957 resultados para Açaí pulp


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[EN]A comprehensive evaluation of the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue from beef cattle produced in western Canada was undertaken to determine if the current Canadian grading system is able to distinguish classes of animals with value added potential due to their fatty acid composition. Grades included youthful Canadian Yield Grade 1 A/AA beef, under (YUTM) and over (YOTM) 30 mo of age and the four mature grades (D1, D2, D2 and D4). Subcutaneous fat between the 12th and 13th ribs over the longissimus muscle was obtained from 18_21 animals per grade. Fatty acids were analyzed using a combination of silver-ion HPLC and GC with a highly polar 100 m column. There were no differences in total trans-18:1 content amongst grades, but adipose tissue from grade D1, D2 and D4 had more 11t-18:1 than YUTM (PB0.05), whereas adipose tissue from YUTM carcasses had more 10t-18:1 than all other grades (PB0.05). Adipose tissue from YUTM carcasses also had less total CLA (PB0.05) than the D grades, mainly due to a lower level of 9c,11t-CLA, but they had slightly more 7t,9c-CLA and 10t,12c-CLA (PB0.05). Adipose tissue from YOTM and D grades contained more n-3 fatty acids relative to YUTM (0.56% vs. 0.29%; PB0.05) and lower n-6:n-3 ratios (PB0.05). Overall, older animals (YOTM and D grades) had adipose tissue compositions with higher levels of fatty acids with reported health benefits. Taken together, these higher levels may provide opportunities for value added marketing if regulatory authorities allow claims for their enrichment based on demonstrated health benefits. Higher concentrations of beneficial fatty acids, however, need to be considered within the context of the complete fatty acid profile and it would be important to demonstrate their advantages in the presence of relatively high levels of saturated fatty acids.


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João de Barros, historiador, renascentista português, nasceu por volta de 1496, provavelmente em Viseu, e morreu em 20 de outubro de 1570, na quinta de S. Lourenço, próximo da Ribeira de Litém. Entrou para o serviço do Rei D. Manuel desde menino, onde teve seus primeiros mestres e escreveu sua primeira obra, um romance de cavalaria, a Chronica do Imperador Clarimundo. Em 1525, foi nomeado tesoureiro e, em 1533, feitor da Casa da Índia, posto que lhe permitiu ter acesso a numerosas e autênticas fontes, tornando-se um dos historiadores mais importantes da expansão portuguesa. Quando o governo de D. João III estabeleceu para o Brasil o regime das capitanias hereditárias, a João de Barros e a dois associados (Aires da Cunha e Fernão de Álvares de Andrade) foi concedido o trato de terra que ia do Rio Grande ao Maranhão. Em 1531, morreu Lourenço de Cáceres, que deveria escrever a história da Índia, e foi esta, então, confiada a João de Barros, seu sobrinho. Em 1552, saía a primeira das Décadas da Ásia. Além dos trabalhos históricos , escreveu o tratado Rópica pneuma (Mercado espiritual); o Diálogo da viciosa vergonha; o Diálogo sobre preceitos morais; uma gramática da língua portuguesa e uma cartilha para aprender a ler. Dedicou-se às línguas e às letras clássicas, à Geografia, à História e à Cosmografia. A obra está assim dividida: da primeira à quarta década, por João de Barros, em oito volumes; um volume contendo a obra de João de Barros, por Manuel Severim de Faria , e o índice das quatro décadas; da quarta à décima segunda década, de Diogo do Couto, em quinze volumes, aí incluído o índice das Décadas de Couto. Contém, ainda, nas obras, retratos de João de Barros, do Infante D. Henrique e de Afonso de Albuquerque e cinco cartas geográficas. Segundo Brunet, as Décadas XI e XII parecem estar abreviadas. Classifica, também, esta como uma bela edição e que substitui com vantagens as anteriores. A primeira edição Da Asia de João de Barros e de Diogo de Couto foi publicada em Lisboa, em 1522, por Germão Galhardo.


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Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Myanmar revisited. Harvesting, traditional preservation and marketing of fishes of Chalan Beel, Bangladesh, by Galib, S.M. and Samad, M.A. Role of community in production and supply of larger, quality fingerlings, by Radheyshyam, De, H.K. and Saha, G.S. Can rice-fish farming provide food security in Bangladesh? by Ahmed, N. and Luong-Van, J. Nutritional and food security for rural poor through multi-commodity production from a lake of eastern Uttar Pradesh, by Singh, S.K. Emerging boost in Sri Lankan reservoir fish production: a case of adoption of past research findings, by Amarasinghe, U.S., Weerakoon, D.E.M., Athukorala, D.A. Farming the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii, by Radheyshyam Breeding and seed production of butter catfish, Ompok pabda (Siluridae) at Kalyani Centre of CIFA, India, by Chakrabarti, P.P., Chakrabarty, N.M. and Mondal, S.C. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Magazine Use of fish in animal feeds: a fresh perspective National strategies for aquatic animal health management, by Mohan, C.V. NACA Newsletter.


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This report provides an assessment of recent investigations into endocrine disruption in fresh and saltwater species of fish. Most work to date has concen-trated on reproductive endocrine disruption. Laboratory studies have shown a variety of synthetic and natural chemicals including certain industrial intermediates, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, trace elements and plant sterols can interfere with the endocrine system in fish. The potency of most of these chemicals, however, is typically hundreds to thousands of times less than that of endog-enous hormones. Evidence of environmental endocrine disruption ranges from the presence of female egg proteins in males and reduced levels of endogenous hormones in both males and females, to gonadal histopathologies and intersex (presence of ovotestes) fish. Overt endocrine disruption in fish does not appear to be a ubiquitous environmental phenomenon, but rather more likely to occur near sewage treatment plants, pulp and paper mills, and in areas of high organic chemical contamination. However, more wide-spread endocrine disruption can occur in rivers with smaller flows and correspondingly large or numerous wastewater inputs. Some of the most severe examples of endocrine disruption in fish have been found adjacent to sewage treatment plants. Effects are thought to be caused prima-rily by natural and synthetic estrogens and to a lesser extent by the degradation products of alkylphenol poly-ethoxylate surfactants. Effects found in fish near pulp and paper mills include reduced levels of estrogens and androgens as well as masculinization of females, and has been linked to the presence of β-sitosterol, a plant sterol. Effects seen in areas of heavy industrial activity typically include depressed levels of estrogens and androgens as well as reduced gonadal growth, and may be linked to the presence of PAHs, PCBs, and possibly dioxins. At this time, however, there is no clear indication that large populations of fish are being seriously impacted as a result of endocrine disruption, although additional work is needed to address this possibility. (PDF contains 63 pages)


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The use of growth layers in teeth as an indicator of age in odnotocetes and pinnipeds was suggested by Laws (1954) and since then the method has been used extensively in both marine and non-marine mammals. Dentinal growth layers are groups (growth layer groups) of repetitive alternating bands which in cross-section are similar to growth rings in trees. The most commonly used methods for counting growth layer groups (GLGs) are by undecalcified longitudinal thin sections (150 um) or decalcified and stained thin sections (10-30 um). In longitudinal sections viewed with light microscopy, GLGs appear as opaque and translucent cones nestled one inside another, with the oldest dentine Iying adjacent to the enamel, and the newest layer borderinq the pulp cavity.


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Preliminary results show microradiography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to be more accurate methods of accessing growth layer groups (GLGs) in the teeth of Tursiops truncatus than transmitted light microscopy. Microradiography shows the rhythmic deposition of mineral as alternating radiopaque and radiolucent layers. It improves the resolution of GLGs near the pulp cavity in older individuals, better than either SEM or light microscopy. SEM of etched sections show GLGs as ridges and grooves which are easily counted from the micrograph. SEM also shows GLGs to be composed of fine incremental layers of uniform size and number which may allow for more precise age determination. Accessory layers are usually hypomineralized layers within the hypermineralized layer of the GLG and are more readily distinguishable as such in SEM of etched sections and microradiographs than in thin sections viewed under transmitted light. The neonatal line is hypomineralized, appearing translucent under transmitted light, radiolucent in a microradiograph, and as a ridge in SEM. (PDF contains 6 pages.)