975 resultados para Atta leaf-cutter ants
A crude aqueous extract of the leaves of the guava tree, Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae), were studied for antidiarrhoeal effects, to place one of its traditional medical uses. The extract induced a decrease in the propulsive movements of the intestinal contents in mice. These findings suggested that an aqueous extract of guava leaves may be used as an effective treatment for non-specific diarrhoea in folk medicine.
Collections in households and industrial kitchens were done aiming at evaluating the potential of urban ants in spreading fungi. The most abundant ant species in households were Tapinoma melanocephalum and Paratrechina longicornis. In industrial kitchens Paratrechina longicornis and Monomorium floricola were the most common. Tapinoma melanocephalum was the species that most carried fungi, followed by Paratrechina longicornis, Tetramorium sp., Monomorium pharaonis and Monomorium floricola. An aflatoxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus was isolated.
The study was carried out at the UNESP Rio Claro campus (SP), where biotests consisting of simulated ant attacks were performed in colonies of Mischocyttarus cerberus. The behaviors of the wasps were recorded with a camcorder, for further analysis. This analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney U test and the Principal Component Analysis. In the pre-emergence development stage, colonies with a single foundress defend the nest only after the first larvae appear. When there are only eggs in the nest, the wasp abandons the nest. Before leaving, the wasp rubs its gaster against the nest, releasing the ant repellent secretion. When the nest contains larvae or larvae and pupae, the foundress defends the colony, vibrating its wings, pumping her abdomen and biting the ant.
In this work an image pre-processing module has been developed to extract quantitative information from plantation images with various degrees of infestation. Four filters comprise this module: the first one acts on smoothness of the image, the second one removes image background enhancing plants leaves, the third filter removes isolated dots not removed by the previous filter, and the fourth one is used to highlight leaves' edges. At first the filters were tested with MATLAB, for a quick visual feedback of the filters' behavior. Then the filters were implemented in the C programming language. At last, the module as been coded in VHDL for the implementation on a Stratix II family FPGA. Tests were run and the results are shown in this paper. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The cultivation of fruit plants from temperate climate in tropical or subtropical regions can be a good income alternative for the producer. However, due to the little existent information about cultivation of those fruit plants, the producers use imported techniques of other producing areas, or even an association of practices used for other fruit plants, pointing out the leaf spray fertilization of micronutrients without appropriate scientific base. In this context, the objective of this study was to verify the effect of the leaf spray fertilization of B and Zn on productivity and fruit quality of Japanese pear tree. The experiment was conducted from 2004 to 2005, in Ilha Solteira, in northwestern São Paulo State-Brazil. The climate is, according to the Köpppen Classification, tropical wet and dry (Aw). The 'Okusankichi' cultivar, grafted on Pyrus communis L. rootstock was used as well as doses of 110 g.ha-1 of B and 250 g.ha-1 of Zn in each application. The treatments were: T1. water, T2. boric acid, T3. zinc sulfate, T4. T2 + T3, T5. boric acid + urea + citric acid + EDTA, T6. zinc sulfate + urea + citric acid + EDTA, T7. T5 + T6, T8. boric acid + urea + citric acid + EDTA + sodium molibdate + sulfur + calcium chloride, T9. zinc sulfate + urea + citric acid + EDTA + Fe sulfate + Mn sulfate + Mg sulfate and, T10. T8+T9. A randomized blocks design was used and the averages were compared by Tukey test. In the first crop the mixture of boric acid with quelating agents were efficient to supply B to the plants and zinc sulfate plus quelating agents were efficient to increase Zn leaf content. However, the productivity and the fruit quality were not influenced by the leaf spray of B and Zn. In the second crop the leaf content of B and Zn and the productivity were not influenced by the leaf spray; the boric acid and the zinc sulfate with or without quelating agents increased the contents of total soluble solids and, the boric acid with or without quelating agents increased the contents of total titratable acidity.
The wide diversity of their trichomes, which vary from simple unicellular to very complex structures, is a remarkable characteristic in Melastomataceae. This paper characterizes the leaf indumentum of Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana, M. chamissois Naudin, M. fallax DC., M. ligustroides (DC.) Naudin, Microlepis oleaefolia (DC.) Triana and Rhynchanthera dichotoma DC., typical species from Brazilian cerrado. Samples collected from the median third of young and mature leaf blades were processed following the usual scanning electron microscopy techniques (SEM). We observed ten morphological types of trichomes and four of emergences. With five different types, four of which are reported for the first time, Rhynchanthera dichotoma is the species that presents the most diverse indumenta. A mixed type of trichome formed by a glandular and a branched non-glandular portion called lateral-gland was observed in M. ligustroides. Such non-glandular portion presents different degrees of development. A correlation is suggested between the stage of development of the non-glandular portion and the exposition to light of these lateral gland on young leaves.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leaves from Carpolobia lutea (Polygalaceae) were screened to establish the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim and to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds by semi-preparative HPLC. The anti-nociceptive effects of Carpolobia lutea (CL) G. Don (Polygalaceae) organic leaf extracts were tested in experimental models in mice. The anti-nociceptive mechanism was determined using tail-flick test, acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, formalin-induced hind paw licking and the hot plate test. The fractions (ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane) and crude ethyl acetate extract of CL (770 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant inhibitions of both phases of the formalin-induced pain in mice, a reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing as well as and an elevation of the pain threshold in the hot plate test in mice. The inhibitions were greater to those produced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Ethyl acetate fraction revealed cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives, which are described for the first time in literature. These cinnamalglucosides polyphenols characterised from CL may in part account for the pharmacological activities. These findings confirm its ethnomedical use in anti-inflammatory pain and in pains from gastric ulcer-associated symptoms. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.
Although common in Brazil, the biology of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) is still poorly studied. Larval descriptions are useful to genus-level ant systematics and sometimes to species-level taxonomy. This study presents a detailed description of juveniles of S. saevissima from Brazil, which were compared with Brazilian specimens of Solenopsis invicta Buren, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), and Solenopsis altipunctata Pitts. Different larval instars were separated by diagnostic morphological traits which were confirmed by observing moults. Reproductive larvae could be easily sorted by their distinctive body dimensions and shape. Contrary to previous reports on this species, the larvae of S. saevissima proved to be generally identical to those of S. invicta, while a few specimens resembled those of other close species, such as Solenopsis megergates Trager. Mature larvae thus presented considerable intraspecific variation in some characters recently proposed to aid fire ant species separation (morphology of head hairs). © 2012 Eduardo Gonalves Paterson Fox et al.
The potential impact of global climate change on the spatial-temporal distribution of phoma leaf spot of coffee in Brazil was evaluated. Maps were prepared with the favorability of the climate to the occurrence of the disease in the current period and future. The future scenarios used were centered for the decades of 2010-2030, 2040-2060, and 2070-2090 (scenarios A2 and B2). These scenarios were obtained from six global climate models (GCM's) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Assuming the future scenarios outlined by the IPCC, a reduction will occur in the occurrence of climatic favorability of phoma leaf spot in Brazil in both future scenarios (A2 and B2). As with the temporal distribution, the period of greatest risk of phoma leaf spot will tend to diminish in future decades. These planned changes will be larger in the A2 scenario compared to the predicted scenario B2. Despite the decrease in the favorability of phoma leaf spot in the country, some regions still present a potential risk of this disease. Furthermore, the increased frequency of extreme weather was not taken in to account. These will certainly influence the magnitude of potential impacts of climate change on the phoma leaf spot in Brazil.
Ants in the tribe Attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) comprise about 230 described species that share the same characteristic: all coevolved in an ancient mutualism with basidiomycetous fungi cultivated for food. In this paper we focused on fungi other than the mutualistic cultivar and their roles in the attine ant symbiosis. Specialized fungal parasites in the genus Escovopsis negatively impact the fungus gardens. Many fungal parasites may have small impacts on the ants' fungal colony when the colony is balanced, but then may opportunistically shift to having large impacts if the ants' colony becomes unbalanced. Copyright © 2012 Fernando C. Pagnocca et al.
Carpolobia lutea leaves (CLL) (Polygalaceae) were earlier screened and the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim established. This article seeks to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds from most active CLL fraction. Fractionation was by semi-preparative HPLC; the active fraction was subjected to radical scavenging assays (RSA) and quantification of the total phenolic content (TPC) were also executed. Results: Ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) was observed to be the most pharmacologically active antiulcer fraction when screened using acute ulcer models induced in rodents. The EAF demonstrated significant (p < 0.05-0.001) antiulcer activity in various in vivo induced ulceration models by reducing the ulcer index and increasing the preventive ratio. The EAF demonstrated > 70% in TPC and < 20 % in RSA. Cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives were isolated from EAF. Cinnamic acids have been implicated and patented as antiulcer agent. Isolated compounds could in part mediate the observed pharmacological activities which lend credence to its ethnobotanical uses.
Some ant species cause severe ecological and health impact in urban areas. Many attempts have been tested to control such species, although they do not always succeed. Biological control is an alternative to chemical control and has gained great prominence in research, and fungi and nematodes are among the successful organisms controlling insects. This study aimed to clarify some questions regarding the biological control of ants. Invasive ant species in Brazil had their nests evaluated for the presence of entomopathogens. Isolated entomopathogens were later applied in colonies of Monomorium floricola under laboratory conditions to evaluate their effectiveness and the behavior of the ant colonies after treatment. The entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis sp. and Steinernema sp. and the fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, and Paecilomyces sp. were isolated from the invasive ant nests. M. floricola colonies treated with Steinernema sp. and Heterorhabditis sp. showed a higher mortality of workers than control. The fungus Beauveria bassiana caused higher mortality of M. floricola workers. However, no colony reduction or elimination was observed in any treatment. The defensive behaviors of ants, such as grooming behavior and colony budding, must be considered when using fungi and nematodes for biological control of ants. Copyright © 2012 Maria Fernanda Miori de Zarzuela et al.
Bulbophyllum section Micranthae comprises 12 species of rupicolous or epiphytic orchids occurring in forests or in open rocky fields in Cerrado/Atlantic Forest ecotones throughout South America. We examined the leaf anatomy of 14 species and compared them with molecular data (nrITS) in phylogenetic analyses. The leaves of Bulbophyllum section Micranthae are characterised by uniseriate epidermis, with periclinal external cell wall thicker than the internal, presence of epicuticular wax, stomata present only on the abaxial surface with suprastomatic chambers, and collateral vascular bundles associated with sclerenchyma fibres. Some of these characters are shared with other rupicolous Orchidaceae species, demonstrating adaptive convergence in xeromorphic habitats. We found some anatomical characteristics with phylogenetic value. Bulbophyllum section Micranthae can be separated into two lineages: those with needle-like leaves, or flat leaves. The analyses show that anatomical characters as well as molecular data may contribute to the development of phylogenetic hypotheses. © 2013 Botanical Society of Sao Paulo.
Background: The increase in opportunistic fungal infections has led to the search for putative sources of contamination in hospital environments. Aim: Ants in a public hospital in Itabuna, north-eastern Brazil were examined for carriage of filamentous fungi. Methods: During a year-long survey, ants from different hospital areas were sampled. Preference was given to locations where it was possible to observe ants actively foraging. The fungi found on the ants' integument were cultured and identified. Findings: A total of 106 ant workers belonging to 12 species in 11 genera were collected. A total of 47 fungal strains was isolated from 40% of the ants (. N = 42). We found 16 fungal species in 13 genera associated with the ant workers. The prevalent fungal genera were . Aspergillus, . Purpureocillium and . Fusarium. The ants . Tapinoma melanocephalum, . Paratrechina longicornis and . Pheidole megacephala were associated with six fungal genera; and four genera of fungi were associated with . Solenopsis saevissima workers. Fungal diversity was higher in the following hospital areas: nursery, hospital beds, breastmilk bank and paediatrics. Conclusion: Ants act as carriers of soil and airborne fungal species, and ant control in hospital areas is necessary to prevent the dissemination of such micro-organisms. © 2012 The Healthcare Infection Society.