972 resultados para Attachement mère-enfant
Translation of : L'enfant.
Appendices p. [145]-177: 1. Extrait inédit des mémoires du curé Claude Haton (Ms. de la Bibl. Nat., no. 11575, fonds français)--2. Distiques de Fl. Chrestien "Memoriae nobilissimi viri, doctissimi theologi, disertissimi ecclesiastae Antonii Sadaëlis vel Zamarelis."--3. Analyse de la "Remonstrance à la royne mère du roy sur les Discours de P. de Ronsard des misères de ce temps."--4. Extrait de Réveil-matin relatif à la Franciade.--5. Extrait du "Discours merveilleux de la vie de Catherine de Médicis."--6. Explication de la gravure de la Seconde response reproduite en frontispice. (Woodcut vignette on t.-p. of "Seconde response de F. de la Baronie à M. P. de Ronsard..." n. p., 1563, reproduced from Read's zincograph in Bull. de la Soc. de l'hist. du protestantisme français, 1888)
t. 1-2. Poésies--t. 3-5. Comédies--t. 6-7. Nouvelles et contes--t.8. Confession du̓n enfant du siècle--t.9. Mélanges de littérature et de critique--[t. 10] OEuvres posthumes, avec lettres inédites [et] une notice biographique / par son frère -- [t. 10] Biographie de Alfred de Musset, sa vie et ses oeuvres / par Paul de Musset ; avec fragments inédits en prose et en vers et lettres inédites.
Translated from the Dutch.
Mutations in components of the Mre 11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex give rise to genetic disorders characterized by neurological abnormalities, radiosensitivity, cell cycle checkpoint defects, genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Evidence exists that this complex associates with chromatin during DNA replication and acts as a sensor of double strand breaks (dsbs) in DNA after exposure to radiation. A series of recent reports provides additional support that the complex senses breaks in DNA and relays this information to ATM, mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), which in turn activates pathways for cell cycle checkpoint activation. Paradoxically members of the Mre11 complex are also downstream of ATM in these pathways. Here, Lavin attempts to make sense of this sensing mechanism with reference to a series of recent reports on the topic. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cet article entend analyser la façon dont les femmes prêtres ayant des enfants ont été intégrées dans l'Église d'Angleterre. C'est en 1992 qu’a été autorisée l'ordination des femmes et en 1994 que les premières ont été prononcées. Comme cet article le montrera, les femmes prêtres sont confrontées à de multiples discriminations dans l’Église d’Angleterre, qui est structurellement réticente à la féminisation. Notre étude se concentre plus particulièrement sur la situation des mères, qui sont encore plus rudement mises à l’épreuve. La question du corps, celui de la femme enceinte comme celui de la mère qui allaite, apparaît très problématique au sein de l’Église. Les femmes prêtres ne sont en effet pas des professionnelles comme les autres, leur mission relève en même temps du domaine du sacré, ce qui complique le processus de féminisation, par rapport à d’autres univers professionnels.
Reliable dating of glaciomarine sediments deposited on the Antarctic shelf since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is very challenging because of the general absence of calcareous (micro-) fossils and the recycling of fossil organic matter. As a consequence, radiocarbon (14C) ages of the acid-insoluble organic fraction (AIO) of the sediments bear uncertainties that are very difficult to quantify. In this paper we present the results of three different chronostratigraphic methods to date a sedimentary unit consisting of diatomaceous ooze and diatomaceous mud that was deposited following the last deglaciation at five core sites on the inner shelf in the western Amundsen Sea (West Antarctica). In three cores conventional 14C dating of the AIO in bulk sediment samples yielded age reversals down-core, but at all sites the AIO 14C ages obtained from diatomaceous ooze within the diatom-rich unit yielded similar uncorrected 14C ages ranging from 13,517±56 to 11,543±47 years before present (yr BP). Correction of these ages by subtracting the core-top ages, which are assumed to reflect present-day deposition (as indicated by 21044 Pb dating of the sediment surface at one core site), yielded ages between ca. 10,500 and 8,400 calibrated years before present (cal yr BP). Correction of the AIO ages of the diatomaceous ooze by only subtracting the marine reservoir effect (MRE) of 1,300 years indicated deposition of the diatom-rich sediments between 14,100 and 11,900 cal yr BP. Most of these ages are consistent with age constraints between 13.0 and 8.0 ka BP for the diatom-rich unit, which we obtained by correlating the relative palaeomagnetic intensity (RPI) records of three of the sediment cores with global and regional reference curves for palaeomagnetic intensity. As a third dating technique we applied conventional 53 radiocarbon dating of the AIO included in acid-cleaned diatom hard parts that were extracted from the diatomaceous ooze. This method yielded uncorrected 14C ages of only 5,111±38 and 5,106±38 yr BP, respectively. We reject these young ages, because they are likely to be overprinted by the adsorption of modern atmospheric carbon dioxide onto the surfaces of the extracted diatom hard parts prior to sample graphitisation and combustion for 14C dating. The deposition of the diatom-rich unit in the western Amundsen Sea suggests deglaciation of the inner shelf before ca. 13 ka BP. The deposition of diatomaceous oozes on other parts of the Antarctic shelf around the same time, however, seems to be coincidental rather than directly related.
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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences de criminologie en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences en criminologie option cheminement avec stage en intervention
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