989 resultados para 429
Egon Caesar Corti. Transl. from the German by Brian and Beatrix Lunn [[Elektronische Ressource]]
Serpentinites release at sub-arc depths volatiles and several fluid-mobile trace elements found in arc magmas. Constraining element uptake in these rocks and defining the trace element composition of fluids released upon serpentinite dehydration can improve our understanding of mass transfer across subduction zones and to volcanic arcs. The eclogite-facies garnet metaperidotite and chlorite harzburgite bodies embedded in paragneiss of the subduction melange from Cima di Gagnone derive from serpentinized peridotite protoliths and are unique examples of ultramafic rocks that experienced subduction metasomatism and devolatilization. In these rocks, metamorphic olivine and garnet trap polyphase inclusions representing the fluid released during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite and chlorite. Combining major element mapping and laser-ablation ICP-MS bulk inclusion analysis, we characterize the mineral content of polyphase inclusions and quantify the fluid composition. Silicates, Cl-bearing phases, sulphides, carbonates, and oxides document post-entrapment mineral growth in the inclusions starting immediately after fluid entrapment. Compositional data reveal the presence of two different fluid types. The first (type A) records a fluid prominently enriched in fluid-mobile elements, with Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb concentrations up to 10(3) PM (primitive mantle), similar to 10(2) PM Tit Ba, while Rb, B, Sr, Li, U concentrations are of the order of 10(1) PM, and alkalis are similar to 2 PM. The second fluid (type B) has considerably lower fluid-mobile element enrichments, but its enrichment patterns are comparable to type A fluid. Our data reveal multistage fluid uptake in these peridotite bodies, including selective element enrichment during seafloor alteration, followed by fluid-rock interaction along with subduction metamorphism in the plate interface melange. Here, infiltration of sediment-equilibrated fluid produced significant enrichment of the serpentinites in As, Sb, B, Pb, an enriched trace element pattern that was then transferred to the fluid released at greater depth upon serpentine dehydration (type A fluid). The type B fluid hosted by garnet may record the composition of the chlorite breakdown fluid released at even greater depth. The Gagnone study-case demonstrates that serpentinized peridotites acquire water and fluid-mobile elements during ocean floor hydration and through exchange with sediment-equilibrated fluids in the early subduction stages. Subsequent antigorite devolatilization at subarc depths delivers aqueous fluids to the mantle wedge that can be prominently enriched in sediment-derived components, potentially triggering arc magmatism without the need of concomitant dehydration/melting of metasediments or altered oceanic crust.
The jet activity emanating from Enceladus' exosphere south pole region observed by Cassini is a subject of intensive study. The in situ and remote sensing observations performed since 2005 triggered an active modeling campaign. Such modeling is essential for better understanding of the measurements performed by individual instruments as well as to link them for a more complete picture of the volatile and ice grain distribution in Enceladus' exosphere. This paper is focused on the investigation of the effect that diffuse gas sources along the Tiger Stripes have on distribution of the water vapor in Enceladus' exosphere using the updated version of our multiplume model. We have found that accounting for the gas production by Tiger Stripes is critical for interpretation of the Cassini data. According to our calculations, sources along the Tiger Stripes (apart from those originally identified by Spitale and Porco (2007)) must contribute about 23–32% to the total plume source rate, which varies in the range of (6.4–29) ×1027 s−1. The effect of the previously unidentified source suggested in the paper is found to be critical for explaining the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph 2007 and 2010 observations in the whole range of the elapsed times.
The choice of antihypertensive therapy in elderly Icelanders is unknown. In the database of the Icelandic Heart Association 1145 men, aged 70-84 were alive in 1994. Eight hundred thirty-four came to the Heart Association Clinic, 429 of whom either had hypertension or were found to be hypertensive on examination. The prevalence of hypertension in elderly Icelandic men was therefore about 50%. One hundred fifty-seven men took drugs for hypertension. Ninety-five of them were treated with a single drug, 49 with two drugs and five with three drugs. The type of drugs was unknown concerning eight men. Diuretics and ß-blockers were dominant. Although the comparison between those two classes of drugs was uncontrolled the blood pressure was significantly lower in systole on diuretics. The most common combination was ß-blockers and diuretics, then angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics, finally ß-blockers and calcium blockers. It is suggested that the use of diuretics should be increased in this age group.
Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.
Am Ende des Hitzesommers 2003 entdeckten Wanderer am Rande eines kleinen Eisfeldes erstmals prähistorische Objekte. Die Fundstelle liegt am Schnidejoch, einem alpinen Übergang, der das Simmental mit dem Rhônetal verbindet. Bis heute liegen von dieser außergewöhnlichen Fundstelle rund 900 Funde vom Neolithikum bis zum Mittelalter vor. Die Forschungen am Schnidejoch können auch als „Archäologie zwischen Gletschern und Gipfeln“ bezeichnet werden. Die Fundstelle befindet sich auf 2750 m Höhe und wird von der höchsten Erhebung der westlichen Berner Alpen, dem 3248 m hohen Wildhorn, überragt. Die ältesten Objekte werden in die Zeitspanne von 4800 bis 4300 v. Chr. datiert. Es handelt sich um Fragmente von Pfeilen und um eine Schale aus Ulmenholz. Weitere Leder- und Pfeilfragmente zeigen, dass der Pass auch in der zweiten Hälfte des 4. Jahrtausends v. Chr. benutzt wurde. Eine ganze Serie von Objekten stammt aus dem Zeitraum um 2800 v. Chr.: eine komplette Bogenausrüstung, bestehend aus Pfeilbogen, Bogensehne, Bogenfutteral, Pfeilschäften und Pfeilspitzen. Ebenfalls zu diesem Ensemble gehören Bekleidungsreste: Teile eines Grasumhangs, Schuhfragmente und ein Hosenbein aus Leder. Es ist wenig wahrscheinlich, dass die in den Bergen lebensnotwendige Bekleidung und die Bewaffnung einfach verloren wurden. Es ist deshalb zu vermuten, dass am Schnidejoch vor fast 5000 Jahren jemand zu Tode kam; eine Leiche wurde aber – anders als beim „Ötzi“ – nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise wurde die am Schnidejoch umgekommene Person geborgen und in einem zeitgleich errichteten Kollektivgrab im Tal bestattet.
People report suggested misinformation about a previously witnessed event for manifold reasons, such as social pressure, lack of memory of the original aspect, or a firm belief to remember the misinformation from the witnessed event. In our experiments (N = 429), which follow Loftus's paradigm, we tried to disentangle the reasons for reporting a central and a peripheral piece of misinformation in a recognition task by examining (a) the impact a warning about possible misinformation has on the error rate, and (b) whether once reported misinformation was actually attributed to the witnessed event in a later source-monitoring (SM) task. Overall, a misinformation effect was found for both items. The warning strongly reduced the misinformation effect, but only for the central item. In contrast, reports of the peripheral misinformation were correctly attributed to the misinformation source or, at least, ascribed to guesswork much more often than the central ones. As a consequence, after the SM task, the initially higher error rate for the peripheral item was even lower than that of the central item. Results convincingly show that the reasons for reporting misinformation, and correspondingly also the potential to avoid them in legal settings, depend on the centrality of the misinformation.
Vorbesitzer: Wilhelmus de Burgundia; Guillo Bernardi iunior; Robertus Axme; Johannes Jhors de Brugreriis; Johannes Mushunt de Fulda; Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
von F. A. G. Tholuck
Vorbesitzer: Jakob Heller; Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main; Christian Rhaban Ruhl; Jean Noe du Fay
Trägerbände: Inc. qu. 664 Bd. 3; Inc. qu. 1226; Inc. qu. 1248; Inc. oct. 120; Inc. oct. 236; Inc. oct. 321; Inc. oct. 429; Inc. oct. 441; Inc. oct. 442; 'Textus Sententiae'; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Trägerbände: Inc. qu. 664; Inc. oct. 212; Inc. oct. 321; Inc. oct. 366; Inc. oct. 429; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main