960 resultados para 304.6021
Most models designed to study the bidirectional movement of cargos as they are driven by molecular motors rely on the idea that motors of different polarities can be coordinated by external agents if arranged into a motor-cargo complex to perform the necessary work Gross, Hither and yon: a review of bidirectional microtubule-based transport (Gross in Phys. Biol. 1:R1-R11, 2004). Although these models have provided us with important insights into these phenomena, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the mechanisms through which the movement of the complex takes place on crowded microtubules. For example (i) how does cargo-binding affect motor motility? and in connection with that-(ii) how does the presence of other motors (and also other cargos) on the microtubule affect the motility of the motor-cargo complex? We discuss these questions from a different perspective. The movement of a cargo is conceived here as a hopping process resulting from the transference of cargo between neighboring motors. In the light of this, we examine the conditions under which cargo might display bidirectional movement even if directed by motors of a single polarity. The global properties of the model in the long-time regime are obtained by mapping the dynamics of the collection of interacting motors and cargos into an asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) which can be resolved using the matrix ansatz introduced by Derrida (Derrida and Evans in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension, pp. 277-304, 1997; Derrida et al. in J. Phys. A 26: 1493-1517, 1993).
Polyaniline is a conducting polymer with appealing electrical and optical properties, arising from the -conjugation along the polymer backbone. The understanding of its excited state absorption is of prime importance for designing and fabricating optical devices. Here, we report on the study of the excited state absorption of doped and undoped PANI by using femtosecond pulses in the spectral range from 450nm up to 850nm. For undoped PANI, we observed saturation of absorption as well as reverse saturable absorption, depending on the excitation wavelength. For doped PANI, however, only saturable absorption was observed.
The Punta del Este Terrane (eastern Uruguay) lies in a complex Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) orogenic zone considered to contain a suture between South American terranes to the west of Major Gercino-Sierra Ballena Suture Zone and eastern African affinities terranes. Zircon cores from Punta del Este Terrane basement orthogneisses have U-Pb ages of ca. 1,000 Ma, which indicate an lineage with the Namaqua Belt in Southwestern Africa. U-Pb zircon ages also provide the following information on the Punta del Este terrane: the orthogneisses containing the ca. 1,000 Ma inheritance formed at ca. 750 Ma; in contrast to the related terranes now in Africa, reworking of the Punta del Este Terrane during Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenesis was very intense, reaching granulite facies at ca. 640 Ma. The termination of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is marked by formation of acid volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks at ca. 570 Ma (Sierra de Aguirre Formation), formation of late sedimentary basins (San Carlos Formation) and then intrusion at ca. 535 Ma of post-tectonic granitoids (Santa Teresa and Jos, Ignacio batholiths). The Punta del Este Terrane and unrelated western terranes represented by the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Rio de La Plata Craton were in their present positions by ca. 535 Ma.
This paper describes the first phase of a project attempting to construct an efficient general-purpose nonlinear optimizer using an augmented Lagrangian outer loop with a relative error criterion, and an inner loop employing a state-of-the art conjugate gradient solver. The outer loop can also employ double regularized proximal kernels, a fairly recent theoretical development that leads to fully smooth subproblems. We first enhance the existing theory to show that our approach is globally convergent in both the primal and dual spaces when applied to convex problems. We then present an extensive computational evaluation using the CUTE test set, showing that some aspects of our approach are promising, but some are not. These conclusions in turn lead to additional computational experiments suggesting where to next focus our theoretical and computational efforts.
We have demonstrated previously that the complex bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine-N,N`]copper(II), named [Cu(isaepy)(2)], induces AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)-dependent/p53-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells by targeting mitochondria. In the present study, we found that p38(MAPK) (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) is the molecular link in the phosphorylation cascade connecting AMPK to p53. Transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a dominant-negative mutant of AMPK resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and a significant reduction in phospho-active p38(MAPK) and p53. Similarly, reverse genetics of p38(MAPK) yielded a reduction in p53 and a decrease in the extent of apoptosis, confirming an exclusive hierarchy of activation that proceeds via AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53. Fuel supplies counteracted [Cu(isaepy)(2)]-induced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 activation, with glucose being the most effective, suggesting a role for energetic imbalance in [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity. Co-administration of 3BrPA (3-bromopyruvate), a well-known inhibitor of glycolysis, and succinate dehydrogenase, enhanced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 signalling pathway activation. Under these conditions, no toxic effect was observed in SOD (superoxide dismutase)-overexpressing SH-SY5Y cells or in PCNs (primary cortical neurons), which are, conversely, sensitized to the combined treatment with [Cu(isaepy)(2)] and 3BrPA only if grown in low-glucose medium or incubated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor dehydroepiandrosterone. Overall, the results suggest that NADPH deriving from the pentose phosphate pathway contributes to PCN resistance to [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity and propose its employment in combination with 3BrPA as possible tool for cancer treatment.
The analysis of the IR carbonyl band of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl p-substituted acetophenones p-Y-Ph-C(O)CH(SO(2)Me)[P(O)(OEt)(2)] (Y = OMe 1, H 2, F 3, Cl 4, Br 5 and NO(2) 6) supported by HF/6-31G(d,p) ab initio calculations of the alpha-methylsulfonyl-alpha-diethoxyphosphoryl acetophenone 2, indicated the existence of a single stable cl conformer in gas phase and in solvents of increasing polarity, along with the presence of second less stable conformation in gas phase. The cl conformer present the (SO(2)Me) group and the [P(O)(OEt(2))] groups in a syn-clinal (gauche) geometry and is stabilised through of the 0(`60)... P(%), 01NO(owl Crco), ONO)... C(,C*.), 060)... S(`S`02.,) and 0(`S-02) q o) electronic interactions 08along with H(8S*o2M,). 0(660). HU(5C_H2)lP0Erl- 0(8so2m), H(6 +Ph)- - - (co) and H(8o+`-Ph). 0( `Po) intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The almost co nstant negative carbonyl frequency shifts (Av) for the title compounds 1-6 with respect to the parent acetophenones 7-14 corroborates the prevalence of the electronic interactions over the -l(y inductive effect of the ot-substituents for the title compounds and gives strong support for the existence of the crossed 0`(`C-O)... S`(1S+02m,) and 0(""S-02) C(`C+O) (charge transfer and electrostatic); 08-) (co P(`i o) and 01`M-OFt)l C(` o), (electrostatic) interactions. 0 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amino acids and self assembled monolayers (SAM`s) have been studied as to their inhibiting action on the corrosion of metallic materials. The objective of work is to study the electrochemical behavior of the cisteincisteine, the diphosfonate and the mixture of both in inhibiting the action of corrosion on stainless steel 304 in HCl 1 molL(-1). As the following techniques were used: open circuit potential (OCP), potenciostatic anodic polarization (A P), chronoamperomeny (CA), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and optical microscopy (OM). The results of CA showed that cisteine has a double effect, catalytic and inhibiting, in function of the immersion time of the metallic part in the electrolytic solution. AP curves have shown lesser current density for the system containing cisteine diphosfonate suggesting an inhibiting synergic action. These results have been confirmed by EIS and OM.
Polynorbonerne with high molecular weight was obtained via ring opening metathesis polymerization using catalysts derived from [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2) L] (1 for L = PPh(2) Bz; 2 for L = piperidine) type of complexes when in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate in CHCl(3). The polymer precipitated within a few minutes at 50 degrees C when using 1 with ca. 50% yield ([NBE]/[Ru] = 5000). Regarding 2, for either 30 min at 25 C or 5 min at 50 degrees C, more than 90% of yields are obtained; and at 50 C for 30 min a quantitative yield is obtained. The yield and PDI values are sensitive to the [NBE]/[Ru] ratio. The reaction of 1 with either isonicotinamide or nicotinamide produces six-coordinated complexes of [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2)(L)(2)] type, which are almost inactive and produce only small amounts of polymers at 50 C for 30 min. Thus, we Concluded that the novel complexes show very distinct reactivities for ROMP of NBE. This has been rationalized on account of a combination of synergistic effects of the phosphine-amine ancillary ligands. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån lösdrivarprotokoll från stadsfiskalen i Östersund att kartlägga och utforska lösdriveriet i Östersund under åren 1885-1899. Dessa protokoll har sammanställts för att kunna besvara frågor om lösdriveriets omfattning i staden, lösdrivarnas demografi, omständigheterna kring deras fasttagande och mantalsskrivningsort. Uppsatsens resultat har också, i en komparativ del, satts i relation till studier över lösdrivarsituationen i andra städer under den aktuella tiden, för att på så sätt jämföra Östersunds lösdriveri i förhållande till andra delar av Sverige.Resultatet visar att totalt 304 fall av lösdriveri finns dokumenterat i Östersund under den aktuella tiden, och den största andelen anhölls mellan åren 1889-1893. En stor majoritet av lösdrivarna var män, kvinnorna utgör endast 9 procent av Östersunds lösdrivare. Medelåldern var strax under 36 år och det vanligaste yrket var arbetare. Studien visar att den geografiska spridningen av lösdrivarna mantalsskrivningsort var stor och nästintill alla Sveriges län finns representerade.
Media representations of ethnicity- and migration-related issues within the elderly care in Sweden and Finland Research on welfare regimes and migration regimes has shown that Sweden and Finland have similar elderly care regimes but different migration regimes. It is against this backdrop that we set out to study what Swedish and Finnish daily press focusing on elderly care has written about ethnic minorities, migrants and migration. The study uses quantitative content analysis to analyze 241 daily newspaper articles published between 1995 and 2008. This article presents the themes that have been discussed, the elderly care actors that have been in focus (i.e. whether the focus has been on elderly care recipients, elderly care providers or informal caregivers), the ethnic backgrounds that these actors have had (i.e. whether the focus has been on the ethnic majority or on ethnic minorities) and the type of explanatory frameworks that the newspaper articles in focus have used. On the basis of this, we problematize the representations of ethnic minorities, migrants and migration that the newspaper articles in question put forth and the fact that the Swedish and Finnish daily press treats the issues at hand as if migration is mostly an issue that can be relegated to the periphery of the elderly care sectors’ agenda.
A crucial concern in the evaluation of evidence related to a major crime is the formulation of sufficient alternative plausible scenarios that can explain the available evidence. However, software aimed at assisting human crime investigators by automatically constructing crime scenarios from evidence is difficult to develop because of the almost infinite variation of plausible crime scenarios. This paper introduces a novel knowledge driven methodology for crime scenario construction and it presents a decision support system based on it. The approach works by storing the component events of the scenarios instead of entire scenarios and by providing an algorithm that can instantiate and compose these component events into useful scenarios. The scenario composition approach is highly adaptable to unanticipated cases because it allows component events to match the case under investigation in many different ways. Given a description of the available evidence, it generates a network of plausible scenarios that can then be analysed to devise effective evidence collection strategies. The applicability of the ideas presented here are demonstrated by means of a realistic example and prototype decision support software.
NOGUEIRA, Elaine Cristina de Oliveira Rocha. Sentidos do exercício da liderança por mulheres executivas. 2012. 79f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)-Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2012.
Censo da produção de flores e plantas ornamentais no Rio Grande do Sul : Brasil na virada do milênio
A Floricultura é um setor do agronegócio gaúcho que tem propiciado o crescimento econômico e social do Estado. Com o objetivo de trazer subsídios para o desenvolvimento da produção de Flores e Plantas Ornamentais (FPO) no Rio Grande do Sul e para a organização de sua Cadeia Produtiva, foi realizado em 2000 o levantamento da produção, com abrangência a nível de Estado. Foram registradas 560 Unidades Produtivas (UP), distribuídas em 133 municípios gaúchos. Com os resultados obtidos, foi desenvolvido o Cadastro Eletrônico dos Produtores de Flores e Plantas Ornamentais do RS – 2000, um banco de dados em compact disc (CD), contendo a lista de plantas e produtos sob produção, com respectivos nomes e endereços das UPs de FPO do Estado. Comparando os dados de 2000 com os do censo realizado em 1996, a área de cultivo aumentou de 304 para 609 ha, com módulo médio de produção de 1,09 ha. Acompanhando a expansão de área de cultivo, o volume de produção de todas as categorias de produtos foi superior em 2000. Os resultados demonstram uma forte demanda em assistência técnica especializada e a necessidade de melhorar a capacitação profissional da mão-de-obra de apoio.