950 resultados para Acupuntura veterinaria
The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and maintenance of the fine control of muscle contraction. In cases of a suspected cerebellar disorder, a computed tomography scan can be performed to identify structural change. The aim of this study is to describe the cerebellar tomographic attenuation values in healthy cats since this variable is considered of great importance in the evaluation of images obtained by this imaging modality. A simple and a contrast enhanced brain computed tomographic scan were performed in 15 adult cats with no history of neurological symptoms and negative for feline leukemia and immunodeficiency virus. After acquiring the image, the measurement of the average attenuation of a cerebellar area of 2 centimeters in diameter was obtained. The cerebellar tomographic attenuation showed a variation from 14.60 to 25.50 HU in the simple scan and from 25.50 to 33.40 HU in the enhanced phase. Most animals (73.33%) had precontrast cerebellar attenuation values within the stipulated limit for the brain in a previous study (20-41 HU). Four animals in this study (26.67%) had values lower than 20 HU, which can be explained by differences in cellular composition between these two regions. The average value of contrast enhancement was 4.91 HU, and in none of the animals an enhancement greater than 10 HU was observed, which is in agreement with previous studies.
Tetralogy of Fallot is a complex cardiac malformation characterized by four anatomical defects: pulmonary valve stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, interventricular septal defect and aortic dextroposition. Imaging techniques are useful in the diagnosis of this disease, such as radiography for screening and Doppler echocardiography for a definitive diagnosis. Our objective is to report the radiographic and Doppler echocardiographic aspects of a tetralogy of Fallot case in a 10 month-old Border Collie dog.
Contrast enhancement enables the verification of several pathological conditions that lead to vascular changes and/or breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Examples of diseases that cause these disorders are: neoplastic diseases, vascular communications, active inflammation and cerebral ischemia. Several contrast enhancements located peripherically to cerebral lobes, in the topography of brain sulci and gyri, were identified on tomographic scan of twelve healthy cats that had their health confirmed through history, general and neurologic physical examination and polymerase chain reaction for feline leukemia (FeLV) and immunodeficiency (FIV) virus. This study aims to describe the tomographic contrast enhancement findings, which showed an identical appearance to the pia mater and arachnoid enhancement, also called leptomeninges. This finding is generally considered related to leptomeningeal diseases such as meningitis and neoplastic disease. However, in dogs, the leptomeningeal enhancement has already been described in healthy animals. This finding has a great importance in the interpretation of tomographic images of these animals since, so far, in the presence of these enhancements, meningeal disorders were suggested. Thus, the verification of other tomographic findings and the combination with other diagnostic methods are of great importance for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease.
Ultrasound is considered the method of choice for evaluation of the gastrintestinal wall. Thickening of the wall is the most common ultrasonographic finding in gastric disorders. Inflammatory and neoplastic disorders are the most frequent causes of wall thickening. Case report 1: Boxer, with abdominal distension, ultrasound examination detected marked diffuse thickening of the gastric wall with loss of definition of wall layers. Fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasound diagnosed gastric carcinoma. Case report 2: mixed breed dog presenting oliguria, emesis and melena, the ultrasound examination showed diffuse thickening of the gastric wall, but with preserved layers and presence of calcification areas. An inflammatory process of the gastric wall was diagnosed using cytology. The distinction between inflammatory and neoplastic processes is performed based on several factors such as distribution, symmetry, size and architecture of the parietal layer in the lesions, and ultrasonography is a valuable tool to direct diagnosis and treatment.
A jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) was sent to the diagnostic imaging sector for an abdominal ultrasound. In the present report, we observed a marked dilation of the left kidney, with anechogenic content and the presence of echogenic lines extending from the capsule towards the center of the kidney, sonographic evidence that indicates the diagnosis of hydronephrosis.