962 resultados para Artistas latino americanos
The development of language is a critical component of early childhood, enabling children to communicate their wishes and desires, share thoughts, and build meaning through linguistic interactions with others. A wealth of research has highlighted the importance of children’s early home experiences in fostering language development. This literature emphasizes the importance of a stimulating and supportive home environment in which children are engaged in literacy activities such as reading, telling stories, or singing songs with their parents. This study examined the association between low-income Latino immigrant mothers’ and fathers’ home literacy activities and their children’s receptive and expressive language skills. It also examined the moderating influence of maternal (i.e., reading quality and language quality) and child (engagement during reading, interest in literacy activities) characteristics on this association. This study included observational mother-child reading interactions, child expressive and receptive language assessments, and mother- and father-reported survey data. Controlling for parental education, multiple regression analyses revealed a positive association between home literacy activities and children’s receptive and expressive language skills. The findings also revealed that mothers’ reading quality and children’s engagement during reading (for expressive language skills only) moderated this association. Findings from this study will help inform new interventions, programs, and policies that build on Latino families’ strengths.
Recursos Educativos - Conhecer
En este trabajo se propone realizar un análisis del elemento sonoro en las prácticas de tres artistas contemporáneos colombianos -- Esta búsqueda se realiza desde una mirada filosófica que indaga sobre cómo el sonido conecta el cuerpo opaco interior del ser con el mundo exterior, tratando y se sustenta en la forma en la que los artistas utilizan el sonido en sus obras, teniendo como punto de partida esa pretensión de alcances ontológicos: sonido que define al ser y su relación con el mundo y da lugar al interrogante sobre cuál es la resonancia de ese mundo interior en la creación de la obra artística -- La idea fundamental de esta búsqueda está sustentada en la existencia de los cambios en la sensibilidad implicados en la irrupción del aparato sonoro en la cotidianidad -- El sustento referencial se acerca de manera directa a plantear la existencia de un ser sonoro, permeado desde antes de nacer por la onda vibratoria; un ser producto de fuerzas históricas moldeadas en la resonancia -- Se utiliza el concepto de acusmática para proponer un régimen de lo sonoro, allí donde de manera directa se insertan todos los dispositivos que al aparecer interrogan y jalonan la percepción
Over forty million foreign-born residents currently live in the United States. Latinos make up the largest population of immigrants living in the U.S. Previous research suggests that Latino immigrants often experience pre-migration stressors, such as traumatic experiences, political upheaval, and unplanned migration. These stressors may have a negative impact on immigrants’ post-migration mental health. Research also suggests that the post-migration climate of the receiving community may inform the connection between pre-migration experiences and post-migration mental health. The current study examined the relationship between Latino immigrants’ reasons for migration, migration planning, and pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal violence, and post-migration symptoms of psychological distress. In addition to examining the effect of these pre-migration factors, the current study also examined the community “climate” experienced by Latino immigrants post-migration by assessing the influence of three post-migration factors: 1) community support and engagement, 2) discrimination, and 3) employment. The study was a secondary analysis of data collected for the National Latino and Asian American Study, which focused on the mental health and service utilization of Latinos and Asian Americans. Participants included 1,629 Latino immigrants from across the United States. Results indicated that pre-migration experience of political and/or interpersonal trauma, post-migration experience of discrimination, and female sex were positively associated with psychological distress. Post-migration employment was negatively associated with psychological distress. In addition, discrimination modified the association between unplanned migration and psychological distress; the relationship between unplanned migration and psychological distress decreased for participants who reported more discrimination. Furthermore, employment modified the association between political and/or interpersonal trauma and psychological distress; the connection between trauma and psychological distress increased among those who reported having less employment. Recommendations for further research were presented. Policy and clinical practice implications were discussed, particularly given the current climate of high anti-immigrant sentiment and hostility in the U.S.
O tema escolhido para este estudo, intitulado “Exploração do grafismo e da matéria expressiva da criança através de processos criados por artistas modernistas e contemporâneos”, pretende desenvolver alguns conceitos e investigar as várias metodologias artísticas relacionadas com a evolução gráfica, a matéria expressiva da criança e o experimentalismo nas expressões plásticas, explorando a matéria e a técnica. Para tal, enquadrou-se nesta proposta as teorias e métodos da Educação pela Arte e Educação Artística, no âmbito das nas Artes Plásticas, em particular na Educação Pré-Escolar. Teve-se a intenção de traçar um projeto de investigação prático direcionado a três grupos de jardim-de-infância, dos 3 aos 6 anos, em contexto escolar. Esta investigação tem como base notas de campo, entrevistas, fotografias, análise documental e de conteúdo. Pretendeu-se verificar através dos resultados da investigação teórica e prática que a introdução das Artes Visuais é uma mais-valia no contexto educacional, no sentido do estudo centrar-se na compreensão da evolução gráfica individual, seguindo o percurso de cada criança e o tempo das sessões) e a sua própria linguagem artística, pois através dela se pode analisar várias perspetivas: como as crianças produzem e aprendem a criar expressões plásticas – produção artística; qual a importância da expressão artística e da criatividade; bem como a aprendizagem dos conhecimentos empíricos das Artes Visuais através do processo de criação dos artistas, ensinando indiretamente à História da Arte. Consideramos relevante a inovação do ensino artístico na Educação Pré-Escolar através dos materiais não convencionais das artes plásticas, inspirados na “arte pobre”, isto é, empregar elementos naturais - como título de exemplo: a cortiça, folhas, ouriços das castanhas, areia da praia; as matérias da cozinha (papel de cozinha, chocolate, farinha, cereais, beterraba) e da higiene (espuma de barbear) e, por fim, os materiais reutilizáveis e recuperáveis como o cartão, tecidos, entre outros. Neste sentido, torna-se relevante entender que estas formas de linguagens artísticas permitem desenvolver determinadas capacidades da criança como ser criador, explorador, autêntico, capaz de expressar ideias e sentimentos recorrendo aos seus próprios códigos.
Se analizan 23 armerías concedidas por la corona a los aliados indígenas de los conquistadores y los descendientes de los destronados soberanos aztecas e incas, caracterizadas por: 1) novedosos muebles de inspiración autóctona (accidentes geográficos, flora y fauna, construcciones y productos de la industria local); 2) marcas totémicas y atributos de caciques y monarcas indígenas transformados en muebles heráldicos que siguieron cumpliendo su primitiva función identificadora en el nuevo contexto plástico; y 3) una clara preferencia por el diseño naturalista iniciada a mediados del siglo XVI.
24 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2016.
La presente investigaciòn ahonda en el discurso periodìstico sexista, el cual contribuye a mantener el estatus privilegiado de los hombres sobre las mujeres, cerrandoles espacios de poder polìtico.
Hepatitis C infection (HCV) continues to disproportionately affect Hispanics/Latinos in the United States. Hispanic/Latino intravenous drug users (IDUs), because of their risky injection and sexual behaviors, are prone to HCV infection and rapid transmission of the virus to others via several routes. With a prevalence rate of approximately 75% among IDUs, it is imperative that transmission of HCV be prevented in this population. This study aims to examine the associations between demographic, injection and sexual risk factors to HCV infection in a group Hispanic/Latino IDUs in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Preliminary unadjusted results in this sample reveal that age (OR=4.592, p=0.004), weekly injection (OR=5.171, p=0.000), daily injection frequency (OR=3.856, p=0.000) and use of a dirty needle (OR=2.320, p= 0.006) were all significantly associated with HCV infection. Being born outside the U.S. was significantly negatively associated with HCV infection (OR=0.349, p=0.004). Additionally, having two or more sex partners in the past three months (OR=0.472, p=0.014) was negatively associated with HCV infection. After adjusting for all other variables, older age (AOR=7.470, p=0.006), weekly injection (AOR=3.238, p=0.007) and daily injection frequency (AOR=2.625, p=0.010) were all significantly associated with HCV infection. Being born outside the U.S. (AOR=0.369, p=0.019) was a significant protective factor for HCV infection, along with having two or more sex partners in the past three months (AOR=0.481, p=0.037). When analyzing the significant variables in a backward regression model, having 2 or more sex partners in the past three months was not significant at the p
This flyer promotes a one-week intensive training and orientation to public policy and legislative processes through a series of seminars, workshops, site visits to national organizations and meetings with Congressional representatives. The training was held from June 16-21, 2013.