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The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) project utilizes the Two-degree Field (2dF) multi-object spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). Its aim is to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14 000 objects with 16 5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19 7 irrespective of their morphology in a 12 deg(2) area centred on the Fornax cluster. A sample of 24 Fornax cluster members has been identified from the first 2dF field (3.1 deg(2) in area) to be completed. This is the first complete sample of cluster objects of known distance with well-defined selection limits. Nineteen of the galaxies (with -15.8 < M-B < 12.7) appear to be conventional dwarf elliptical (dE) or dwarf S0 (dS0) galaxies. The other five objects (with -13.6 < M-B < 11.3) are those galaxies which were described recently by Drinkwater et al. and labelled 'ultracompact dwarfs' (UCDs). A major result is that the conventional dwarfs all have scale sizes alpha greater than or similar to 3 arcsec (similar or equal to300 pc). This apparent minimum scale size implies an equivalent minimum luminosity for a dwarf of a given surface brightness. This produces a limit on their distribution in the magnitude-surface brightness plane, such that we do not observe dEs with high surface brightnesses but faint absolute magnitudes. Above this observed minimum scale size of 3 arcsec, the dEs and dS0s fill the whole area of the magnitude-surface brightness plane sampled by our selection limits. The observed correlation between magnitude and surface brightness noted by several recent studies of brighter galaxies is not seen with our fainter cluster sample. A comparison of our results with the Fornax Cluster Catalog (FCC) of Ferguson illustrates that attempts to determine cluster membership solely on the basis of observed morphology can produce significant errors. The FCC identified 17 of the 24 FCSS sample (i.e. 71 per cent) as being 'cluster' members, in particular missing all five of the UCDs. The FCC also suffers from significant contamination: within the FCSS's field and selection limits, 23 per cent of those objects described as cluster members by the FCC are shown by the FCSS to be background objects.


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This study examined whether people born in other countries had higher rates of death and hospitalization due to road crashes than people born in Australia. Data on deaths that occurred in the whole of Australia between 1994 and 1997 and hospitalizations that occurred in the state of New South Wales, Australia, between I July 1995 and 30 June 1997 due to road crashes were analyzed. The rates of death and hospitalization, adjusted for age and area of residence, were calculated using population data from the 1996 Australian census. The study categorized people born in other countries according to the language (English speaking, non-English speaking) and the road convention (left-hand side, right-hand side) of their country of birth. Australia has the left-hand side driving convention. The study found that drivers born in other countries had rates of death or hospitalization due to road trauma equal to or below those of Australian born drivers. In contrast, pedestrians born in other countries, especially older pedestrians had higher rates of death and hospitalization due to road crashes. Pedestrians aged 60 years or more born in non-English speaking countries where traffic travels on the right-hand side of the road had risks about twice those of Australian born pedestrians in the same age group. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is part of a large study to assess the adequacy of the use of multivariate statistical techniques in theses and dissertations of some higher education institutions in the area of marketing with theme of consumer behavior from 1997 to 2006. The regression and conjoint analysis are focused on in this paper, two techniques with great potential of use in marketing studies. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the employement of these techniques suits the needs of the research problem presented in as well as to evaluate the level of success in meeting their premisses. Overall, the results suggest the need for more involvement of researchers in the verification of all the theoretical precepts of application of the techniques classified in the category of investigation of dependence among variables.


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The Brazil consolidated itself as the largest world producer of sugarcane, sugar and ethanol. The creation of the Programa Nacional do Alcool - PROALCOOL and the growing use of cars with flexible motors were some of the factors that helped to motivate still more the production. Evolutions in the agricultural and industrial research did the Brazilian competitiveness in sugar and ethanol globally elevated, what is evidenced when comparing the amount produced at the country and the production costs, which turned a big one differential. Therefore, the administration of costs is of great relevance to the sugar and ethanol companies, for representing a significant rationalization in the production processes, with economy of resources and the reach of better earnings, besides reducing the operational risk pertinent at the fixed costs of production. Thus, the present work has for objective to analyze the costs structure of sugar and ethanol companies of the Center-south area of the country through an empiric-analytical study based in methodologies and concepts extracted of the costs accounting. It is verified that great part of the costs and operational expenses have variable behavior, a positive factor for the sector reducing the operational risk of the activity. The main restraint of this study is the sample of five years and 10% of the number of plants in Brazil that although they represent 30% of the national production, don`t allow the generalization of the model.


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Over the last 50 years a new research area, science education research, has arisen and undergone singular development worldwide. In the specific case of Brazil, research in science education first appeared systematically 40 years ago, as a consequence of an overall renovation in the field of science education. This evolution was also related to the political events taking place in the country. We will use the theoretical work of Rene Kaes on the development of groups and institutions as a basis for our discussion of the most important aspects that have helped the area of science education research develop into an institution and kept it operating as such. The growth of this area of research can be divided into three phases: The first was related to its beginning and early configurations; the second consisted of a process of consolidation of this institution; and the third consists of more recent developments, characterised by a multiplicity of research lines and corresponding challenges to be faced. In particular, we will analyse the special contributions to this study gleaned from the field known as the history and philosophy of science.


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In the present study, the morphology and biometry of the spermatophores of the western Atlantic hermit crab Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796) are described, and the results are placed in the context of the Paguroidea, in particular the Diogenidae. Individuals of C. sclopetarius were sampled from a human-impacted mangrove area of southern Brazil. The male reproductive system was removed, measured and analyzed using stereoscopic, light, transmission-electron and scanning-electron microscopy. This system is composed of lobular testes connected to the vas deferens, and gonopores with membranous coverage. The mature spermatophore consists of a spherical pack that stores sperm. These cells consist of a spherical acrosomal vesicle, an amorphous cytoplasm and a distal nucleus. The results revealed that the gonopores, testis and vas deferens have the expected characteristics of the family Diogenidae, while the non-tripartite morphology of the spermatophores and the sperm follow the patterns found only in the genus Clibanarius, and the presence of the dense perforatorial ring is, to date, unique in the species of the genus, being a possible apomorphic characteristic.


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Detailed description of the cranial anatomy of the rhynchosaur previously known as Scaphonyx sulcognathus allows its assignment to a new genus Teyumbaita. Two nearly complete skulls and a partial skull have been referred to the taxon, all of which come from the lower part of the Caturrita Formation, Upper Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Cranial autapomorphies of Teyumbaita sulcognathus include anterior margin of nasal concave at midline, prefrontal separated from the ascending process of the maxilla, palatal ramus of pterygoid expanded laterally within palatines, dorsal surface of exoccipital markedly depressed, a single tooth lingually displaced from the main medial tooth-bearing area of the maxilla, and a number of other characters (such as skull broader than long; a protruding orbital anterior margin; anguli oils extending to anterior ramus of the jugal; bar between the orbit and the lower temporal fenestra wider than 0.4 of the total orbital opening; mandibular depth reaching more than 25% of the total length) support its inclusion in Hyperodapedontinae. T. sulcognathus is the only potential Norian rhynchosaur, suggesting that the group survived the end-Carnian extinction event.


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The family Alpheidae, composed by shrimps of relatively small size, popularly known as snapping shrimps, is the one of the most diverse decapod groups. These shrimps are found worldwide and Occur in tropical and subtropical waters, from the intertidal zone to great depths. We investigated reproductive aspects of Alpheus armillatus, in order to gather information on egg production, aiming to enhance knowledge of its reproductive strategies in a population in an intertidal area of the South Atlantic. Ovigerous females were collected under rocks, in May and July 2006 (dry season) and in November 2006 and March 2007 (rainy season). Egg production and reproductive output were analyzed and compared seasonally and during the period of embryonic development. Females measured on average 11.28 mm CL with a mean of 763 eggs and 0.11 mm(3) egg volume. The egg volume of this population was smaller than previous estimates for other species of snapping shrimps, but the mean egg number was higher. The volume of eggs doubled during the incubation period, but despite this increase, no significant loss of eggs was observed. Alpheus armillatus invests oil average about 12% of body weight in reproduction. The proportional investment in egg production IS Significantly higher in the rainy season when compared with the dry season (17.9% vs 4.8%), correlated with higher temperatures and increased food availability at this time. Our results corroborated the hypothesis of a pattern of egg production influenced by environmental conditions and intraspecific variability among the family Alpheidae, as a function of the biogeographic region.


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The floral biology, pollinators and breeding system of Echinodorus longipetalus Micheli were studied in a marshy area of the district of Taquaritinga (State of Sao Paulo), southeastern Brazil. E. longipetalus is gynodioecious and as far as is known, this is the first record of unisexual flowers, besides perfect flowers, in Echinodorus. Proportion of female individuals in the studied population is 50% and produces 31% more flowers than hermaphrodites. Perfect and pistillate flowers of E. longipetalus are similar in appearance and are pollinated by several species of Hymenoptera (mainly by Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) suspecta Moure & Camargo). Perfect flowers offer pollen as a reward. Pistillate flowers attract floral visitors by deceit with their staminodes that resemble the stamens of the perfect flowers. Visits to pistillate flowers are quick (1-2 s), while visits to perfect flowers last up to 120 s. The perfect flowers are self-compatible and produce fruits through spontaneous self-pollination (control flowers), whereas the pistillate ones only set fruits through cross-pollinations. Perfect and pistillate flowers set more fruits under natural conditions than in manual treatments, respectively. Although the pistillate and perfect flowers bear a strong similarity, the selective pollinator behavior seems to be responsible for the increase of fruit set in perfect flowers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical performance of carbon fibers (CF) and boron-doped diamond electrodes grown on carbon fiber substrate (BDD/CF) was studied. CF substrates were obtained from polyacrylonitrile precursor heat treated at two different temperatures of 1000 and 2000 degrees C to produce the desirable CF carbon graphitization index. This graphitization process influenced the CF conductivity and its chemical surface, also analyzed from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. These three-dimensional CF structures allowed a high incorporation of diamond films compared to other carbon substrates such as glass carbon or HOPG. The electrochemical responses, from these four classes of electrodes, were evaluated focusing their application as electrical double-layer capacitors using cyclic voltammetry and impedance measurements. Cyclic voltammetry results revealed that the electrode formed from BDD grown on CF-2000 presented a typical capacitor behavior with the best rectangular shape, compared to those electrodes of CF or BDD/CF-1000. Furthermore, the BDD/CF-2000 electrode presented the lowest impedance, associated to its significant capacitance value of 1940 mu F/cm(2) taking into account the BDD films. This behavior was attributed to the strong dependence between diamond coating texture and the CF graphitization temperature. The largest surface area of BDD/CF-2000 was promoted by its singular film growth mechanism associated to the substrate chemical surface. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To determine the age-standardised prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and associated risk factors, particularly smoking. Method: Design: Cross-sectional survey of a randomly selected population. Setting: Metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia. Participants: Men aged between 65-83 years. Results: The adjusted response fraction was 77.2%. Of 4,470 men assessed, 744 were identified as having PAD by the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire and/or the ankle-brachial index of systolic blood pressure, yielding an age-standardised prevalence of PAD of 15.6% (95% confidence intervals (CI): 14.5%, 16.6%). The main risk factors identified in univariate analyses were increasing age, smoking current (OR=3.9, 95% CI 2.9-5.1) or former (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.6-2.4), physical inactivity (OR=1.4, 95% CI 1.2-1.7), a history of angina (OR=2.2, 95% CI 1.8-2.7) and diabetes mellitus (OR=2.1, 95% CI 1.7-2.6). The multivariate analysis showed that the highest relative risk associated with PAD was current smoking of 25 or more cigarettes daily (OR=7.3, 95% CI 4.2-12.8). In this population, 32% of PAD was attributable to current smoking and a further 40% was attributable to past smoking by men who did not smoke currently. Conclusions: This large observational study shows that PAD is relatively common in older, urban Australian men. In contrast with its relationship to coronary disease and stroke, previous smoking appears to have a long legacy of increased risk of PAD. Implications: This research emphasises the importance of smoking as a preventable cause of PAD.


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Mice show urinary scent marking behavior as a form of social communication. Marking to a conspecific stimulus mouse or odor varies with stimulus familiarity, indicating discrimination of novel and familiar animals. This study investigated Fos immunoreactivity in inbred C57BL/6J (C57) males following scent marking behavior in response to detection of a social stimulus, or discrimination between a familiar and an unfamiliar conspecific. In Experiment 1 C57 mice were exposed for four daily trials to an empty chamber; on a test day they were exposed to the same chamber or to a male CD-1 mouse in that chamber. Increased scent marking to the CD-1 mouse was associated with increased Fos-immunoreactive cells in the basolateral amygdala, medial amygdala, and dorsal and ventral premammillary nuclei. In Experiment 2 C57 mice were habituated to a CD-1 male for 4 consecutive days and, on the 5th day, exposed to the same CD-1 male, or to a novel CD-1 male. Mice exposed to a novel CD-1 displayed a significant increase in scent marking compared to their last exposure to the familiar stimulus, indicating discrimination of the novelty of this social stimulus. Marking to the novel stimulus was associated with enhanced activation of several telencephalic, as well as hypothalamic and midbrain, structures in which activation had not been seen in the detection paradigm (Experiment 1). These included medial prefrontal and piriform cortices, and lateral septum; the paraventricular nuclei, ventromedial nuclei, and lateral area of the hypothalamus, and the ventrolateral column of the periaqueductal gray. These data suggest that a circumscribed group of structures largely concerned with olfaction is involved in detection of a conspecific olfactory stimulus, whereas discrimination of a novel vs. a familiar conspecific stimulus engages a wider range of forebrain structures encompassing higher-order processes and potentially providing an interface between cognitions and emotions. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Smectite formation in alkaline-saline environments has been attributed to direct precipitation from solution and/or transformation from precursor minerals, but these mechanisms are not universally agreed upon in the literature. The objective of this work was to investigate the mineralogy of smectites in the soils surrounding a representative alkaline-saline lake of Nhecolandia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland, Brazil, and then to identify the mechanisms of their formation. Soils were sampled along a toposequence and analyzed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Water was collected along a transect involving the studied toposequence and equilibrium diagrams were calculated using the databases PHREEQC and AQUA. The fine-clay fraction is dominated by smectite, mica, and kaolinite. Smectites are concentrated at two places in the toposequence: an upper zone, which includes the soil horizons rarely reached by the lake-level variation; and a lower zone, which includes the surface horizon within the area of seasonal lake-level variation. Within the upper zone, the smectite is dioctahedral, rich in Al and Fe, and is classified as ferribeidellite. This phase is interstratified with mica and vermiculite and has an Fe content similar to that of the mica identified. These characteristics suggest that the ferribeidellite originates from transformation of micas and that vermiculite is an intermediate phase in this transformation. Within the lower zone, smectites are dominantly trioctahedral, Mg-rich, and are saponitic and stevensitic minerals. In addition, samples enriched in these minerals have much smaller rare-earth element (REE) contents than other soil samples. The water chemistry shows a geochemical control of Mg and saturation with respect to Mg-smectites in the more saline waters. The REE contents, water chemistry, and the presence of Mg-smectite where maximum evaporation is expected, suggest that saponitic and stevensitic minerals originate by chemical precipitation from the water column of the alkaline-saline lake.


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This study reports avian malaria caused by Plasmodium relictum in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Sao Paulo Zoo. The disease was highly infective among the birds and was clinically characterized by its acute course and high mortality. The penguins of Sao Paulo Zoo were housed for at least 2 years without malaria; however, they had always been maintained in an enclosure protected from mosquito exposure during the night period. When they presented pododermatitis, they were freed at night for a short period. sao Paulo Zoo is located in one of the last forest remnants of the city, an area of original Atlantic forest. In the winter, the space destined for Zoo birds is shared with migratory species. Hence the possibility exists that the disease was transmitted to the penguins by mosquitoes that had previously bitten infected wild birds. Avian malaria parasites are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex, common vectors in the Atlantic forest. In this study, one Culex (Cux.) sp. was found, infected with P. relictum. There are diverse problems in housing distinct species of animals in captivity, principally when occupying the same enclosure, since it facilitates the transmission of diseases with indirect cycles, as is the case of Plasmodium spp., because certain species that cause discrete infections in some bird species can become a serious danger for others, especially penguins, which do not possess natural resistance. Thus, serious implications exist for periodically testing and administrating malaria therapy in captive penguins potentially exposed to mosquitoes during the night period, as well as other captive birds from Sao Paulo Zoo. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the history of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Past achievements. and current challenges are outlined ISPRM has been successful In setting up a central office. attracting individual and national members,. holding International congresses, and establishing relations with the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (JRM) as the organization`s official journal ISPRM is currently; In official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and collaborates closely, with WHO`s Disability and Rehabilitation team ISPRM, however also faces challenges with regard to its growth and the realization of its goals These Include boundaries of voluntary leadership. limited economic resources, the need for enhancing the central office. variations in membership. limits of the current congress bidding system and structure, relations with regional societies, and the need to further develop policies within the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and In relation to WHO and the United Nations system is concluded that ISPRM must evolve from an organization, of which the main activities ay-e to hold a biennial congress hosted by a member nation and to provide input to WHO on request. Into a professional non-governmental organization (NGO) ISPRA should embark on assuming, a leadership role at the further development of PRM within the broader area of human functioning and rehabilitation