986 resultados para 875
The psychometric properties of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) were examined with 875 adolescents aged 13 and 14 years. This self-report measure was designed to evaluate symptoms relating to separation anxiety, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic-agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, and fears of physical injury. Results of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses supported six factors consistent with the hypothesized subtypes of anxiety. There was support also for a model in which the first-order factors loaded significantly on a single second-order factor of anxiety in general. The internal consistency of the total score and sub-scales was high, and 12-week test-retest reliability was satisfactory. The SCAS correlated strongly with a frequently used child self-report measure of anxiety and significantly, albeit at a lower level, with a measure of depression. (C) 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There appear to have been no previous literature-based or literature-oriented studies in telemedicine which have analysed raw citation data. Using a simple search strategy, the Web of Science was analysed up to the end of 2005 to give a snapshot of the field, and to identify matters which would need to be considered in larger scale bibliometric studies. Of the 3673 telemedicine documents retrieved, 2213 (60%) had been cited. Of 56,875 citation records, 32,460 unique citation formats were found. The most-cited paper, and the paper with the greatest annual citation rate, was Perednia and Allen's review article in JAMA, 1995. The two specialist telemedicine journals published 40% of all papers retrieved. In the general literature (i.e. excluding the two specialist journals) there were 1556 citations to their 1374 'citable' articles, apportioned in the ratio 76:24, almost exactly in accordance with the distribution of the articles themselves. However, each of the two specialist telemedicine journals cited itself in a proportion higher than its share of original articles, with an 'excess' of self-citations of 14% in the journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, and 19% in the Telemedicine journal and E-Health. Despite certain technical difficulties, there is considerable scope for bibliometric research in telemedicine.
As cartas são uma das formas de comunicação a distância mais antigas de que se tem notícia. Além disso, há séculos são feitos tratados e estudos de como as cartas são e de como devem ser escritas. Este estudo enfoca as cartas enviadas ao programa televisivo Globo Rural, da TV Globo no ano de 2005, data de seu 25º aniversário. Em um primeiro momento, através de um banco de dados, composto por 418 cartas, delineou-se a identidade e as demandas dos telespectadores que escreveram ao programa. Percebeu-se, entre outras questões, que além das pessoas residentes em áreas rurais e que mantêm relação com o campo, muitos telespectadores de áreas urbanas e profissionais de áreas de conhecimento não-rurais também entram em contato com o programa através de cartas. Em um segundo momento, através de escolhas intencionais, com uma abordagem qualitativa, sem intenção de generalização, discutiu-se algumas características atuais da maneira de se escrever cartas. Ao comparar com antigos tratados datados da Era Antiga pode-se concluir que as cartas analisadas ainda mantêm muitos traços discursivos definidos desde então.(AU)
DNA is susceptible to damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are produced during normal and pathophysiological processes in addition to ionizing radiation, environmental mutagens, and carcinogens. 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is probably one of the most abundant DNA lesion formed during oxidative stress. This potentially mutagenic lesion causes G → T transversions and is therefore an important candidate lesion for repair, particularly in mammalian cells. Several pathways exist for the removal, or repair, of this lesion from mammalian DNA. The most established is via the base excision repair enzyme, human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (hOgg1), which acts in combination with the human apurinic endonuclease (hApe). The latter is known to respond to regulation by redox reactions and may act in combination with hOgg1. We discuss evidence in this review article concerning alternative pathways in humans, such as nucleotide excision repair (NER), which could possibly remove the 8-oxodG lesion. We also propose that redox-active components of the diet, such as vitamin C, may promote such repair, affecting NER specifically. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc.
PURPOSE: To demonstrate the application of low-coherence reflectometry to the study of biometric changes during disaccommodation responses in human eyes after cessation of a near task and to evaluate the effect of contact lenses on low-coherence reflectometry biometric measurements. METHODS: Ocular biometric parameters of crystalline lens thickness (LT) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) were measured with the LenStar device during and immediately after a 5 D accommodative task in 10 participants. In a separate trial, accommodation responses were recorded with a Shin-Nippon WAM-5500 optometer in a subset of two participants. Biometric data were interleaved to form a profile of post-task anterior segment changes. In a further experiment, the effect of soft contact lenses on LenStar measurements was evaluated in 15 participants. RESULTS: In 10 adult participants, increased LT and reduced ACD was seen during the 5 D task. Post-task, during fixation of a 0 D target, a profile of the change in LT and ACD against time was observed. In the two participants with accommodation data (one a sufferer of nearwork-induced transient myopia and other a non-sufferer), the post-task changes in refraction compared favorably with the interleaved LenStar biometry data. The insertion of soft contact lenses did not have a significant effect on LenStar measures of ACD or LT (mean change: -0.007 mm, p = 0.265 and + 0.001 mm, p = 0.875, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: With the addition of a relatively simple stimulus modification, the LenStar instrument can be used to produce a profile of post-task changes in LT and ACD. The spatial and temporal resolution of the system is sufficient for the investigation of nearwork-induced transient myopia from a biometric viewpoint. LenStar measurements of ACD and LT remain valid after the fitting of soft contact lenses.
Based on a corpus of English, German, and Polish spoken academic discourse, this article analyzes the distribution and function of humor in academic research presentations. The corpus is the result of a European research cooperation project consisting of 300,000 tokens of spoken academic language, focusing on the genres research presentation, student presentation, and oral examination. The article investigates difference between the German and English research cultures as expressed in the genre of specialist research presentations, and the role of humor as a pragmatic device in their respective contexts. The data is analyzed according to the paradigms of corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS). The findings show that humor is used in research presentations as an expression of discourse reflexivity. They also reveal a considerable difference in the quantitative distribution of humor in research presentations depending on the educational, linguistic, and cultural background of the presenters, thus confirming the notion of different research cultures. Such research cultures nurture distinct attitudes to genres of academic language: whereas in one of the cultures identified researchers conform with the constraints and structures of the genre, those working in another attempt to subvert them, for example by the application of humor. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Purpose – The literature on interfirm networks devotes scant attention to the ways collaborating firms combine and integrate the knowledge they share and to the subsequent learning outcomes. This study aims to investigate how motorsport companies use network ties to share and recombine knowledge and the learning that occurs both at the organizational and dyadic network levels. Design/methodology/approach – The paper adopts a qualitative and inductive approach with the aim of developing theory from an in-depth examination of the dyadic ties between motorsport companies and the way they share and recombine knowledge. Findings – The research shows that motorsport companies having substantial competences at managing knowledge flows do so by getting advantage of bridging ties. While bridging ties allow motorsport companies to reach distant and diverse sources of knowledge, their strengthening and the formation of relational capital facilitate the mediation and overlapping of that knowledge. Research limitations/implications – The analysis rests on a qualitative account in a single industry and does not take into account different types of inter-firm networks (e.g. alliances; constellations; consortia etc.) and governance structures. Cross-industry analyses may provide a more fine-grained picture of the practices used to recombine knowledge and the ideal composition of inter-firm ties. Practical implications – This study provides some interesting implications for scholars and managers concerned with the management of innovation activities at the interfirm level. From a managerial point of view, the recognition of the different roles played by network spanning connections is particularly salient and raises issues concerning the effective design and management of interfirm ties. Originality/value – Although much of the literature emphasizes the role of bridging ties in connecting to diverse pools of knowledge, this paper goes one step further and investigates in more depth how firms gather and combine distant and heterogeneous sources of knowledge through the use of strengthened bridging ties and a micro-context conducive to high quality relationships.
Digital information services are gradually becoming integrated with other systems and services such as library automation systems, student information services, and electronic learning systems. Users demand seamless access to a multitude of digital information services without leaving their desktop computers. They prefer using systems that recognize them when they log on, acknowledge their rights and privileges, and thus provide personalized information services. This paper summarizes the recent developments concerning integrated and personalized digital information services. It first emphasizes the role of the Internet in providing information services and then goes on to discuss the integration and personalization issues by emphasizing their importance for digital information services.
We present results of the direct observation, in real-space, of the phase separation of high molecular weight polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) from ortho-xylene using our newly developed technique of high speed stroboscopic interference microscopy. Taking a fixed concentration (3 wt % in o-xylene) at a fixed composition (1:4 by weight) and by varying the rotational rate during the spin-coating process, we are able to observe the formation of a range of phase separated bicontinuous morphologies of differing length-scales. Importantly, we are able to show that the mechanism by which the final phase separated structure is formed is through domain coarsening when rich in solvent, before vitrification occurs and fixes the phase separated structure. The ability to directly observe morphological development offers a route toward controlling the length-scale of the final morphology through process control and in situ feedback, from a single stock solution. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
More than 165 induction times of butyl paraben-ethanol solution in a batch moving fluid oscillation baffled crystallizer with various amplitudes (1-9 mm) and frequencies (1.0-9.0 Hz) have been determined to study the effect of COBR operating conditions on nucleation. The induction time decreases with increasing amplitude and frequency at power density below about 500 W/m3; however, a further increase of the frequency and amplitude leads to an increase of the induction time. The interfacial energies and pre-exponential factors in both homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation are determined by classical nucleation theory at oscillatory frequency 2.0 Hz and amplitudes of 3 or 5 mm both with and without net flow. To capture the shear rate conditions in oscillatory flow crystallizers, a large eddy simulation approach in a computational fluid dynamics framework is applied. Under ideal conditions the shear rate distribution shows spatial and temporal periodicity and radial symmetry. The spatial distributions of the shear rate indicate an increase of average and maximum values of the shear rate with increasing amplitude and frequency. In continuous operation, net flow enhances the shear rate at most time points, promoting nucleation. The mechanism of the shear rate influence on nucleation is discussed.
A „földrajzi munkamegosztás” vagy „elhelyezkedés probléma” arra a kérdésre utal, miért alakulnak ki egy-egy gazdasági tevékenységre szakosodott földrajzi egységek, regionális gazdasági rendszerek. A hagyományos közgazdasági megközelítések a területek racionálisan kalkulálható komparatív előnyeit, a nyersanyagok vagy a piac közelségét, infrastrukturális adottságokat, útfüggőséget stb. szokták hangsúlyozni. A tanulmány szerzője a társadalmi kapcsolatok jelentőségét emeli ki, azt sugallja, hogy a területi specializálódás az egymással kapcsolatban álló, hasonlóan specializálódott többi szereplő nyomására alakul ki. A hipotézist két külföldön végzett eset tanulmány tapasztalatai alapján járja körül. ______________________ The question of "regional economic systems", "geographical division of labour" or "location problem" has an important literature. Economic approaches emphasize the rationally calculated advantages of the specialized industrial areas: the benefit of the exploitation of discovered resources, more cooperative relations, etc. The paper stresses the role of social networks in the location problem: economically specialized areas formed because of the suggestions and tips of connected enterprises, cooperative partners. The hypothesis is based on the experiences of two case studies, made in a Peruvian rural area and a Mexican modern industrial area.
A Versenyképesség Kutató Központ 2004-ben a „Versenyben a világgal 1995-97.” kutatási program és az 1999-es vállalati versenyképességi kérdőíves felmérés hagyományait folytatva, valamint azok tapasztalataira építve egy hároméves kutatási programot kezdett el „Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006 − Gazdasági versenyképességünk vállalati nézőpontból” címmel. A kérdőíves felmérés nyomán létrejött adatbázist elemeztük hasonló témában 2005-ben. A korábbi eredményeken okulva, a kérdőív-elemzés kiterjesztésével azt kívántuk felmérni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés iránti nyitottság növekedett-e hazánkban, illetve milyen egyéb összefüggések fedezhetők fel a beszerzési szervezet, a beszerzés vállalati kapcsolatai, valamint az elektronikus beszerzés értelmezésében az egyes válaszadóknál. A kutatás továbbra is eltér a hagyományos megoldásoktól, azaz nem kívánja vizsgálni a hazai vállalati honlapok elterjedtségét, azonban a korábbiaktól eltérően több információ-technológiával kapcsolatos információt kíván a válaszadóktól. A cél, tehát belső vállalati folyamatok, vevő-szállító kapcsolatok, az informatikai háttér elektronikus beszerzéssel való kapcsolatának feltárása és következtetéseink levonása volt annak érdekében, hogy megtudjuk milyen hatékonyságnövelési lehetőséget hordoz az elektronikus beszerzés és a hazai információs társadalmi fejlettség figyelembe vételével mennyire nyitottak erre a beszerzők és a pályázók egyaránt. Az elektronikus beszerzés és versenyképesség kapcsolata különösen a 2000-es éves eleje óta foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Vita az elektronikus beszerzés beszerzési költségre gyakorolt hatásában, valamint a kormányzati politika által gyakorolt hatás jellegében van, melyet a közbeszerzés mint speciálisan szabályozott beszerzési tevékenység és az e-beszerzés kapcsolatára fejt ki. A vállalatok versenyképességének és az elektronikus beszerzés folyamatosan bővülő és fejlődő eszközrendszerének kapcsolata azonban nem kérdéses, ezt kutatási eredményeink is megerősítik. _________ The Competitiveness Research Center based on the experience of the „ In Global Competition 1995-1997” research programme and continuing the company competitiveness survey (1999) has begun a three-year research programme with the following title: „In Global Competition 2004-2006” Our economic competitiveness, company point of view”. We had analyzed a database generated on the basis of a questionnaire survey with a similar theme in 2005. Drawing the lessons from earlier researches and expanding the questionnaire examination, we now seek to find out how far receptiveness to electronic procurement has increased in Hungary and what other relations can be observed in responses concerning the interpretation of procurement organizations, the corporate aspects of procurement and electronic procurement. The new research project continues to differ from traditional solutions insofar as it does not intend to examine the currency of corporate web pages, but, in contrast to earlier practice, it does want responders to provide information on IT technology. The objectives are thus to understand how electronic procurement relates to corporate processes, purchaser-supplier relations and IT base, and to see what opportunities of increasing efficiency there are in electronic procurement and how far procurers and bidders are open to this at the level of information society development in Hungary. Researchers have focused on the relation between electronic procurement and competitiveness since the early 2000s. What is debated is how electronic procurement influences procurement costs, and how government policies influence the relation between public procurement as a specially regulated procurement activity and electronic procurement. The relation between corporate competitiveness and the continually increasing means of electronic procurement is beyond doubt, evidenced by our research findings.
The single spin asymmetry, ALT ′, and the polarized structure function, σ LT′, for the p( e&ar; , e′K +)Λ reaction in the resonance region have been measured and extracted using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at an electron beam energy of 2.567 GeV. The large acceptance of CLAS allows for full azimuthal angle coverage over a large range of center-of-mass scattering angles. Results were obtained that span a range in Q 2 from 0.5 to 1.3 GeV2 and W from threshold up to 2.1 GeV and were compared to existing theoretical calculations. The polarized structure function is sensitive to the interferences between various resonant amplitudes, as well as to resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This measurement is essential for understanding the structure of nucleons and searching for previously undetected nucleon excited states (resonances) predicted by quark models. The W dependence of the σ LT′ in the kinematic regions dominated by s and u channel exchange (cos qcmk = −0.50, −0.167, 0.167) indicated possible resonance structures not predicted by theoretical calculations. The σLT ′ behavior around W = 1.875 GeV could be the signature of a resonance predicted by the quark models and possibly seen in photoproduction. In the very forward angles where the reaction is dominated by the t-channel, the average σLT ′ was zero. There was no indication of the interference between resonances or resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This might be indicating the dominance of a single t-channel exchange. Study of the sensitivity of the fifth structure function data to the resonance around 1900 MeV showed that these data were highly sensitive to the various assumptions of the models for the quantum number of this resonance. This project was part of a larger CLAS program to measure cross sections and polarization observables for kaon electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region. ^
Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary conditions along continental margins. In this study, we present a new approach to regionalize the total organic carbon (TOC) content in surface sediments (<5 cm sediment depth). It is based on a compilation of more than 5500 single measurements from various sources. Global TOC distribution was determined by the application of a combined qualitative and quantitative-geostatistical method. Overall, 33 benthic TOC-based provinces were defined and used to process the global distribution pattern of the TOC content in surface sediments in a 1°x1° grid resolution. Regional dependencies of data points within each single province are expressed by modeled semi-variograms. Measured and estimated TOC values show good correlation, emphasizing the reasonable applicability of the method. The accumulation of organic carbon in marine surface sediments is a key parameter in the control of mineralization processes and the material exchange between the sediment and the ocean water. Our approach will help to improve global budgets of nutrient and carbon cycles.