999 resultados para Affine functions


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An approach featuring s-parametrized quasiprobability distribution functions is developed for situations where a circular topology is observed. For such an approach, a suitable set of angle - angular momentum coherent states must be constructed in an appropriate fashion.


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A submodel of the so-called conformal affine Toda model coupled to the matter field (CATM) is defined such that its real Lagrangian has a positive-definite kinetic term for the Toda field and a usual kinetic term for the (Dirac) spinor field. After spontaneously broken the conformal symmetry by means of BRST analysis, we end up with an effective theory, the off-critical affine Toda model coupled to the matter (ATM). It is shown that the ATM model inherits the remarkable properties of the general CATM model such as the soliton solutions, the particle/soliton correspondence and the equivalence between the Noether and topological currents. The classical solitonic spectrum of the ATM model is also discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The sl(2) affine Toda model coupled to matter is shown to describe various features, such as the spectrum and string tension, of the low-energy effective Lagrangian of two-dimensional QCD (one flavor and N colors). The corresponding string tension is computed when the dynamical quarks are in the fundamental representation of SU(N) and in the adjoint representation of SU(2).


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The construction of non-Abelian affine Toda models is discussed in terms of its underlying Lie algebraic structure. It is shown that a subclass of such non-conformal two-dimensional integrable models naturally leads to the construction of a pair of actions, which share the same spectra and are related by canonical transformations.


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Effect of bound nucleon internal structure change on nuclear structure functions is investigated based on local quark-hadron duality. The bound nucleon structure functions calculated for charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering are all enhanced in symmetric nuclear matter at large Bjorken-x (x greater than or similar to 0.85) relative to those in a free nucleon. This implies that a part of the enhancement observed in the nuclear structure function F-2 (in the resonance region) at large Bjorken-x (the EMC effect) is due to the effect of the bound nucleon internal structure change. However, the x dependence for the charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering is different. The former (latter) is enhanced (quenched) in the region 0.8 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.9 (0.7 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.85) due to the difference of the contribution from axial vector forrn factor. Because of these differences charge symmetry breaking in parton distributions will be enhanced in nuclei. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The so-called conformal affine Toda theory coupled to the matter fields (CATM), associated to the (s) over capl(2) affine Lie algebra, is studied. The conformal symmetry is fixed by setting a connection to zero, then one defines an off-critical model, the affine Toda model coupled to the matter (ATM). Using the dressing transformation method we construct the explicit forms of the two-soliton classical solutions, and show that a physical bound soliton-antisoliton pair (breather) does not exist. Moreover, we verify that these solutions share some features of the sine-Gordon (massive Thirring) solitons, and satisfy the classical equivalence of topological and Noether currents in the ATM model. We show, using bosonization techniques that the ATM theory decouples into a sine-Gordon model and a free scalar. Imposing the Noether and topological currents equivalence as a constraint, one can show that the ATM model leads to a bag model like mechanism for the confinement of the color charge inside the sine-Gordon solitons (baryons).


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We employ the NJL model to calculate mesonic correlation functions at finite temperature and compare results with recent lattice QCD simulations. We employ an implicit regularization scheme to deal with the divergent amplitudes to obtain ambiguity-free, scale-invariant and symmetry-preserving physical amplitudes. Making the coupling constants of the model temperature dependent, we show that at low momenta our results agree qualitatively with lattice simulations.


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The symmetry structure of the non-Abelian affine Toda model based on the coset SL(3)/SL(2) circle times U(1) is studied. It is shown that the model possess non-Abelian Noether symmetry closing into a q-deformed SL(2) circle times U(1) algebra. Specific two-vertex soliton solutions are constructed.


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Recently there have been suggestions that for a proper description of hadronic matter and hadronic correlation functions within the NJL model at finite density/temperature the parameters of the model should be taken density/temperature dependent. Here we show that qualitatively similar results can be obtained using a cutoff-independent regularization of the NJL model. In this regularization scheme one can express the divergent parts at finite density/temperature of the amplitudes in terms of their counterparts in vacuum.


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The conformal affine sl(2) Toda model coupled to the matter field is treated as a constrained system in the context of Faddeev-Jackiw and the (constrained) symplectic schemes. We recover from this theory either the sine-Gordon or the massive Thirring model, through a process of Hamiltonian reduction, considering the equivalence of the Noether and topological currrents as a constraint and gauge fixing the conformal symmetry. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Here we explore the link between the moments of the Laguerre polynomials or Laguerre moments and the generalized functions (as the Dirac delta-function and its derivatives), presenting several interesting relations. A useful application is related to a procedure for calculating mean values in quantum optics that makes use of the so-called quasi-probabilities. One of them, the P-distribution, can be represented by a sum over Laguerre moments when the electromagnetic field is in a photon-number state. Consequently, the P-distribution can be expressed in terms of Dirac delta-function and derivatives. More specifically, we found a direct relation between P-distributions and the Laguerre factorial moments.


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The teleparallel gravity theory, treated physically as a gauge theory of translations, naturally represents a particular case of the most general gauge-theoretic model based on the general affine group of spacetime. on the other hand, geometrically, the Weitzenbock spacetime of distant parallelism is a particular case of the general metric-affine spacetime manifold. These physical and geometrical facts offer a new approach to teleparallelism. We present a systematic treatment of teleparallel gravity within the framework of the metric-affine theory. The symmetries, conservation laws and the field equations are consistently derived, and the physical consequences are discussed in detail. We demonstrate that the so-called teleparallel GR-equivalent model has a number of attractive features which distinguishes it among the general teleparallel theories, although it has a consistency problem when dealing with spinning matter sources.


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We present an analytic study of the finite size effects in sine-Gordon model, based on the semi-classical quantization of an appropriate kink background defined on a cylindrical geometry. The quasi-periodic kink is realized as an elliptic function with its real period related to the size of the system. The stability equation for the small quantum fluctuations around this classical background is of Lame type and the corresponding energy eigenvalues are selected inside the allowed bands by imposing periodic boundary conditions. We derive analytical expressions for the ground state and excited states scaling functions, which provide an explicit description of the flow between the IR and UV regimes of the model. Finally, the semiclassical form factors and two-point functions of the basic field and of the energy operator are obtained, completing the semiclassical quantization of the sine-Gordon model on the cylinder. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two methods for calculating inner products of Schur functions in terms of outer products and plethysms are given and they are easy to implement on a machine. One of these is derived from a recent analysis of the SO(8) proton-neutron pairing model of atomic nuclei. The two methods allow for generation of inner products for the Schur functions of degree up to 20 and even beyond.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)