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Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cell type in the brain. Although not apposite for long-range rapid electrical communication, astrocytes share with neurons the capacity of chemical signaling via Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter exocytosis. Despite this recent finding, little is known about the specific properties of regulated secretion and vesicle recycling in astrocytes. Important differences may exist with the neuronal exocytosis, starting from the fact that stimulus-secretion coupling in astrocytes is voltage independent, mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors and the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. Elucidating the spatiotemporal properties of astrocytic exo-endocytosis is, therefore, of primary importance for understanding the mode of communication of these cells and their role in brain signaling. We here take advantage of fluorescent tools recently developed for studying recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses (Voglmaier et al., 2006; Balaji and Ryan, 2007); we combine epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to investigate with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, the stimulus-secretion coupling underlying exo-endocytosis of glutamatergic synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes. Our main findings indicate that (1) exo-endocytosis in astrocytes proceeds with a time course on the millisecond time scale (tau(exocytosis) = 0.24 +/- 0.017 s; tau(endocytosis) = 0.26 +/- 0.03 s) and (2) exocytosis is controlled by local Ca(2+) microdomains. We identified submicrometer cytosolic compartments delimited by endoplasmic reticulum tubuli reaching beneath the plasma membrane and containing SLMVs at which fast (time-to-peak, approximately 50 ms) Ca(2+) events occurred in precise spatial-temporal correlation with exocytic fusion events. Overall, the above characteristics of transmitter exocytosis from astrocytes support a role of this process in fast synaptic modulation.


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Lung transplantation has now been performed for more than 30 years in patients with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease is the major indication for lung transplantation, involving more than one third of the procedures worldwide. Although lung transplantation in COPD patients has clearly shown a positive impact on lung function, exercise capacity and quality of life, the survival benefit remains difficult to ascertain. Several methodological difficulties, particularly the absence of classical randomised studies, make the analysis especially challenging. There is however indirect but convincing evidence that lung transplantation can, when appropriate selection criteria are applied, provide not only an active post-transplant lifestyle but also a survival benefit for patients with COPD.


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Interest groups advocate centre-specific outcome data as a useful tool for patients in choosing a hospital for their treatment and for decision-making by politicians and the insurance industry. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) requires significant infrastructure and represents a cost-intensive procedure. It therefore qualifies as a prime target for such a policy. We made use of the comprehensive database of the Swiss Blood Stem Cells Transplant Group (SBST) to evaluate potential use of mortality rates. Nine institutions reported a total of 4717 HSCT - 1427 allogeneic (30.3%), 3290 autologous (69.7%) - in 3808 patients between the years 1997 and 2008. Data were analysed for survival- and transplantation-related mortality (TRM) at day 100 and at 5 years. The data showed marked and significant differences between centres in unadjusted analyses. These differences were absent or marginal when the results were adjusted for disease, year of transplant and the EBMT risk score (a score incorporating patient age, disease stage, time interval between diagnosis and transplantation, and, for allogeneic transplants, donor type and donor-recipient gender combination) in a multivariable analysis. These data indicate comparable quality among centres in Switzerland. They show that comparison of crude centre-specific outcome data without adjustment for the patient mix may be misleading. Mandatory data collection and systematic review of all cases within a comprehensive quality management system might, in contrast, serve as a model to ascertain the quality of other cost-intensive therapies in Switzerland.


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In common with many other plasma membrane glycoproteins of eukaryotic origin, the promastigote surface protease (PSP) of the protozoan parasite Leishmania contains a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor. The GPI anchor of Leishmania major PSP was purified following proteolysis of the PSP and analyzed by two-dimensional 1H-1H NMR, compositional and methylation linkage analyses, chemical and enzymatic modifications, and amino acid sequencing. From these results, the structure of the GPI-containing peptide was found to be Asp-Gly-Gly-Asn-ethanolamine-PO4-6Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN alpha 1-6myo-inositol-1-PO4-(1-alkyl-2-acyl-glycerol). The glycan structure is identical to the conserved glycan core regions of the GPI anchor of Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein and rat brain Thy-1 antigen, supporting the notion that this portion of GPIs are highly conserved. The phosphatidylinositol moiety of the PSP anchor is unusual, containing a fully saturated, unbranched 1-O-alkyl chain (mainly C24:0) and a mixture of fully saturated unbranched 2-O-acyl chains (C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, and C18:0). This lipid composition differs significantly from those of the GPIs of T. brucei variant surface glycoprotein and mammalian erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase but is similar to that of a family of glycosylated phosphoinositides found uniquely in Leishmania.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The field of heart transplantation has seen substantial progress in the last 40 years. The breakthroughs in long-term survival were followed by a period of stagnation in the last decade. This review summarises current recommendations for the identification of candidates for heart transplantation and their immunological and non-immunological postoperative follow-up. RESULTS: The progress made in the treatment of patients with advanced heart failure has considerably changed the profile of candidates for heart transplantation. Patients are older, and the load of co-morbidities is more important requiring careful evaluation for candidacy. Long-standing research in the field of immunosuppression made available various drugs, which decrease the risk of acute allograft rejection and prolong survival after heart transplantation. Powerful new molecules are entering early phase clinical studies, suggesting further improvement in the near future. As a consequence, treatment of non-immunological co-morbidity after heart transplantation will gain in importance, however, the base of evidence guiding current recommendations is poor. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial progress in heart failure treatment and immunosuppression after heart transplantation has changed the profile of heart transplant recipients. The arrival of new molecules will provide additional alternatives for immunosuppressive treatment while studies have to address non-immunological treatment in order to improve long-term survival after heart transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in immune genes have been associated with susceptibility to invasive mold infection (IMI) among hematopoietic stem cell but not solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients. METHODS: Twenty-four SNPs from systematically selected genes were genotyped among 1101 SOT recipients (715 kidney transplant recipients, 190 liver transplant recipients, 102 lung transplant recipients, 79 heart transplant recipients, and 15 recipients of other transplants) from the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Association between SNPs and the end point were assessed by log-rank test and Cox regression models. Cytokine production upon Aspergillus stimulation was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy volunteers and correlated with relevant genotypes. RESULTS: Mold colonization (n = 45) and proven/probable IMI (n = 26) were associated with polymorphisms in the genes encoding interleukin 1β (IL1B; rs16944; recessive mode, P = .001 for colonization and P = .00005 for IMI, by the log-rank test), interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN; rs419598; P = .01 and P = .02, respectively), and β-defensin 1 (DEFB1; rs1800972; P = .001 and P = .0002, respectively). The associations with IL1B and DEFB1 remained significant in a multivariate regression model (P = .002 for IL1B rs16944; P = .01 for DEFB1 rs1800972). The presence of 2 copies of the rare allele of rs16944 or rs419598 was associated with reduced Aspergillus-induced interleukin 1β and tumor necrosis factor α secretion by PBMCs. CONCLUSIONS: Functional polymorphisms in IL1B and DEFB1 influence susceptibility to mold infection in SOT recipients. This observation may contribute to individual risk stratification.


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Formulations of a general bactericidal agent, chlorhexidine, mixed with a phospholipid at different concentrations are investigated using ^H NMR spectroscopy on a chain-deuterated lipid analog. Lipid-chlorhexidine formulation is known to release the drug into an aqueous medium slowly, maintaining a comparable concentration of the drug for up to four times longer than a direct aqueous solution. The NMR data does not support the proposed liposomal entrapment of chlorhexidine in lipid compartments. Complex thermal history of the lipid-chlorhexidine preparations is investigated in detail. In preparation for a counterpart measurement, using ^H NMR of deuterated chlorhexidine mixed with protonated lipid, the synthesis of a deuterated analog of chlorhexidine is performed.


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Membranes are dynamic structures that affect cell structure and function. Compositional changes ofmembranes have been shown with the application of a perturbation; however these are limited to whole tissue analysis. The purpose of this thesis was to compare the phospholipid (PL) fatty acid (FA) composition of rat whole muscle (Wm) to 1) purified and non-purified subsarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria in soleus, plantaris, and red gastrocnemius, and 2) sarcolemma, transverse-tubules, SS and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria fix)m whole hindlimb. The major findings were that 1) contamination significantly altered the PL FA composition of the SS mitochondrial membrane fraction, 2) Wm and SS mitochondria compositions differed between muscle types, and 3) Wm did not accurately reflect the PL FA composition of any isolated subcellular membranes, with each being unique from each other. As such, the relevancy of the trends reported in the literature of the effects of perturbations on Wm may be limited.


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examined in Choanephora cucurbita rum during the early stages of infection by Piptocephalis virginiana » There was a small but consistent increase in the leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars as a result of infection. These low levels of differential leakage in infected tissues are explained on the basis of the nature of this obligate, biotrophic, mycoparasitic system. Quantitative analysis of the twenty six amino acids and amino compounds detected in the leacheates — showed similar profiles in infected and control host and no new species of amino acids or amino compounds were detected in either infected or control host leacheates. Comparatively high amounts of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine were found in the leacheates of host and infected host . Analyses of the sugars comprising the leacheates of infected and control host showed the presence of eight sugars, among which glucose was found in significant amounts (50-53%) ' The nutritional implication of this preferential leakage is discussed. No significant difference was observed in the leacheates of infected host sugar profiles compared with that of the control host. Profiles of the internal pool sugars of infected and control host did not reflect that obtained from the leacheate data, perhaps owing to leakage of sugars in a selective manner . Membrane lipid analyses yielded higher levels of lipid in infected host compared with the control, both at the 24 h and 36 h analyses. In addition, preliminary investigations of phosphorous-32 incorporation and turnover in phospholipids showed higher levels of 32p incorporation and turnover in infected host compared with the control. No apparent difference was noted in the profiles of the neutral lipid classes and the polar lipid classes of the membrane lipids as determined by one and two dimensional thin-layer chromatography respectively. However, a small but consistently higher degree of unsaturation was detected in the fatty acids of infected tissue compared with the control. Also, '^''-^^''^^'-'-^'^^c acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid previously reported to show a direct correlation during the early stages of infection and the degree of parasitism of P. virginiana on C. cucurbitarum , was found in higher amounts in infected host membrane lipids compared with that of the control host. The implications of these membrane lipid alterations are discussed with particular reference to the small but consistently higher leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars observed during infection in this study.


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The distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems (PSII and PSI) of photosynthesis is regulated by the light state transition. Three models have been proposed for the mechanism of the state transition in phycobilisome (PBS) containing organisms, two involving protein phosphorylation. A procedure for the rapid isolation of thylakoid membranes and PBS fractions from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus m. PCC 6301 in light state 1 and light state 2 was developed. The phosphorylation of thylakoid and soluble proteins rapidly isolated from intact cells in state 1 and state 2 was investigated. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra revealed that rapidly isolated thylakoid membranes retained the excitation energy distribution characteristic of intact cells in state 1 and state 2. Phosphoproteins were identified by gel electrophoresis of both thylakoid membrane and phycobilisome fractions isolated from cells labelled with 32p orthophosphate. The results showed very close phosphoprotein patterns for either thylakoid membrane or PBS fractions in state 1 and state 2. These results do not support proposed models for the state transition which required phosphorylation of PBS or thylakoid membrane proteins.


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Thylakoid membrane fractions were prepared from specific regions of thylakoid membranes of spinach (Spinacia oleracea). These fractions, which include grana (83), stroma (T3), grana core (8S), margins (Ma) and purified stroma (Y100) were prepared using a non-detergent method including a mild sonication and aqueous two-phase partitioning. The significance of PSlla and PSII~ centres have been described extensively in the literature. Previous work has characterized two types of PSII centres which are proposed to exist in different regions of the thylakoid membrane. a-centres are suggested to aggregate in stacked regions of grana whereas ~-centres are located in unstacked regions of stroma lamellae. The goal of this study is to characterize photosystem II from the isolated membrane vesicles representing different regions of the higher plant thylakoid membrane. The low temperature absorption spectra have been deconvoluted via Gaussian decomposition to estimate the relative sub-components that contribute to each fractions signature absorption spectrum. The relative sizes of the functional PSII antenna and the fluorescence induction kinetics were measured and used to determine the relative contributions of PSlla and PSII~ to each fraction. Picosecond chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics were collected for each fraction to characterize and gain insight into excitation energy transfer and primary electron transport in PSlla and PSII~ centres. The results presented here clearly illustrate the widely held notions of PSII/PS·I and PSlIa/PSII~ spatial separation. This study suggests that chlorophyll fluorescence decay lifetimes of PSII~ centres are shorter than those of PSlIa centres and, at FM, the longer lived of the two PSII components renders a larger yield in PSlIa-rich fractions, but smaller in PSIlr3-rich fractions.