g. extension process versus incentive payments or a combination of both * Model the biophysical and economic impacts of altering grazing systems to restore land condition e.g. from C condition to B condition for four land systems in the Burdekin or Fitzroy catchments.


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Sichuanissa Tiibetin ylängön metsäkato on pysähtynyt mutta eroosio-ongelmat jatkuvat Viikin tropiikki-instituutin tutkija Ping ZHOU kartoitti trooppisen metsänhoidon alaan kuuluvassa väitöskirjatyössään maaperän eroosioalttiutta ja sen riippuvuutta metsäkasvillisuudesta Jangtsen tärkeää sivuhaaraa Min-jokea ympäröivällä n. 7400 neliökilometrin suuruisella valuma-alueella Sichuanin Aba-piirikunnassa. Aineistonaan hän käytti muun muassa satelliittikartoitustietoja ja mittaustuloksia yli 600 maastokoealalta. Tutkimuksen nimi suomeksi on "Maaperän eroosion mallinnus ja vuoristoisen valuma-alueen ekologinen ennallistaminen Sichuanissa Kiinassa". Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella oli tiedossa että metsien häviäminen tällä alueella pysähtyi jo 1980-luvun alussa. Sen jälkeen on metsien pinta-ala hitaasti kasvanut etupäässä sen vuoksi, että teollinen puunhakkuu luonnonmetsissä kiellettiin kokonaan v. 1998 ja 25 astetta jyrkemmillä rinteillä myös maatalouden harjoittaminen on saatu lopetetuksi viljelijöille tarjottujen taloudellisten houkuttimien avulla. Täten myös pelto- ja laidunmaata on voitu ennallistaa metsäksi. Ping Zhou pystyi jakamaan 5700 metrin korkeuteen saakka kohoavan vuoristoalueen eroosioalttiudeltaan erilaisiin vyöhykkeisiin rinteen kaltevuuden, sademäärän, kasvipeitteen ja maalajin perusteella. Noin 15 prosentilla tutkitun valuma-alueen pinta-alasta, lähinnä Min-joen pääuomaa ympäröivillä jyrkillä rinteillä, eroosioriski oli suuri tai erittäin suuri. Eri tyyppisellä kasvillisuudella oli hyvin erilainen vaikutus eroosioalttiuteen, ja myös alueen sijainti vuoriston eri korkeuksilla vaikutti eroosioon. Säästyneet lähes luonnontilaiset havumetsät, joita on etupäässä vuoriston ylimmissä osissa 2600-4000 metrin korkeudella, edistävät tehokkaasti metsän luontaista uudistumista ja levittäytymistä vaurioituneille alueille. Säilyneiden metsien puulajikoostumus antoi tutkimuksessa mahdollisuuden ennustaa metsien tulevaa kehitystä koko tutkitulla valuma-alueella sen eri korkeusvyöhykkeissä ja eri maaperätyypeillä. Ennallistamisen kannalta ongelmallisimpia olivat alueet joilta metsäpeite oli lähinnä puiden teollisen hakkuun vuoksi kokonaan hävinnyt ja joilla maaperä yleisesti oli eroosion pahoin kuluttama. Näillä alueilla ei ole tehty juuri mitään uudistamis- tai ennallistamistoimenpiteitä. Niillä metsien ennallistaminen vaatii myös puiden tai pensaiden istuttamista. Tähän sopivia ovat erityisesti ilmakehän typpeä sitovat lajit, joista alueella kasvaa luontaisena mm. sama tyrnilaji joka esiintyy myös Suomessa. Työssä tutkittiin yli kahdeksankymmenen paikallisen luontaisen puulajin (joista peräti noin kolmannes on havupuulajeja) ekologisia ominaisuuksia ja soveltuvuutta metsien ennallistamiseen. Avainasemassa työn onnistumisen kannalta ovat nyt paikalliset asukkaat, joiden maankäytön muutokset ovat jo selvästi edistänet luonnonmetsän ennalleen palautumista. Suomen Akatemia rahoitti vuosina 2004-2006 VITRI:n tutkimushanketta, josta Ping Zhou'n väitöskirjatyö muodosti keskeisen osan. Kenttätyö Sichuanissa avasi mahdollisuuden hedelmälliseen monitieteiseen yhteistyöhön ja tutkijavaihtoon Kiinan tiedeakatemian alaisen Chengdun biologiainstituutin (CIB) kanssa; tämä tieteellinen kanssakäyminen jatkuu edelleen.


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Soils represent a remarkable stock of carbon, and forest soils are estimated to hold half of the global stock of soil carbon. Topical concern about the effects of climate change and forest management on soil carbon as well as practical reporting requirements set by climate conventions have created a need to assess soil carbon stock changes reliably and transparently. The large spatial variability of soil carbon commensurate with relatively slow changes in stocks hinders the assessment of soil carbon stocks and their changes by direct measurements. Models therefore widely serve to estimate carbon stocks and stock changes in soils. This dissertation aimed to develop the soil carbon model YASSO for upland forest soils. The model was aimed to take into account the most important processes controlling the decomposition in soils, yet remain simple enough to ensure its practical applicability in different applications. The model structure and assumptions were presented and the model parameters were defined with empirical measurements. The model was evaluated by studying the sensitivities of the model results to parameter values, by estimating the precision of the results with an uncertainty analysis, and by assessing the accuracy of the model by comparing the predictions against measured data and to the results of an alternative model. The model was applied to study the effects of intensified biomass extraction on the forest carbon balance and to estimate the effects of soil carbon deficit on net greenhouse gas emissions of energy use of forest residues. The model was also applied in an inventory based method to assess the national scale forest carbon balance for Finland’s forests from 1922 to 2004. YASSO managed to describe sufficiently the effects of both the variable litter and climatic conditions on decomposition. When combined with the stand models or other systems providing litter information, the dynamic approach of the model proved to be powerful for estimating changes in soil carbon stocks on different scales. The climate dependency of the model, the effects of nitrogen on decomposition and forest growth as well as the effects of soil texture on soil carbon stock dynamics are areas for development when considering the applicability of the model to different research questions, different land use types and wider geographic regions. Intensified biomass extraction affects soil carbon stocks, and these changes in stocks should be taken into account when considering the net effects of forest residue utilisation as energy. On a national scale, soil carbon stocks play an important role in forest carbon balances.


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The probable modes of binding of some complex carbohydrates, which have the trimannosidic core structure (Man3GlcNAc2), to concanavalin A (Con A) have been determined using a computer modelling technique. These studies show that Con a can bind to the terminal mannose residues of the trimannosidic core structure and to the internal mannosyl as well as to the terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues of the N-acetylglucosamine substituted trimannosidic core structure. The oligosaccharide with terminal mannose residues can bind in its minimum energy conformers, whereas the oligosaccharide with internal mannosyl and terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues can bind only in higher energy conformers. In addition the former oligosaccharide forms more hydrogen bonds with Con A than the latter. These results suggest that, for these oligosaccharides, the terminal mannose residue has a much higher probability of reaching the binding site than either the internal mannosyl or the terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues. The substitution of a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue on these oligosaccharides, affects significantly the accessibility of the residues which bind to Con A and thereby reduces their binding affinity. It thus seems that the binding affinity of an oligosaccharide to Con A depends not only on the number of sugar residues which possess free 3-, 4- and 6-hydroxyl groups but also on the accessibility of these sugar residues to Con A. This study also reveals that the sugar binding site of Con A is small and that the interactions between Con A and carbohydrates are extended slightly beyond the single sugar residue that is placed in the binding site.