1000 resultados para Acte de lecture
En l'acte d'inauguració del curs acadèmic 2009-2010, el conferenciant reflexiona sobre l'excel·lència i equitat, binomi que expressa un dels reptes més urgents de la universitat actual
Parlament de la rectora en l'acte de presa de possessió, on es parla sobre la situació de la universitat al seu 18è aniversari i on s'anomenen alguns dels objectius del proper mandat
A Powerpoint file for a Lecture on the development of the world wide web. Intended for lecturers and undergraduates. Produced by Hugh Davis, ECS for a 3rd year Module.
These materials are used in student tutorials as part of the routes to success course. The tutorials are typically delivered to a large group (~50) in an interactive manner, with the slides serving as reference/check materials. Some of the questions in the slides can also be used as individual handouts
Programming Overview The JVM (The Java Virtual Machine) A brief look at Structure Class Method Statement Magic incantations main() output Coding a Dog Programming Principle(1) If and Boolean operations Coding a Bank Account Quick look at ToolBox
Lecture 1: The Pioneers and History of Hypertext (pre-WWW) Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Bush: As We may Think; Engelbart: NLS and A Framework for Augmenting Human Intelligence; Nelson: Xanalogical Structure; Conklin: A Survey of Hypertext; Halasz 1987: Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems; Berners-Lee 1994 The World-Wide Web.
Lecture 1: Contributions of Pre WWW Research: Open Hypermedia Systems Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise (Malcolm et al. 1991); Towards An Integrated Information Environment With Open Hypermedia Systems (Davis et al. 1992); Unifying Strategies for Web Augmentation (Bouvin 1999); Hyper-G (Adapted from Lowe and Hall); OHP:A Draft Proposal for a Standard Open Hypermedia Protocol (Davis et al. 1996); XML Linking (DeRose 99)
Comment penser la tâche générale prescrite par les programmes français de l’école élémentaire de faire lire des textes de littérature de jeunesse au cycle 3? Cette question peut paraître superflue aux yeux du prescripteur institutionnel. Les maîtres n’ont qu’à enseigner la compréhension du texte littéraire bien utile pour un enseignement de la lecture dans la première étape du curriculum scolaire. Mais elle s’avère nécessaire pour la recherche en didactique si l’objet d’étude est l’activité réelle de l’enseignant. Chargé d’enseigner l’ensemble des disciplines, dont la littérature à l’école élémentaire, le maître agit en situation sociale dans son enseignement qui lui réclame des ressources professionnelles didactiques et pédagogiques pour conduire des séances de lecture littéraire, avec des jeunes lecteurs entre neuf et dix ans. Si la recherche peut aider à cerner la nature et les enjeux de l’activité enseignante, elle peut penser contribuer ainsi à des scénarios de formation des enseignants
Lecture 3: Contributions of Pre WWW Research: Spatial Hypertext and Temporal Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Spatial [SPATIAL] VIKI: spatial hypertext supporting emergent structure (Marshall, 94); Towards Geo-Spatial Hypermedia: Concepts and Prototype Implementation, (Gronbaek et al. 2002); Cyber Geography and Better Search Engines; [TEMPORAL] Anticipating SMIL 2.0: The Developing Cooperative Infrastructure for Multimedia on the Web (Rutledge 1999); Its About Time: Link Streams as Continuous Metadata (Page et al., 2001); Everything You Wanted to Know About MPEG-7:Part 1 (Nack & Lindsay 1999)
Lecture 4: Ontological Hypertext and the Semantic Web Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: Conceptual linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia (Carr et al. 2001); CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application (Glaser et al., 2004); The Semantic Web Revisited (Shadbolt, Hall and Berners-Lee, 2006); Mind the Semantic Gap (Millard et al., 2005).
Lecture 5: Web 2.0 and Social Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software . Tim O'Reilly (2005); Web 2.0: Hypertext by Any Other Name? (Millard & Ross, 2006)
Lecture 6: Where are all the links taking us: Web Science Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: The Literati (The Cyberspace and critical theory website) (Eastgate website); Pervasive Hypertext at Southampton and at Aarhus; Adaptive Hypertext - The Next Big Thing: (De Bra & Chepegin, 2004); Web Science: Creating a Science of the Web (Berners-Lee, Hall, Hendler, Shadbolt & Weitzner, 2006).
Lecture 1: Basic XML & HTML5 Lecture slides and exercises for reading and writing basic XML (without DTDs).
Lecture 1: DTDs and XML Structure Verification Lecture slides and exercises for validating XML with DTDs.
Lecture 3: DOM and XPath Lecture slides and exercises for using DOM and XPath to access material within an XML database or document.