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The present thesis is concerned with the study of a quantum physical system composed of a small particle system (such as a spin chain) and several quantized massless boson fields (as photon gasses or phonon fields) at positive temperature. The setup serves as a simplified model for matter in interaction with thermal "radiation" from different sources. Hereby, questions concerning the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of particle-boson configurations far from thermal equilibrium are in the center of interest. We study a specific situation where the particle system is brought in contact with the boson systems (occasionally referred to as heat reservoirs) where the reservoirs are prepared close to thermal equilibrium states, each at a different temperature. We analyze the interacting time evolution of such an initial configuration and we show thermal relaxation of the system into a stationary state, i.e., we prove the existence of a time invariant state which is the unique limit state of the considered initial configurations evolving in time. As long as the reservoirs have been prepared at different temperatures, this stationary state features thermodynamic characteristics as stationary energy fluxes and a positive entropy production rate which distinguishes it from being a thermal equilibrium at any temperature. Therefore, we refer to it as non-equilibrium stationary state or simply NESS. The physical setup is phrased mathematically in the language of C*-algebras. The thesis gives an extended review of the application of operator algebraic theories to quantum statistical mechanics and introduces in detail the mathematical objects to describe matter in interaction with radiation. The C*-theory is adapted to the concrete setup. The algebraic description of the system is lifted into a Hilbert space framework. The appropriate Hilbert space representation is given by a bosonic Fock space over a suitable L2-space. The first part of the present work is concluded by the derivation of a spectral theory which connects the dynamical and thermodynamic features with spectral properties of a suitable generator, say K, of the time evolution in this Hilbert space setting. That way, the question about thermal relaxation becomes a spectral problem. The operator K is of Pauli-Fierz type. The spectral analysis of the generator K follows. This task is the core part of the work and it employs various kinds of functional analytic techniques. The operator K results from a perturbation of an operator L0 which describes the non-interacting particle-boson system. All spectral considerations are done in a perturbative regime, i.e., we assume that the strength of the coupling is sufficiently small. The extraction of dynamical features of the system from properties of K requires, in particular, the knowledge about the spectrum of K in the nearest vicinity of eigenvalues of the unperturbed operator L0. Since convergent Neumann series expansions only qualify to study the perturbed spectrum in the neighborhood of the unperturbed one on a scale of order of the coupling strength we need to apply a more refined tool, the Feshbach map. This technique allows the analysis of the spectrum on a smaller scale by transferring the analysis to a spectral subspace. The need of spectral information on arbitrary scales requires an iteration of the Feshbach map. This procedure leads to an operator-theoretic renormalization group. The reader is introduced to the Feshbach technique and the renormalization procedure based on it is discussed in full detail. Further, it is explained how the spectral information is extracted from the renormalization group flow. The present dissertation is an extension of two kinds of a recent research contribution by Jakšić and Pillet to a similar physical setup. Firstly, we consider the more delicate situation of bosonic heat reservoirs instead of fermionic ones, and secondly, the system can be studied uniformly for small reservoir temperatures. The adaption of the Feshbach map-based renormalization procedure by Bach, Chen, Fröhlich, and Sigal to concrete spectral problems in quantum statistical mechanics is a further novelty of this work.
Introduzione. La movimentazione manuale di carichi è stata recentemente proposta come un possibile determinante del distacco di retina. Al fine di confortare quest’ipotesi, sono stati analizzati i tassi di incidenza di distacco di retina regmatogeno (DRR) idiopatico, trattato chirurgicamente, tra i residenti in Toscana addetti ad attività lavorative manuali, non manuali e casalinghe. Metodi. Le schede di dimissione ospedaliera (SDO) della Toscana contengono anche informazioni codificate sulla categoria generica di impiego. Sono stati utilizzati i dati di tutti i pazienti residenti in Toscana con una SDO emessa da un qualsiasi ospedale italiano nel periodo 1997-2009, con diagnosi principale di DRR (ICD-9: 361,0-361,07 e 361,9) e con DRG 36 (“interventi sulla retina”). Dopo l’eliminazione dei soggetti che non soddisfacevano i criteri di eligibilità, è stato deciso di restringere la popolazione in studio ai soggetti di età 25-59 anni, successivamente classificati in addetti ad attività lavorative manuali, non manuali o casalinghe. Risultati. Sono stati identificati 1.946 casi. Tra gli uomini, gli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali hanno riportato un tasso di incidenza standardizzato per età 1,8 volte più alto rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali (17,4 [IC95%, 16,1–18,7] vs. 9,8 [IC95%, 8,8–10,8]). Tra le donne, i tassi di incidenza standardizzati per età erano 1,9 volte più alti negli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali (11,1 [IC95%, 9,8–12,3]) e 1,7 volte più alti nelle casalinghe (9,5 [IC95%, 8,3–10,8]) rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali (5,7 [IC95%, 4,8–6,6]). Conclusioni. Lo studio mette in evidenza come gli addetti ad attività lavorative manuali siano maggiormente affetti da DRR idiopatico rispetto agli addetti ad attività lavorative non manuali. Questi risultati supportano l’ipotesi che la movimentazione manuale di carichi, che difficilmente può ritrovarsi come compito di attività lavorative non manuali, possa avere un ruolo causale nella genesi della patologia.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-erosive effects of different fluoride compounds and one tin compound in the context of the complex pathohistology of dentine erosion, with particular emphasis on the role of the organic portion. Samples were subjected to two experiments including erosive acid attacks (0.05 molar citric acid, pH 2.3; 6 x 2 min/day) and applications (6 x 2 min/day) of the following test solutions: SnCl(2) (815 ppm Sn), NaF (250 ppm F), SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 809 ppm Sn), amine fluoride (AmF, 250 ppm F), AmF/NaF (250 ppm F), and AmF/SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 409 ppm Sn). The demineralised organic fraction was enzymatically removed either at the end of the experiment (experiment 1) or continuously throughout the experiment (experiment 2). Tissue loss was determined profilometrically after 10 experimental days. In experiment 1, the highest erosive tissue loss was found in the control group (erosion only); the AmF- and NaF-containing solutions reduced tissue loss by about 60%, reductions for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2) were 52, 74 and 89%, respectively. In experiment 2, loss values generally were significantly higher, and the differences between the test solutions were much more distinct. Reduction of tissue loss was between 12 and 34% for the AmF- and NaF-containing preparations, and 11, 67 and 78% for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2), respectively. Stannous fluoride-containing solutions revealed promising anti-erosive effects in dentine. The strikingly different outcomes in the two experiments suggest reconsidering current methodologies for investigating anti-erosive strategies in dentine.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluates 3-year success rates of titanium screw-type implants with a chemically modified sandblasted and acid-etched surface (mod SLA), which were functionally loaded after 3 weeks of healing. METHODS: A total of 56 implants, inserted in the posterior mandibles of 39 partially edentulous patients, underwent undisturbed healing for 3 weeks. At day 21, the implants were fully loaded with provisional crowns. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 36 months after implant placement. The soft tissue and radiographic parameters for the mod SLA implants after 3 years in function were compared to a historic control group of implants with an SLA surface using an early loading protocol after 6 weeks. RESULTS: None of the implants failed to integrate. However, two implants were considered "spinners" at day 21 and were left unloaded for an extended period. Therefore, 96.4% of the inserted implants were loaded according to the protocol tested. All 56 implants, including the "spinners," showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 3-year follow-up examination. All 56 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 3-year survival and success rate of 100%. Dental implants with a mod SLA surface demonstrated statistically significant differences for probing depths and clinical attachment level values compared to the historic control group, with the mod SLA surface implants having overall lower probing depths and clinical attachment level scores. CONCLUSION: This prospective study using an early loading protocol demonstrates that titanium implants with the mod SLA surface can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration over a period of 3 years.
Oligonucleotides capturing CD31 endothelial cells (= aptamer) were used for coating of intracoronary stents to improve endothelialization and vascular healing.
Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is a member of the family of ANCA-associated vasculitides. Its characteristic histology shows a necrotizing small vessel vasculitis with little or absent immune deposits (pauci-immune vasculitis). In Western countries MPA shows a lower prevalence than Wegener's disease, it affects more men than women and commences at the age of > or = 50 years. The two organs most typically involved and often defining prognosis are the kidneys and the lungs. MPA may concomitantly or sequentially involve other organs such as the nervous system, the skin, the musculoskeletal system, but also the heart, the eye and the intestines. Treatment decisions should be based on severity and pattern of organ involvement and respect the five factor score (FFS). Life- or organ- threatening disease is treated with glucocorticoids and (pulse) cyclophosphamide. Plasmapheresis and i.v.immunoglobulins have been shown to be beneficial as additional measure in severe cases. If renal function is preserved, Methotrexate may be considered to induce remission, and if the FFS equals 0, remission may be induced with glucocorticoid monotherapy. Maintenance therapy is recommended with Azathioprin, mycophenolate mofetil may be used as a second line drug. Biologic agents such as monoclonal antibodies to tumor necrosis factor a and B cell depleting rituximab have been shown to bear remission-inducing quality.
Reaction-induced nucleation and growth v. grain coarsening in contact metamorphic, impure carbonates
To examine five- and ten-year survival based on cancer-specific geriatric assessment (C-SGA) in older women with early stage breast cancer.
Visual results in treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using intravitreal injected anti-VEGF (IVT) clearly depend on injection frequency. Regarding to the European approval Ranibizumab has to be used only in cases of recurrent visual loss after the loading phase. In contrast monthly treatment--as also provided in the ANCHOR and MARINA studies--is generally allowed in Switzerland. However, it is commonly tried to reduce the injection frequency because of the particular cost situation in all health systems and of cause also due to the necessary strict monitoring and reinjection regimes, which raise management problems with increasing patient numbers. In this article the special treatment regimes of our University Eye Hospital is presented, in which a reduced injection frequency basically leads to the same increased and stable visual results as in ANCHOR and MARINA; however, needing significantly more injections as generally provided in other countries of Europe. The main focus for achieving this in a large number of patients is placed on re-structuring our outpatient flow for IVT patients with particular emphasis on patient separation and standardisation of treatment steps leading to significantly reduced time consumption per patient. Measurements of timing and patient satisfaction before and after restructuring underline its importance in order to be able to treat more patients at a high quality even in the future. The exceptional importance of spectral domain OCT measurements as the most important criterium for indicating re-treatment is illustrated.
Bone graft incorporation depends on the orchestrated activation of numerous growth factors and cytokines in both the host and the graft. Prominent in this signaling cascade is BMP2. Although BMP2 is dispensable for bone formation, it is required for the initiation of bone repair; thus understanding the cellular mechanisms underlying bone regeneration driven by BMP2 is essential for improving bone graft therapies. In the present study, we assessed the role of Bmp2 in bone graft incorporation using mice in which Bmp2 has been removed from the limb prior to skeletal formation (Bmp2(cKO)). When autograft transplantations were performed in Bmp2cKO mice, callus formation and bone healing were absent. Transplantation of either a vital wild type (WT) bone graft into a Bmp2(cKO) host or a vital Bmp2(cKO) graft into a WT host also resulted in the inhibition of bone graft incorporation. Histological analyses of these transplants show that in the absence of BMP2, periosteal progenitors remain quiescent and healing is not initiated. When we analyzed the expression of Sox9, a marker of chondrogenesis, on the graft surface, we found it significantly reduced when BMP2 was absent in either the graft itself or the host, suggesting that local BMP2 levels drive periosteal cell condensation and subsequent callus cell differentiation. The lack of integrated healing in the absence of BMP2 was not due to the inability of periosteal cells to respond to BMP2. Healing was achieved when grafts were pre-soaked in rhBMP2 protein, indicating that periosteal progenitors remain responsive in the absence of BMP2. In contrast to the requirement for BMP2 in periosteal progenitor activation in vital bone grafts, we found that bone matrix-derived BMP2 does not significantly enhance bone graft incorporation. Taken together, our data show that BMP2 signaling is not essential for the maintenance of periosteal progenitors, but is required for the activation of these progenitors and their subsequent differentiation along the osteo-chondrogenic pathway. These results indicate that BMP2 will be among the signaling molecules whose presence will determine success or failure of new bone graft strategies.