950 resultados para Acute toxicity of copper


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The electrodeposition of copper onto copper, gold, palladium and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes via a hydrogen bubble templating method is reported. It is found that the composition of the underlying electrode material significantly influences the morphology of the copper electrodeposit. Highly ordered porous structures are achieved with Cu and Au electrodes, however on Pd this order is disrupted and a rough randomly oriented surface is formed whereas on GC a bubble templating effect is not observed. Chronopotentiograms recorded during the electrodeposition process allows bubble formation and detachment from the surface to be monitored where distinctly different potential versus time profiles are observed at the different electrodes. The porous Cu surfaces are characterised with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and cyclic voltammetric measurements recorded under alkaline conditions. The latter demonstrates that there are active sites present on electrodeposited copper whose coverage and reactivity depend on the underlying electrode material. The most active Cu surface is achieved at a Pd substrate for both the hydrogen evolution reaction and the catalytic reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions. This demonstrates that the highly ordered porous structure on the micron scale which typifies the morphology that can be achieved with the hydrogen bubbling template method is not required in producing the most effective material.


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The importance of the isoform CYP2E1 of the human cytochrome P-450 superfamily of enzymes for occupational and environmental medicine is derived from its unique substrate spectrum that includes a number of highly important high-production chemicals, such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, solvents and industrial monomers (i.a. alkanes, alkenes, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons). Many polymorphic genes, such as CYP2E1, show considerable differences in allelic distribution between different human populations. The polymorphic nature of the human CYP2E1 gene is significant for inter-individual differences in toxicity of its substrates. Since the substrate spectrum of CYP2E1 includes many compounds of basic relevance to industrial toxicology, a rationale for metabolic interactions of different CYP2E1 substrates is provided. In-depth research into the inter-individual phenotypic differences of human CYP2E1 enzyme activities was enabled by the recognition that the 6-hydroxylation of the drug chlorzoxazone is mediated by CYP2E1. Studies on CYP2E1 phenotyping have pointed to inter-individual variations in enzyme activities. There are consistent ethnic differences in CYP2E1 enzyme expression, mostly demonstrated between European and Japanese populations, which point to a major impact of genetic factors. The most frequently studied genetic polymorphisms are the restriction fragment length polymorphisms PstI/RsaI (mutant allele: CYP2E1*5B) located in the 5′-flanking region of the gene, as well as the DraI polymorphism (mutant allele: CYP2E1*6) located in intron 6. These polymorphisms are partly related, as they form the common allele designated CYP2E1*5A. Striking inter-ethnic differences between Europeans and Asians appear with respect to the frequencies of the CYP2E1*5A allele (only approximately 5% of Europeans are heterozygous, but 37% of Asians are, whilst 6% of Asians are homozygous). Available studies indicate a wide variation in human CYP2E1 expression, which are very likely based on complex gene-environment interactions. Major inter-ethnic differences are apparent on the genotyping and the phenotyping levels. Selected cases are presented where inter-ethnic variations of CYP2E1 may provide likely explanations for unexplained findings concerning industrial chemicals that are CYP2E1 substrates. Possible consequences of differential inter-individual and inter-ethnic susceptibilities are related to individual expressions of clinical symptoms of chemical toxicity, to results of biological monitoring of exposed workers, and to the interpretation of results of epidemiological or molecular-epidemiological studies.


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Copper is a low-cost plasmonic metal. Efficient photocatalysts of copper nanoparticles on graphene support are successfully developed for controllably catalyzing the coupling reactions of aromatic nitro compounds to the corresponding azoxy or azo compounds under visible-light irradiation. The coupling of nitrobenzene produces azoxybenzene with a yield of 90 % at 60 °C, but azobenzene with a yield of 96 % at 90 °C. When irradiated with natural sunlight (mean light intensity of 0.044 W cm−2) at about 35 °C, 70 % of the nitrobenzene is converted and 57 % of the product is azobenzene. The electrons of the copper nanoparticles gain the energy of the incident light through a localized surface plasmon resonance effect and photoexcitation of the bound electrons. The excited energetic electrons at the surface of the copper nanoparticles facilitate the cleavage of the NO bonds in the aromatic nitro compounds. Hence, the catalyzed coupling reaction can proceed under light irradiation and moderate conditions. This study provides a green photocatalytic route for the production of azo compounds and highlights a potential application for graphene.


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A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was adapted to grow at higher concentrations of copper by single step culturing in the presence of 20 g/L (0.314 mol/L) cupric ions added to 9K medium. Exposure to copper results in change in the surface chemistry of the microorganism. The isoelectric point of the adapted strain (pI=4.7) was observed to be at a higher pH than that of the wild unadapted strain(pI=2.0). Compared to the wild strain, the copper adapted strain was found to be more hydrophobic and showed enhanced attachment efficiency to the pyrite mineral. The copper adsorption ability of the adapted strain was also found to be higher than that of the wild strain. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of adapted cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface component is synthesized by the adapted strain. Treatment of adapted cells with proteinase-K, resulted in complete loss of tolerance to copper, reduction in copper adsorption and hydrophobicity of the adapted cells. These observations strongly suggest a role played by cell surface modifications of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in imparting the copper tolerance to the cells and bioleaching of sulphide minerals.


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Five cases of aflatoxicosis in pigs in southern Queensland are described. One peracute case where aflatoxin concentrations of up to 5000pg aflatoxin B,/kg were demonstrated in stomach contents was presumed to be caused by consumption of mouldy bread. High levels of toxins were also present in the livers. Two cases of acute toxicity were caused by feeding mouldy peanut screenings containing 22000~9 aflatoxin B,/kg. One case of subacute and one of chronic toxicity were caused by sorghum grain based rations with lower aflatoxin levels (4640 and 255 pg/kg). Peracute toxicity caused collapse and deaths within several hours, acute toxicity caused deaths within 12 h and with subacute toxicity deaths occured after 3 weeks on a toxic ration. Anorexia and ill thrift affecting only growing animals were seen with chronic toxicity. Extensive centrilobular liver necrosis and haemorrhage occured with peracute toxicity and in cases of acute poisoning there was hepatic centrilobular cellular infiltration, hepatocyte swelling and bile stasis. With subacute toxicity hepatocyte vacuolation together with bile stasis and bile ductule hyperplasia were seen.