969 resultados para BRONZE BUG


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the early ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the 4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC. The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya, Catacomb and Babyno cultures.


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The paper presents the results of excavations and analytical studies regarding the taxonomic classification of a funeral site associated with the societies of ‘barrow cultures’ of the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The study discusses the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya and Noua cultures.


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The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennia BC . The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic communities of the Babyno and Noua cultures .


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Anthropological examinations were performed on skeletal material from four barrow necropolises located in the Yampil region (Ukraine) and dated to the Eneolithic, Bronze age and iron age . The purpose of the examinations was the determination of sex and age at death of individuals, reconstruction of their stature and assessment of their status of health . The examinations covered 61 individuals: 17 children and 44 adults . Their health status was assessed using four common indicators: linear enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and dental caries.


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The article presents the present state of research on the general issue of the dniester region of cultural contacts between communities settling the Baltic and Pontic drainage basins . Some five domains of research shall be brought to discussion in which it is possible to see fresh opportunities for archaeological study, on the basis of ‘Yampil studies’ on dniester-Podolia (forest-steppe) barrow-culture ceremonial centres from the latter half of the 4th millennium and first half of the 3rd millennium BC . This relates to the peoples of the Eneolithic and the Early Bronze age . in terms of topogenesis, embracing the Pontic-Tripolye, Yamnaya and Catacomb cultures, as well as Globular amphora and Corded ware in central prehistoric Europe .


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Esta obra trata da sucessão cultural registada na Estremadura portuguesa desde a emergência das sociedades complexas do Calcolítico até à chegada dos Romanos, correspondendo a um lapso de tempo entre os finais do IV milénio e os finais do século II a.C. Embora corresponda apenas a intervalo temporal de aproximadamente três mil anos, é o que, no registo material da nossa Pré-História e Proto-História, se afigura mais rico e diversificado de informação, com o desenvolvimento e fixação de regionalismos culturais, que na Estremadura cunharam identidades próprias, as quais persistiram nalguns casos até época recente, no quotidiano dos seus habitantes. A percepção geral desta evolução, bem como as suas determinantes, é o primeiro, e talvez mais importante objectivo desta obra, a par de outros a seguir enunciados: – a génese dos povoados fortificados calcolíticos, em resultado da crescente intensificação económica e da especialização das produções – a Revolução dos Produtos Secundários (RPS), que decorreu ao longo de boa parte do III milénio a.C. – a par do crescimento demográfico, que determinou, por seu turno, a competição inter-grupos, com a consequente necessidade de fortificação; – a monumentalização / fortificação de alguns dos sítios habitados como expressão da coesão social da respectiva comunidade, acompanhada da emergência de diferenciações inter e intra-comunitárias, indício de diferenciação social, em crescente afirmação, decorrente do processo de desenvolvimento económico complexo, característico do Calcolítico; – as arquitecturas defensivas do III milénio a.C., como expressão pública indissociável da monumentalização acima referida: exemplos mais importantes no território estremenho, distribuição geográfica, características principais, semelhanças e diferenças; neste âmbito, importa conhecer as diversas teorias explicativas para o seu surgimento, desde o modelo difusionista e orientalista vigente em Portugal (dos anos 40 aos anos 70), passando pelo modelo indigenista (anos 80), até às formas difusionistas mitigadas, de expressão regional, dos finais da década de 80 em diante, e principais argumentos invocados; – a desarticulação do modelo de sociedade calcolítica, caracterizada pela concentração da população em sítios fortificados ou pelo menos implantados predominantemente em locais altos e defensáveis; – os moldes em que se processou a acentuação das influências mediterrâneas no decurso do Calcolítico (em especial na metade meridional do território): a generalização do comércio transregional calcolítico e a intensificação e especialização das produções, no quadro da Revolução dos Produtos Secundários (RPS), exemplificada pela exploração de jazidas cupríferas, como veículo de difusão de novas técnicas (metalurgia), matérias-primas exógenas (marfim) e artefactos ideotécnicos de características até então desconhecidas (generalização do culto da divindade feminina e correspondentes expressões simbólicas, algumas de âmbito estritamente regional), acompanhada da difusão, de Sul para Norte, de novas arquitecturas funerárias (tholoi); – sobre o Campaniforme, fenómeno cultural com identidade própria da fase média e tardia do Calcolítico estremenho, serão discutidas as características e cronologia da sua emergência, na Estremadura (um dos pólos mais importantes, a nível europeu) no quadro da sociedade calcolítica pré-existente: tipo de povoamento e de necrópoles, bem como as relações estabelecidas com as comunidades de tradição cultural mais antiga; o faseamento interno do “fenómeno”, com base nas diferenças identificadas no registo material (em particular a tipologia das cerâmicas); e principais tipos artefactuais que o integram. O campaniforme deverá ser entendido como uma expressão material específica, associada a um novo tipo de povoamento, que resultou do decréscimo do interesse oferecido pelos sítios fortificados edificados no início do Calcolítico. Neste sentido, corresponde a período de transição para a Idade do Bronze: existem argumentos, com base no registo arqueológico (jóias de ouro, artefactos de prestígio) que ilustram o incremento do processo de diferenciação social, então verificado, ao contrário do que uma abordagem mais superficial, com base simplesmente no reordenamento demográfico, faria supor; – o registo arqueológico do Bronze Pleno configura a acentuação dos regionalismos, apesar de similitudes do sistema de povoamento face ao período imediatamente anterior, o que indicia realidades socioeconómicas comparáveis. Importa, assim, conhecer as principais características dos escassos povoados identificados, bem como a organização social a ele subjacente, a partir dos testemunhos arqueológicos conhecidos, incluindo os de carácter funerário; – segue-se o Bronze Final, período dominado pela plena afirmação do comércio transregional atlântico-mediterrâneo, favorecido pela própria realidade geográfica do território português. Devem valorizar-se os testemunhos materiais desse período e as respectivas balizas cronológicas: Assim, deverão os leitores ficar familiarizados com as produções de carácter atlântico, como as armas, objectos utilitários e respectivas tipologias e com as de cunho mediterrâneo (com destaque para objectos de indumentária e de carácter cultual, embora estes últimos quase se desconheçam na área estremenha), cujo comércio e difusão foi suportado pela existência de solidariedades económicas transregionais, baseadas em prováveis pactos formalmente estabelecidos entre comunidades vizinhas. Os respectivos territórios, de norte a sul do País, apresentar-se-iam cada vez melhor delimitados; o mesmo deverá ter-se verificado na Estremadura. A caracterização da respectiva economia será, por isso, objecto da análise e discussão; embora de base agro-pastoril (com importância evidente na Estremadura dadas as características dos solos e a quase inexistência de minérios de cobre ou de estanho), a produção de peças metálicas de bronze assumiu importância crescente, como se conclui pelas ocorrências conhecidas. O reforço e a consolidação das elites então verificada, eram necessários para a boa gestão de grandes povoados muralhados que despontam no Bronze Final; na Estremadura, embora os testemunhos de tais centros demográficos não sejam particularmente evidentes, no fim da Idade do Bronze desponta um vigoroso povoamento de altura; seria a partir desses locais que as elites da época, de cunho guerreiro, administrariam territórios bem delimitados. Também a existência de outros testemunhos arqueológicos são concorrentes para a percepção da realidade social: as jóias auríferas, tornadas então relativamente frequentes, deixam transparecer influências ora atlânticas ora mediterrâneas, por vezes reunidas numa única peça (técnicas e tipologias decorativas), expressivas das correntes culturais que, então, se faziam sentir na Estremadura; também as armas, são testemunho da afirmação das elites guerreiras, encontrando-se representadas por exemplares cujas principais características devem ser conhecidas. As diversas práticas funerárias, apesar de escassamente representadas, revelam influências continentais (cremação e campos de urnas, já fora da área estremenha, mas dela próxima: caso dos campos de urnas de Tanchoal e de Meijão, Alpiarça) e mediterrâneas (inumações na tholos da Roça do Casal do Meio, Sesimbra), que traduzem um mosaico cultural complexo, reforçando a ideia de se tratar de região receptora de influxos culturais de diversas áreas geográficas em simultâneo: é, no essencial, a comprensão global desta realidade, a um tempo económica, social e cultural, coroando um longo processo de diferenciação social, por um lado e, por outro, de intensificação económica e interacção cultural, que lhe está subjacente, que deverá ter-se presente. Por último, segue-se o estudo e caracterização das principais estações e materiais da Idade do Ferro, de início (I Idade do Ferro) profundamente marcadas pela presença, directa ou indirecta, de colonizadores fenícios; depois, pelos comerciantes de origem púnica (II Idade do Ferro) e, enfim, pelos exércitos itálicos. Trata-se, em suma, de processo de características próprias, sempre determinado pelas influências mediterrâneas, largamente dominantes face às originárias do interior peninsular, as quais cunharam uma realidade cultural com características próprias, que persistiu no decurso da dominação romana.


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Two passive methods in the assessment of intradomiciliary infestation by Rhodnius ecuadoriensis were tested: (i) the Gomes Nuñez sensor box (GN), (ii) sheets of white typing paper and (iii) one active timed manual method. The study was carried out in the Alto Chicama River Valley, Province of Gran Chimú, Department of La Libertad. The study design consisted of an initial searching of triatomines inside of the domestic environment by the manual capture active procedure (man/hour) covering all the studied houses. Then, matched pairs of GN boxes and paper sheets were simultaneously installed in the bedrooms of 207 households distributed in 19 localities. A comparative prospective trial of these passive detection devices were monitored at 2, 4 and, finally 6 months follow-up. Parasitological Trypanosoma rangeli and/or T. cruzi infections were investigated in two houses with high level of infestation by R. ecuadoriensis.16.9% of the 207 households investigated by an initial active manual method were infested with R. ecuadoriensis. The proportion of infested houses fluctuated from 6.2 to 55.5% amongst the 19 localities investigated. T. rangeli natural infection was detected in R.ecuadoriensis specimens collected in two households. Parasite rates in the bugs ranged from 16.6 to 21.7% respectively. The most striking fact was an average rate of salivary gland infection ranging from 7.4 to 8.3%. At the end of the sixth month period, a cumulative incidence of 31.4% of positive GN boxes against 15.9% for paper sheets was recorded. All three methods combined detected domestic infestation in 129 (62.3%) of the 207 houses studied in the 19 localities. The range of houses infested varies from 6.7% to 92.9%. In areas with low bug density infestation rates, the methodology experienced in our studies, seems to be the best choice for investigations on domestic R. ecuadoriensis populations.


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In 2013, a series of posters began appearing in Washington, DC’s Metro system. Each declared “The internet: Your future depends on it” next to a photo of a middle-aged black Washingtonian, and an advertisement for the municipal government’s digital training resources. This hopeful discourse is familiar but where exactly does it come from? And how are our public institutions reorganized to approach the problem of poverty as a problem of technology? The Clinton administration’s ‘digital divide’ policy program popularized this hopeful discourse about personal computing powering social mobility, positioned internet startups as the ‘right’ side of the divide, and charged institutions of social reproduction such as schools and libraries with closing the gap and upgrading themselves in the image of internet startups. After introducing the development regime that builds this idea into the urban landscape through what I call the ‘political economy of hope’, and tracing the origin of the digital divide frame, this dissertation draws on three years of comparative ethnographic fieldwork in startups, schools, and libraries to explore how this hope is reproduced in daily life, becoming the common sense that drives our understanding of and interaction with economic inequality and reproduces that inequality in turn. I show that the hope in personal computing to power social mobility becomes a method of securing legitimacy and resources for both white émigré technologists and institutions of social reproduction struggling to understand and manage the persistent poverty of the information economy. I track the movement of this common sense between institutions, showing how the political economy of hope transforms them as part of a larger development project. This dissertation models a new, relational direction for digital divide research that grounds the politics of economic inequality with an empirical focus on technologies of poverty management. It demands a conceptual shift that sees the digital divide not as a bug within the information economy, but a feature of it.


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The system built to characterize electrodes and, consequently, deposited fine films are constituted by a hollow cathode that works to discharges and low pressures (approximately 10-3 to 5 mbar), a source DC (0 to 1200 V), a cylindrical camera of closed borossilicato for flanges of stainless steel with an association of vacuum bombs mechanical and spread. In the upper flange it is connected the system of hollow cathode, which possesses an entrance of gas and two entrances for its refrigeration, the same is electrically isolated of the rest of the equipment and it is polarized negatively. In front of the system of hollow cathode there is a movable sample in stainless steel with possibility of moving in the horizontal and vertical. In the vertical, the sample can vary its distance between 0 and 70 mm and, in the horizontal, can leave completely from the front of the hollow cathode. The sample and also the cathode hollow are equipped with cromel-alumel termopares with simultaneous reading of the temperatures during the time of treatment. In this work copper electrodes, bronze, titanium, iron, stainless steel, powder of titanium, powder of titanium and silício, glass and ceramic were used. The electrodes were investigated relating their geometry change and behavior of the plasma of the cavity of hollow cathode and channel of the gas. As the cavity of hollow cathode, the analyzed aspects were the diameter and depth. With the channel of the gas, we verified the diameter. In the two situations, we investigated parameters as flow of the gas, pressure, current and applied tension in the electrode, temperature, loss of mass of the electrode with relationship at the time of use. The flow of gas investigated in the electrodes it was fastened in a work strip from 15 to 6 sccm, the constant pressure of work was among 2.7 to 8 x 10-2 mbar. The applied current was among a strip of work from 0,8 to 0,4 A, and their respective tensions were in a strip from 400 to 220 V. Fixing the value of the current, it was possible to lift the curve of the behavior of the tension with the time of use. That curves esteem in that time of use of the electrode to its efficiency is maximum. The temperatures of the electrodes were in the dependence of that curves showing a maximum temperature when the tension was maximum, yet the measured temperatures in the samples showed to be sensitive the variation of the temperature in the electrodes. An accompaniment of the loss of mass of the electrode relating to its time of use showed that the electrodes that appeared the spherical cavities lost more mass in comparison with the electrodes in that didn't appear. That phenomenon is only seen for pressures of 10-2 mbar, in these conditions a plasma column is formed inside of the channel of the gas and in certain points it is concentrated in form of spheres. Those spherical cavities develop inside of the channel of the gas spreading during the whole extension of the channel of the gas. The used electrodes were cut after they could not be more used, however among those electrodes, films that were deposited in alternate times and the electrodes that were used to deposit films in same times, those films were deposited in the glass substrata, alumina, stainless steel 420, stainless steel 316, silício and steel M2. As the eletros used to deposit films in alternate time as the ones that they were used to deposit in same times, the behavior of the thickness of the film obeyed the curve of the tension with relationship the time of use of the electrode, that is, when the tension was maximum, the thickness of the film was also maximum and when the tension was minimum, the thickness was minimum and in the case where the value of the tension was constant, the thickness of the film tends to be constant. The fine films that were produced they had applications with nano stick, bio-compatibility, cellular growth, inhibition of bacterias, cut tool, metallic leagues, brasagem, pineapple fiber and ornamental. In those films it was investigated the thickness, the adherence and the uniformity characterized by sweeping electronic microscopy. Another technique developed to assist the production and characterization of the films produced in that work was the caloteste. It uses a sphere and abrasive to mark the sample with a cap impression, with that cap form it is possible to calculate the thickness of the film. Through the time of life of the cathode, it was possible to evaluate the rate of waste of its material for the different work conditions. Values of waste rate up to 3,2 x 10-6 g/s were verified. For a distance of the substratum of 11 mm, the deposited film was limited to a circular area of 22 mm diameter mm for high pressures and a circular area of 75 mm for pressure strip. The obtained films presented thickness around 2,1 µm, showing that the discharge of arch of hollow cathode in argon obeys a curve characteristic of the tension with the time of life of the eletrodo. The deposition rate obtained in this system it is of approximately 0,18 µm/min


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Dichelops melacanthus was studied under controlled conditions (60 ± 10% RH and 14/10 h L/D photoperiod), and three constant temperatures (19, 25, and 31 ± 2 °C). Fresh pods of MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybeans and its near non-Bt isoline (A5547) were supplied to nymphs and adults. The biology of T. podisi was studied in the same controlled RH conditions, but only at the standard temperature of 25 ± 2°C. Overall, the development of D. melacanthus was better at higher temperatures, which accelerated the development of the stink bug without affecting adult biological parameters. No influence of Bt-soybeans on the biology of the pest was observed in any temperature studied, which shows that D. melacanthus is not affected by this transgenic soybean. The egg parasitoid T. podisi also was not harmed when it parasitized eggs of the pest fed with MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybeans, with similar results to those obtained in non-Bt isogenic soybeans. Thus, this study demonstrates that D. melacanthus is favored at high temperatures (31 ± 2 °C), and that neither did MON 87701 × MON 89788 soybean pods affect the development of the pest nor its parasitoid T. podisi.


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Security defects are common in large software systems because of their size and complexity. Although efficient development processes, testing, and maintenance policies are applied to software systems, there are still a large number of vulnerabilities that can remain, despite these measures. Some vulnerabilities stay in a system from one release to the next one because they cannot be easily reproduced through testing. These vulnerabilities endanger the security of the systems. We propose vulnerability classification and prediction frameworks based on vulnerability reproducibility. The frameworks are effective to identify the types and locations of vulnerabilities in the earlier stage, and improve the security of software in the next versions (referred to as releases). We expand an existing concept of software bug classification to vulnerability classification (easily reproducible and hard to reproduce) to develop a classification framework for differentiating between these vulnerabilities based on code fixes and textual reports. We then investigate the potential correlations between the vulnerability categories and the classical software metrics and some other runtime environmental factors of reproducibility to develop a vulnerability prediction framework. The classification and prediction frameworks help developers adopt corresponding mitigation or elimination actions and develop appropriate test cases. Also, the vulnerability prediction framework is of great help for security experts focus their effort on the top-ranked vulnerability-prone files. As a result, the frameworks decrease the number of attacks that exploit security vulnerabilities in the next versions of the software. To build the classification and prediction frameworks, different machine learning techniques (C4.5 Decision Tree, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Naive Bayes) are employed. The effectiveness of the proposed frameworks is assessed based on collected software security defects of Mozilla Firefox.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La distrofia muscular de Duchenne es una enfermedad neuromuscular con una herencia recesiva ligada al X que afecta a 1 de cada 3500 niños nacidos vivos. Se produce por mutaciones en el gen DMD que codifica para la distrofina. Se caracteriza por manifestaciones clínicas variables típicas de una distrofia muscular proximal progresiva. OBJETIVO. Realizar el primer registro en Colombia de los pacientes identificados con distrofinopatías, teniendo en cuenta características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como las mutaciones causales de esta patología. METODOLOGÍA Es un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de DMD atendidos en la consulta de Genética de la Universidad del Rosario durante los años 2006 a 2015. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 99 pacientes, de los cuales 56 (56,56%) corresponden al fenotipo Duchenne y 12 (12,12%) al Becker. No fue posible clasificar a 31 pacientes (31,3%) por falta de datos clínicos. La edad de inicio de los síntomas fue en promedio de 4,41 años. Las mutaciones más frecuentes fueron las deleciones (69%), seguidas por las mutaciones puntuales(14%), las duplicaciones (11%) y por otras mutaciones (4%). CONCLUSIONES Este registro de distrofinopatías es el primero reportado en Colombia y el punto de partida para conocer la incidencia de la enfermedad, caracterización clínica y molecular de los pacientes, garantizando así el acceso oportuno a los nuevos tratamientos de medicina de precisión que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias.


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes com inseticidas sobre o manejo de Dichelops melacanthus e a produtividade da soja e do milho, cultivados em sucessão. O estudo foi realizado em campo, nas safras 2012/2013 (I) e 2013/2014 (II). Avaliaram-se os inseticidas imidacloprido, tiametoxam, tiodicarbe, fipronil e abamectina. Determinaram-se: a densidade populacional do percevejo, a produtividade de soja e milho, e a intensidade da injúria em milho. A densidade do percevejo permaneceu abaixo de um inseto por metro quadrado, na maior parte do ciclo da soja. Os picos populacionais foram observados nas primeiras semanas, após a emergência do milho, e atingiram 2,2 (safra I) e 6,7 (safra II) percevejos por metro quadrado. Na cultura da soja, os inseticidas não reduziram a densidade populacional do percevejo. Na cultura do milho, o imidacloprido reduziu a densidade do percevejo em 23,2% (safra I) e 38,8% (safra II), e a injúria em 61,8% (safra I) e 26,4% (safra II). O tiametoxam reduziu a densidade dos insetos em 27,8% (safra II) e a injúria em 42,7% (safra I). O tratamento de sementes com inseticidas não proporciona aumento de produtividade à soja e ao milho, portanto, não se justifica sua utilização nas condições deste estudo. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed treatment with insecticides on the management of Dichelops melacanthus on the yield of soybean and corn, grown in succession. The study was carried out in a field, in the 2012/2013 (I) and 2013/2014 (II) crop seasons. The evaluated insecticides were: imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, thiodicarb, fipronil, and abamectin. The following were determined: stink bug population density, soybean and corn yield, and corn injury. Population density remained below one stink bug per square meter, in most of the soybean cycle. Population peaks were observed in the first weeks, after corn emergence, and they reached 2.2 (crop season I) and 6.7 (crop season II) stink bugs per square meter. In the soybean crop, the insecticides did not reduce the stink bug population density. In the corn crop, imidacloprid reduced the stink bug density in 23.2% (crop season I) and 38.8% (crop season II), and injury in 61.8% (crop season I) and 26.4% (crop season II). Thiamethoxam reduced the insect population density in 27.8% (crop season II) and injury in 42.7% (crop season I). Seed treatment with insecticides does not provide increase for soybean and corn yields, therefore, their use is not justified in this study's conditions.