973 resultados para BURST ABDOMEN


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros


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Programa de doctorado: Actividad física, salud y rendimiento deportivo


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Advances in stem cell biology have challenged the notion that infarcted myocardium is irreparable. The pluripotent ability of stem cells to differentiate into specialized cell lines began to garner intense interest within cardiology when it was shown in animal models that intramyocardial injection of bone marrow stem cells (MSCs), or the mobilization of bone marrow stem cells with spontaneous homing to myocardium, could improve cardiac function and survival after induced myocardial infarction (MI) [1, 2]. Furthermore, the existence of stem cells in myocardium has been identified in animal heart [3, 4], and intense research is under way in an attempt to clarify their potential clinical application for patients with myocardial infarction. To date, in order to identify the best one, different kinds of stem cells have been studied; these have been derived from embryo or adult tissues (i.e. bone marrow, heart, peripheral blood etc.). Currently, three different biologic therapies for cardiovascular diseases are under investigation: cell therapy, gene therapy and the more recent “tissue-engineering” therapy . During my Ph.D. course, first I focalised my study on the isolation and characterization of Cardiac Stem Cells (CSCs) in wild-type and transgenic mice and for this purpose I attended, for more than one year, the Cardiovascular Research Institute of the New York Medical College, in Valhalla (NY, USA) under the direction of Doctor Piero Anversa. During this period I learnt different Immunohistochemical and Biomolecular techniques, useful for investigating the regenerative potential of stem cells. Then, during the next two years, I studied the new approach of cardiac regenerative medicine based on “tissue-engineering” in order to investigate a new strategy to regenerate the infracted myocardium. Tissue-engineering is a promising approach that makes possible the creation of new functional tissue to replace lost or failing tissue. This new discipline combines isolated functioning cells and biodegradable 3-dimensional (3D) polymeric scaffolds. The scaffold temporarily provides the biomechanical support for the cells until they produce their own extracellular matrix. Because tissue-engineering constructs contain living cells, they may have the potential for growth and cellular self-repair and remodeling. In the present study, I examined whether the tissue-engineering strategy within hyaluron-based scaffolds would result in the formation of alternative cardiac tissue that could replace the scar and improve cardiac function after MI in syngeneic heterotopic rat hearts. Rat hearts were explanted, subjected to left coronary descending artery occlusion, and then grafted into the abdomen (aorta-aorta anastomosis) of receiving syngeneic rat. After 2 weeks, a pouch of 3 mm2 was made in the thickness of the ventricular wall at the level of the post-infarction scar. The hyaluronic scaffold, previously engineered for 3 weeks with rat MSCs, was introduced into the pouch and the myocardial edges sutured with few stitches. Two weeks later we evaluated the cardiac function by M-Mode echocardiography and the myocardial morphology by microscope analysis. We chose bone marrow-derived mensenchymal stem cells (MSCs) because they have shown great signaling and regenerative properties when delivered to heart tissue following a myocardial infarction (MI). However, while the object of cell transplantation is to improve ventricular function, cardiac cell transplantation has had limited success because of poor graft viability and low cell retention, that’s why we decided to combine MSCs with a biopolimeric scaffold. At the end of the experiments we observed that the hyaluronan fibres had not been substantially degraded 2 weeks after heart-transplantation. Most MSCs had migrated to the surrounding infarcted area where they were especially found close to small-sized vessels. Scar tissue was moderated in the engrafted region and the thickness of the corresponding ventricular wall was comparable to that of the non-infarcted remote area. Also, the left ventricular shortening fraction, evaluated by M-Mode echocardiography, was found a little bit increased when compared to that measured just before construct transplantation. Therefore, this study suggests that post-infarction myocardial remodelling can be favourably affected by the grafting of MSCs delivered through a hyaluron-based scaffold


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Nowadays, computing is migrating from traditional high performance and distributed computing to pervasive and utility computing based on heterogeneous networks and clients. The current trend suggests that future IT services will rely on distributed resources and on fast communication of heterogeneous contents. The success of this new range of services is directly linked to the effectiveness of the infrastructure in delivering them. The communication infrastructure will be the aggregation of different technologies even though the current trend suggests the emergence of single IP based transport service. Optical networking is a key technology to answer the increasing requests for dynamic bandwidth allocation and configure multiple topologies over the same physical layer infrastructure, optical networks today are still “far” from accessible from directly configure and offer network services and need to be enriched with more “user oriented” functionalities. However, current Control Plane architectures only facilitate efficient end-to-end connectivity provisioning and certainly cannot meet future network service requirements, e.g. the coordinated control of resources. The overall objective of this work is to provide the network with the improved usability and accessibility of the services provided by the Optical Network. More precisely, the definition of a service-oriented architecture is the enable technology to allow user applications to gain benefit of advanced services over an underlying dynamic optical layer. The definition of a service oriented networking architecture based on advanced optical network technologies facilitates users and applications access to abstracted levels of information regarding offered advanced network services. This thesis faces the problem to define a Service Oriented Architecture and its relevant building blocks, protocols and languages. In particular, this work has been focused on the use of the SIP protocol as a inter-layers signalling protocol which defines the Session Plane in conjunction with the Network Resource Description language. On the other hand, an advantage optical network must accommodate high data bandwidth with different granularities. Currently, two main technologies are emerging promoting the development of the future optical transport network, Optical Burst and Packet Switching. Both technologies respectively promise to provide all optical burst or packet switching instead of the current circuit switching. However, the electronic domain is still present in the scheduler forwarding and routing decision. Because of the high optics transmission frequency the burst or packet scheduler faces a difficult challenge, consequentially, high performance and time focused design of both memory and forwarding logic is need. This open issue has been faced in this thesis proposing an high efficiently implementation of burst and packet scheduler. The main novelty of the proposed implementation is that the scheduling problem has turned into simple calculation of a min/max function and the function complexity is almost independent of on the traffic conditions.


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Per dare supporto al traffico multimediale in una rete totalmente distribuita come le reti ad-hoc, il protocollo MAC deve fornire garanzie di QoS. L'IEEE ha sviluppato un standard per supportare le QoS chiamato 802.11e, facente parte della famiglia 802.11. Per dare supporto al QoS viene proposto un nuovo protocollo chiamato PAB che consiste in un accesso al canale preceduto da una serie di invii di burst, inviati alla stessa frequenza dei dati, che inibiscono la trasmissione di stazioni avente minore priorità. Lo scopo di questo protocollo è fornire servizi QoS, evitare starvation e fornire un accesso equo tra le stazioni.


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The ability of integrating into a unified percept sensory inputs deriving from different sensory modalities, but related to the same external event, is called multisensory integration and might represent an efficient mechanism of sensory compensation when a sensory modality is damaged by a cortical lesion. This hypothesis has been discussed in the present dissertation. Experiment 1 explored the role of superior colliculus (SC) in multisensory integration, testing patients with collicular lesions, patients with subcortical lesions not involving the SC and healthy control subjects in a multisensory task. The results revealed that patients with collicular lesions, paralleling the evidence of animal studies, demonstrated a loss of multisensory enhancement, in contrast with control subjects, providing the first lesional evidence in humans of the essential role of SC in mediating audio-visual integration. Experiment 2 investigated the role of cortex in mediating multisensory integrative effects, inducing virtual lesions by inhibitory theta-burst stimulation on temporo-parietal cortex, occipital cortex and posterior parietal cortex, demonstrating that only temporo-parietal cortex was causally involved in modulating the integration of audio-visual stimuli at the same spatial location. Given the involvement of the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway in mediating audio-visual integration, the functional sparing of this circuit in hemianopic patients is extremely relevant in the perspective of a multisensory-based approach to the recovery of unisensory defects. Experiment 3 demonstrated the spared functional activity of this circuit in a group of hemianopic patients, revealing the presence of implicit recognition of the fearful content of unseen visual stimuli (i.e. affective blindsight), an ability mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and its connections with amygdala. Finally, Experiment 4 provided evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation is effective in inducing long-lasting clinical improvements in patients with visual field defect and revealed that the activity of the spared retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway is responsible of the observed clinical amelioration, as suggested by the greater improvement observed in patients with cortical lesions limited to the occipital cortex, compared to patients with lesions extending to other cortical areas, found in tasks high demanding in terms of spatial orienting. Overall, the present results indicated that multisensory integration is mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and that a systematic audio-visual stimulation, activating this spared neural circuit, is able to affect orientation towards the blind field in hemianopic patients and, therefore, might constitute an effective and innovative approach for the rehabilitation of unisensory visual impairments.


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Monitoring foetal health is a very important task in clinical practice to appropriately plan pregnancy management and delivery. In the third trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound cardiotocography is the most employed diagnostic technique: foetal heart rate and uterine contractions signals are simultaneously recorded and analysed in order to ascertain foetal health. Because ultrasound cardiotocography interpretation still lacks of complete reliability, new parameters and methods of interpretation, or alternative methodologies, are necessary to further support physicians’ decisions. To this aim, in this thesis, foetal phonocardiography and electrocardiography are considered as different techniques. Further, variability of foetal heart rate is thoroughly studied. Frequency components and their modifications can be analysed by applying a time-frequency approach, for a distinct understanding of the spectral components and their change over time related to foetal reactions to internal and external stimuli (such as uterine contractions). Such modifications of the power spectrum can be a sign of autonomic nervous system reactions and therefore represent additional, objective information about foetal reactivity and health. However, some limits of ultrasonic cardiotocography still remain, such as in long-term foetal surveillance, which is often recommendable mainly in risky pregnancies. In these cases, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, foetal phonocardiography, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the so recorded foetal heart sound signal is heavily loaded by noise, thus the determination of the foetal heart rate raises serious signal processing issues. A new algorithm for foetal heart rate estimation from foetal phonocardiographic recordings is presented in this thesis. Different filtering and enhancement techniques, to enhance the first foetal heart sounds, were applied, so that different signal processing techniques were implemented, evaluated and compared, by identifying the strategy characterized on average by the best results. In particular, phonocardiographic signals were recorded simultaneously to ultrasonic cardiotocographic signals in order to compare the two foetal heart rate series (the one estimated by the developed algorithm and the other provided by cardiotocographic device). The algorithm performances were tested on phonocardiographic signals recorded on pregnant women, showing reliable foetal heart rate signals, very close to the ultrasound cardiotocographic recordings, considered as reference. The algorithm was also tested by using a foetal phonocardiographic recording simulator developed and presented in this research thesis. The target was to provide a software for simulating recordings relative to different foetal conditions and recordings situations and to use it as a test tool for comparing and assessing different foetal heart rate extraction algorithms. Since there are few studies about foetal heart sounds time characteristics and frequency content and the available literature is poor and not rigorous in this area, a data collection pilot study was also conducted with the purpose of specifically characterising both foetal and maternal heart sounds. Finally, in this thesis, the use of foetal phonocardiographic and electrocardiographic methodology and their combination, are presented in order to detect foetal heart rate and other functioning anomalies. The developed methodologies, suitable for longer-term assessment, were able to detect heart beat events correctly, such as first and second heart sounds and QRS waves. The detection of such events provides reliable measures of foetal heart rate, potentially information about measurement of the systolic time intervals and foetus circulatory impedance.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit gewährte neue Einblicke in zwei fundamentale Vorgänge der frühen Neurogenese von Drosophila melanogaster. Der erste Teil untersuchte die zeitliche Spezifizierung der Neuroblastenidentitäten. Durch die Expression verschiedener Gene entlang der Dorsoventral- und der Anterioposteriorachse wird ein kartesisches Koordinatensystem aufgebaut, indem ein Neuroblast (NB), der in einem bestimmten Quadranten entsteht, eine spezifische Identität erhält. Die Delamination der NBs erfolgt in fünf Segregationswellen, wobei in jeder Welle die gleiche Population NBs gebildet wird. In dieser Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass es nicht nur einen räumlichen, sondern auch einen zeitlichen Aspekt bei der Entstehung der NBs gibt: So zeigten Transplantationsexperimente, dass sowohl im frühen als auch im späten Neuroektoderm extrinsische induktive Signale an der Spezifizierung der Neuroblastenidentität beteiligt sind. Die Natur dieser Signale bleibt noch unklar. Allerdings stellen die Segmentpolaritätsgene aufgrund ihrer dynamischen Expression eine potenzielle Kandidatengruppe dar. Der zweite Teil beschäftigte sich mit der segmentalen Spezifizierung der Neuroblasten. Für diesen Prozess zeigten frühere Genexpressionsstudien, dass NBs, die zwar an korrespondierenden Positionen innerhalb des kartesischen Systems, aber in unterschiedlichen Segmenten gebildet werden, die gleichen Genexpressionsmuster aufweisen und fast identische Zellstammbäume hervorbringen. Einige dieser seriell homologen NBs generieren jedoch segmentspezifische Zellstammbäume – ein solches Beispiel ist der NB6-4, der als Modellsystem benutzt wurde. Für die thorakale Variante dieses NBs konnte ich zeigen, dass die Homöotischen Gene zur Spezifizierung nicht notwendig sind – thorakales Schicksal ist eine Grundidentität. Diese wird in abdominalen Segmenten jedoch durch die Funktion der Homöotischen Gene abdominal-A (abd-A) und Abdominal-B (Abd-B) in abdominales Schicksal transformiert. Dieser segmentale Unterschied wird durch die Regulation des Zellzyklusgens CycE bewerkstelligen. Genauer: CycE ist notwendig, um neurogliales Schicksal in thorakalen Segmenten zu generieren und ausreichend, dieses Schicksal ebenfalls in abdominalen Segmenten zu erzeugen. Eine direkte Inhibierung der Expression von CycE durch Abd-A in abdominalen Segmenten führt dagegen zu einer differenziellen Expression von CycE im neuronalen thorakalen Anteil des Zellstammbaums. Weiterhin konnten in einem Enhancerelement, das für die Expression von CycE im Nervensystem verantwortlich ist, mehrere Bindestellen für Abd-A und Abd-B gefunden werden. Die gewonnen Daten legen – in Verbindung mit bereits bekannten Ergebnissen – den Schluss nahe, dass diese neuronspezifizierende Funktion von CycE unabhängig von seiner Rolle im Zellzyklus ist.


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Introduction and aims of the research Nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) are major retrograde messengers, involved in synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation, LTP, and long-term depression, LTD) in many brain areas (including hippocampus and neocortex), as well as in learning and memory processes. NO is synthesized by NO synthase (NOS) in response to increased cytosolic Ca2+ and mainly exerts its functions through soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and cGMP production. The main target of cGMP is the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Activity-dependent release of eCBs in the CNS leads to the activation of the Gαi/o-coupled cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) at both glutamatergic and inhibitory synapses. The perirhinal cortex (Prh) is a multimodal associative cortex of the temporal lobe, critically involved in visual recognition memory. LTD is proposed to be the cellular correlate underlying this form of memory. Cholinergic neurotransmission has been shown to play a critical role in both visual recognition memory and LTD in Prh. Moreover, visual recognition memory is one of the main cognitive functions impaired in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim of my research was to investigate the role of NO and ECBs in synaptic plasticity in rat Prh and in visual recognition memory. Part of this research was dedicated to the study of synaptic transmission and plasticity in a murine model (Tg2576) of Alzheimer’s disease. Methods Field potential recordings. Extracellular field potential recordings were carried out in horizontal Prh slices from Sprague-Dawley or Dark Agouti juvenile (p21-35) rats. LTD was induced with a single train of 3000 pulses delivered at 5 Hz (10 min), or via bath application of carbachol (Cch; 50 μM) for 10 min. LTP was induced by theta-burst stimulation (TBS). In addition, input/output curves and 5Hz-LTD were carried out in Prh slices from 3 month-old Tg2576 mice and littermate controls. Behavioural experiments. The spontaneous novel object exploration task was performed in intra-Prh bilaterally cannulated adult Dark Agouti rats. Drugs or vehicle (saline) were directly infused into the Prh 15 min before training to verify the role of nNOS and CB1 in visual recognition memory acquisition. Object recognition memory was tested at 20 min and 24h after the end of the training phase. Results Electrophysiological experiments in Prh slices from juvenile rats showed that 5Hz-LTD is due to the activation of the NOS/sGC/PKG pathway, whereas Cch-LTD relies on NOS/sGC but not PKG activation. By contrast, NO does not appear to be involved in LTP in this preparation. Furthermore, I found that eCBs are involved in LTP induction, but not in basal synaptic transmission, 5Hz-LTD and Cch-LTD. Behavioural experiments demonstrated that the blockade of nNOS impairs rat visual recognition memory tested at 24 hours, but not at 20 min; however, the blockade of CB1 did not affect visual recognition memory acquisition tested at both time points specified. In three month-old Tg2576 mice, deficits in basal synaptic transmission and 5Hz-LTD were observed compared to littermate controls. Conclusions The results obtained in Prh slices from juvenile rats indicate that NO and CB1 play a role in the induction of LTD and LTP, respectively. These results are confirmed by the observation that nNOS, but not CB1, is involved in visual recognition memory acquisition. The preliminary results obtained in the murine model of Alzheimer’s disease indicate that deficits in synaptic transmission and plasticity occur very early in Prh; further investigations are required to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying these deficits.


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The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.


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In this work a generally applicable method for the preparation of mucoadhesive micropellets of 250 to 600µm diameter is presented using rotor processing without the use of electrolytes. The mucoadhesive micropellets were developed to combine the advantages of mucoadhesion and microparticles. It was possible to produce mucoadhesive micropellets based on different mucoadhesive polymers Na-CMC, Na-alginate and chitosan. These micropellets are characterized by a lower friability (6 to 17%) when compared to industrial produced cellulose pellets (Cellets®) (41.5%). They show great tapped density and can be manufactured at high yields. The most influencing variables of the process are the water content at the of the end spraying period, determined by the liquid binder amount, the spraying rate, the inlet air temperature, the airflow and the humidity of the inlet air and the addition of the liquid binder, determined by the spraying rate, the rotor speed and the type of rotor disc. In a subsequent step a fluidized bed coating process was developed. It was possible to manifest a stable process in the Hüttlin Mycrolab® in contrast to the Mini-Glatt® apparatus. To reach enteric resistance, a 70% coating for Na-CMC micropellets, an 85% for chitosan micropellets and a 140% for Na-alginate micropellets, based on the amount of the starting micropellets, was necessary. Comparative dissolution experiments of the mucoadhesive micropellets were performed using the paddle apparatus with and without a sieve inlay, the basket apparatus, the reciprocating cylinder and flow-through cell. The paddle apparatus and the modified flow-through cell method turned out to be successful methods for the dissolution of mucoadhesive micropellets. All dissolution profiles showed an initial burst release followed by a slow release due to diffusion control. Depending on the method, the dissolution profiles changed from immediate release to slow release. The dissolution rate in the paddle apparatus was mainly influenced by the agitation rate whereas the flow-through cell pattern was mainly influenced by the particle size. Also, the logP and the HLB values of different emulsifiers were correlated to transfer HLB values of excipients into logP values and logP values of API´s into HLB values. These experiments did not show promising results. Finally, it was shown that manufacture of mucoadhesive micropellets is successful resulting in product being characterized by enteric resistency combined with high yields and convincing morphology.


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Die Mitglieder der Neurotrophin-Familie (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 und NT-4) sind sekretierte Neuropeptide, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzellen und bei der Modulation der synaptischen Transmission spielen. Wenngleich eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion von BDNF bereits gezeigt werden konnte, wurden die subzelluläre Expression und die Ausschüttung der anderen Neurotrophine bislang nur unzureichend charakterisiert. Um die Expression und die Ausschüttung aller Neurotrophine unter identischen Bedingungen untersuchen zu können, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Expressionsmuster und die synaptische Ausschüttung GFP-markierter Neurotrophine in dissoziierten hippokampalen Neuronen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Fluoreszenz-Videomikroskopie zeitaufgelöst untersucht. Zwei Phänotypen konnten unterschieden werden: der distale vesikuläre Expressionstyp mit Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln in distalen Neuriten, und der proximale Expressionstyp mit einer diffusen Neurotrophin-Verteilung in den Neuriten und Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln im Soma des Neurons und in den proximalen Dendriten. Der distale vesikuläre Phänotyp entsprach einer Verteilung des entsprechenden Neurotrophins in die sekretorischen Granula des aktivitätsabhängigen Sekretionsweges, während der proximale Phänotyp den Transport eines Neurotrophins in den konstitutiven Sekretionsweg widerspiegelte. Alle Neurotrophine erreichten in hippokampalen Neuronen prinzipiell beide Sekretionswege. Jedoch gelangten BDNF und NT-3 mit einer größeren Effizienz in den regulierten Sekretionsweg als NT-4 und NGF (BDNF: in 98% aller Zellen, NT-3: 85%, NT-4: 23% und NGF: 46%). Neurotrophine besitzen, wie es für sekretorische Peptide üblich ist, eine Vorläufersequenz, die während der Reifung des Proteins proteolytisch abgespalten wird. Die Fusion dieser Präpro-Sequenz von BDNF mit der Sequenz des maturen NT-4 bewirkte einen effizienteren Transport von NT-4 in die sekretorischen Granula des regulierten Sekretionsweges, und zeigte die große Bedeutung der Präpro-Sequenz für das zelluläre Verteilungsmuster von Neurotrophinen. In Neuronen, in denen die Neurotrophine in den regulierten Sekretionsweg transportiert wurden, konnte eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion der Neurotrophine an postsynaptische Strukturen glutamaterger Synapsen beobachtet werden. Die aktivitätsabhängige postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine zeigte eine Heterogenität in der Kinetik der Sekretion (exponentieller Abfall des Neurotrophin-Signals mit Zeitkonstanten von tau = 121 bis 307s). Die Präinkubtion mit dem Protonen-Ionophor Monensin, welcher die Neutralisation des intragranulären pH-Wertes und somit die Solubilisierung der dicht gepackten Proteinstrukturen in den Vesikeln erzwingt, erhöhte die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung auf den Wert des unter physiologischen Bedingungen schnellsten Neurotrophins NT-4. Dennoch blieb die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam (tau = 13 ± 2 s). Diese Daten belegen eindeutig, dass die Neutralisation der sekretorischen Granula die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung kritisch determiniert und die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur konventionellen Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam erfolgt. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Neurotrophin BDNF effizient in distale vesikuläre Strukturen von CA1 Pyramidenzellen organotypischer Schnittkulturen des Hippokampus sortiert wird. Die basalen elektrischen Eigenschaften von CA1 Pyramidenzellen BDNF-defizienter Mäuse sind vergleichbar zu den Eigenschaften von Wildtyp Mäusen. Sowohl das Eigenpotential der CA1 Pyramidenzellen, die Form der Aktionspotentiale als auch die evozierten Antworten der CA1 Pyramdenzellen auf eine gepaarte präsynaptische Stimulation der Schaffer-Kollateralen zeigten bei BDNF-/- -, BDNF+/- - und BDNF+/+ -Mäusen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Fähigkeit der CA1 Pyramidenzellen auf eine hochfrequente Reizung mit einer Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP) der postsynaptischen Ströme zu reagieren ist jedoch bei den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen beinträchtigt. Eine verminderte Induktion von LTP war in den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen nach tetanischer Stimulation der präsynaptischen Schaffer-Kollateralen und simultaner postsynaptischer Depolarisation der CA1 Pyramidenzelle zu beobachten.


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During this thesis a new telemetric recording system has been developed allowing ECoG/EEG recordings in freely behaving rodents (Lapray et al., 2008; Lapray et al., in press). This unit has been shown to not generate any discomfort in the implanted animals and to allow recordings in a wide range of environments. In the second part of this work the developed technique has been used to investigate what cortical activity was related to the process of novelty detection in rats’ barrel cortex. We showed that the detection of a novel object is accompanied in the barrel cortex by a transient burst of activity in the γ frequency range (40-47 Hz) around 200 ms after the whiskers contact with the object (Lapray et al., accepted). This activity was associated to a decrease in the lower range of γ frequencies (30-37 Hz). This network activity may represent the optimal oscillatory pattern for the propagation and storage of new information in memory related structures. The frequency as well as the timing of appearance correspond well with other studies concerning novelty detection related burst of activity in other sensory systems (Barcelo et al., 2006; Haenschel et al., 2000; Ranganath & Rainer, 2003). Here, the burst of activity is well suited to induce plastic and long-lasting modifications in neuronal circuits (Harris et al., 2003). The debate is still open whether synchronised activity in the brain is a part of information processing or an epiphenomenon (Shadlen & Movshon, 1999; Singer, 1999). The present work provides further evidence that neuronal network activity in the γ frequency range plays an important role in the neocortical processing of sensory stimuli and in higher cognitive functions.


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Information processing and storage in the brain may be presented by the oscillations and cell assemblies. Here we address the question of how individual neurons associate together to assemble neural networks and present spontaneous electrical activity. Therefore, we dissected the neonatal brain at three different levels: acute 1-mm thick brain slice, cultured organotypic 350-µm thick brain slice and dissociated neuronal cultures. The spatio-temporal properties of neural activity were investigated by using a 60-channel Micro-electrode arrays (MEA), and the cell assemblies were studied by using a template-matching method. We find local on-propagating as well as large- scale propagating spontaneous oscillatory activity in acute slices, spontaneous network activity characterized by synchronized burst discharges in organotypic cultured slices, and autonomous bursting behaviour in dissociated neuronal cultures. Furthermore, repetitive spike patterns emerge after one week of dissociated neuronal culture and dramatically increase their numbers as well as their complexity and occurrence in the second week. Our data indicate that neurons can self-organize themselves, assembly to a neural network, present spontaneous oscillations, and emerge spatio-temporal activation patterns. The spontaneous oscillations and repetitive spike patterns may serve fundamental functions for information processing and storage in the brain.