971 resultados para Amette, Léon Adolphe (1850-1920)
Pianos for the people: the manufacture, marketing and sale of pianos as consumer durables, 1850-1914
During the second half of the nineteenth century, British society experienced a rise in real incomes and a change in its composition, with the expansion of the middle classes. These two factors led to a consumer revolution, with a growing, but still segmented, demand for household goods that could express status and aspiration. At the same time technological changes and new ways of marketing and selling goods made these goods more affordable. This paper analyzes these themes and the process of mediation that took place between producers, retailers, and consumers, by looking at the most culturally symbolic of nineteenth century consumer goods, the piano.
In the early 1920s, before Virginia Woolf wrote her now well-known essays “The New Biography” and “The Art of Biography,” the Hogarth Press published four biographies of Tolstoy. Each of these English translations of Russian works takes a different approach to biographical composition, and as a group they offer multiple and contradictory perspectives on Tolstoy’s character and on the genre of biography in the early twentieth century. These works show that Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press took a multi-perspectival, modernist approach to publishing literary lives.
The new Max-Planck-Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) is used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) in a series of climate change experiments for either idealized CO2-only forcing or forcings based on observations and the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. The paper gives an overview of the model configurations, experiments related forcings, and initialization procedures and presents results for the simulated changes in climate and carbon cycle. It is found that the climate feedback depends on the global warming and possibly the forcing history. The global warming from climatological 1850 conditions to 2080–2100 ranges from 1.5°C under the RCP2.6 scenario to 4.4°C under the RCP8.5 scenario. Over this range, the patterns of temperature and precipitation change are nearly independent of the global warming. The model shows a tendency to reduce the ocean heat uptake efficiency toward a warmer climate, and hence acceleration in warming in the later years. The precipitation sensitivity can be as high as 2.5% K−1 if the CO2 concentration is constant, or as small as 1.6% K−1, if the CO2 concentration is increasing. The oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon increases over time in all scenarios, being smallest in the experiment forced by RCP2.6 and largest in that for RCP8.5. The land also serves as a net carbon sink in all scenarios, predominantly in boreal regions. The strong tropical carbon sources found in the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 experiments are almost absent in the RCP4.5 experiment, which can be explained by reforestation in the RCP4.5 scenario.
In early modern times, warfare in Europe took on many diverse and overlapping forms. Our modern notions of ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ warfare, of ‘major war’ and ‘small war’, have their roots in much greater diversity than such binary notions allow for. While insurgencies go back to time immemorial, they have become conceptually fused with ‘small wars’. This is a term first used to denote special operations, often carried out by military companies formed from special ethnic groups and then recruited into larger armies. In its Spanish form, guerrilla, the term ‘small war’ came to stand for an ideologically-motivated insurgency against the state authorities or occupying forces of another power. There is much overlap between the phenomena of irregular warfare in the sense of special operations alongside regular operations, and irregular warfare of insurgents against the regular forces of a state. This book demonstrates how long the two phenomena were in flux and fed on each other, from the raiding operations of the 16th century to the ‘small wars’ or special operations conducted by special units in the 19th century, which existed alongside and could merge with a popular insurgency. This book is based on a special issue of the journal Small Wars & Insurgencies.
Fecundity and oocyte development in Salminus hilarii female brood stock were analyzed with the aim of investigating the impact of migration impediment on oogenesis. Histological analyses of the ovaries were performed in adult females caught in two different environments-the TietA(a) River (natural) and captivity-and the gonadossomatic index, oocyte diameter and fecundity determined. Five germ cell development stages (oogonium, perinucleolar, cortical alveoli, vitellogenic, ripe) and two other structures (postovulatory follicles and atretic oocytes) were observed in females caught in the river. Captive animals lacked the ripe oocytes and postovulatory follicles and had a relatively higher number of atretic oocytes. Females in captivity are known to produce larger oocytes, and they release fewer eggs in each spawn (absolute fecundity) when compared with animals that are able to migrate. Our results suggest that the TietA(a) River is undergoing alterations which are being reflected in the reproductive performance of S. hilarii, mainly due to the presence of atretic oocytes in females caught in the river. The lack of postovulatory follicles and ripe oocytes in captive animals reveals that migratory impediment negatively impacts final oocyte maturation. However, the stage of maturation reached is adequate for ovulation induction with hormone manipulation.
Denna uppsats dokumenterar uppkomst, frontpersoner och verksamhet för Dalarnes sjuksköterskeförening (DSF) mellan åren 1920-1933, vilket är en lokal sjuksköterskeförening som senare blev underavdelning till riksföreningen Svensk sjuksköterskeförening (SSF). DSF var den första lokala sjuksköterskeföreningen och startades 1920 av sjuksköterskor kring området Falun/Borlänge. Det var inte en elitförening likt SSF som i sin professionalisering enbart ville avskärma sig från de underordnade som biträden och kämpa för status och kalltanken. DSF var en förening som ville stärka kårandan men även arbeta för löne- och arbetsförhållandefrågor, vilket på den tiden egentligen hörde samman med socialistiska föreningar. I sin verksamhet ville de även få till stånd en platsbyrå för föreningens medlemmar. Det var en politiskt oberoende förening som arbetade fackligt. År 1933 blev Dalarnes sjuksköterskeförening en underavdelning till SSF som från och med det året började arbeta fackligt på lokalföreningars begäran.
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka hur Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente drabbades av spanska sjukan under 1918-1920. Det har även jämförts hur detta regemente drabba¬des i jämförelse med Dalarnas och Västmanlands regementen under 1918. Frågeställning¬arna som besvarats handlar om hur många som insjuknade och dog, hur regementets ansva¬riga agerade samt vilka åtgärder som vidtogs när epidemin hade nått regementet. Det huvudsakliga materialet jag har använt mig av är förste provinsialläkarens årsberättelser och regementets inkomna och utgående skrivelser. Studiens resultat visar att Kungliga Gotlands infanteriregemente med sina cirka 500 sjuk¬domsfall och fyra dödsfall under epidemins första period, 1918 drabbades i hög grad i jämfö¬relse med Dalregementet, men i liten grad i jämförelse med Västmanlands rege¬mente. Anledningen till att regementet på Gotland klarade sig relativt lindrigt från spanska sjukan kan bero på att en fungerande sjukvård snabbt kunde sättas in samt att man vidtog andra åt¬gärder såsom inskränkningar på permissioner, striktare personlig hygien och renlighet i loka¬lerna samt skyddsympning.
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka baptismens framväxt, genombrott och utveckling under perioden 1850-1910. I anslutning till detta har jag även studerat baptismens etablering på nationell nivå. De frågeställningar som har utformats i anknytning till syftet har varit; När, varför och genom vilka uppkom baptismen i Piteå? Vilka människor kom att ansluta sig till baptismen i Piteå? Vilka orsaker fanns till baptismens förändring och utveckling på lokal nivå? Den metod som använts för att undersöka dessa aspekter har varit i huvudsak kvalitativ, där studiet av material i form av medlemsmatriklar, församlingsprotokoll, minnes- och årsskrifter samt relevant litteratur och avhandlingar använts. Resultatet av studien visar att den svenska baptiströrelsen har sin bakgrund i Amerika, England och Tyskland, och att den spreds till vårt land därifrån. En orsak till detta var gynnsamma samhällsförhållanden där läsar- och separatiströrelsen skapat en grogrund för baptisternas missionssträvanden under den första hälften av 1800-talet. I Piteå och Norrbotten etableras rörelsen i slutet av 1850-talet. Som förklaring till baptismens utveckling och förändring på lokal nivå har jag funnit att Piteå under perioden till övervägande del varit ett jordbrukssamhälle, vilket skapat en relativt låg grad av social rörlighet bland de unga anhängare som framför allt hämtades ur arbetarklassen. Utifrån tidigare studier av baptismen kan Piteå sägas vara ett exempel på ett samhälle där lojaliteten mot den äldre kyrkliga gemenskapen troligen levde kvar under perioden. Samtidigt hade församlingens idémässiga tankegods som folkrörelse en viktig social och ideologisk betydelse för individen, trots församlingens relativt små numerära framgångar.
The purpose of this article was to illuminate existing educational ideologies in the Swedish fiddler movement (Spelmansrörelsen) 1923-1927. This period was characterized by the organization and to some extent institutionalization of Swedish folk music. Furthermore, the purpose was to discuss the results in relation to the folk music education of today. The empirical data was taken from the journal Hembygden, which was a magazine for scholars, enthusiasts and practitioners of folk music. Theoretically, the study was based on a concept of ideology developed by Sven-Eric Liedman: in every time there are two basic forms of identifiable ideology, manifest and latent. From the empirical material as a whole (around 900 articles), a selection was made to find articles dealing with aspects of learning among the fiddlers (33 articles). After content analysis the following themes were generated: Fiddlers’ repertoire, Fiddlers’ masters, Rooms for learning, Learning formation. The writers in Hembygden often emphasized the autodidactic aspects of learning and especially the importance of learning by ear. This manifest ideology of authenticity presumed that learning directly from another fiddler by playing together was to prefer to formal schooling. In spite of a tendency towards more ensemble playing, the folk music education of today in Sweden is characterized by a similar retrospective ideology as in the 1920s.
O ensino de psicologia no Rio Grande do Sul teve seu início relacionado à criação dos cursos de formação de professores primários, também conhecidos como cursos normais. No estado se destacou o papel do Instituto de Educação General Flores da Cunha, de Porto Alegre. Este instituto foi o principal centro de formação de docentes para o ensino primário e difusor de novas idéias relativas à educação, entre elas o estudo dos conteúdos psicológicos. Esta dissertação estuda a presença da psicologia nos cursos normais de Porto Alegre no período de 1920 a 1950. Aponta as diversas idéias psicológicas que influenciaram as práticas pedagógicas da época e identifica os primeiros professores que lecionaram esta disciplina. Para tanto, examina documentos oficiais, decretos-lei estaduais e federais, e publicações que introduziram e regulamentaram o ensino de Psicologia no estado. O estudo argumenta que as idéias psicológicas já se encontravam presentes nos cursos de formações de professores nas primeiras décadas de século XX, embora só comecem a aparecer como uma disciplina autônoma em 1925. E conclui que o ensino da Psicologia experimentou uma expansão a partir do final da década de 1920 que durou até meados dos anos 50, quando ocorreu a fragmentação do currículo dos cursos normais. O ensino da Psicologia despertou o interesse para as questões de desenvolvimento psicológico infantil, da saúde mental e do aconselhamento profissional, reafirmando a existência de uma relação de complementaridade entre Psicologia e Pedagogia. Este trabalho constituiu-se não somente no primeiro esforço de traçar o panorama da presença Psicologia no Rio Grande do Sul, mas também de identificar, nestes primórdios, tendências que influenciam a formação dos psicólogos hoje.
Esta investigação procurou problematizar a relação fotografia e cidade, a partir da análise e da interpretação das imagens fotográficas de Porto Alegre veiculadas através dos álbuns editados nas décadas de 1920 e 1930. A partir de metodologia de análisequantitativa e qualitativa, tentou-se verificar a construção de uma visualidade de cidade calcado num imaginário de modernidade urbana. Por um lado, percorreu-se as páginas dos álbuns, tal flâneur percorre as ruas da cidade, buscando a tessitura de uma narrativa orientada pela disposição das imagens e pela relação entre as mesmas no interior de cada conjunto. Para cada um dos três álbuns, nessa direção, foi identificada uma narrativa, denominada olhar dirigido, olhar detido e olhar passageiro. Por outro lado, buscou-se identificar padrões de recorrência temática e formal na totalidade da amostra estudada, partindo-se do pressuposto de que o viés quantitativo permitiria visualizar a formação de sub-conjuntos orientados pela escolha dos motivos fotografados e pela escolha dos atributos estéticos e técnicos ao fotografá-los. As imagens fotográficas, assim, foram interpretadas a partir da relação entre visibilidade e invisibilidade, na qual elementos dissonantes do imaginário em voga são excluídos da cena fotografada, ao passo que outros elementos são valorizados como forma de enaltecer a visualidade propugnada. Por meio da seleção de determinadas imagens e da reunião das mesmas em uma coleção, os álbuns fotográficos, os produtores visuais deram a ver e fizeram ver uma Porto Alegre de feição moderna. Dessa forma, contribuíram para a construção e a veiculação de um imaginário de modernidade urbana, ao mesmo tempo em que contribuíram para enaltecer a memória de uma cidade moderna e propagar o esquecimento de uma cidade de traços coloniais que ainda se mantinham no espaço urbano.