996 resultados para Baert, Francois, 1651-1719


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper we study a random strategy called MOSES, which was introduced in 1996 by Fran¸cois. Asymptotic results of this strategy; behavior of the stationary distributions of the chain associated to strategy, were derived by Fran¸cois, in 1998, of the theory of Freidlin and Wentzell [8]. Detailings of these results are in this work. Moreover, we noted that an alternative approach the convergence of this strategy is possible without making use of theory of Freidlin and Wentzell, yielding the visit almost certain of the strategy to uniform populations which contain the minimum. Some simulations in Matlab are presented in this work


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A simple and fast multiresidue method has been developed to determine 48 pesticides within the major groups of pesticides (organohalogen, organophosphorous, pyrethroids and organonitrogen) in representative samples of locally produced honey, in Bauru (State of São Paulo, Brazil) during 2003-2004. The recovery results found ranged from 76% to 95% and the limits of detection were lower than 0.01 mg/kg for gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometric detection in the selected ion monitoring mode (GC-MS-SIM). The results indicated that most pesticides found in the samples belonged to the organohalogen and organophosphorous groups and lower levels of residues of some organonitrogen and pyretroids were also detected. Malathion residues were detected in all the samples, in a high concentration, owing to its applications to control dengue mosquitoes in the area studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single real transformation matrices are tested as phase-mode transformation matrices of typical symmetrical systems with double three-phase and two parallel double three-phase transmission lines. These single real transformation matrices are achieved from eigenvector matrices of the mentioned systems and they are based on Clarke's matrix. Using linear combinations of the Clarke's matrix elements, the techniques applied to the single three-phase lines are extended to systems with 6 or 12 phase conductors. For transposed double three-phase lines, phase Z and Y matrices are changed into diagonal matrices in mode domain. Considering non-transposed cases of double three-phase lines, the results are not exact and the error analyses are performed using the exact eigenvalues. In case of two parallel double three-phase lines, the exact single real transformation matrix has not been obtained yet. Searching for this exact matrix, the analyses are based on a single homopolar reference. For all analyses in this paper, the homopolar mode is used as the only homopolar reference for all phase conductors of the studied system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes a population of Aegla longirostri from Ibicui-Mirim River, Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, evaluating the size at onset of sexual maturity, relative growth, mean size, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, ovigerous-rate, and recruitment. Samples were collected monthly from September 1996 to August 1997. Sex, carapace length (CL), cheliped length (ChL), abdomen width (AW), and front width (FW) were recorded for each crab. A total of 586 specimens were collected (277 males, 244 females, and 65 unsexed juveniles). The smallest specimen was 1.5 mm CL and the largest male was 23.8 mm CL. The relative growth analysis and the Mature software showed that the size at onset of sexual maturity was 13.7 mm CL in males and 10.7 mm CL in females. Females were smaller than males and were more abundant in adult classes, whereas males were more representative in juvenile classes. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 throughout the collecting period. Recruitment was observed throughout the entire sampling period, but it was higher in the winter months (from June to August). However, ovigerous females were present in spring and summer (from January to April). This population seemed to be at equilibrium during the study period. Recently, this area has been changed because of the construction of a reservoir, and a new study is required to evaluate the present condition of this population of A. longirostri.


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The spider crab Pyromaia tuberculata was introduced into southeastern Brazil; ovigerous material was collected and reared in the laboratory. Morphologic changes and growth patterns of post-larval development are reported. Results show that within-stage size variation is lowest in mature stages, especially in the case of females in which there is an apparent size threshold for the last juvenile stages to undergo the puberty molt. A prepuberty molt taking place at the fourth crab stage is indicated by analyzing the allometric growth of the abdomen in females. In contrast, the same procedure using the allometric growth of chelae failed in detecting both the prepuberty and puberty molts in males. Conversely to females, which develop a complex brood chamber at the puberty molt, the enlargement of chelae was not consistent in all postpuberty males. The short instar sequence of this species, in no case exceeding nine stages, is marked by conspicuous morphologic alterations achieved at each molt. Almost all stages can be identified by examining diagnostic features of rostrum, abdomen, sternum, and pleopods.


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Population Structure and reproductive Maturity of females were investigated in the shrimp Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888 from coastal waters of northern São Paulo State (Brazil. 23 degrees S) and Mar del Plata (Argentina, 38 degrees S) from June 2001 to May 2002. Monthly collections were taken by, commercial shrimp fishing boats equipped with bottom trawl nets. Population parameters from size frequency distributions and size (carapace length = CL) of female reproductive maturity were analyzed and compared front the two sampling areas. Latitudinal trends in reproductive parameters of A. longinaris were shown in overall body size and size of reproductive maturity, both of which were smaller in females from the tropical location than those front the cold-temperate sampling area. Largest females (> 30 turn CL) were collected in Argentina, while Brazilian specimens reached maximum size at 27 nun CL. The smallest Size of female sexual maturity was estimated at 13.6 nun CL in Brazilian samples compared to 22.1 mm CL calculated for those from Argentina. Populations from both regions exhibited a bimodal size distribution in the spring, with the peak at small body size probably corresponding to recent recruits and the peak at larger body, size to reproductive females or shrimps migrating in from deeper waters or other latitudinal regions. In late spring and summer. an intrusion of the cold South Atlantic Coastal Water mass was observed which lowered water temperature and stimulated plankton production. The primary food source for the larvae of a typically cold-temperate species such as A. longinaris. The trend of increasing body size and delay of sexual maturity with increasing latitude appears to be correlated with the decreasing water temperature and increasing plankton productivity at higher latitudes.


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The reproductive cycle and recruitment period of a ghost crab population from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil were investigated by means of examining the developmental stages of gonads of breeding crabs and the ingress of young recruits to the studied population. Monthly collections over a one-year period were carried out during nocturnal low-tide periods at Vermelha beach. The morphology of the abdomen and pleopods was used for sex determination. All captured crabs were measured for carapace width and dissected for the determination of the development stage of the gonads. A total of 582 specimens was captured: 271 males, 241 females, and 70 juveniles. Size ranged from 8.5 to 37.5 mm for males, from 9.5 to 39.2 mm for females, and from 5.8 to 12 mm for early juveniles. Median size of males and females did not differ statistically. The frequency of ovigerous females was markedly low. The onset of sexual maturity in females is achieved at around 23 mm of carapace width. Mature females with advanced gonad stages were not recorded from May to September. Recruitment of young was highest during summer, but the presence of early and late juvenile specimens throughout the year indicates that continuous recruitment is taking place in the studied population.


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The spatial and seasonal distributions of Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil, were investigated as a part of a broad study on the general biology of portunids along the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Swimming crabs were collected during one year, from September 1995 to August 1996, along eight transects determined according to local physiographic features. Three replicate trawls were performed monthly at each transect. Depth. salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, organic matter content, and texture of the sediment were measured. Callinectes danae individuals were concentrated in shallow water close to the discharge of estuaries where the bottom is composed of fine and very fine sand. The species was more abundant in the warmer months. During the study period, C. danae exhibited continuous reproduction with a peak of reproductive intensity in June. Within this area, some sites are particularly favorable for C. danae establishment due to a combination of factors and prevailing local conditions.


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The objective of this study is to investigate the patterns of shell utilization in Petrochirus diogenes in the Ubatuba region, SP, Brazil. Hermit crabs were obtained from 1993 to 1996 with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat equipped with two double-rigged trawling nets. Shells were identified and weighed, and their maximum aperture width was measured. Hermit crabs were weighed, and their shield length was recorded. A total of 634 P. diogenes specimens, occupying shells of 12 gastropod species, was obtained. The shells of Tonna galea, Zidona dufresnei and Strombus pugilis were the most frequently occupied, the first marked by its larger aperture width and lower average weight. Small hermit crabs inhabited a wide variety of gastropod shells due to their higher availability. However, the utilization of T. galea shells became predominant as the crabs attained larger sizes. Differences in weight and aperture width are known to encourage certain shell utilization patterns and may affect growth and reproduction of hermit crabs.


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Larval development of Macrocoeloma diplacanthum (Stimpson) consists of two zoeal stages, followed by the megalopa. Each larval stage is described in detail. The duration of the zoeal stages was 2-3 (2.4 +/- 0.5) and 3-4 (3.5 +/- 0.5) days for the first and second zoea, respectively, the megalopa phase appearing 6-8 (7.0 +/- 0.5) days after hatching. Unlike for other majids, zoeal stages of M. diplacanthum can be readily distinguished by their distended forehead with strong underlying muscle bands, undercut dorsal carapace spine, and spine on the terminal endopod segment of the first maxilliped. No other known mithracine or majid zoeae exhibit this combination of features. Our zoeal account of M. diplacanthum from Mexico is remarkably consistent with Floridian specimens previously described. However, we have found some differences between descriptions, which could be attributed to natural variation or inadequate description. Previous attempts to evaluate the relationships within Mithacinae have been based on larval characters widely distributed throughout Majidae and therefore are considered inadequate to infer sister-group relationships. The phylogenetic analysis of majids suggested that the position of Mithracinae is still uncertain, as is its monophyletic status. We recommend that additional characters, particularly of the megalopa phase, be sought for a better resolution of majid evolutionary history.