1000 resultados para 616.865
Les événements ayant secoué l'Égypte au début de l'année 2011, et ayant pris depuis le nom de « Révolution du 25 janvier », soulèvent de nombreuses questions. Parmi celles-ci, l'interrogation sur la participation massive d'une population considérée comme apathique ou dépolitisée est centrale. En effet, on peut penser qu'il n'y a rien de particulièrement « révolutionnaire » à voir des militants aguerris protester collectivement une énième fois. En revanche, élucider le passage à l'action de ces dizaines de milliers de personnes qui n'avaient jamais participé politiquement pose problème. Cet article tente de contribuer à la compréhension de ce phénomène à partir de l'étude localisée de la mobilisation de jeunes Cairotes fin janvier/début février 2011.
Es tracta d'un estudi prospectiu observacional de pacients atesos durant un any a Urgències per pneumònia. L'objectiu és valorar la utilitat de la definició de pneumònia associada a cures sanitàries (NACS), els criteris de Shorr i Aliberti per predir la presència de gèrmens resistents a la pneumònia extrahospitalària en el nostre medi. Concloent que la definició de NACS i la saturació d'oxigen són útils per predir el risc de pneumònia extrahospitalària per germen resistent. L'índex de Shorr i el de Aliberti no mostren utilitat en la predicció del risc de pneumònia per germen resistent al nostre medi.
Background: 7 - 20% of the childrenreport suspected allergic reactionsto anti-infectious drugs, thebetalactams being the most frequentlyinvolved. Studies based on skin andchallenge tests have shown that 2 -60% (mean: 10 - 15%) of the childrenwith suspected betalactam hypersensitivitywere really allergic to betalactams,and that the likelihood ofbetalactam hypersensitivity increasedwith the severity and/or the earlinessof the reactions. Methods: We reviewedthe records of 1,865 childrenexplored for suspected betalactam hypersensitivitybetween December1990 and July 2009. The objectivewas to confirm or rule-out the diagnosisof betalactam hypersensitivity, toevaluate the diagnostic value of immediateand non-immediate-readingskin tests with betalactams, and to determinerisk factors for betalactamhypersensitivity. In those childrenskin tests were first performed andthen challenges with the suspectedbetalactams were performed in mostchildren with negative skin test results.Results: 1431 children had acomplete allergological work-up. Fifteen-nine per cent of those childrenwere diagnosed allergic to betalactamsby means of skin tests (7.2%),challenge tests (7.7%), and clinicalhistory (0.9%) respectively. Immediatetype betalactam hypersensitivitywas diagnosed in 3.5% and non-immediatetype in 12.4% of the children.Skin tests diagnosed 86% and 31.6%of immediate and non-immediatesensitizations respectively. Cross-reactivityamong betalactams was diagnosedin 76% of the children with immediatehypersensitivity and in14.7% of the children with non-immediatehypersensitivity. The numberof children diagnosed allergic tobetalactams decreased with time betweenthe reaction and the allergologicalwork-up. Finally, age, sex andpersonal atopy were not significantrisk factors for betalactam allergy.Conclusion: This study, in a verylarge number of children, confirmsthat only a few children with suspectedbetalactam hypersensitivityare really allergic to betalactams, andthat the likelihood of betalactam allergyand cross-reactivity with otherbetalactams increases with the severityand/or the earliness of the reactions.We also confirm that immediate-reading skin tests have a good diagnosticvalue, and that the diagnosticvalue of non-immediate-reading skintests is low, the diagnosis of non-immediatehypersensitivity to betalactamsin children beeing mainly basedon challenge tests.
Es tracta d’un treball que vol contribuir a l’actualització i difusió d’un recurs assistencial denominat Unitat Funcional d’Atenció Oncològica (UFAO) creat entre l’Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) i l’Hospital de Bellvitge (HUB). L’objectiu d’una UFAO, és aconseguir la màxima supervivència amb la menor morbiditat possible en pacients diagnosticats de càncer. El model d’atenció d’una UFAO s’inicia davant de la sospita d’un càncer, passant per la confirmació diagnòstica del mateix i incidint en la presa de decisions més adequada de cara al tractament a seguir. Per aquest motiu, es realitza un estudi del recurs des d’un punt de vista de l’eficiència, des d’un análisi de cost, des de la defincició d’un mapa de procés i des de la identificació de propostes d’evolució de futur. Les conclusions serien: - Està científicament demostrat que el treball multidisciplinari en càncer millora els resultats. - La UFAO seria un recurs eficient des de la sospita fins al diagnòstic compert de la malaltia. - L’adherencia a les guies de pràctica clínica demostren també l’eficiència d’una UFAO. - Més del 80% del cost d’una UFAO són la suma de despeses de personal i proves complementàries. - La definició del primer mapa de procés básic d’una UFAO ha de permetre disminuir les diferències entre UFAO. - Segons un grup focal de pacients, consideren que la UFAO els hauria de realitzar seguiment després d’haver realitzat tots els tractaments. - Es considera que la UFAO és un recurs per la presa de decisions en càncer.
Etant données la complexité et la redondance des réseaux de gènes influençant de nombreux phénotypes, l'étude des rares cas d'un locus unique ayant des effets importants sur de nombreux phénotypes peut fournir des informations cruciales sur l'évolution des traits complexes. Nous avons séquencé le génome de la fourmi de feu Solenopsis invicta pour étudier comment l'expression des gènes détermine les effets majeurs et étendus de deux loci uniques sur le phénotype. Le premier locus concerne la détermination du sexe par le modèle des allèles complémentaires. Ce locus est connu pour déterminer le sexe chez tous les hyménoptères mais n'a été caractérisé que chez les abeilles. Les hétérozygotes pour ce locus se développent en reines diploïdes (ou ouvrières stériles) alors que les homozygotes se développent en mâles diploïdes incapables de produire du sperme et les hémizygotes en mâles haploïdes fertiles. Nous avons comparé l'expression des gènes entre les reines et les deux types de mâles au stade pupe, ainsi que 1 et 11 jours après l'émergence. Nous avons trouvé un changement prononcé de l'expression des gènes chez les mâles diploïdes, passant de très proche de celle des reines au stade pupe à identique aux mâles haploïdes 11 jours après l'émergence. Cela signifie que les mâles diploïdes sont condamnés à être stériles parce que les effets après émergence du locus de détermination du sexe ne per¬mettent pas d'effacer les effets de la ploïdie sur l'expression des gènes pendant le stade pupe, quand la spermatogénèse prend place. Le second locus aux effets majeurs que nous avons étudié est le supergène dit "green beard", qui consiste en 616 gènes couvrant 55% d'un chromosome (13 Mb) et est caractérisé par une absence de recombinaison entre les deux variants du supergène : "Social B" et "Social b" (SB et Sb). Au travers de l'effet "green beard", par lequel les ouvrières avec le supergène Sb discriminent favorablement les reines qui partagent ce supergène de façon perceptible, le génotype des reines fondatrices au niveau de ce supergène détermine l'organisation de la colonie : soit elle contient une seule reine SB/SB, soit plusieurs reines SB/Sb. Nous avons montré que le chromosome Sb a évolué comme le chromosome Y, accumulant probablement des allèles favorables dans des colonies avec plusieurs reines mais défavorables dans des colonies avec une seule reine (cf. gènes sexuellement antagonistes), ainsi que des transposons et des séquences répéti¬tives. Nous avons également montré que le polymorphisme du supergène cause de grandes différences d'expression chez les ouvrières et particulièrement les reines mais pas chez les mâles. Pour comprendre comment le polymorphisme du supergène chez les reines peut affecter l'organisation de la colonie, nous avons comparé l'expression entre les génotypes SB/SB et SB/Sb chez des reines vierges (1 et 11 jours) et des reines matures. Nous avons montré que les reines SB/SB sur-régulent des gènes impliqués dans la reproduction, expli-quant pourquoi elle grandissent plus rapidement et peuvent fonder des colonies de façon indépendante, tandis que les reines SB/Sb (qui ne peuvent fonder une nouvelle colonie) sur-régulent des gènes de signalement chimique qui affectent l'organisation des colonies par l'effet "green beard". - Given the complexity and redundancy of the gene networks that underlie many pheno- types, the study of rare cases of a single locus having major effects on many phenotypes can give powerful insights into the evolution of complex traits. We sequenced the genome of Solenopsis invicta fire ants to study how gene expression mediates the widespread major effects of two single loci on phenotype. The first is the complementary sex-determining locus, which is known to exist in most Hymenoptera despite being characterized only for honeybees. Heterozygotes at this locus become diploid queens (or sterile workers), homozy¬gotes become aspermic diploid males, and hemizygotes become fertile haploid males. We compared gene expression between queens and both types of males in pupae and 1 and 11 days after eclosion. We found a pronounced shift in gene expression in diploid males, from being nearly identical to queens as pupae to identical to haploid males 11 days after eclosion. This means that diploid males are condemned to sterility because the overriding effects of the sex locus after eclosion cannot undo the ploidy effects on expression during the pupal stage, when spermatogenesis must be completed. The second locus with major ef¬fects that we studied was the so-called "green beard" supergene, which consists of 616 genes encompassing 55% of one chromosome (13 Mb), without recombination between the two variants "Social B" and "Social b" (SB and Sb) supergene. Through the green beard effect, i.e. workers with the Sb supergene discriminating in favor of queens who perceptibly share this supergene, the founding queen's genotype at the supergene determines colony organi¬zation: either headed by a single SB/SB queen or many SB/Sb queens. We show that the Sb chromosome evolved like a Y-chromosome, probably accumulating alleles beneficial in multi-queen colonies but disadvantageous in single-queen colonies (cf. sexually antagonistic genes), as well as transposons and repetitive sequences. We also show that the polymor¬phism of the supergene causes widespread expression differences in workers and especially queens but not in males. To understand how the polymorphism at the supergene in queen can transform colony organization, we compared the expression between SB/SB and SB/Sb virgin queens (1 and 11 days) and mother queens. We show that SB/SB queens up-regulate genes involved in reproduction, explaining why they mature faster and can found colonies independently, while SB/Sb queens (which cannot found colonies) up-regulate chemical signaling genes that can transform colonies through the green beard effect.
OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the prenatal detection of gastrointestinal obstruction (GIO, including atresia, stenosis, absence or fistula) by routine ultrasonographic examination in an unselected population all over Europe. METHODS: Data from 18 congenital malformation registries in 11 European countries were analysed. These multisource registries used the same methodology. All fetuses/neonates with GIO confirmed within 1 week after birth who had prenatal sonography and were born during the study period (1 July 1996 to 31 December 1998) were included. RESULTS: There were 670 793 births in the area covered and 349 fetuses/neonates had GIO. The prenatal detection rate of GIO was 34%; of these 40% were detected < or = 24 weeks of gestation (WG). A total of 31% (60/192) of the isolated GIO were detected prenatally, as were 38% (59/157) of the associated GIO (p=0.26). The detection rate was 25% for esophageal obstruction (31/122), 52% for duodenal obstruction (33/64), 40% for small intestine obstruction (27/68) and 29% for large intestine obstruction (28/95) (p=0.002). The detection rate was higher in countries with a policy of routine obstetric ultrasound. Fifteen percent of pregnancies were terminated (51/349). Eleven of these had chromosomal anomalies, 31 multiple malformations, eight non-chromosomal recognized syndromes, and one isolated GIO. The participating registries reflect the various national policies for termination of pregnancy (TOP), but TOPs after 24 WG (11/51) do not appear to be performed more frequently in countries with a liberal TOP policy. CONCLUSION: This European study shows that the detection rate of GIO depends on the screening policy and on the sonographic detectability of GIO subgroups.
ISSUE: This article explores mechanisms of the efficacy of brief intervention (BI). APPROACH: We conducted a BI trial at the emergency department of the Lausanne University Hospital, of whom 987 at-risk drinkers were randomised into BI and control groups. The overall results demonstrated a general decrease in alcohol use with no differences across groups. The intention to change was explored among 367 patients who completed BI. Analyses of 97 consecutive tape-recorded sessions explored patient and counsellor talks during BI, and their relationship to alcohol use outcome. KEY FINDINGS: Evaluation of the articulation between counsellor behaviours and patient language revealed a robust relationship between counsellor motivational interviewing (MI) skills and patient change talk during the intervention. Further exploration suggested that communication characteristics of patients during BI predicted changes in alcohol consumption 12 months later. Moreover, despite systematic training, important differences in counsellor performance were highlighted. Counsellors who had superior MI skills achieved better outcomes overall, and maintained efficacy across all levels of patient ability to change, whereas counsellors with inferior MI skills were effective mostly with patients who had higher levels of ability to change. Finally, the descriptions of change talk trajectories within BI and their association with drinking 12 months later showed that final states differed from initial states, suggesting an impact resulting from the progression of change talk during the course of the intervention. IMPLICATION: These findings suggest that BI should focus on the general MI attitude of counsellors who are capable of eliciting beneficial change talk from patients. [Daeppen J-B, Bertholet N, Gaume J. What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy.
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Low dose photodynamic therapy (LDPDT) may modify the mucosal immune response and may thus provide a therapy for Crohn's disease. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of this technique in a murine T cell-mediated colitis model. METHODS: The safety of LDPDT was first tested in BALB/c mice. Naïve T cells were used to induce colitis in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency, which were followed up endoscopically, and a murine endoscopic index of colitis (MEIC) was developed. The efficacy of LDPDT (10 J/cm (2); delta-aminolevulinic acid, 15 mg/kg bodyweight) was then tested on mice with moderate colitis, while a disease control group received no treatment. The MEIC, weight, length, and histology of the colon, cytokine expression indices, number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells, body weight, and systemic side effects were evaluated. RESULTS: LDPDT improved the MEIC ( P = 0.011) and the histological score ( P = 0.025), diminished the expression indices of the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 ( P = 0.042), interleukin-17 ( P = 0.029), and interferon-gamma ( P = 0.014), decreased the number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, and increased the percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells compared with the disease control group. No local or systemic side effects occurred. CONCLUSION: LDPDT improves murine T cell-mediated colitis, decreases the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-17, and interferon-gamma, and decreases the number of CD4 (+) T cells. No adverse events were observed. Therefore, this technique is now being evaluated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
The recent wave of upheavals and revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East goes back to an old question often raised by theories of collective action: does repression act as a negative or positive incentive for further mobilization? Through a review of the vast literature devoted to this question, this article aims to go beyond theoretical and methodological dead-ends. The article moves on to non-Western settings in order to better understand, via a macro-sociological and dynamic approach, the causal effects between mobilizations and repression. It pleads for a meso- and micro-level approach to this issue: an approach that puts analytical emphasis both on protest organizations and on individual activists' careers.
To study factors associated with anemia and its effect on survival in HIV-infected persons treated with modern combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), we characterized the prevalence of anemia in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) and used a candidate gene approach to identify proinflammatory gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with anemia in HIV disease. The study comprised 1597 HIV(+) and 865 HIV(-) VACS subjects with DNA, blood, and annotated clinical data available for analysis. Anemia was defined according to World Health Organization criteria (hemoglobin < 13 g/dL and < 12 g/dL in men and women, respectively). The prevalence of anemia in HIV(+) and HIV(-) subjects was 23.1% and 12.9%, respectively. Independent of HIV status, anemia was present in 23.4% and 8% in blacks and whites, respectively. Analysis of our candidate genes revealed that the leptin -2548 G/A SNP was associated with anemia in HIV(+), but not HIV(-), patients, with the AA and AG genotypes significantly predicting anemia (P < .003 and P < .039, respectively, logistic regression). This association was replicated in an independent cohort of HIV(+) women. Our study provides novel insight into the association between genetic variability in the leptin gene and anemia in HIV(+) individuals.
BACKGROUND: The study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme versus initial radiotherapy alone from a public health care perspective. METHODS: The economic evaluation was performed alongside a randomized, multicenter, phase 3 trial. The primary endpoint of the trial was overall survival. Costs included all direct medical costs. Economic data were collected prospectively for a subgroup of 219 patients (38%). Unit costs for drugs, procedures, laboratory and imaging, radiotherapy, and hospital costs per day were collected from the official national reimbursement lists based on 2004. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, survival was expressed as 2.5 years restricted mean estimates. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was constructed. Confidence intervals for the ICER were calculated using the Fieller method and bootstrapping. RESULTS: The difference in 2.5 years restricted mean survival between the treatment arms was 0.25 life-years and the ICER was euro37,361 per life-year gained with a 95% confidence interval (CI) ranging from euro19,544 to euro123,616. The area between the survival curves of the treatment arms suggests an increase of the overall survival gain for a longer follow-up. An extrapolation of the overall survival per treatment arm and imputation of costs for the extrapolated survival showed a substantial reduction in ICER. CONCLUSIONS: The ICER of euro37,361 per life-year gained is a conservative estimate. We concluded that despite the high TMZ acquisition costs, the costs per life-year gained are comparable to accepted first-line treatment with chemotherapy in patients with cancer.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar as principais Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária (ICSAP) do Hospital Geral de Pedreira (HGP) e as Unidades Básicas de Saúde que demandaram maior número destas internações. Uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e quantitativa foi realizada através de dados de 2008 obtidos no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH-SUS) e de 816 prontuários do HGP. Obtivemos no período 10.616 internações; dessas 1.689 (15,9%) foram por ICSAP. As principais causas das internações por condições sensíveis foram: pneumonias bacterianas (17,4%); infecções no rim e trato urinário (13,6%) e hipertensão arterial (11,1%). Da análise dos prontuários encontramos 122 ICSAP, sendo 73,7% na área de estudo (Pedreira, Cidade Ademar e Campo Grande). A Cidade Ademar gerou mais ICSAP, 38,5%, porém, é a que apresenta maior população e densidade demográfica. É necessário ampliar os estudos para conhecer os motivos que geraram as internações para redirecionar as ações de prevenção.
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:34 865 000]
Collection : La France dramatique au dix-neuvième siècle
Kirje 15.12.1975