984 resultados para 7-66
The 66 kilo-Dalton (k-Da) protein split off from the cross linked myosin heavy chain (CMHC) formed due to the setting of Alaska pollack surimi, frozen-storage of Pacific cod flesh, and vinegar-curing of Pacific mackerel mince was identified as a light meromyosin (LMM). Puncture and stress-relaxation tests showed that the actomyosin subunits (AMS) of Alaska pollack surimi, upon setting at 30°C, transformed into gel, although the elasticity of this gel was very low when compared to the gels from surimi or actomyosin (AM). Electrophoretic studies showed that the band due to LMM in the gel from AMS gradually disappeared with the progress of setting but higher molecular weight polymer did not form. The intensity of the bands due to other myosin sub-fragments decreased a little. The findings suggest that at setting temperature, LMM of MHC molecule leads to an unfolding resulting in an intramolecular aggregation through non-covalent interactions, and thus plays a significant role in the crosslinking of MHC.
The success of breeding of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) using hormonal inducement and environmental stimuli was evaluated considering different sex ratios, and natural and artificial substrates. A total of 18 females (weighing 250 to 2200g) divided into 6 treatments were investigated. A successful spawning was observed in all the treatment groups, only. 66.66% female responded successfully to LHRH-A combined with dompheridone and 83.33% female in natural stimuli. Females induced with LHRH-A and dompheridone found prompt ovulation than that of natural stimulation. A significant variation (F=7.45, P<0.05) was found among the different treatment groups. The number of eggs released appear to depend on body weight (t=15.72, P<0.05), sex ratio (t=7.96, P<0.05) and percentage of ovulated females (t=5.34, P<0.05). Although environmentally stimulated females released more eggs than injected female (t=5.18, P<0.05) but their survival rate was similar (t=1.77, P<0.05). Comparison between the two approaches under the conditions of AIT hatchery shown that both are suitable for spawning induction in common carp. However, environmental stimulation is advantageous because of the less labor and lower cost required for ovulation.
The fecundity and sex- ratio of Borbodes gonionotus were studied. The fecundity of 99 gravid females varied from 18001 (total length 197 mm and body weight 72 g) to 42034 (total length 187 mm and body weight 159 g). The mean fecundity was 24959.23 ± 6961.48 (for mean total length 210.50 ± 17.26 mm, mean body weight 118.16 ± 37.34g, mean ovary length 70.21 ± 27.30 mm, mean ovary weight 13.66 ± 7.12 g and mean ovary breadth 15.4 ± 2.79 mm). The relationship between fecundity (F) and other parameters such as total length, total body weight, ovary length, ovary weight and ovary breadth were studied. The fish was highly fecund and the number of eggs produced was more or less directly proportional to other different lengths.
Fresh silver pomfret, black pomfret and hilsa were canned at absolutely fresh and iced conditions and the qualities of the final products were studied comparatively in relation to the initial quality of the raw materials. Under identical conditions a maximum quantity of cook-drip and nitrogen contents were found to be lost in black pomfret and minimum in hilsa. Silver pomfret and black pomfret iced for 3 days gave fairly good products on canning while hilsa came out only as a satisfactory product on canning after the same ice storage period of the raw material.
To test the efficacy of the technique of using dopamine-antagonists with pituitary extracts, experiments were conducted in July/August '93, at the CIFE Fresh water Fish Farm, Powerkheda. In all, 35 sets (1 female x 2 male in each set) were tried individually. 19 sets were treated with Domperidone (DOM) and Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) and they constituted the experimental sets, while the rest 16 were treated with CPE and formed the control sets. The breeding, complete ovulation and hatching was 84.2%, 87.5% and 85.7%, respectively in the experimental sets whereas it was 93.7%, 60% and 72.7%, respectively in case of control sets. Experimental sets yielded 1.20 lakh spawn/kg body wt. (female) as compared to 0.83 lakh spawn kg body wt. (female) received from control sets on average basis. When DOM was used at 50-60% there was 100% breeding success but when increased to 70%, breeding rate fell to 66%. In mass breeding of Catla in the circular hatchery DOM mixed with CPE in 50:50 ratio gave excellent results.
This report comprises a summary of parasitic copepods from fishes in Ceylon, as isolated from the branchial material of fishes belonging to previous collections. Seven copepod species are described in detail, as well as one species of Branchiura and one species of Isopoda. Caution is advocated to avoid further introductions via parasite-infested fishes, since only four of the above species are endemic.
Using a magneto-optical (MO) technique, magnetic field distributions have been measured in a melt-textured YBa 2Cu 3O 7-x bulk superconductor, joined to form an artificial grain boundary (GB), in an external magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface. The magnetic field at a weak section of the GB shows different values between the field increasing up to 150mT and decreasing down to 0T after zero-field-cooling. Namely, the magnetic field in increasing field is higher than that in decreasing field, even in the same external field. This result supports a model in which such differences in magnetic field at the weak-link GB give rise to the hysteresis behavior in the field dependence of transport critical current density in polycrystalline samples. The field distributions across a well-joined region of the GB behave similarly to the adjoining bulk material and this result indicates the possibility of creating useful artifacts provided that the strongly coupled sections can be reproduced on a larger scale.
This report of the cruise along the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes the catch composition and catch distributions of the shallow water shrimp. Biological data are given for Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros which represent 77% of the total catch.
Catch composition and bathymetric distribution of demersal fish caught along the coast of Mozambique between parallels 16 degree 20' and 19 degree 30' S at depths of 11 to 180 metres are given. The shrimp by-catch was also studied.
This report of the research cruise (21 July to 7 August, 1981) surveying pelagic marine resources of the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) describes size composition distribution, length-weight relationships and sex-ratio of the fish captured. Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Selar crumenophthalmus and Rastrelliger kanagurta represented 21.7% of the total catch. The by-catch was also studied.
碳循环是影响地球环境中能量循环和物质流动的重要过程,而由于人类活动带来的大气CO2浓度升高对生态环境带来一系列的影响,如温室效应、海水酸化及全球灾害性气候增加等。海洋是地球上巨大的碳库,近海海域是连接陆地和海洋两大生态系统的关键环节,它接受着河流输入的大量陆源物质,并通过物理、化学和生物过程与大洋进行各种物质和能量交换。经过对海洋碳循环的多年研究,人们对碳在大洋中的迁移转化获得了比较清晰的认识,但对生物地球化学过程极为复杂的近海的研究还存在较多的不确定性。 元素的存在形态对其迁移转化有着重要影响,为研究近海不同形态无机碳,本文采用连续浸取方法,根据无机碳在沉积物中的结合强度,将无机碳分为交换态、弱碱结合态、强碱结合态、弱酸结合态和残渣态,分析了渤海湾、四十里湾附近海域、大亚湾和南海北部海域等中国典型近海海域表层及柱状沉积物中不同形态的无机碳含量,并讨论了其与各地球化学参数之间的关系,得到如下结论: 在各个研究区,沉积物中总无机碳的平均含量分别为:渤海湾6.16 mg/g,四十里湾附近海域7.51 mg/g,大亚湾3.08 mg/g,南海北部海域11.66 mg/g。渤海湾潮间带沉积物的无机碳含量普遍高于潮下带沉积物,四十里湾附近海域柱状样沉积物中无机碳含量一般随埋藏深度的增加而增加,大亚湾沉积物低的无机碳含量可能与低的陆源物质输入有关,南海北部海域表层沉积物无机碳含量分布表现出明显的近岸低深海高的分布特征,高的无机碳含量明显受生物活动影响。 渤海湾沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.63 mg/g、氨水相0.74 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.28 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相3.13 mg/g、残渣相1.38 mg/g。四十里湾附近海域沉积物柱状样各形态无机碳含量为氯化钠相0.54 mg/g、氨水相0.36 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.13 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相6.46 mg/g、残渣相0.02 mg/g。大亚湾沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.45 mg/g、氨水相0.50 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.46 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相1.51 mg/g、残渣相0.16 mg/g。南海北部沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.52 mg/g、氨水相0.30 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.17 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相3.79 mg/g、残渣相6.88 mg/g。在所研究的大部分近海沉积物中,盐酸羟胺相是沉积物无机碳的主要形态,只有南海北部海域表层沉积物比较特殊。 渤海湾潮下带沉积物中,碱浸取相(氢氧化钠相和氨水相)无机碳与沉积物总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)之间存在较为紧密的联系;潮间带沉积物中,含水率、TOC、TN和粒度等地球化学参数与前3相及残渣相无机碳均有较紧密的联系。四十里湾附近海域柱状沉积物中,沉积物各参数对不同柱状样各形态无机碳的影响差异较大,位于芝罘岛附近的柱状样B主要受粒度影响,含水率、TOC和TN对离岸较近的柱状样D的前两相无机碳和崆峒岛北侧的柱状样E的氯化钠相无机碳有较大影响,沉积物各参数对崆峒岛南侧的柱状样C和离岸最远的柱状样S的影响相对较小。大亚湾沉积物各形态无机碳受环境影响的程度比其它海域弱。南海北部沉积物中,TOC对各形态无机碳影响较强,其中的氨水相无机碳与沉积物各参数间存在较为紧密的联系。 对比各海域的研究结果发现,不同无机碳形态之间,碱浸取相无机碳之间常存在正相关关系,氯化钠相作为比较活泼的无机碳形态,与其它各相之间的关系具有不确定性,弱酸浸取相无机碳与无机碳总量的关系较为紧密,残渣相与其它无机碳形态的关系一般较弱,说明此相无
An historical account is given of the development of the Lake Albert fisheries since Worthington's survey in 1928. It is noted that the development of the fisheries was related to, and dependent upon, improvements in the type of gear and canoes, an incFease in the number of canoes and outboard engines in use, improved marketing facilities and better road communications. Summarized data, collected mainly since 1954, has been analysed and tabulated to show annual exports to the Congo, total annual catches 'and annual catches of individual species. A change in the relative abundance of the various species in the annual catches is described. It is noted that this change was caused by a change-over from large to small mesh size gill-nets, and that it was associated with an increased demand within Uganda for the smaller species of fish, such as Aleste's baremose and Hydrocynus forskahlii. A brief description of fish processing and marketing in the Lake Albert region is given, which emphasizes the suitability of salt-cured fish to the social and physical environment of the area. Finally, a summary of a recent survey of the potential fish resources of the lake is given in the discussion, and estimates of the 1965 catch at the north and south ends of the lake are compared with the findings of the survey. This showed that there is little danger of overfishing the Alestes baremose stocks of the Wanseko area at the 1965 rate of exploitation of the species, and that the total catch for 1965 at the south end of the lake was well below the estimated annual sustainable yield from the area.
Small pelagic fish species are mainly caught by gill nets operated by fibre reinforced plastic boats fitted with 8-25hp out board engines, traditional crafts fitted with 8-1hp out board engines and non mechanised traditional crafts. Around 28 to 55% of the small pelagic catch in the study area consisted of trenched sardine Amblygaster sirm during 1995-1997 period. Another 26-36% of the catch composed of other Sardinella species such as Sardinella gibbosa, S. albella, S. sindensis and S. longiceps. Engraulids such as Encrasicholina heteroloba, Stolephorus insularis and Stolephorus indicus and Thryssa spp formed around 3-5% of the catch. The major component of this fishery consisted of Clupeids and Engrauhds and over 65 species ranged between smaller Engraulids to incidental rock fish, sail fish, seer fish, sharks, skates and rays. Around 1.4 to 1.9% of the catch consisted of Chirocentrus dorab, Sphyraenaspp, Scomberomorus spp, Lepturcanthus sp and Megalaspis cordyla. Around 1-11% of the catch consisted of incidentally catches of sharks, rays, skates and sail fish. Another 1.6 to 6% of the catch consisted of Selar crumenophthalamus and Rastrelliger kanagurta. The best fishing season appeared to be from June to October in the west coast and August to December in the south coast. The major components of Amblygaster sirm, Sardinella albella and Sardinella gibbosa were caught within the size ranges of 10.0-22.5 cm, 11.0-13.0 cm and 11.0-15.0 cm respectively. However, smaller sized fish of above species of sizes between 6.9 cm to 9.7 cm total length were incidentally caught in the gill nets operated for small Engraulids with a stretched mesh size of 1.6cm. The overall catch rate for the major fish landing centre at Negombo indicated an increase from 38.5 kg/boat trip during 1984-1990 period to 49.5 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period. The catch rate for the dominant species Amblygaster sirm has decreased from 28.17 kg/boat trip during 1983-1990 period to 17.47 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period at Negombo. The paper also discusses the changing overall catch rates, change in species abundance and possible management consequences that should be considered.