982 resultados para Academic-industrial collaboration
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Postprint (published version)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da antecipação da colheita de lavouras de cevada sobre a germinação dos grãos, ao longo de 12 meses de armazenamento. O ensaio de campo foi realizado em 2002 e 2003. As parcelas colhidas foram armazenadas nos anos subseqüentes aos dos ensaios em campo, e a germinação foi monitorada mensalmente. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: dessecação com os princípios ativos glifosato e paraquat, nas doses 1, 1,5 e 2 L ha-1, além das testemunhas, colhidas normalmente e de forma antecipada, sem dessecação. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A colheita antecipada sem dessecação foi o tratamento de maior prejuízo qualitativo à germinação dos grãos. A deterioração qualitativa temporal dos grãos, nos tratamentos com herbicidas dessecantes, foi estatisticamente similar à observada nas amostras oriundas da testemunha colhida normalmente, sem dessecação. Não foram encontradas evidências de que o uso de herbicidas dessecantes acelere o processo de perda de germinação de grãos de cevada, ao longo do período de armazenagem, para os produtos e doses testados.
Sus formas de manifestación, comisión y desarrollo directamente relacionadas con el propio desarrollo de la tecnología; Son una fuente lucrativa para los grupos delictivos organizados y un medio fácil y de poco coste para la obtención de importantes beneficios y con menor riesgo de castigo; Especial idiosincrasia de las localidades de esta comunidad autónoma, favorece su proliferación; Genera un fenómeno sociológico singular : empatía o solidaridad que determina un menor reproche social; -Escasa conciencia popular del carácter delictivo de algunas de estas conductas; -Figura delictiva que entraña organización compleja siendo el Top manta nada más que la “punta del iceberg”. Necesidad de una visión jurídica global para analizar este tipo de delitos y abordarlos adecuadamente.
Estos delitos son un fraude a la ciudadanía en su conjunto. No perjudican a los creadores o a las marcas solamente, si no que lo hacen a todo el tejido industrial Limitan las posibilidades de crecimiento y desarrollo . Debilitan las garantías de los consumidores.
La thèse présentée ici est le résultat d'une étroite collaboration avec une ONG indienne, AKRSP(I), intervenant dans le développement de l'irrigation au Gujarat depuis plus de 25 ans. Un SIG prototype a été mis en oeuvre et nous permet de proposer ime analyse spatiale et quantitative de l'action de cette ONG ainsi qu'une réflexion plus générale sur les leviers de mise en valeur et de gestion des ressources en eau à des fins agricoles. On peut souligner trois principaux enseignements: Les perspectives d'application des SIG au sein des ONG sont manifestes. Les exigences des bailleurs de fonds peuvent néanmoins faire obstacle à leur développement car, indi-rectement, ils favorisent la mise en oeuvre de SI voués à la justification plutôt qu'à la planification et au suivi des programmes d'actions. Ce résultat soulève la question de la pertinence de l'encadrement, des critères d'évaluation et de la conditionnalité de l'aide publique au développement. Les ONG ont un fort potentiel pour participer à la mise en valeur des ressources en eau en Inde et aider à relever le défi agro-démographique indien, en particulier dans les zones marginales où les services étatiques sont en retrait. Les stratégies d'action basées principalement sur l'application des instruments économiques et techniques doivent cependant être modifiées. Nous montrons qu'elles favorisent une inégalité d'accès aux ressources qui débouche sur une efficacité limitée des pratiques d'irrigation, sur un plan agro-technique. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité de poursuivre une réflexion critique des discours et solutions dominants en matière de gestion des ressources en eau. Deux pistes d'amélioration sont avancées: 1. considérer l'équité d'accès comme un moyen d'optimiser la gestion de la ressource (limiter le volume d'eau par agriculteur pour encourager les choix de cultures irriguées peu consommatrices et l'adoption des technologies d'économie d'eau), 2. prêter attention à l'ordre dans lequel les différents instruments de gestion disponibles sont employés afin de les articuler dans un séquençage temporel pertinent. La Political Ecology apparait comme un cadre conceptuel très pertinent pour engager cette réflexion critique. Elle permet d'intégrer différentes échelles d'asymétries de pouvoirs à la compréhension des situations et des blocages observables localement : inégalités de capabilités et forces socio-politiques à l'échelle locale, politiques agro-industrielles (coton) et jeux d'alliances politiques des castes à l'échelle nationale, discours et conflits idéologiques ou orientations stratégiques des bailleurs de fonds à l'échelle internationale... Notre recherche empirique contribue modestement au développement de cette Political Ecology de la mise en valeur et de la gestion des ressources en eau. - The present research is based on a close collaboration with an indian NGO, AKRSP(I), which is active in the development of irrigation facilities in Gujarat for the past 25 years. We built a GIS prototype providing quantitative and spatial datas to analyse the NGO intervention and propose a general reflection about water resources development and management issues. Three main findings may be emphasized : The potential of GIS within the workings of an NGO is obvious, as an information ma-nagement tool as much as for developing analytical capacity. However, financial backers expectations may not favour a relevant development of this technology. Indirectly, they promote Information Systems built to justify rather than to plan or monitor action pro¬grammes. This raises the question of stricter framework, conditionality criters and stan¬dardised assessment indicators surrounding official development assistance. There is strong potential that NGOs can assist with the improvement of water resources in India. They can help in overcoming Indian demographic-related agricultural challenges, especially in marginal rural areas neglected by state services. However, intervention strategies mainly based on technical and economic management tools has to be adapted. We found that they lead to inequitable access and distribution of water resources what induces a low efficiency of irrigation practices from an agro-technical point of view. These results underline the need to go further in criticizing dominant ideas and guidelines regarding water resources management. We suggest two other options : 1. to consider equitable access has a tool to improve the effective use of water for agricul¬tural purposes (limiting the volume of water available per farmer would encourage them to adopt low water consumption crops and water saving technics), 2. to consider more carefully the order of use of the various management tools available and to structure them in a relevant sequence. Here, Political Ecology seems to be a relevant conceptual framework to enter into such a critical reflection, integrating different levels and scales of political asymmetries at the core of environmental issues. Indeed, the understanding of regional water situations and social stumbling blocks needs not only to consider local capabilities and socio-political inequities, but also agro-industrial policy (e.i. cotton) and caste political alliances at a national scale, as well as ideological and narrative struggles or strategical orientations of financial backers at an international level. Our empirical research modestly contributes to the development of such a Political Ecology of water resources development and management.
Per conèixer més dades sobre el projecte podeu adreçar-vos a la pàgina web següent: www.rga.es
Manufactured nanoparticles are introduced into industrial processes, but they are suspected to cause similar negative health effects as ambient particles. The poor knowledge about the scale of this introduction did not allow global risk analysis so far. In 2006 a targeted telephone survey among Swiss companies (1) showed the usage of nanoparticles in a few selected companies but did not provide data to extrapolate on the totality of the Swiss workforce. To gain this kind of information a layered representative questionnaire survey among 1'626 Swiss companies was conducted in 2007. Data was collected about the number of potentially exposed persons in the companies and their protection strategy. The response rate was 58.3%. An expected number of 586 companies (95%−confidence interval 145 to 1'027) was shown by this study to use nanoparticles in Switzerland. Estimated 1'309 (1'073 to 1'545) workers do their job in the same room as a nanoparticle application. Personal protection was shown to be the predominant type of protection means. Companies starting productions with nanomaterials need to consider incorporating protection measures into the plans. This will not only benefit the workers' health, but will also likely increase the competitiveness of the companies. Technical and organisational protection means are not only more cost−effective on the long term, but are also easier to control. Guidelines may have to be designed specifically for different industrial applications, including fields outside nanotechnology, and adapted to all sizes of companies.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an increase in the rate of undesirable events occurs after care provided by trainees at the beginning of the academic year. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using administrative and patient record data. SETTING: University affiliated hospital in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: 19,560 patients having an anaesthetic procedure carried out by first to fifth year trainees starting work for the first time at the hospital over a period of five years (1995-2000). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Absolute event rates, absolute rate reduction, and rate ratios of undesirable events. RESULTS: The rate of undesirable events was higher at the beginning of the academic year compared with the rest of the year (absolute event rate 137 v 107 per 1000 patient hours, relative rate reduction 28%, P<0.001). The overall adjusted rate ratio for undesirable events was 1.40, 95% confidence interval 1.24 to 1.58. This excess risk was seen for all residents, regardless of their level of seniority. The excess risk decreased progressively after the first month, and the trend disappeared fully after the fourth month of the year (rate ratio for fourth month 1.21, 0.93 to 1.57). The most important decreases were for central and peripheral nerve injuries (relative difference 82%), inadequate oxygenation of the patient (66%), vomiting/aspiration in theatre (53%), and technical failures of tracheal tube placement (49%). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of undesirable events was greater among trainees at the beginning of the academic year regardless of their level of clinical experience. This suggests that several additional factors, such as knowledge of the working environment, teamwork, and communication, may contribute to the increase.
Marc legal sobre el delicte de falsificació de marques.
ANDEMA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro creada en 1988 por el Consejo Superior de Cámaras de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de España, junto a ocho empresas que creían firmemente en los derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual.Marca y Falsificación: situación actual: fenómeno criminal mundial; altamente profesionalizado; muy opaco en sus eslabones superiores de importación y distribución; conexiones internacionales; gran conocimiento del comercio internacional y de los puntos flacos en Aduanas.
This document shows the tuition and fees charged by the 15 community colleges. It includes comparisons to the regents institutions and to national data.
This document shows the tuition and fees charged by the 15 community colleges. It includes comparisons to the regents institutions and to national data.
This document shows the tuition and fees charged by the 15 community colleges. It includes comparisons to the regents institutions and to national data.