996 resultados para 357-M0070C


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Making a detour can be advantageous to a migrating bird if fuel-deposition rates at stopover sites along the detour are considerably higher than at stopover sites along a more direct route. One example of an extensive migratory detour is that of the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata), of which large numbers of juveniles are found during fall migration in western Alaska. These birds take a detour of 1500-3400 km from the most direct route between their natal range in northeastern Siberia and nonbreeding areas in Australia. We studied the autumnal fueling rates and fuel loads of 357 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers captured in western Alaska. In early September the birds increased in mass at a rate of only 0.5% of lean body mass day-1. Later in September, the rate of mass increase was about 6% of lean body mass day-1, among the highest values found among similar-sized shorebirds around the world. Some individuals more than doubled their body mass because of fuel deposition, allowing nonstop flight of between 7100 and 9800 km, presumably including a trans-oceanic flight to the southern hemisphere. Our observations indicated that predator attacks were rare in our study area, adding another potential benefit of the detour. We conclude that the most likely reason for the Alaskan detour is that it allows juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpipers to put on large fuel stores at exceptionally high rates.


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Background: Dietary calcium deficiency may be a risk factor for osteoporosis.

To estimate habitual calcium intakes and prevalence of calcium supplementation among free-living Australian women and validate a calcium-specific food-frequency questionnaire.

Calcium intakes for 1045 randomly selected women (20–92 years) were estimated by questionnaire which was tested against estimates from four day weighed records kept by 32 randomly selected women.

Results: The mean difference between calcium estimates was not statistically significantly different from zero (mean difference=121 mg; standard deviation of differences=357 mg; p>0.05). There was moderate agreement (weighted κ=0.4) between methods in ranking subjects into tertiles of calcium intake. Mean dietary calcium intakes were 615 mg/day for 20–54 years, 646 mg/day for 55–92 years and 782 mg/day for lactating women. Seventy-six per cent of women aged 20–54 years, 87% of older and 82% of lactating women had intakes below the recommended dietary intake (RDI). There was no association detected between calcium intake and age. Dairy foods provided 79.0% of dietary calcium intake. Calcium supplements were used by 6.6% and multivitamins by a further 4.3% of women. Supplementation was independent of dietary calcium intake and more likely used by postmenopausal women.

Our results suggest that 76% of women consume less than the RDI even when supplemental calcium is included. Furthermore, 14% have less than the minimal requirement of 300 mg/day and would, therefore, be in negative calcium balance and at risk of bone loss. Despite advertising campaigns promoting better nutrition and increased awareness of osteoporosis, many women are failing to achieve an adequate calcium intake.


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The role of religious leaders in promoting social cohesion and ‘shared security’ is increasingly being examined by scholars, as is the growing multifaith movement. The VIIIth World Assembly of Religions for Peace first proposed the notion of ‘shared security’ and the importance of religious leaders’ role in advancing such a concept in Kyoto 2006. A recent study, Managing the Impact of Global Crisis Events on Community Relations in Multicultural Australia (Bouma et al. 2007) has documented the impacts of international crisis events and discourses of exclusion on religiously diverse communities in Australia, in particular rising Islamophobia, migrantophobia and attacks on multiculturalism. Religious communities have been far from passive in their responses to the impact of these events initiating dialogue and educational activities to dispel negative stereotypes and attitudes. State actors, including police, have prioritized engagement with religious leaders resulting in a rise of state supported multifaith and secular-religious peacebuilding activities. This paper argues that, in response to global risks of terror and exclusion, secular-religious networks including religious leaders, state actors, educators and the media have the potential to advance ‘shared security’ in multifaith societies, by drawing on Australian experiences documented in the Global Crisis Events study.


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To determine the barriers to and enablers of engaging with specialist diabetes care and the service requirements of young adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus from a low socio-economic, multicultural region.

A cross-sectional survey targeted 357 young adults with Type 1 diabetes, aged 18-30 years. Participants completed questions about barriers/enablers to accessing diabetes care and service preferences, self-reported HbA(1c), plus measures of diabetes-related distress (Problem Areas in Diabetes), depression/anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and illness perceptions (Brief Illness Perceptions Questionnaire).

Eighty-six (24%) responses were received [55 (64%) female; mean ± sd age 24 ± 4 years; diabetes duration 12 ± 7 years; HbA(1c) 68 ± 16 mmol/mol (8.4 ± 1.5%)]. Logistical barriers to attending diabetes care were reported; for example, time constraints (30%), transportation (26%) and cost (21%). However, 'a previous unsatisfactory diabetes health experience' was cited as a barrier by 27%. Enablers were largely matched to overcoming these barriers. Over 90% preferred a multidisciplinary team environment, close to home, with after-hours appointment times. Forty per cent reported severe diabetes-related distress, 19% reported moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms and 50% reported moderate-to-severe anxiety.

Among these young adults with Type 1 diabetes, glycaemic control was suboptimal and emotional distress common. They had identifiable logistical barriers to accessing and maintaining contact with diabetes care services, which can be addressed with flexible service provision. A substantial minority were discouraged by previous unsatisfactory experiences, suggesting health providers need to improve their interactions with young adults. This research will inform the design of life-stage-appropriate diabetes services targeting optimal engagement, access, attendance and ultimately improved healthcare outcomes in this vulnerable population.


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Book review of John Kinsella's collection of fiction, Tide, 2013


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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between clinical macular changes and retinal function in age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

We recruited 357 participants with visual acuity of better than 20/60 in the study eye, including 64 individuals with normal fundi and 293 AMD participants classified into 12 subgroups based upon the International Classification and Grading System. Visual function in the study eye was assessed using two steady-state tests (achromatic 14 Hz flicker [F14Hz] and isoluminant blue color [BCT]) and two adaptation measurements (cone photo-stress recovery rate [CRR] and rod dark adaptation recovery rate [RRR]). The groups were compared on their average psychophysical measurements and ranked according to functional deficiency.

Both adaptation parameters were significantly abnormal when only hard and/or intermediate drusen were evident (compared to controls, P < 0.023) and yielded considerably worse outcomes in cases with more advanced fundus changes (P < 0.001), but provided limited ability to discriminate between these cases (linear trend, CRR t = 0.68, P = 0.50 and RRR t = 1.76, P = 0.08). Steady-state measurements, however, declined gradually along the entire hierarchy of fundus changes (linear trend, F14Hz t = 10.16, P < 0.001 and BCT t = 11.19, P < 0.001) with F14Hz being able to detect significant functional change as early as in the intermediate drusen group, when compared to controls (P = 0.003).

Steady state thresholds (F14Hz and BCT) and clinical signs showed significant concordance across the spectrum of early AMD fundus changes. This suggests that these tests may be an effective tool for monitoring progression of AMD to supplement clinical grading.


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Excess dietary salt is a leading risk for health. Multiple health, government, industry and community organisations have identified the need to reduce consumption of dietary salt. This project seeks to implement and evaluate a community-based salt reduction intervention.


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Little controlled data exist on the treatment of substance induced psychotic disorders. In this study, 30 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for cannabis induced psychotic disorder were randomly allocated to receive either olanzapine or haloperidol in a 4-week double-blind clinical trial. There were no significant outcome differences between the two groups on any of the primary outcome measures, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (haloperidol 25.7; olanzapine 27.1; P = 0.70); Clinical Global Impression (CGI) severity scale (haloperidol 1.8, olanzapine 2.3; P = 0.21) or the CGI improvement scale (haloperidol 1.3, olanzapine 1.7; P = 0.16). The haloperidol group however, developed significantly more extrapyramidal side-effects as measured by the Simpson Angus Scale (haloperidol 11.4, olanzapine 2.5; P = 0.014). Significantly (P = 0.027) more biperidin was used for extrapyramidal side-effects in the haloperidol (7.143 mg) than in the olanzapine (0.357 mg) group. Olanzapine appears to be as effective as haloperidol in the treatment of cannabis induced psychotic disorder, but is associated with a lower rate of extrapyramidal side-effects.


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In contrast to well-studied Northern Hemisphere birds with spatially and temporally predictable seasonal migrations, waterbirds in desert biomes face major challenges in exploiting stochastic, rich, yet short-lived resource pulses in vast arid landscapes, leading to the evolution of nomadic behaviour. An extreme example is the banded stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus), an opportunistic colonial breeder at remote inland salt lakes after infrequent rain events. Using satellite telemetry on 21 birds (tracked for a mean of 196.2 days), we reveal extensive, rapid and synchronized movement among individuals to and from salt lakes. Two birds left coastal refugia for the inland following rain, flying 1000-2000 km, while 12 others rapidly moved a mean of 684 km (range 357-1298 km) away from drying inland sites to the coast. Two individuals moved longitudinally across the continent, departing and arriving at the same points, yet travelling very different routes; one bird moving more than 2200 km in less than 2.5 days, the other more than 1500 km in 6 days. Our findings reveal movements nearly twice as long and rapid as recorded in other desert waterbirds. We reveal capability to rapidly detect and exploit ephemeral wetland resource pulses across the stochastic Australian desert.


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Background Evaluation for obesity management in primary care is limited, and successful outcomes are from intensive clinical trials in hospital settings.

Aim To determine to what extent measures of success seen in intensive clinical trials can be achieved in routine primary care. Primary outcome measures were weight change and percentage of patients achieving ≤5% loss at 12 and 24 months.

Design of study Prospective evaluation of a new continuous improvement model for weight management in primary care.

Setting Primary care, UK.

Method Primary care practice nurses from 65 UK general practices delivered interventions to 1906 patients with body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2 or ≥28 kg/m2 with obesity-related comorbidities.

Results Mean baseline weight was 101.2 kg (BMI 37.1 kg/m2); 25% of patients had BMI ≥40 kg/m2 and 74% had ≥1 major obesity-related comorbidity. At final data capture 1419 patients were in the programme for ≥12 months, and 825 for ≥24 months. Mean weight change in those who attended and had data at 12 months (n = 642) was −3.0 kg (95% CI = −3.5 to −2.4 kg) and at 24 months (n = 357) was −2.3 kg (95% CI = −3.2 to −1.4 kg). Among attenders at specific time-points, 30.7% had maintained weight loss of ≥5% at 12 months, and 31.9% at 24 months. A total of 761 (54%) of all 1419 patients who had been enrolled in the programme for >12 months provided data at or beyond 12 months.

Conclusion This intervention achieves and maintains clinically valuable weight loss within routine primary care.


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This paper investigates the income inequality generated by a jobsearch process when di§erent cohorts of homogeneous workers are allowed to have di§erent degrees of impatience. Using the fact the average wage under the invariant Markovian distribution is a decreasing function of the discount factor (Cysne (2004, 2006)), I show that the Lorenz curve and the between-cohort Gini coe¢ cient of income inequality can be easily derived in this case. An example with arbitrary measures regarding the wage o§ers and the distribution of time preferences among cohorts provides some insights into how much income inequality can be generated, and into how it varies as a function of the probability of unemployment and of the probability that the worker does not Önd a job o§er each period.


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In a market where past-sales embed information about consumers’ tastes (quality), we analyze the seller’s incentives to invest in a costly advertising campaign to report them under two informational assumptions. In the …rst scenario, a pooling equilibrium with past-sales advertising is derived. Information revelation only occurs when the seller bene…ciates from the herding behaviour that the advertising campaign induces on the part of consumers. In the second informational regime, a separating equilibrium with past-sales advertising is computed. Information revelation always happens, either through prices or through costly advertisements.