971 resultados para Automobiles by Make, Model, Year.


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The concentration of ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) frequently exceeds that of nitrate-N (NO3--N) in Australian wet tropical sugarcane soils. The amount of mineral N in soil is the net result of complex processes in the field, so the objective of this experiment was to investigate nitrification and ammonification in these soils under laboratory conditions. Aerobic and saturated incubations were performed for 1 week on 2 wet tropical soils. Net NO3--N increased significantly in both soils during both types of incubation. A second series of aerobic incubations of these soils treated with NH4+-N and inoculated with subtropical nitrifying soils was conducted for 48 days. Nitrification in the wet tropical soils was not significantly affected by inoculation, and virtually all added N was nitrified during the incubation period. Mineral N behaviour of the 48-day incubations was captured with the APSIM-SoilN model. As nitrification proceeded under laboratory conditions and was able to be captured by the model, it was concluded that nitrification processes in the wet tropical soils studied were not different from those in the subtropical soils. Processes that remove NO3- from the soil, such as leaching and denitrification, may therefore be important factors affecting the proportions of NH4+-N and NO3--N measured under field conditions.


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Studies were performed to investigate the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzyme( s) responsible for the human liver microsomal N2-glucuronidation of the anticonvulsant drug lamotrigine ( LTG) and the mechanistic basis for the LTG-valproic acid ( VPA) interaction in vivo. LTG N2-glucuronidation by microsomes from five livers exhibited atypical kinetics, best described by a model comprising the expressions for the Hill ( 1869 +/- 1286 mu M, n = 0.65 +/- 0.16) and Michaelis-Menten ( Km 2234 +/- 774 mu M) equations. The UGT1A4 inhibitor hecogenin abolished the Michaelis-Menten component, without affecting the Hill component. LTG N2-glucuronidation by recombinant UGT1A4 exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a K-m of 1558 mu M. Although recombinant UGT2B7 exhibited only low activity toward LTG, inhibition by zidovudine and fluconazole and activation by bovine serum albumin ( BSA) ( 2%) strongly suggested that this enzyme was responsible for the Hill component of microsomal LTG N2-glucuronidation. VPA ( 10 mM) abolished the Hill component of microsomal LTG N2-glucuronidation, without affecting the Michaelis-Menten component or UGT1A4-catalyzed LTG metabolism. K-i values for inhibition of the Hill component of LTG N2-glucuronidation by VPA were 2465 +/- 370 mu M and 387 +/- 12 mu M in the absence and presence, respectively, of BSA ( 2%). Consistent with published data for the effect of fluconazole on zidovudine glucuronidation by human liver microsomal UGT2B7, the Ki value generated in the presence of BSA predicted the magnitude of the LTG-VPA interaction reported in vivo. These data indicate that UGT2B7 and UGT1A4 are responsible for the Hill and Michaelis-Menten components, respectively, of microsomal LTG N2-glucuronidation, and the LTG-VPA interaction in vivo arises from inhibition of UGT2B7.


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There has been a strong move towards entrepreneurial education in high schools and at universities over the past few years. This has been echoed by a call from state governments around Australia to promote enterprise thinking and education in high schools. It also parallels the push within engineering to learn across the traditional boundaries , particularly between engineering and business. To meet this call, The Engineering Link Group (TELG) developed the Future Engineers Australia Management Project (FEAMP) in 2003. The project is based around Enterprise Education, and was inspired by the Smallpeice Year 12 Engineering Management course in the UK. The idea was to take high school students in years 11 and 12 and turn them into ‘engineering entrepreneurs’. This paper presents the design, development and evaluation of FEAMP as a five day residential course for year 11 and 12 students who want to learn more about being entrepreneurs and managers. It is a hands-on activity where the students invent, develop and sell an engineering concept to venture capitalists and ultimately to customers at a trade fair. It has been run successfully for two years, going from strength to strength. © 2005, Australasian Association for Engineering Education


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Tendo como pressuposto de que a Gestão de Pessoas por Competências deve agregar valor econômico para a organização e valor social para os indivíduos, a presente pesquisa investiga com os empregados de uma empresa quais os ganhos trazidos na sua vida, profissional e pessoal, pelo modelo implementado na organização em que trabalham. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um estudo de caso, de caráter qualitativo numa empresa do setor público, que possui há mais de cinco anos um sistema de gestão por competências, contemplando todos os subsistemas (seleção, treinamento, remuneração, avaliação de desempenho e carreira) para 100,0% dos empregados. Num processo de antes e depois do sistema de gestão por competências, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionário e entrevista. Para medir o ganho dos empregados, foram utilizadas as categorias e subcategorias de ganho social definidas na tese de doutoramento de Amyra Sarsur, 2007. Os resultados dessa pesquisa indicaram que, na percepção do empregado, três subcategorias destacaram-se como ganho social: desenvolvimento, compreensão conceptual da organização e autodesenvolvimento. A importância da pesquisa se faz devido à crescente adoção desse modelo de gestão de pessoas pelas empresas brasileiras e a ausência de pesquisas que investigam os ganhos dos empregados com a Gestão por Competências.(AU)


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Ecological approaches to perception have demonstrated that information encoding by the visual system is informed by the natural environment, both in terms of simple image attributes like luminance and contrast, and more complex relationships corresponding to Gestalt principles of perceptual organization. Here, we ask if this optimization biases perception of visual inputs that are perceptually bistable. Using the binocular rivalry paradigm, we designed stimuli that varied in either their spatiotemporal amplitude spectra or their phase spectra. We found that noise stimuli with “natural” amplitude spectra (i.e., amplitude content proportional to 1/f, where f is spatial or temporal frequency) dominate over those with any other systematic spectral slope, along both spatial and temporal dimensions. This could not be explained by perceived contrast measurements, and occurred even though all stimuli had equal energy. Calculating the effective contrast following attenuation by a model contrast sensitivity function suggested that the strong contrast dependency of rivalry provides the mechanism by which binocular vision is optimized for viewing natural images. We also compared rivalry between natural and phase-scrambled images and found a strong preference for natural phase spectra that could not be accounted for by observer biases in a control task. We propose that this phase specificity relates to contour information, and arises either from the activity of V1 complex cells, or from later visual areas, consistent with recent neuroimaging and single-cell work. Our findings demonstrate that human vision integrates information across space, time, and phase to select the input most likely to hold behavioral relevance.


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Blurred edges appear sharper in motion than when they are stationary. We (Vision Research 38 (1998) 2108) have previously shown how such distortions in perceived edge blur may be accounted for by a model which assumes that luminance contrast is encoded by a local contrast transducer whose response becomes progressively more compressive as speed increases. If the form of the transducer is fixed (independent of contrast) for a given speed, then a strong prediction of the model is that motion sharpening should increase with increasing contrast. We measured the sharpening of periodic patterns over a large range of contrasts, blur widths and speeds. The results indicate that whilst sharpening increases with speed it is practically invariant with contrast. The contrast invariance of motion sharpening is not explained by an early, static compressive non-linearity alone. However, several alternative explanations are also inconsistent with these results. We show that if a dynamic contrast gain control precedes the static non-linear transducer then motion sharpening, its speed dependence, and its invariance with contrast, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conventional feed forward Neural Networks have used the sum-of-squares cost function for training. A new cost function is presented here with a description length interpretation based on Rissanen's Minimum Description Length principle. It is a heuristic that has a rough interpretation as the number of data points fit by the model. Not concerned with finding optimal descriptions, the cost function prefers to form minimum descriptions in a naive way for computational convenience. The cost function is called the Naive Description Length cost function. Finding minimum description models will be shown to be closely related to the identification of clusters in the data. As a consequence the minimum of this cost function approximates the most probable mode of the data rather than the sum-of-squares cost function that approximates the mean. The new cost function is shown to provide information about the structure of the data. This is done by inspecting the dependence of the error to the amount of regularisation. This structure provides a method of selecting regularisation parameters as an alternative or supplement to Bayesian methods. The new cost function is tested on a number of multi-valued problems such as a simple inverse kinematics problem. It is also tested on a number of classification and regression problems. The mode-seeking property of this cost function is shown to improve prediction in time series problems. Description length principles are used in a similar fashion to derive a regulariser to control network complexity.


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The literature pertaining to the key stages of spray drying has been reviewed in the context of the mathematical modelling of drier performance. A critical review is also presented of previous spray drying models. A new mathematical model has been developed for prediction of spray drier performance. This is applicable to slurries of rigid, porous crust-forming materials to predict trajectories and drying profiles for droplets with a distribution of sizes sprayed from a centrifugal pressure nozzle. The model has been validated by comparing model predictions to experimental data from a pilot-scale counter-current drier and from a full-scale co-current drier. For the latter, the computed product moisture content was within 2%, and the computed air exit temperature within 10oC of experimental data. Air flow patterns have been investigated in a 1.2m diameter transparent countercurrent spray tower by flow visualisation. Smoke was introduced into various zones within the tower to trace the direction, and gauge the intensity, of the air flow. By means of a set of variable-angle air inlet nozzles, a variety of air entry configurations was investigated. The existence of a core of high rotational and axial velocity channelling up the axis of the tower was confirmed. The stability of flow within the core was found to be strongly dependent upon the air entry arrangement. A probe was developed for the measurement of air temperature and humidity profiles. This was employed for studying evaporation of pure water drops in a 1.2m diameter pilot-scale counter-current drier. A rapid approach to the exit air properties was detected within a 1m distance from the air entry ports. Measured radial profiles were found to be virtually flat but, from the axial profiles, the existence of plug-flow, well-mixed-flow and some degree of air short-circuiting can be inferred. The model and conclusions should assist in the improved design and optimum operation of industrial spray driers.


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We present numerical modeling based on a combination of the Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method and Finite Element Method that completely describes the wavelength spectra of point by point femtosecond laser inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, showing excellent agreement with experiment. We have investigated the dependence of different spectral parameters such as insertion loss, all dominant cladding and ghost modes and their shape relative to the position of the fiber Bragg grating in the core of the fiber. Our model is validated by comparing model predictions with experimental data and allows for predictive modeling of the gratings. We expand our analysis to more complicated structures, where we introduce symmetry breaking; this highlights the importance of centered gratings and how maintaining symmetry contributes to the overall spectral quality of the inscribed Bragg gratings. Finally, the numerical modeling is applied to superstructure gratings and a comparison with experimental results reveals a capability for dealing with complex grating structures that can be designed with particular wavelength characteristics. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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We report observations of the diffraction pattern resulting when a nematic liquid crystal is illuminated with two equal power, high intensity beams of light from an Ar+ laser. The time evolution of the pattern is followed from the initial production of higher diffraction orders to a final striking display arising as a result of the self-diffraction of the two incident beams. The experimental results are described with good approximation by a model assuming a phase distribution at the output plane of the liquid crystal in the form of the sum of a gaussian and a sinusoid.


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We present experimental studies and numerical modeling based on a combination of the Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method and Finite Element Modeling that completely describes the wavelength spectra of point by point femtosecond laser inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, showing excellent agreement with experiment. We have investigated the dependence of different spectral parameters such as insertion loss, all dominant cladding and ghost modes and their shape relative to the position of the fiber Bragg grating in the core of the fiber. Our model is validated by comparing model predictions with experimental data and allows for predictive modeling of the gratings. We expand our analysis to more complicated structures, where we introduce symmetry breaking; this highlights the importance of centered gratings and how maintaining symmetry contributes to the overall spectral quality of the inscribed Bragg gratings. Finally, the numerical modeling is applied to superstructure gratings and a comparison with experimental results reveals a capability for dealing with complex grating structures that can be designed with particular wavelength characteristics.


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Joint sentiment-topic (JST) model was previously proposed to detect sentiment and topic simultaneously from text. The only supervision required by JST model learning is domain-independent polarity word priors. In this paper, we modify the JST model by incorporating word polarity priors through modifying the topic-word Dirichlet priors. We study the polarity-bearing topics extracted by JST and show that by augmenting the original feature space with polarity-bearing topics, the in-domain supervised classifiers learned from augmented feature representation achieve the state-of-the-art performance of 95% on the movie review data and an average of 90% on the multi-domain sentiment dataset. Furthermore, using feature augmentation and selection according to the information gain criteria for cross-domain sentiment classification, our proposed approach performs either better or comparably compared to previous approaches. Nevertheless, our approach is much simpler and does not require difficult parameter tuning.


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We report observations of the diffraction pattern resulting when a nematic liquid crystal is illuminated with two equal power, high intensity beams of light from an Ar+ laser. The time evolution of the pattern is followed from the initial production of higher diffraction orders to a final striking display arising as a result of the self-diffraction of the two incident beams. The experimental results are described with good approximation by a model assuming a phase distribution at the output plane of the liquid crystal in the form of the sum of a gaussian and a sinusoid.


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The traditional role of ports in the wider supply chain context is currently being subject to a process of radical review. In broad terms, the traditional model is being replaced by a model which focuses on higher value and more knowledge intensive activities. This trend requires a change in the way in which new knowledge and skills are developed by staff in companies of all kinds within port communities. Traditional models need to be re-evaluated to reflect the increasing importance of knowledge and skills acquisition, particularly in relation to the supply chain management (SCM) concept and the evolving role of information and communications technology (ICT) in improving supply chain capability. This paper describes the case of NITL’s Foundation Certificate Programme (FCP) learning programme with specific reference to its use in addressing some of current shortcomings related to supply chain knowledge and skills in port communities. The FCP rationale is based on the need to move from traditional approaches of supply chain organisation where the various links in the chain were measured and managed in isolation from each other and thus tended to operate at cross purposes, towards more cooperative and integrated approaches.


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Biodiesel is fast becoming one of the key transport fuels as the world endeavours to reduce its carbon footprint and find viable alternatives to oil derived fuels. Research in the field is currently focusing on more efficient ways to produce biodiesel, with the most promising avenue of research looking into the use of heterogeneous catalysis. This article presents a framework for kinetic reaction and diffusive transport modelling of the heterogeneously catalysed transesterification of triglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), unveiled by a model system of tributyrin transesterification in the presence of MgO catalysts. In particular, the paper makes recommendations on multicomponent diffusion calculations such as the diffusion coefficients and molar fluxes from infinite dilution diffusion coefficients using the Wilke and Chang correlation, intrinsic reaction kinetic studies using the Eley-Rideal kinetic mechanism with methanol adsorption as the rate determining steps and multiscale reaction-diffusion process simulation between catalytic porous and bulk reactor scales. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.