960 resultados para 2,2 dimethyl 2h 1 chromene 6 carboxylic acid
BACKGROUND: Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal peptide hormone (a 28-amino acid peptide) produced primarily by X/A cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach fundus and cells lining the duodenum cavern. It suppresses insulin secretion and action and commands a significant role in regulating food intake. The aim of the present study was to show that modified laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (MLSG), in which a significant part of the gastric fundus and body of the stomach is removed up to 1 inch from the pylorus vein, may contribute to decreasing circulating ghrelin levels. METHODS: A study population consisting of 150 individuals was monitored after undergoing a MLSG, with individuals chosen based on a documented history of diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome, clinical results determining a body mass index (BMI) of 35 to 60 kg/m(2), peptide C level greater than 1, negative anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase, negative anti-insulin, and confirmed stability of drug/insulin treatment and glycosylated hemoglobin greater than 6.5% for at least 24 and 3 months, respectively, before enrollment. RESULTS: Twenty-four months after surgery, 150 patients (86.6%) presented with normal glycemic levels between 77 and 99 mg/dL. All patients improved average serum insulin levels by 9 mU/L and average glycosylated hemoglobin levels by 5.1% (normal range, 4%-6%). All patients tested negative for Helicobacter pylori and stopped using insulin, with 3 patients prescribed twice-daily use of an oral hypoglycemiant. In 14% of cases, patients experienced partial hair loss with low serum zinc levels and were prescribed oral zinc reposition and topical hair stimulants. The average weight loss recorded was 44.6% for patients with a BMI less than 45 kg/m(2) and 58% for patients with a BMI greater than 50 kg/m(2). CONCLUSIONS: The MLSG is a safe procedure with a low morbidity rate (2.7%) (4 cases of fistula and 2 of bleeding) and no surgical mortality in this study. This surgery can promote control of diabetes mellitus type 2 and aid the treatment of exogenous overweight and morbidly obese individuals. The results of this study show that only through resection of the ghrelin-producing gastric area can most obesity cases and diabetes type II conditions be reverted to nonobese and controlled diabetes. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aim: To assess the immediate influence of dentine bonding systems (DBS) associated with 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on glass-fibre post-bond strength to root dentine, in terms of coronal, middle and apical thirds. Methodology: Sixty bovine roots were root filled and randomly assigned to 1 of 6 groups (n = 10): SBMP (3-step etch-and-rinse system, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose), SB (2-step etch-and-rinse system, Single Bond 2), SE (2-step self-etching system, Clearfil SE Bond) and SBMP-CHX, SB-CHX and SE-CHX, respectively, associated with CHX. For all groups, a glassfibre post was luted with a dual-cure resin cement, RelyX ARC. After 7-day storage, specimens were subjected to the push-out test. Failure modes were analysed under optical microscopy (40x). Bond strength values were statistically analysed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests (P < 0.05). Results: The effect of DBS was significant (P < 0.05), and SE reached higher bond strength in comparison with the other DBS tested. CHX association did not show improvement with any DBS (P > 0.05); rather, it negatively affected SE, which was detected for all thirds. There was no difference between thirds (P > 0.05), except for the SE-CHX, which presented lower values for the apical third (P < 0.05). Adhesive cement/dentine adhesive failure was predominant for all groups. CHX did not influence the failure mode for any DBS (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The performance of the dentine bonding systems was material dependent. CHX did not improve immediate bond strength; however, CHX negatively affected the bond strength of the self-etching system, especially in the third apical
Abstract Background Metastasis is the main factor responsible for death in breast cancer patients. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, known as tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), and the membrane-associated MMP inhibitor (RECK), are essential for the metastatic process. We have previously shown a positive correlation between MMPs and their inhibitors expression during breast cancer progression; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this coordinate regulation remain unknown. In this report, we investigated whether TGF-β1 could be a common regulator for MMPs, TIMPs and RECK in human breast cancer cell models. Methods The mRNA expression levels of TGF-β isoforms and their receptors were analyzed by qRT-PCR in a panel of five human breast cancer cell lines displaying different degrees of invasiveness and metastatic potential. The highly invasive MDA-MB-231 cell line was treated with different concentrations of recombinant TGF-β1 and also with pharmacological inhibitors of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. The migratory and invasive potential of these treated cells were examined in vitro by transwell assays. Results In general, TGF-β2, TβRI and TβRII are over-expressed in more aggressive cells, except for TβRI, which was also highly expressed in ZR-75-1 cells. In addition, TGF-β1-treated MDA-MB-231 cells presented significantly increased mRNA expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, TIMP-2 and RECK. TGF-β1 also increased TIMP-2, MMP-2 and MMP-9 protein levels but downregulated RECK expression. Furthermore, we analyzed the involvement of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2, representing two well established Smad-independent pathways, in the proposed mechanism. Inhibition of p38MAPK blocked TGF-β1-increased mRNA expression of all MMPs and MMP inhibitors analyzed, and prevented TGF-β1 upregulation of TIMP-2 and MMP-2 proteins. Moreover, ERK1/2 inhibition increased RECK and prevented the TGF-β1 induction of pro-MMP-9 and TIMP-2 proteins. TGF-β1-enhanced migration and invasion capacities were blocked by p38MAPK, ERK1/2 and MMP inhibitors. Conclusion Altogether, our results support that TGF-β1 modulates the mRNA and protein levels of MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-9) as much as their inhibitors (TIMP-2 and RECK). Therefore, this cytokine plays a crucial role in breast cancer progression by modulating key elements of ECM homeostasis control. Thus, although the complexity of this signaling network, TGF-β1 still remains a promising target for breast cancer treatment.
OBJECTIVE: This study sought to compare the effects and outcomes of two ophthalmic viscosurgical devices, 1.6% hyaluronic acid/4.0% chondroitin sulfate and 2.0% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, during phacoemulsification. METHODS: This prospective, randomized clinical trial comprised 78 eyes (39 patients) that received phacoemulsification performed by the same surgeon using a standardized technique. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either 1.6% hyaluronic acid/4.0% chondroitin sulfate or 2.0% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose on the first eye. The other eye was treated later and received the other viscoelastic agent. Preoperative and postoperative examinations (5, 24 and 48 hours; 7 and 14 days; 3 and 6 months) included measurements of the total volume of the ophthalmic viscosurgical device, ultrasound and washout times to completely remove the ophthalmic viscosurgical device, intraocular pressure, central corneal thickness and best-corrected visual acuity. The corneal endothelial cell count was measured at baseline and at six months postoperatively. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01387620. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of cataract density or ultrasound time. However, it took longer to remove 2.0% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose than 1.6% hyaluronic acid/ 4.0% chondroitin sulfate, and the amount of viscoelastic material used was greater in the 2.0% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose group. In addition, the best-corrected visual acuity was significantly better in the hyaluronic acid/ chondroitin sulfate group, but this preferable outcome was only observed at 24 hours after the operation. There were no statistically significant differences between the two ophthalmic viscosurgical devices regarding the central corneal thickness or intraocular pressure measurements at any point in time. The corneal endothelial cell count was significantly higher in the hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulfate group. CONCLUSION: The ophthalmic viscosurgical device consisting of 1.6% hyaluronic acid/4.0% chondroitin sulfate was more efficient during phacoemulsification and was easier to remove after IOL implantation than 2.0% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. In addition, the corneal endothelial cell count was significantly higher following the use of hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulfate than with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, which promoted an improved level of corneal endothelium protection.
In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit erfolgte die Beobachtung von Eisströmen und Schelfeisen an der Küste der Amundsen See in der West-Antarktis, unter Verwendung von ERS-SAR-Amplitudenbildprodukten. Bestandteile dieser Beobachtung waren die Erstellung eines Gletscherinventares, die Erstellung von Multitemporalbildern, die Auswertung von Veränderungen der Eisfronpositionen und - schwerpunktmäßig - die Bestimmung von Eisfließgeschwindigkeiten und deren räumlicher und zeitlicher Vergleich.
Cancer is a multi-step process in which both the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes alter the normal cellular programs to a state of proliferation and growth. The regulation of a number of tumor suppressor genes and the mechanism underlying the tumor suppression have been intensively studied. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2, the human homologues of Drosophila lgl are shown to be down-regulated in a variety of cancers including breast, colon, lung and melanoma, but the mechanism responsible for loss of expression is not yet known. The regulation of gene expression is influenced by factors inducing or repressing transcription. The present study was focused on the identification and characterization of the active promoters of Hugl-1 and Hugl-2. Further, the regulation of the promoter and functional consequences of this regulation by specific transcription factors was analyzed. Experiments to delineate the function of the mouse homologue of Hugl-2, mgl2 using transgenic mice model were performed. This study shows that the active promoter for both Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 is located 1000bp upstream of transcription start sites. The study also provides first insight into the regulation of Hugl-2 by an important EMT transcriptional regulator, Snail. Direct binding of Snail to four E-boxes present in Hugl-2 promoter region results in repression of Hugl-2 expression. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 plays pivotal role in establishment and maintenance of cell polarity in a diversity of cell types and organisms. Loss of epithelial cell polarity is a prerequisite for cancer progression and metastasis and is an important step in inducing EMT in cells. Regulation of Hugl-2 by Snail suggests one of the initial events towards loss of epithelial cell polarity during Snail-mediated EMT. Another important finding of this study is the induction of Hugl-2 expression can reverse the Snail-driven EMT. Inducing Hugl-2 in Snail expressing cells results in the re-expression of epithelial markers E-cadherin and Cytokeratin-18. Further, Hugl-2 also reduces the rate of tumor growth, cell migration and induces the epithelial phenotype in 3D culture model in cells expressing Snail. Studies to gain insight into the signaling pathways involved in reversing Snail-mediated EMT revealed that induction of Hugl-2 expression interferes with the activation of extracellular receptor kinase, Erk. Functional aspects of mammalian lgl in vivo was investigated by establishing mgl2 conditional knockout mice. Though disruption of mgl2 gene in hepatic tissues did not alter the growth and development, ubiquitous disruption of mgl2 gene causes embryonic lethality which is evident by the fact that no mgl2-/- mice were born.
Von aromatischen Aldehyden abgeleitete α-Aminonitrile können ohne die Anwendung von Schutzgruppen in α-Position deprotoniert werden, wenn keine lithiumhaltigen Basen verwendet werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Reaktionen deprotonierter α-Aminonitrile mit Elektrophilen zu untersuchen. Die Addition von α-Aminocarbanionen an Imine führt unter intramolekularer Eliminierung von HCN zu Endiaminen, die sich in einer Eintopfsynthese abhängig von der Aufarbeitung in 1,2-Diamine oder 1,2-Diimine umwandeln lassen. Die nach Oxidation durch Luftsauerstoff erhaltenen Diimine können mit dem Reduktionsmittel BH3·THF diastereoselektiv reduziert werden. Es hat sich hier gezeigt, dass durch Zugabe einer katalytischen Menge an NaBH4 hauptsächlich die syn-Diamine erhalten werden, der Zusatz von Phthalsäure wiederum liefert bevorzugt die anti-Produkte. In beiden Fällen wird das Produkt in quantitativer Ausbeute erhalten. So konnte also eine effektive diastereoselektive Reduktionsmethode entwickelt werden, die eine freie Wahl der syn- oder anti-Konfiguration ermöglicht. Um enantiomerenreine 1,2-Diamine zu erhalten, wurden verschiedene Methoden getestet. Sowohl auxiliargesteuerte Synthesen mit einem N-Glycosyl-Aminonitril oder mit chiralen Sulfinyliminen als auch die Reduktion durch chirale Borverbindungen (CBS-Katalysatoren, Triacyloxyborhydrid oder Diisopinocamphenylboran), Transferhydrierungen mit chiralen Difluortitanocen-, Noyori- oder Organophosphat-Katalysatoren sowie enantioselektive Hydrierungen mit chiralen Übergangsmetall-katalysatoren waren jedoch nicht erfolgreich. Die Umsetzung der 1,2-Diimine mit Chlormethylethern oder -estern liefert die entsprechenden unsymmetrischen Imidazoliumsalze. Diese konnten zu N-heterocyclischen Carbenen deprotoniert und erfolgreich als Liganden in Suzuki- und Heck-Reaktionen eingesetzt werden. Durch die 1,2-Addition α-deprotonierter Streckerprodukte und anschließende Reduktion im Eintopfverfahren konnten 1,2-Aminoalkohole in mäßigen bis guten Ausbeuten dargestellt werden. Die Umsetzung von α-Aminocarbanionen mit N-Acyliminen erlaubt zudem die Synthese tetrasubstituierter Imidazole und trisubstituierter Oxazole in drei beziehungsweise vier Stufen: Die zunächst gebildeten α-Amino-α-acylaminopropionitrile können isoliert und in Gegenwart von Base einer Retro-Strecker-Reaktion unterworfen werden. Abhängig vom Substitutionsmuster schließt sich in manchen Fällen nach der Eliminierung von HCN direkt die Cyclisierung zum Imidazol an. Nicht cyclisierte Intermediate lassen sich durch Dehydratisierung mit PCl5 zu Imidazolen umsetzen, aber auch unter sauren Bedingungen zu α-Acylaminoketonen hydrolysieren, welche wiederum durch Einwirkung von PCl5 in Oxazole überführt werden können. Auf diese Weise wurden Imidazole und Oxazole in moderaten bis hohen Gesamtausbeuten hergestellt.
Carboline sind eine große Gruppe von natürlich vorkommenden Alkaloiden, die eine tricyclische Pyrido[b]indol-Ringstruktur gemeinsam habe. Das breite Spektrum biologischer Eigenschaften dieser Verbindungsklasse macht sie zu einem interessanten Syntheseziel. Die größte Herausforderung in der Darstellung von Carbolinen ist die regioselektive Funktionalisierung an den aromatischen Positionen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte ein A ABC-Zugang zu beta- und gamma-Carbolinen entwickelt werden, dessen Schlüsselschritt der Aufbau des Carbolin-Gerüsts durch eine übergangsmetall-katalysierte [2+2+2]-Cycloaddition von 1,6-Diin-Einheiten und Nitrilen ist. Die benötigten Diin-Einheiten wurden in wenigen Schritten ausgehend von 2-Iodanilin durch eine Reaktionssequenz aus Sonogashira-Reaktion mit terminalen Alkinen, N-Tosylierung und N-Ethinylierung mit Alkinyliodonium-Salzen synthetisiert. Eine flexible Funktionalisierung dieser Diine wurde durch palladium-katalysierte sp2-sp-Kreuzkupplungsreaktionen der terminalen Alkine mit Aryl- und Alkenylhalogeniden erreicht. Cp*RuCl- und [Rh(cod)2]BF4/BINAP-katalysierte [2+2+2]-Cycloadditionen der 1,6-Diine mit elektronenarmen Nitrilen lieferte in hoher Regioselektivität beta- oder gamma-Carboline. In Übereinstimmung mit literaturbekannten übergangsmetall-katalysierten [2+2+2]-Cycloadditionen konnte dabei eine starke Abhängigkeit von sterischen und elektronischen Faktoren beobachtet werden. Um das Potential dieser Methode zu demonstrieren, wurde der Einsatz der [2+2+2]-Cycloaddition in Totalsynthese von Lavendamycin untersucht. Lavendamycin, ein aus Bakterien stammendes Chinochinolin-substituiertes beta-Carbolin mit antimikrobieller und signifikanter Antitumor-Aktivität, wurde ausgehend von Hydrochinon und 2-Iodanilin in 14 Schritten und in einer Gesamtausbeute von 29% dargestellt.
Objective: Central to the process of osseointegration is the recruitment of mesenchymal progenitor cells to the healing site, their proliferation and differentiation to bone synthesising osteoblasts. The process is under the control of pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors. The aim of this study was to monitor these key stages of osseointegration and the signalling milieu during bone healing around implants placed in healthy and diabetic bone. Methods: Implants were placed into the sockets of incisors extracted from the mandibles of normal Wistar and diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. Mandibles 1-12 weeks post-insertion of the implant were examined by histochemistry and immunocytochemistry to localise the presence of Stro-1- positive mesenchymal progenitor cells, proliferating cellular nuclear antigen proliferative cells, osteopontin and osteocalcin, macrophages, pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 , IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)- and tumour growth factor (TGF)- 1. Image analysis provided a semi-quantification of positively expressing cells. Results: Histological staining identified a delay in the formation of mineralised bone around implants placed in diabetic animals. Within the diabetic bone, the migration of Stro-1 mesenchymal cells in the healing tissue appeared to be unaffected. However, in the diabetic healing bone, the onset of cell proliferation and osteoblast differentiation were delayed and subsequently prolonged compared with normal bone. Similar patterns of change were observed in diabetic bone for the presence of IL-1 , TNF- , macrophages and TGF- 1. Conclusion: The observed alterations in the extracellular presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines, macrophages and growth factors within diabetic tissues that correlate to changes in the signalling milieu, may affect the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells in the osseointegration process. To cite this article: Colombo JS, Balani D, Sloan AJ, St Crean J, Okazaki J, Waddington RJ. Delayed osteoblast differentiation and altered inflammatory response around implants placed in incisor sockets of type 2 diabetic rats Clin. Oral Impl. Res22, 2011; 578-586 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01992.x.
Because of the poor solubility of the commercially available bisacylphosphine oxides in dental acidic aqueous primer formulations, bis(3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)(phenyl)phosphine oxide (WBAPO) was synthesized starting from 3-(chloromethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid by the dichlorophosphine route. The substituent was introduced by etherification with 2-(allyloxy)ethanol. In the second step, 3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid was chlorinated. The formed acid chloride showed an unexpected low thermal stability. Its thermal rearrangement at 180 ° C resulted in a fast formation of 3-(chloromethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid 2-(allyloxy)ethyl ester. In the third step, the acid chloride was reacted with phenylphosphine dilithium with the formation of bis(3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)(phenyl)phosphine, which was oxidized to WBAPO. The structure of WBAPO was confirmed by ¹H NMR, ¹³C NMR, ³¹P NMR, and IR spectroscopy, as well as elemental analysis. WBAPO, a yellow liquid, possesses improved solubility in polar solvents and shows UV-vis absorption, and a high photoreactivity comparable with the commercially available bisacylphosphine oxides. A sufficient storage stability was found in dental acidic aqueous primer formulations.
Context There is contradictory information regarding the prognostic importance of adipocytokines, hepatic and inflammatory biomarkers on the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The objective was to assess the prognostic relevance of adipocytokine and inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein – CRP; interleukin-1beta – IL-1β; interleukin-6– IL-6; tumour necrosis factor-α – TNF-α; leptin and adiponectin) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γGT) on the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Methods Prospective, population-based study including 3,842 non-diabetic participants (43.3% men, age range 35 to 75 years), followed for an average of 5.5 years (2003–2008). The endpoint was the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Results 208 participants (5.4%, 66 women) developed type 2 diabetes during follow-up. On univariate analysis, participants who developed type 2 diabetes had significantly higher baseline levels of IL-6, CRP, leptin and γGT, and lower levels of adiponectin than participants who remained free of type 2 diabetes. After adjusting for a validated type 2 diabetes risk score, only the associations with adiponectin: Odds Ratio and (95% confidence interval): 0.97 (0.64–1.47), 0.84 (0.55–1.30) and 0.64 (0.40–1.03) for the second, third and forth gender-specific quartiles respectively, remained significant (P-value for trend = 0.05). Adding each marker to a validated type 2 diabetes risk score (including age, family history of type 2 diabetes, height, waist circumference, resting heart rate, presence of hypertension, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose and serum uric acid) did not improve the area under the ROC or the net reclassification index; similar findings were obtained when the markers were combined, when the markers were used as continuous (log-transformed) variables or when gender-specific quartiles were used. Conclusion Decreased adiponectin levels are associated with an increased risk for incident type 2 diabetes, but they seem to add little information regarding the risk of developing type 2 diabetes to a validated risk score.
We report 24 children (14 girls) who presented with the typical neuroimaging findings of pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) to describe the clinical spectrum of type 2. Twenty-one presented with the classical form described by Barth; characteristic features (15/21) were breathing and/or sucking problems during neonatal period and early onset hyperkinetic movement disorder. Eighteen were normocephalic at birth, but all developed microcephaly during infancy. Development was severely affected with none of the children being capable of sitting, walking, or talking. Social contact and visual fixation were persistently poor. Dyskinetic movement disorder was present in all, in some together with mild spasticity. Seizures occurred in 14 (in 7 as neonates). Eight children died (age 1 day-6 years). Neuroimaging showed an absent or severely flattened pons, different degrees of vermian hypoplasia, with cerebellar hemispheres (wing-like structures) being equally or more affected. Three (all girls) were less severely affected clinically and did not develop the dyskinetic movement disorder, motor and cognitive development were somewhat better. Microcephaly was also a prominent sign. Severity of pontocerebellar neuroimaging findings did not differentiate between the typical and atypical clinical group and did not correlate with clinical outcome.
BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons may be at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus because of viral coinfection and adverse effects of treatment. METHODS: We studied associations of new-onset diabetes mellitus with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus coinfections and antiretroviral therapy in participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, using Poisson regression. RESULTS: A total of 123 of 6513 persons experienced diabetes mellitus during 27,798 person-years of follow-up (PYFU), resulting in an incidence of 4.4 cases per 1000 PYFU (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.7-5.3 cases per 1000 PYFU). An increased incidence rate ratio (IRR) was found for male subjects (IRR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.5-4.2), older age (IRR for subjects >60 years old, 4.3; 95% CI, 2.3-8.2), black (IRR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-4.0) and Asian (IRR, 4.9; 95% CI, 2.2-10.9) ethnicity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disease stage C (IRR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.04-2.4), and obesity (IRR, 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1-7.0), but results for hepatitis C virus infection or active hepatitis B virus infection were inconclusive. Strong associations were found for current treatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 2.22; 95% CI, 1.11-4.45), nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus protease inhibitors (IRR, 2.48; 95% CI, 1.42-4.31), and nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus protease inhibitors and nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.59-6.67) but were not found for treatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 1.47; 95% CI, 0.77-2.82). CONCLUSIONS: In addition to traditional risk factors, current treatment with protease inhibitor- and nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-containing regimens was associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our study did not find a significant association between viral hepatitis infection and risk of incident diabetes.
BACKGROUND: A false-positive sweat test in patients with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate-1-dehydrogenase (EC; G6PD) is repeatedly reported. METHODS: Sweat chloride or conductivity was measured in 11 patients with G6PD deficiency. RESULTS: Mean (SD) chloride level (n = 8, median age 9.2 years, range 1.9-48.5) was 18.8 (9.6 mmol/l) and, mean (SD) sodium level was 26.0 (10.0 mmol/l), respectively, and mean (SD) conductivity (n = 3, median age 6.6 years, range 1.9-40.5) was 34.3 (6.5 mmol/l). CONCLUSION: In sweat of 11 patients with G6PD deficiency we did not find any abnormality. The reason for alleged false-positive sweat test in patients with G6PD deficiency is not known and we were unable to identify any original reference. It appears that tables of putative false-positive sweat tests in several disease states have been directly "copied and pasted" from one paper or textbook to another without verifying the original literature, a phenomenon one can call "chain citation".
PURPOSE: Alpine ski performance relates closely to both anaerobic and aerobic capacities. During their competitive season, skiers greatly reduce endurance and weight training, and on-snow training becomes predominant. To typify this shift, we compared exhaustive ramp cycling and squat (SJ) and countermovement jumping (CMJ) performance in elite males before and after their competitive season. RESULTS: In postseason compared with preseason: 1) maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) normalized to bodyweight was higher (55.2 +/- 5.2 vs 52.7 +/- 3.6 mL x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.01), but corresponding work rate (W) was unchanged; 2) at ventilatory thresholds (VT), absolute and relative work rates were similar but heart rates were lower; 3) VO2/W slope was greater (9.59 +/- 0.6 vs 9.19 +/- 0.4 mL O2 x min(-1) x W(-1), P = 0.02), with similar flattening (P < 0.01) above V T1 at both time points; and 4) jump height was greater in SJ (47.4 +/- 4.4 vs 44.7 +/- 4.3 cm, P < 0.01) and CMJ (52.7 +/- 4.6 vs 50.4 +/- 5.0 cm, P < 0.01). DISCUSSION: We believe that aerobic capacity and leg power were constrained in preseason and that improvements primarily reflected an in-season recovery from a fatigued state, which was caused by incongruous preseason training. Residual adaptations to high-altitude exposure in preseason could have also affected the results. Nonetheless, modern alpine skiing seemingly provides an ample cardiovascular training stimulus for skiers to maintain their aerobic capacities during the racing season. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that aerobic fitness and leg explosiveness can be maintained in-season but may be compromised by heavy or excessive preseason training. In addition, ramp test V O2/W slope analysis could be useful for monitoring both positive and negative responses to training.