975 resultados para 4point light 10W with miniature Wenner-Array
PURPOSE: To present the light and electron microscopic findings of a unique corneal dystrophy never before described in a German family carrying the Gly623Asp Mutation of the TGFBI gene with late clinical onset. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Four affected and 6 nonaffected family members. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination, photographic documentation, and isolation of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from each family member examined. Exons 3, 4, 5, and 11 to 14 of the TGFBI gene were amplified and sequenced in these family members. Five corneal buttons of 3 affected siblings were excised at the time of penetrating keratoplasty. Light and electron microscopic examination were performed including immunohistochemistry with antibodies against keratoepithelin (KE) 2 and 15. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and histologic characteristics of corneal opacification in affected patients and presence of coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: The specimens showed destructive changes in Bowman's layer and the adjacent stroma. Patchy Congo red-positive amyloid deposits were found within the epithelium in 1 cornea, in Bowman's layer and in the anterior stroma of all specimens also showing KE2, but not KE15, immunostaining. Electron microscopy revealed deposits mainly located in the anterior stroma and Bowman's layer and in small amounts in the basal area of some epithelial cells. The destroyed areas were strongly Alcian blue-positive, the Masson Trichrome stain proved mainly negative for the deposits. All affected but none of the unaffected family members had a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 14 of the TGFBI gene (G-->A transition at nucleotide 1915) replacing glycin by aspartic acid amino acid (Gly623Asp) at position 623 of the KE protein. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast with the patient carrying the Gly623Asp mutation of the TGFBI gene described by Afshari et al, our cases presented with Salzmann's nodular degeneration-like clinical features and their specimens contained KE2-positive amyloid. The reason for this now "meeting the expectation histologic phenotype" is unclear. The histologic findings emphasize that this is a unique corneal dystrophy, which shares no clinical characteristics with Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy and should be treated as a distinct entity. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.
Purpose: Dysmenorrhea is the leading cause of recurrent short-term school absenteeism among adolescent girls. Yet, studies of menstrual symptoms in the light of adolescent psychological background seldom appear in the recent literature. This study aims to determine whether adolescent girls with severe dysmenorrhea (SD) have different body perception on top of poorer psychological health. Methods: We analyzed data from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH 2002) among a nationally representative sample of adolescents (n = 7548; 3340 females) aged 16 to 20 years attending post-mandatory education. Dysmenorrhea was defined as presence of abdominal or back pain during menstruation on the last 12 months. The severity of dysmenorrhea was defined according to the impact on daily activity and was assessed by 3 questions on the way menstruations interfere with daily life: 1) "You feel well and have normal activities", 2)"you must stay at home" and 3) "you feel restricted in your school or professional activities". Studied variables were: depressive symptoms, suicidal attempt, sexual abuse, health perception in general, body satisfaction, desire to modify body shape, and disordered eating behavior (DEB) with restrictive or bulimic tendency. Controlling variables included socio-economic status (SES) as measured by both parent's level of education, gynecological age (age-age at menarche), academic track (student/apprentice) and age. Results: 12.4% (95% CI: 11.0-14) declared severe dysmenorrhea, 74.2% (95% CI: 71.8-76.5) mild to moderate dysmenorrhea and 13,4% (95% CI: 11.5-15.5) had no dysmenorrhea. Compared to their peers, controlling for confounding variables, subjects with SD were more numerous to report depressive symptoms (AOR: 1.73; 95% CI: 1.39-2.15), to feel in poor health (AOR: 1.44; 95% CI: 1.14-1.81). Moreover, the proportion of those reporting dissatisfaction with their body appearance was higher (AOR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.00-2.18). Conclusion: Patients with SD not only show a different profile than their peers in terms of their mental health and health perception, but also a distinct relation to their body. Therefore clinicians should pay particular attention to patients with SD and offer them a global evaluation keeping in mind what can be associated with SD.
BACKGROUND: Pathogen reduction of platelets (PRT-PLTs) using riboflavin and ultraviolet light treatment has undergone Phase 1 and 2 studies examining efficacy and safety. This randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) assessed the efficacy and safety of PRT-PLTs using the 1-hour corrected count increment (CCI(1hour) ) as the primary outcome. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A noninferiority RCT was performed where patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia (six centers) were randomly allocated to receive PRT-PLTs (Mirasol PRT, CaridianBCT Biotechnologies) or reference platelet (PLT) products. The treatment period was 28 days followed by a 28-day follow-up (safety) period. The primary outcome was the CCI(1hour) determined using up to the first eight on-protocol PLT transfusions given during the treatment period. RESULTS: A total of 118 patients were randomly assigned (60 to PRT-PLTs; 58 to reference). Four patients per group did not require PLT transfusions leaving 110 patients in the analysis (56 PRT-PLTs; 54 reference). A total of 541 on-protocol PLT transfusions were given (303 PRT-PLTs; 238 reference). The least square mean CCI was 11,725 (standard error [SE], 1.140) for PRT-PLTs and 16,939 (SE, 1.149) for the reference group (difference, -5214; 95% confidence interval, -7542 to -2887; p<0.0001 for a test of the null hypothesis of no difference between the two groups). CONCLUSION: The study failed to show noninferiority of PRT-PLTs based on predefined CCI criteria. PLT and red blood cell utilization in the two groups was not significantly different suggesting that the slightly lower CCIs (PRT-PLTs) did not increase blood product utilization. Safety data showed similar findings in the two groups. Further studies are required to determine if the lower CCI observed with PRT-PLTs translates into an increased risk of bleeding.
Aquest projecte es centra en el disseny d’una antena microstrip per a GNSS. Una antena per a GNSS ha de tenir adaptació de impedància d’entrada i polarització circular a dretes, com a principals especificacions, en el rang de 1.15-1.6 GHz. El tipus d’alimentació d’una antena microstrip amb el major ample de banda d’adaptació és l’alimentació mitjançant acoblament per apertura. Si a l’antena s’introdueixen dos apertures de forma ortogonal, alimentades amb un desfasament de 90º entre elles, s’aconsegueix polarització circular. L’opció de separar les apertures redueix la transferència de potència entre elles, i disminueix el guany de polarització creuada. La xarxa d’alimentació dissenyada és un divisor de Wilkinson amb una línia de λ/4 a la freqüència central, encara que el desfasament als extrems de la banda no sigui de 90º. Com a xarxa d’alimentació es va provar un hibrid de 90º, però l’elevat valor del paràmetre S21 de l’antena impossibilita l’adaptació a l’entrada del hibrid.
Pulmonary lesions compatible with adenovirus infection were detected by gross and microscopic examination of autopsy tissues children aged from 5 to 34 months. Hepatic lesions indicative of systemic infection were also found in four of the chisldren. The viral etiology was confirmed in three cases by in-situ hibridization, electro-microscopy and immunofluorescence performed in parafin-embedded tissues, and in one case by cell culture isolation of adenovirus type 2 from nasopharyngeal exudate. Routine testing by methods additional to conventional light microscopy would probably have revealed a larger number of adenovirus infections among the 1.103 autopsy records analyzed in this study.
Water-dispersible gold nanoparticles functionalized with paramagnetic gadolinium have been fully characterized, and the NMRD profiles show very high relaxivities up to 1.5 T. Characterization using TEM images and dynamic light scattering indicate a particle size distribution from 2 to 15 nm. The gold cores of the nanoparticles do not contribute significantly to the overall magnetic moment.
In correlative microscopy, light microscopy provides the overview and orientation of the complex cells and tissue, while electron microscopy offers the detailed localization and correlation of subcellular structures. In this chapter we offer detailed high-quality electron microscopical preparation methods for optimum preservation of the cellular ultrastructure. From such preparations serial thin sections are collected and used for comparative histochemical, immunofluorescence, and immunogold staining.In light microscopy histological stains identify the orientation of the sample and immunofluorescence labeling facilitates to find the region of interest, namely, the labeled cells expressing the macromolecule under investigation. Sections, labeled with immunogold are analyzed by electron microscopy in order to identify the label within the cellular architecture at high resolution.
Experimental infections of the phytophagous Hemiptera Dysdercus peruvianus with different trypanosomatids were studied for up to 55 days by light microscopy while the course of infection with Leptomonas seymouri and the Leptomonas isolate 49/553G.O. was analyzed by electron microscopy. Rates of infection of D. peruvianus varied according to the infecting flagellate. The lower part of the midgut was found to be the preferential site of colonization where most flagellates were found isolated or arranged in clumps or rosettes. Specialized junctional structures with host cells were never observed. Flagellates could also be seen inside midgut cells within a parasitophorous vacuole. Infection of haemocoele and salivary glands was also observed.
In less than half a century, allergy, originally perceived as a rare disease, has become a major public health threat, today affecting the lives of more than 60 million people in Europe, and probably close to one billion worldwide, thereby heavily impacting the budgets of public health systems. More disturbingly, its prevalence and impact are on the rise, a development that has been associated with environmental and lifestyle changes accompanying the continuous process of urbanization and globalization. Therefore, there is an urgent need to prioritize and concert research efforts in the field of allergy, in order to achieve sustainable results on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this most prevalent chronic disease of the 21st century.The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is the leading professional organization in the field of allergy, promoting excellence in clinical care, education, training and basic and translational research, all with the ultimate goal of improving the health of allergic patients. The European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) is a non-profit network of allergy, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) patients' organizations. In support of their missions, the present EAACI Position Paper, in collaboration with EFA, highlights the most important research needs in the field of allergy to serve as key recommendations for future research funding at the national and European levels.Although allergies may involve almost every organ of the body and an array of diverse external factors act as triggers, there are several common themes that need to be prioritized in research efforts. As in many other chronic diseases, effective prevention, curative treatment and accurate, rapid diagnosis represent major unmet needs. Detailed phenotyping/endotyping stands out as widely required in order to arrange or re-categorize clinical syndromes into more coherent, uniform and treatment-responsive groups. Research efforts to unveil the basic pathophysiologic pathways and mechanisms, thus leading to the comprehension and resolution of the pathophysiologic complexity of allergies will allow for the design of novel patient-oriented diagnostic and treatment protocols. Several allergic diseases require well-controlled epidemiological description and surveillance, using disease registries, pharmacoeconomic evaluation, as well as large biobanks. Additionally, there is a need for extensive studies to bring promising new biotechnological innovations, such as biological agents, vaccines of modified allergen molecules and engineered components for allergy diagnosis, closer to clinical practice. Finally, particular attention should be paid to the difficult-to-manage, precarious and costly severe disease forms and/or exacerbations. Nonetheless, currently arising treatments, mainly in the fields of immunotherapy and biologicals, hold great promise for targeted and causal management of allergic conditions. Active involvement of all stakeholders, including Patient Organizations and policy makers are necessary to achieve the aims emphasized herein.
Metabolic labeling techniques have recently become popular tools for the quantitative profiling of proteomes. Classical stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) uses pairs of heavy/light isotopic forms of amino acids to introduce predictable mass differences in protein samples to be compared. After proteolysis, pairs of cognate precursor peptides can be correlated, and their intensities can be used for mass spectrometry-based relative protein quantification. We present an alternative SILAC approach by which two cell cultures are grown in media containing isobaric forms of amino acids, labeled either with 13C on the carbonyl (C-1) carbon or 15N on backbone nitrogen. Labeled peptides from both samples have the same nominal mass and nearly identical MS/MS spectra but generate upon fragmentation distinct immonium ions separated by 1 amu. When labeled protein samples are mixed, the intensities of these immonium ions can be used for the relative quantification of the parent proteins. We validated the labeling of cellular proteins with valine, isoleucine, and leucine with coverage of 97% of all tryptic peptides. We improved the sensitivity for the detection of the quantification ions on a pulsing instrument by using a specific fast scan event. The analysis of a protein mixture with a known heavy/light ratio showed reliable quantification. Finally the application of the technique to the analysis of two melanoma cell lines yielded quantitative data consistent with those obtained by a classical two-dimensional DIGE analysis of the same samples. Our method combines the features of the SILAC technique with the advantages of isobaric labeling schemes like iTRAQ. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting as well as possible ways to improve it
Genetic determinants of blood pressure are poorly defined. We undertook a large-scale, gene-centric analysis to identify loci and pathways associated with ambulatory systolic and diastolic blood pressure. We measured 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in 2020 individuals from 520 white European nuclear families (the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study) and genotyped their DNA using the Illumina HumanCVD BeadChip array, which contains ≈50 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in >2000 cardiovascular candidate loci. We found a strong association between rs13306560 polymorphism in the promoter region of MTHFR and CLCN6 and mean 24-hour diastolic blood pressure; each minor allele copy of rs13306560 was associated with 2.6 mm Hg lower mean 24-hour diastolic blood pressure (P=1.2×10(-8)). rs13306560 was also associated with clinic diastolic blood pressure in a combined analysis of 8129 subjects from the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study, the CoLaus Study, and the Silesian Cardiovascular Study (P=5.4×10(-6)). Additional analysis of associations between variants in gene ontology-defined pathways and mean 24-hour blood pressure in the Genetic Regulation of Arterial Pressure of Humans in the Community Study showed that cell survival control signaling cascades could play a role in blood pressure regulation. There was also a significant overrepresentation of rare variants (minor allele frequency: <0.05) among polymorphisms showing at least nominal association with mean 24-hour blood pressure indicating that a considerable proportion of its heritability may be explained by uncommon alleles. Through a large-scale gene-centric analysis of ambulatory blood pressure, we identified an association of a novel variant at the MTHFR/CLNC6 locus with diastolic blood pressure and provided new insights into the genetic architecture of blood pressure.
1. Wind pollination is thought to have evolved in response to selection for mechanisms to promote pollination success, when animal pollinators become scarce or unreliable. We might thus expect wind-pollinated plants to be less prone to pollen limitation than their insect-pollinated counterparts. Yet, if pollen loads on stigmas of wind-pollinated species decline with distance from pollen donors, seed set might nevertheless be pollen-limited in populations of plants that cannot self-fertilize their progeny, but not in self-compatible hermaphroditic populations.2. Here, we test this hypothesis by comparing pollen limitation between dioecious and hermaphroditic (monoecious) populations of the wind-pollinated herb Mercurialis annua.3. In natural populations, seed set was pollen-limited in low-density patches of dioecious, but not hermaphroditic, M. annua, a finding consistent with patterns of distance-dependent seed set by females in an experimental array. Nevertheless, seed set was incomplete in both dioecious and hermaphroditic populations, even at high local densities. Further, both factors limited the seed set of females and hermaphrodites, after we manipulated pollen and resource availability in a common garden experiment.4. Synthesis. Our results are consistent with the idea that pollen limitation plays a role in the evolution of combined vs. separate sexes in M. annua. Taken together, they point to the potential importance of pollen transfer between flowers on the same plant (geitonogamy) by wind as a mechanism of reproductive assurance and to the dual roles played by pollen and resource availability in limiting seed set. Thus, seed set can be pollen-limited in sparse populations of a wind-pollinated species, where mates are rare or absent, having potentially important demographic and evolutionary implications.
Cell elongation during seedling development is antagonistically regulated by light and gibberellins (GAs). Light induces photomorphogenesis, leading to inhibition of hypocotyl growth, whereas GAs promote etiolated growth, characterized by increased hypocotyl elongation. The mechanism underlying this antagonistic interaction remains unclear. Here we report on the central role of the Arabidopsis thaliana nuclear transcription factor PIF4 (encoded by PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4) in the positive control of genes mediating cell elongation and show that this factor is negatively regulated by the light photoreceptor phyB (ref. 4) and by DELLA proteins that have a key repressor function in GA signalling. Our results demonstrate that PIF4 is destabilized by phyB in the light and that DELLAs block PIF4 transcriptional activity by binding the DNA-recognition domain of this factor. We show that GAs abrogate such repression by promoting DELLA destabilization, and therefore cause a concomitant accumulation of free PIF4 in the nucleus. Consistent with this model, intermediate hypocotyl lengths were observed in transgenic plants over-accumulating both DELLAs and PIF4. Destabilization of this factor by phyB, together with its inactivation by DELLAs, constitutes a protein interaction framework that explains how plants integrate both light and GA signals to optimize growth and development in response to changing environments.
OBJECTIVE: To genetically and phenotypically describe a new ADAM9 homozygous mutation in a consanguineous family from Egypt with autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy (arCRD), anterior polar and posterior subcapsular cataract. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The parents and their six children were included. They underwent a complete ophthalmic examination with fundus photography and optical coherence tomography (OCT). INTERVENTION: DNA was extracted from peripheral blood from all family members. Screening for mutations in genes known to be implicated in retinal disorders was done with the IROme, an in-solution enrichment array, followed by high-throughput sequencing. Validation of the results was done by bidirectional Sanger sequencing of ADAM9 exon 14, including exon-intron junctions. Screening of normal controls was done by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: arCRD was diagnosed in the mother and two of her children. Bilateral anterior polar and posterior subcapsular cataract was observed in the mother and bilateral dot cataract was diagnosed in three of the four children not affected with arCRD, one of whom also had glaucoma. The characteristics of the arCRD were childhood-onset visual impairment, reorganisation of the retinal pigment epithelium with mid-periphery greyish-white discolouration, attenuated retinal vasculatur and optic disc pallor. A coloboma-like macular lesion was observed in one of the arCRD-affected children. IROme analysis identified a c.1396-2A>G homozygous mutation in the splice acceptor site of intron 13 of ADAM9. This mutation was homozygous in the two children affected by arCRD and in their affected mother. This mutation was heterozygous in the unaffected father and the four unaffected children. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: We identified a novel autosomal recessive ADAM9 mutation causing arCRD in a consanguineous Egyptian family. The percentage of arCRD cases caused by mutation in ADAM9 remains to be determined. Few families are reported in the literature to date; hence extensive clinical descriptions of families with ADAM9 mutations are of significant importance.
Thirty-five species of Lutzomyia and two species of Brumptomyia were identified among 795 phlebotomines taken in light-traps near the upper reaches of the middle Rio Negro. The subgenus Psychodopygus predominated in number of species (11) and relative abundance (74-81% in light trap samples from the forest and 99% on human bait). For many of the species these records help to fill large gaps on current maps of distribution, and for others (L. olmeca nociva, L. mangabeirana, L. triacantha) the findings represent a significant expansion of their known range. A new species in the subgenus Psychodopygus (L. douradoi) is described from both sexes, and L. bettinii is recorded for the first time in Brazil.