987 resultados para ARAOZ DE LAMADRID, GREGORIO


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OBJECTIVE Involvement of the pancreato-biliary system has been occasionally noted in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Furthermore, cases of this vasculitis syndrome sometimes develop in the context of a viral hepatitis or after hepatitis vaccination. METHODS We completed a review of the literature. RESULTS Fifty reports published between 1977 and 2015 were retained for the analysis. A pancreato-biliary involvement was recognized in 34 individually well-described patients (♂:♀ = 19:15) with severe abdominal pain: pancreatitis (N = 20), acalculous cholecystitis (N = 11), both pancreatitis and cholecystitis (N = 3). In all of the pancreatitis patients, full recovery occurred (within ≤3 weeks in three-fourths of the patients). Cholecystectomy was performed in 8 cholecystitis patients. Seventeen Henoch-Schönlein patients (♂:♀ = 9:8) were associated with a viral liver disease and 4 (♂:♀ = 1:3) with a hepatitis vaccination. The vasculitis syndrome rapidly remitted in the 7 patients accompanying hepatitis A or E, in 2 patients of hepatitis B, and in the 4 patients preceded by a vaccination. Henoch-Schönlein purpura seemed to be serious in 5 patients with chronic hepatitis B and in 3 with chronic hepatitis C. CONCLUSIONS This analysis indicates that pancreato-biliary involvement is unusual in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. This complication deserves consideration in patients with especially severe abdominal pain. Finally, viral hepatitides and hepatitis vaccinations seem to be rare triggers of Henoch-Schönlein purpura.


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There are increasing reports on hypernatremia, a potentially devastating condition, in exclusively breastfed newborn infants. Our purposes were to describe the clinical features of the condition and identify the risk factors for it. We performed a review of the existing literature in the National Library of Medicine database and in the search engine Google Scholar. A total of 115 reports were included in the final analysis. Breastfeeding-associated neonatal hypernatremia was recognized in infants who were ≤ 21 days of age and had ≥ 10% weight loss of birth weight. Cesarean delivery, primiparity, breast anomalies or breastfeeding problems, excessive prepregnancy maternal weight, delayed first breastfeeding, lack of previous breastfeeding experience, and low maternal education level were significantly associated with breastfeeding-associated hypernatremia. In addition to excessive weight loss (≥ 10%), the following clinical findings were observed: poor feeding, poor hydration state, jaundice, excessive body temperature, irritability or lethargy, decreased urine output, and epileptic seizures. In conclusion, the present survey of the literature identifies the following risk factors for breastfeeding-associated neonatal hypernatremia: cesarean delivery, primiparity, breastfeeding problems, excessive maternal body weight, delayed breastfeeding, lack of previous breastfeeding experience, and low maternal education level.


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Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children is a rare leukocytoclastic vasculitis that has been reported exclusively in small retrospective cases series, case reports, or quizzes. Considering that retrospective experience deserves confirmation in at least one observational prospective study, we present our experience with 16 children (12 boys and 4 girls, 5-28 months of age) affected by acute hemorrhagic edema. The patients were in good general conditions and with a low-grade or even absent fever. They presented with non-itching red to purpuric targetoid lesions not changing location within hours, with non-pitting and sometimes tender indurative swelling, and without mucous membrane involvement or scratch marks. Signs for articular, abdominal, or kidney involvement were absent. Antinuclear or antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies were never detected. The cases were managed symptomatically as outpatients and fully resolved within 4 weeks or less. No recurrence or familiarity was noted. CONCLUSION This is the first prospective evaluation of hemorrhagic edema. Our findings emphasize its distinctive tetrad: a well-appearing child; targetoid lesions that do not change location within hours; non-pitting, sometimes tender edema; complete resolution without recurrence. What is known • Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children is considered a benign vasculitis. • There have been ≈100 cases reported in small retrospective case series. What is new • The first prospective evaluation of this condition emphasizes its features: febrile prodrome; well-appearing child; targetoid lesions not changing location within hours; non-pitting, sometimes tender indurative edema; absent extracutaneous involvement; resolution within 3 weeks. • Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies do not play a pathogenic role.


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Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections in childhood do not address the issue of abnormalities in Na(+), K(+), Cl(-) and acid-base balance. We have conducted a narrative review of the literature with the aim to describe the underlying mechanisms of these abnormalities and to suggest therapeutic maneuvers. Abnormalities in Na(+), K(+), Cl(-) and acid-base balance are common in newborns and infants and uncommon in children of more than 3 years of age. Such abnormalities may result from factitious laboratory results, from signs and symptoms (such as excessive sweating, poor fluid intake, vomiting and passage of loose stools) of the infection itself, from a renal dysfunction, from improper parenteral fluid management or from the prescribed antimicrobials. In addition, two transient renal tubular dysfunctions may occur in infants with infectious renal parenchymal involvement: a reduced capacity to concentrate urine and pseudohypoaldosteronism secondary to renal tubular unresponsiveness to aldosterone that presents with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and acidosis. In addition to antimicrobials, volume resuscitation with an isotonic solution is required in these children. In secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism, isotonic solutions (such as 0.9 % saline or lactated Ringer) correct not only the volume depletion but also the hyperkalemia and acidosis. In conclusion, our review suggests that in infants with infectious renal parenchymal involvement, non-renal and renal causes concur to cause fluid volume depletion and abnormalities in electrolyte and acid-base balance, most frequently hyponatremia.


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BACKGROUND The metabolism of sodium, potassium, and chloride and the acid-base balance are sometimes altered in cystic fibrosis. Textbooks and reviews only marginally address the homeostasis of magnesium in cystic fibrosis. METHODS We performed a search of the Medical Subject Headings terms (cystic fibrosis OR mucoviscidosis) AND (magnesium OR hypomagnes[a]emia) in the US National Library of Medicine and Excerpta Medica databases. RESULTS We identified 25 reports dealing with magnesium and cystic fibrosis. The results of the review may be summarized as follows. First, hypomagnesemia affects more than half of the cystic fibrosis patients with advanced disease; second, magnesemia, which is normally age-independent, relevantly decreases with age in cystic fibrosis; third, aminoglycoside antimicrobials frequently induce both acute and chronic renal magnesium-wasting; fourth, sweat magnesium concentration was normal in cystic fibrosis patients; fifth, limited data suggest the existence of an impaired intestinal magnesium balance. Finally, stimulating observations suggest that magnesium supplements might achieve an improvement in respiratory muscle strength and mucolytic activity of both recombinant and endogenous deoxyribonuclease. CONCLUSIONS The first comprehensive review of the literature confirms that, despite being one of the most prevalent minerals in the body, the importance of magnesium in cystic fibrosis is largely overlooked. In these patients, hypomagnesemia should be sought once a year. Furthermore, the potential of supplementation with this cation deserves more attention.


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ABSTRACT : BACKGROUND : We consider how representations of geographic variation in prostate cancer incidence across Southern New England, USA may be affected by selection of study area and/or properties of the statistical analysis. METHOD : A spatial scan statistic was used to monitor geographic variation among 35,167 incident prostate cancer cases diagnosed in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island from 1994 to 1998, in relation to the 1990 populations of men 20+ years of age living in that region. Results from the combined-states analysis were compared to those from single-states. Impact of scanning procedures set to examine up to 50% or no more than10% of at-risk populations also was evaluated. RESULTS : With scanning set to 50%, 5 locations in the combined-states analysis were identified with markedly distinct incidence rates. Fewer than expected cases were estimated for nearly all Connecticut, Rhode Island and West Central Massachusetts, whereas census tracts on and around Cape Cod, and areas of Southwestern Connecticut and adjacent to greater Boston were estimated to have yielded more than expected incidence. Results of single-state analyses exhibited several discrepancies from the combined-states analysis. More conservative scanning found many more locations with varying incidence, but discrepancies between the combined- and single-state analysis were fewer. CONCLUSION : It is important to acknowledge the conditional nature of spatial analyses and carefully consider whether a true cluster of events is identified or artifact stemming from selection of study area size and/or scanning properties.


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El fallecimiento del Dr. Arturo Ardao (Uruguay, 1912-2003) ha enlutado a la comunidad filosófica de América Latina. De trato afable, directo y sincero, fue para amigos y discípulos una voz insoslayable en su país, pero, además, a través de sus escritos, un riguroso analista y un fino expositor de ideas filosóficas con proyección continental. Su vasta e importante contribución bibliográfica se prodigó en distintas líneas de trabajo: fue el fundador y el autor clásico de la historia de las ideas en el Uruguay desde la década de 1940; estudió corrientes y figuras de Hispanoamérica y España; indagó como nadie lo había hecho el origen, la idea y el nombre de América Latina, junto con la utopía unionista; dedicó importantes páginas al problema de la filosofía latinoamericana; y se prodigó, dentro de la filosofía teórica, en el campo de las relaciones entre espacio e inteligencia y en la distinción de lo que llamó "lógica de la intuición" y "lógica de la razón". No menos activa fue su labor periodística, especialmente a través de la publicación periódica Marcha. Cuando padeció el exilio, Caracas fue su lugar de adopción y allí lo acogió la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Por su trayectoria recibió en 1991 el Premio Interamericano Gabriela Mistral, otorgado por la Organización de Estados Americanos. En 1992 la Universidad de la República de su país le otorgó el título de Doctor Honoris Causa. Este número de Cuyo. Anuario de Filosofía Argentina y Americana le rinde homenaje con la publicación de un dossier en el que se incluyen escritos de colegas uruguayos que prestaron diligente colaboración ante la iniciativa de la Dirección.


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Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia.


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El 17 de mayo de 2000 falleció en la Ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina, el Prof. Emérito Diego F. Pró, fundador de la revista Cuyo, que fue sólo uno de sus muchos emprendimientos en favor de la cultura filosófica nacional. Había nacido en Resistencia, Chaco, el 4 de junio de 1915. Si bien fue habitante de provincias, no dede ser un ciudadano del mundo, abierto al trato cosmopolita y a la valoración de cuanto representase para la humanidad el progreso de las cualidades morales y cívicas, como puso de manifiesto al ocupar los más altos cargos universitarios. El presente número de esta publicación es un homenaje a Pró en su memoria. Además, contiene escritos acerca de diversas problemáticas que afectan a América Latina: un balance crítico de la filosofía latinoamericana y los retos ante el siglo XXI.


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CUYO es una publicación anual del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Difunde trabajos de investigación sobre Filosofía, Historia de la Filosofía Argentina y Americana, Historia de las Ideas Americanas y disciplinas afines. En su sección «Textos» rescata inéditos, escritos antiguos y documentación. Desde 1965 es un espacio de diálogo y análisis crítico con calidad científica y rigor académico, dirigida a un lector especializado, pero también a un público en general. Esta revista está incluida en el Handbook of Latin American Studies de la Library of Congress, EEUU, en el Directory of Social Sciences y en el Latindex. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores son de su exclusiva responsabilidad. La presente edición cuenta con dos dossiers: uno, homenaje a Leopoldo Zea y otro homenaje a Juan Adolfo Vázquez; además de diversos artículos de problemáticas del pensamiento latinoamericano y reseñas bibliográficas.


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Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia.


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CUYO es una publicación anual del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Difunde trabajos de investigación sobre Filosofía, Historia de la Filosofía Argentina y Americana, Historia de las Ideas Americanas y disciplinas afines. Desde 1965 es un espacio de diálogo y análisis crítico con calidad científica y rigor académico, dirigida a un lector especializado, pero también a un público en general.


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CUYO es una publicación anual del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Difunde trabajos de investigación sobre Filosofía, Historia de la Filosofía Argentina y Americana, Historia de las Ideas Americanas y disciplinas afines. Desde 1965 es un espacio de diálogo y análisis crítico con calidad científica y rigor académico, dirigida a un lector especializado, pero también a un público en general.


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CUYO es una publicación anual del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Difunde trabajos de investigación sobre Filosofía, Historia de la Filosofía Argentina y Americana, Historia de las Ideas Americanas y disciplinas afines. En su sección "Textos" rescata inéditos, escritos antiguos y documentación. Desde 1965 es un espacio de diálogo y análisis crítico con calidad científica y rigor académico, dirigida a un lector especializado, pero también a un público en general.


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CUYO es una publicación anual del Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Difunde trabajos de investigación sobre Filosofía, Historia de la Filosofía Argentina y Americana, Historia de las Ideas Americanas y disciplinas afines. Desde 1965 es un espacio de diálogo y análisis crítico con calidad científica y rigor académico, dirigida a un lector especializado, pero también a un público en general.