988 resultados para ADENINE BASES
A series of new carbocyclic C-nucleosides with a cis-4′-(hydroxymethyl)cyclopent-2′-enyl sugar moiety and unnatural pyrimidine bases (2–6) were synthesized in racemic form in two steps starting from the easily accessible cyclic carbonate 1.
The ribosome is central to protein biosynthesis and the focus of extensive research. Recent biochemical and structural studies, especially detailed crystal structures and high resolution Cryo-EM in different functional states have broadened our understanding of the ribosome and its mode of action. However, the exact mechanism of peptide bond formation and how the ribosome catalyzes this reaction is not yet understood. Also, consequences of direct oxidative stress to the ribosome and its effects on translation have not been studied. So far, no conventional replacement or even removal of the peptidyl transferase center's bases has been able to affect in vitro translation. Significant contribution to the catalytic activity seems to stem from the ribose-phosphate backbone, specifically 2'OH of A2451. Using the technique of atomic mutagenesis, novel unnatural bases can be introduced to any desired position in the 23S rRNA, surpassing conventional mutagenesis and effectively enabling to alter single atoms in the ribosome. Reconstituting ribosomes in vitro using this approach, we replaced universally conserved PTC bases with synthetic counterparts carrying the most common oxidations 8-oxorA, 5-HOrU and 5-HOrC. To investigate the consequent effects on translation, the chemically engineered ribosomes were studied the in various functional assays. Incorporation of different oxidized bases into the 70S ribosome affected the ribosomes in different ways. Depending on the nucleobase modified, the reconstituted ribosomes exhibited radical deceleration of peptide bond formation, decrease of synthesis efficiency or even an increase of translation rate. These results may further our understanding of the residues involved in the peptide bond formation mechanism, as well as the disease-relevant effects of oxydative stress on the translation machinery.
The ribosome is central to protein biosynthesis and the focus of extensive research. Recent biochemical and structural studies, especially detailed crystal structures and high resolution Cryo-EM in different functional states have broadened our understanding of the ribosome and its mode of action. However, the exact mechanism of peptide bond formation and how the ribosome catalyzes this reaction is not yet understood. Also, consequences of direct oxidative stress to the ribosome and its effects on translation have not been studied. So far, no conventional replacement or even removal of the peptidyl transferase center's bases has been able to affect in vitro translation. Significant contribution to the catalytic activity seems to stem from the ribose-phosphate backbone, specifically 2'OH of A2451. Using the technique of atomic mutagenesis, novel unnatural bases can be introduced to any desired position in the 23S rRNA, surpassing conventional mutagenesis and effectively enabling to alter single atoms in the ribosome. Reconstituting ribosomes in vitro using this approach, we replaced universally conserved PTC bases with synthetic counterparts carrying the most common oxidations 8-oxorA, 5-HOrU and 5-HOrC. To investigate the consequent effects on translation, the chemically engineered ribosomes were studied the in various functional assays. Incorporation of different oxidized bases into the 70S ribosome affected the ribosomes in different ways. Depending on the nucleobase modified, the reconstituted ribosomes exhibited radical deceleration of peptide bond formation, decrease of synthesis efficiency or even an increase of translation rate. These results may further our understanding of the residues involved in the peptide bond formation mechanism, as well as the disease-relevant effects of oxydative stress on the translation machinery.
The human choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3 is heterozygous at the adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene locus. Both allelic genes are under strong but incomplete repression causing a very low level expression of the gene locus. Because cytotoxic adenosine analogues such as 9-(beta)-D arabinofuranosyladenine (ara-A) and 9-(beta)-D xylofuranosyladenine (xyl-A) can be specifically detoxified by the action of ADA, these analogues were used to select for JEG-3 derived cells which had increased ADA expression. When JEG-3 cells were subjected to a multi-step, successively increasing dosage of either ara-A or xyl-A, resistant cells with increased ADA expression were generated. This increased ADA expression in the resistant cells was unstable, so that when the selective pressure was removed, cellular ADA expression would decrease. Subclone analysis of xyl-A resistant cells revealed that compared to parental JEG-3 cells, individual resistant cells had either elevated ADA levels or decreased adenosine kinase (ADK) levels or both. This altered ADA and ADK expression in the resistant cells were found to be independent events. Because of high endogenous tissue conversion factor (TCF) expression in the JEG-3 cells, the allelic nature of the increased ADA expression in most of the resistant cells could not be determined. However, several resistant subcloned cells were found to have lost TCF expression. These TCF('-) cells expressed only the ADA*2 allelic gene product. Cell fusion experiments demonstrated that the ADA*1 allelic gene was intact and functional in the A3-1A7 cell line. Chromosomal analysis of the A3-1A7 cells showed that they had no double-minutes or homogeneously staining chromosomal regions, although a pair of new chromosomes were found in these cells. Segregation analysis of the hybrid cells indicated that an ADA*2 allelic gene was probably located on this new chromosome. The analysis of the A3-1A7 cell line suggested that the expression of only ADA 2 in these cells was the result of possibly a cis-deregulation of the ADA gene locus or more probably an amplification of the ADA*2 allelic gene. Two effective positive selection systems for ADA('+) cells were also developed and tested. These selection systems should eventually lead to the isolation of the ADA gene.^
The primary objective of this study was to determine if there is a change in permeation rates when limited use protective fabrics undergo repeated exposure and wash cycles. The null hypothesis of this study was that no substantial change in permeation takes place after the test material is subjected to repeated contact with a strong acid or base and has undergone repeated wash cycles. ^ The materials tested were DuPont Tychem® CPF 3 and CPF 4 fabrics. The challenge chemicals in this study were ninety-eight percent sulfuric acid and fifty percent sodium hydroxide. Permeation testing was conducted utilizing ASTM designation F739-99a Standard Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Permeation by Liquids or Gases Under Conditions of Continuous Contact. ^ In this study, no change in permeation rates of either challenge chemical was detected for CPF 3 or CPF 4 limited use protective fabrics after repeated exposure and wash cycles. Certain unexposed areas of the fabric suffered structural degradation unrelated to exposure and which may be due to multiple washings.^
Este texto explora las relaciones sociales entre humanos y no humanos para los Makuna, un grupo Tukano oriental del noroeste amazónico. A partir del concepto local üsi wasoare (préstamo de vitalidad) se analizan los intercambios chamánicos asociados a las prácticas productivas del grupo y se demuestra como la generación de vida en el cosmos es resultado del trabajo humano orientado por un principio ético que impide la aniquilación de lo no humano.
Fil: Roig, Arturo Andrés.
Fil: Gandía, Enrique de.
Fil: Montaño, Salvador Dana.
Los flavonoides, compuestos fenólicos, son los pigmentos responsables de la coloración de las flores, frutos y hojas, presentes en las uvas y en otros frutos como las moras, frambuesas, arándanos entre otros. Tienen actividad antioxidante comprobada. El daño tisular oxidativo y la apoptosis, pueden ser atenuados por las antocianinas, un subgrupo de los flavonoides, en células aisladas cultivadas de tejidos orales humanos. En este trabajo se describen las bases farmacológicas para la aplicación de las mismas en el tratamiento de las patologías orales donde está comprobado el stress oxidativo como vía patogénica de las mismas.
En la siguiente ponencia se intentará reflexionar sobre las demandas físicas reales en el Rugby local, las cuales se desprenden de datos empíricos como la cuantificación de las distancias recorridas por jugadores de rugby de nivel local de la Unión de Rugby de Buenos Aires (URBA) del grupo II, a través de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (gps), sumado a los datos de planillaje extraídos de los distintos partidos disputados en la primera mitad del año actual y a la recopilación de algunos estudios científicos internacionales. Analizando estos datos, contextualizando con las dimensiones de las canchas donde se juegan los partidos de rugby (100 x 70 metros) y teniendo en cuenta las estructuras corporales como ser el peso y la talla de quienes realizan este deporte, se plantearan algunos interrogantes que pondrán en tela de juicio la utilización de metodologías que se basan en largas pasadas (mayores a los 200 metros), recorridas a velocidad constante y de manera rectilínea. Entendiendo que la especificidad es un principio fundamental del entrenamiento deportivo, se intentará dar bases y/o sustentos válidos para la toma de decisiones metodológicas a la hora de tener que elaborar un proceso de entrenamiento o la elección de un método de entrenamiento